Another episode of the Democratic Party's Master Class: " Saving Democracy." It's impossible to hate these fascists enough.

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Chris, you should write a column about our Gubnor Hairgel and his war against Huntington Beach and Norwalk over “low income housing.” Now that’s some good ol’ fashioned tyranny there.

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"Gubnor Hairgel!" Hilarious! I'm screaming and tearing my hair out. (That means laughing uncontrollably.) Best thing ever I've heard him called! 😂🤣😂🤣

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This and other mayors, and the same in school board meetings, should be challenged by city councilors sharing the stage, Others should speak up and not allow this, weather in the audience or up front in the elect group. At the end of the day, everyone is a neighbor and the pretense of power to shut people down unjustly is ridiculous.

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That is horrifying. I thought I was watching an episode of the Twilight Zone, especially with that weird lighting.

Going back to your original reply, imagine being that mayor and walking around town with people who saw or knew what happened in that council meeting…

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Apparently that mayor has no fear of walking around town with people knowing what he did. Bet he gets reelected. Are even those elections corrupted too?

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Of course not, the law actually protects people like them

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Chris, this and other articles are good reminders that most tyrants begin as petty tyrants. They get elected to some school board or water district or city council and they get a little taste of power, just a sample, and they delight in it, they must have more!

This is where we get, “I can clear the room.” A small, inconsequential person with a God complex.

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IMAGINE SAYING THAT TO PEOPLE. Imagine saying "I can clear the room" to people in your town, to people who live around you. I...can't...

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Yes, just imagine what happens after they step off their pedestal…

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A lot of people tolerate bullying, and will not come to the aid of the bullied ones.

Tribal folks watched those in power like hawks, and replaced them when they showed the signs that power went to their heads. Recognition is not enough, you gotta be willing to stand up to the power hogs' abuse. And for that, you need a lever.

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Lever action.

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AND a lawyer.

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The tyranny of petty office.

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Kamala Harris has bragged about having the power as AG to ruin lives "with the stroke of a pen." Imagine what she can do to the country. Oh wait, we don't have to imagine.

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We should also remember this gem from her stint as San Francisco DA.

"Just because you legally possess a gun in the sanctity of your locked home doesn't mean that we're not going to walk into that home and check to see if you're being responsible,"

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"I can clear your home."

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Yep. That part of how unhinged she is, is what scares me most.

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This is why even your lowest level of election (does dog-catcher still even exist?) needs to be evaluated on a partisan and ideological basis.

The fact that your neighbor is nice and brought your wife a casserole when you moved in does not qualify her for city council. Do NOT elect someone to city council without knowing their actual ideology. There are simple tests: "So what do you think about Lisa Thomas?"; "Gee, seems like a lot of angry election signs around recently?"; "My son came home with some pretty insane ideas from elementary school..."

When you elect your city councilman, you are electing your future Congressman. Treat it that way.

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Spot on. My current lefty activist DEI loving state senator got her start on the city council. Managed to ride the 2020 blue wave in WA, and narrowly defeated a great, effective GOP senator. And then set about undoing everything he did. Hasn’t done jack for the district since.

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Good advice

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Absolutely, some means of quickly removing or exposing these kind of people has got to be developed. A psychological test and certain number of personal sworn affidavits regarding the character of those given positions of public trust, a list of real world accomplishments, and a way to quickly get rid of those who begin to demonstrate these character defects might be a start. Something has to be done or go back to simple tribal existence.

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I'm almost ready for the tribal existence. 😔

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Talk about local control, there may be conflicts between tribes but at least they don't nuke each other with intercontinental missles. You need a big "government" with taxing and money printing powers. When you allow so much power to be pushed to the top guess who is waiting at the top to use it? Right, the worst power lusting psychopaths who get drawn to those postions like moths to a porch light.

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They are all examples of "Power corrupts."

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I remember as kids that meant the fart was going to be greasy stinky! She looks like she’s more than capable of that level of flatulence…

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Stalin was the HR Director.

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These fuckers need to be voted out of office. At every level. Start with the school boards. It’s disgusting that these 🐓🍭 ever got elected to begin with, but they seem pretty good at hiding their true intentions until they’re elected.

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fargin cork suckers ~ roman maroni

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You shouldn't hang me from a hook, Johnny.

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Deported to Sweden, says he’s not from there.

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As if we don't have enough to deal with?

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It’s my usual emojis for describing Gavin Newsom on X. Doesn’t get me suspended. C*ck s*ckers. 👍🏻

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Me too, but I can't even pretend to understand all the little pictures, whatever they're called. Have to ask one of my sons. That goes for all the texting shorthand too.

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I thought it said chicken pops

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Ummmm . . . chicken pops!

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The diabolically clever Soros strategy took advantage of these smaller elections, specifically for district attorneys. Someone at Open Society realized how much power a DA had, and how little the electorate knew about a DA’s job. With only a small budget, they were able to fund DA campaigns in major cities around the nation, including LA, SF, NYC, Chicago, Philadelphia, etc. — effectively taking control of the way criminal law was being applied in the most influential centers in the US. Presto! Woke social justice became the widely accepted law of the land.

School boards have also turned sharply left, and I’ve often wondered what branch of Activism, Inc™️ has been recruiting and funding those races.

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I think this is nail-on-the-head. Soros is the CEO of a globalist totalitarian revolution. Now he retires and his son takes over for another 30 years of consolidation.

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Does his son play golf? Asking for a friend

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Teachers unions.

And until Conservatives are willing to pony up huge sums in very small races (which the Republicans will never do) they won't win. Unions will just outspend them.

The same often goes for these small town councils and mayors. There's big money on the left and none on the right. Which is why these loons keep winning.

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What we're continuing to see is that the idea that voting will fix anything is futile, if not hilarious

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Futile and hilarious. Folks it ain't 1965 anymore.

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'Voted out of office'. LOL!

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Most school board elections are off cycle and low turnout allowing teacher unions to dominate. Best reform is to have them as part of the general election.

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I admire your use of pictures. I try to do the same, but am not quite as articulate as you. Bravo! 👏👏👏👏

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Living where I do, I am always amused when people say we have to take back free speech at the local level. First of all, I don't think many normal people volunteer to be on these boards, at least not where I live. Second, once the person is elected around here, they occupy the position for life if they want. Local is no better than national.

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It's all a disaster. But we can't improve the national without addressing the local. Where do you live?

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Espanola, New Mexico. Just north of the liberal bubble of Santa Fe and all that that implies. You can't get a letter to the editor published in the daily propaganda rag, the Santa Fe New Mexican, unless it adheres to whatever the popular dem/liberal narrative is. I used to be one - a self-proclaimed liberal. I still am anti-establishment, unlike my liberal ex-friends. Covid opened my eyes completely. I now write to an online news paper in Silver City, NM. I have written an editorial that they published.

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Such a beautiful place, so full of...a very brittle personality type.

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I'm curious. Can you "describe brittle personality type"? There are many rich liberals in Santa Fe who proclaim their sympathy/empathy for the downtrodden. In my experience they are very much like the Martha's Vineyard liberals, who say "not in my backyard". Espanola has many people who seem bound by tradition to admire, listen to, and obey folks in power. There is a mix though. Here's an article about tritium being unleashed from the Lab in the form of aerosol spray. The people protesting are Tewa women. They may save us. https://beyondnuclearinternational.org/2024/09/16/tritium-into-the-air/?fbclid=IwY2xjawFbxCJleHRuA2FlbQIxMQABHatIJJtzVmD_gUObyUIfJ92IO_4CGE5ctxdKCZzkuq4zKP6R-9tf7NwLkQ_aem_9MPj8mvVwt2UtKYrI-yMnA

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That. Deeply committed to "tolerance," given to instant rage if they hear mild disagreement. "Martha's Vineyard liberals" is exactly what I mean.

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That's a concise description. I kissed the Blarney Stone, literally. Never say in a few words what I can say in many. lol.

Many I know are not given to instant rage. They just turn away shaking their heads. Oh, except for mention of DJT. Then there's instant rage. And I haven't been a Trump fan, but am becoming a probable Trump voter!!!

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I've seen the disaster close up at HOA meetings. Once the power hogs move in, they are extremely difficult to dislodge. Despite massive damage from malicious lawsuits against condo owners, and other abuses. Voting them out takes many years, mostly the old power hogs and their friends get too old to keep their grasp on power, and new power hogs move in on them...

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My youngest son is on his local HOA and the stories he tells are hysterical. There's one other guy and a bunch of AWFLs. Rather than rule with an iron fist, this HOA seems to be wandering in the desert of misplaced empathy. My son has an ulcer.

We homeschooled all our sons, so they missed the local indoctrination madrassa and therefore have varying degrees of that most rare of gifts: common sense. This seems to be a two-edged sword in the case of the HOA.

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Ever been in a housing co-op or a food co-op? Always the same story.

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No, but I was part of the Greens in their initial stages. Insanity! :-)

So Chris... What pit are we falling into? Where is the ladder out? If they take it away from us even in tiny groups, well....

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Progressive tyrants exist at all official levels. Since 2020, their controlling tendencies have been protected and encouraged and why should they ease up now since no consequences have been forthcoming. They are the protected class; they act to divide us and do the dirty work for the ones behind the scenes. It's about ideology, about the power they wield, not the neighbor or the community.

One more thing, the $$$$ excuse that permits any and all community distortions for the sake of the economy has got to stop. It's as untrue as the claim made by those who declare themselves most tolerant are in fact the least.

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Like. my like button doesn't work

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I think you pushed tgat poor little "Like" button too hard, one too many times, lady. 😳😉😉😊😋

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But, but, but - it's isn't just me. Other people have the same problem. So there.

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"All they have to do is own up to it. And they won’t."

In their defense, they are only mimicking the behaviors of the people above them on the higher rungs of the Party ladder—they never own up to anything, the buck stops...anywhere else (usually w Trump and/or Fox News) and no matter how disastrous and obvious the mistake—Russiagate, Covidmania, open borders, open jails, the media-generated nervous breakdown that turned 1776 into 1619 because a petty criminal got snuffed by a beat cop while resisting arrest—there is never and will never be a reckoning, a confession of error, a single politician admitting they lost their senses and made stupid decisions.

The problem the Party's having is that prior one-party states based on blind fealty to tribal ideology uber alles—the Nazis, the Soviets, various Communist dictatorships—could just kill you or dump you in a dungeon for public dissent, but our overlords have to be pretend they're devoted "public servants" upholding Our Democracy™, so they don't quite know what to do except kill your mic and/or call the cops.

But luckily they have the Stasi we call the MSM to make people and their complaints disappear from view: either they're never reported or mentioned anywhere or they're surrounded by a phalanx of moralistic propaganda as subtle as a Marvel sequel, letting you what you can expect if you think like those Bad People instead of obeying the Good People aka our moral shepherds of the media class.

Our Democracy™ uses algorithms and PR instead of jails and bullets (thank god!) but the result is the same as far as freedom of speech and thought: watch what you say, do or think—Big Karen is watching!

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"Our Democracy™ uses algorithms and PR instead of jails and bullets"

So far - but note the significant increase in (barely publicized) instances of three letter agencies, and state, regional. and local law enforcement doing 6:00 AM SWAT style raids on individuals whose only "crime" is to disagree with, or perhaps simply question, the regime.

We seem to be rapidly working our way toward normalizing the proverbial 3:00 AM knock on the door that so terrified our grandparents generation in Europe.

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i agree that's coming im more curious as to whether people will fight back or not. Americans are so rich safe and fat, so addled and addicted to Huxley's soma in the form of porn, cheap calories, videogames and other screen-based ephemera, i think at least half our countrymen wd live under the CCP as long as the Prime, Netflix and Pornhub stay running. So much of our social rot comes from citizens being replaced by consumers, which essentially severed our bonds and roots, I don't know how that's reversed. You can turn a wolf into a chihuahua but good luck changing him back!

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Yeah, exactly, I've wondered too about this.....the country and economy still lumber along, the checks still come, and as long as we can live within the comforting embrace of the digital, internet "bread and circuses" wonderworld,, all will be well I suppose.....

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Well met. And “shoot your way out” is no longer a metaphor for how difficult it is to dislodge the harpies, but an actual legitimate answer to them. It’s gonna get interesting.

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Is there an algorithm for smugnorance?

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many many ;)

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I wish at least one enterprising and sufficiently pissed-off village would bring back the public stocks and pillory. I'd pay to see that.

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Sep 21
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That is not accurate. What were called “Sundown towns” first started to be a thing during the late 19th century especially after Jim Crow was established. That was a hundred and fifty years ago. Sometimes entire towns, cities, and counties ejected the entire, often long established, black population. It was noticeably worse in the Midwest and parts of the West.

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Here in the West, the target was Indians and in some places, Chinese

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Makes sense. Whatever the target du jour was, the scapegoats were always conveniently politically weaker and vulnerable to ethnic cleansing.

Wasn't the entire state of Washington a sundown state for blacks? I had forgotten about that bit.

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This is simply another shoving match with the power structure daring you to stand up. The legal process is expensive and time consuming. And if you are able to pursue that avenue and win, they may ignore the court ruling saying their behavior is illegal or not permissible. If the next rung up the power ladder won’t enforce the court ruling if you actually can sustain an effort and win , assuming there is an actual crime being committed or a large civil penalty, then you are conceivably dared to do the same thing over again until it possibly gets to the highest court in the land, if they will hear the case. You can go the Mayor or the Governor, etc. But what if you get no joy? The appeal to justice and multiple losses in federal court doesn’t stop Joe Biden from STILL doing his best to forgive student loans that you are on the hook for. Then there are all the statutes being ignored and crimes being committed by many of the agencies subsumed under the executive branch. Nobody in power does a thing. Certainly not the Republicuck coalition in Congress that asks me for money 40 times a day. That’s about all they do. And the Democrats just are a law unto themselves. So we are at a point of breakdown in the so-called Hobbesian social contract between the governed and the government. Theoretically this contract is contingent on our consent. What if we don’t consent? These tyrants big and small don’t seem to care at the moment. Spoiler alert: This ends up in a bad place.

What’s interesting is that these oppressive behavioral changes we see in the past 16 years since Agent Zero was selected as our President are always in lockstep. They all get the same memo.

When you’ve had enough, walk away. The plane is going into the ground. You gotta pull up on the stick and bail out. I know we can’t all completely escape. Really almost none of us can totally divorce ourselves from current situations without a lot of trouble. But we can all do enough to make things not work. Better to do it soon- before robots can grow the food, run the power plants, deliver everything ( I see autonomous vehicles every day here in Phoenix), and build more robots. You get the idea At a certain technological

Inflection point they really won’t care what we think. Time here is not infinite. Survival is on the table methinks. You or Tony Fauci. You or Mark Zuckerberg. That’s how they already think. They aren’t going to leave politely.

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Open the pod bay doors, HAL.

Sorry Dave, I can't do that.

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I do not understand how all boards everywhere are the same. I would expect an Alabama City Council to be somewhat conservative/based in reality. But that discussion could very well have taken place in CA. It’s baffling to me.

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The normal conservative person has no desire to control others. The progressive on the other hand, desires it above all else.

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For the same reason you find pedophiles in child-rich environments and activities: if an activity matches your personality-type and preferences, you will subconsciously seek it out.

A certain type of man will volunteer for military service, and all those men will largely share outlook and mindset, and the structure of the military - from unit to entirety - will reflect the sum total of personalities.

Which in turn also shapes those personalities once they are part of the organisation/group; the feedback goes both ways, so to speak.

It's the same with school boards. A certain type of authoritarian (often childless) woman will naturally seek it out since she seeks dominance over others but lacks any real ability to exert such in a natural way. She will then spread her influence and attract others of the same personality-type. One condition for such a group of women and dominated men is, that they have an Enemy. Doesn't need to be a physical entity, it can indeed be even better if it is a bogeyman they control instead: the Patriarchy f.e. The feminists eternal Father-figure that they rebuild and tear down again and again: instead of seeking counseling and working out their issues, they project their neuroses onto society.

The effect of from the 1970s to today we can see all over the West.

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The sort of person who aspires to these roles is left-wing. A right-wing person doesn't want to sit in silly committee meetings for low-level BS. He has a real job to do and a family to care for.

Find the reddest small town in America, and the only Democrats in town will run the local newspaper and teach in the local school.

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I noticed that the other board members were uncomfortable with the board chair and did not even look at her when she was speaking. The (male) board member who spoke the longest seemed to be making sense, not spouting gibberish, though of course he didn't have the information that the community member was seeking.

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We are One.

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What we're seeing here is part and parcel of a philosophy that doesn't see government as representative of communities, but views it instead as a series of power centers for those who have the moral authority to tell the rest of us what to do. Hence we have:

- Dems like Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer claiming that Kamala Harris won an open primary and had grassroots support for her candidacy

- School boards keeping parents in the dark around matters regarding their children

- Anti-disinformation efforts being funded for the sake of dubious cognitive security that justifies keeps the elites with the correct viewpoints in power

Here's where we're at: Government doesn't exist to represent us and make the laws we agree as citizens to abide by. Rather, we exist to support the government. To affirm the wisdom and morality of those with power to tell us what we can say, which wars to support, who we can vote for.

It's how we get the cringey, vibes-based Harris campaign. We're supposed to vote for her because she eats Doritos, her laugh is a "secret weapon," she's brat. She's not a politician subject to questions about her philosophy of governance. She's a designer T-shirt you put on to signal your level of cool. And we'll all be party constituents in good standing as long as we vote to put Harris in the White House. Then we can wait to hear which of our civil rights must be temporarily restricted forever, and thank them for keeping us safe.

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The Marxist/Nazi deep state tyrants decided to infiltrate rather than invade and it worked! Over time, we woke up and realized we had despots (we had "elected") running our country at all levels. Very clever on their part. It requires a major awakening of the American people before it is too late. The time is nigh.

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Years ago I was a school board member. There were meetings that sometimes lasted many hours due to the number of people speaking on a contentious issue. I cannot fathom the notion that an elected official, who serves at the whim of the people, would shut down a constituent’s speech.

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Right? My local school board, in a deep blue town, is frequently a source of tremendous irritation to me. But they had a meeting about pandemic measures at which so many parents showed up to speak that they continued the meeting to the next night so everyone could have a turn at the microphone before they called for a motion. There are people who still know how to do that. I covered suburban city council meetings twenty years ago, and was frequently bored by the endless stream of dumb public comment. No way I would ever imagine cutting it off.

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Now, now. No need to yell. Or I'll....I'll ask for the manager.

It's simple. Stupid people rule over us. We let stupid people - and in some cases stupid Marxists - attain positions of power and authority because things were good. You only find out the quality of your leadership when things aren't good.


What's the saying? You can vote your way into socialism but you'll have to shoot your way out."

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Mau-Mauing the Flak Catchers!

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Come to think of it, that was published Radical Chic, perhaps a model for our time. A metaphor?

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The unelected, hypocritical public health sickos are some of the worst. They loved every minute of the lockdown tyranny they were able to impose.

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Its frightening to think how many small towns across America are being over run with illegals. It sounds like local officials are making out at the expense of residents. I read, for example, that supposedly the mayor in Springfield, OH owns several apartment complexes and would undoubtedly be making a fortune in HUD money renting to the Haitians.

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“I’m gonna cut it off….There’s no reason for us to discuss this any further.” Said she. No discussions while I'm in charge, boyo. I'm The Law now. Where are my burly officers?

“If this becomes unproductive, I can clear this room.” Said she. And I'll put you in jail to boot for your disrespect, citizen. With chains on your feet and hands because you're a Violence Risk.

Where are my burly officers?

Noting a pattern here? Because there damn sure is one, all across New Amerika these past vile, corrupt decades . . . where officious, arrogant, hyper-empowered, super-intolerant WOMEN are large 'n in charge. Everywhere. Keep denying it if you will, until the hour that YOUR turn comes; the truth is the truth, it ain't a rutabaga or a crescent wrench.

This isn't the way that MEN used to run society. I know, I was around way back when. But this IS the way that women run society. And it IS their society and nation now, in case you've been Rip van Winkling these past forty years. Don't think the Grrls don't know it, either. They know damn well, and they love love LOVE it.

The school boards, city/county officials, mayors etc. are not men anymore. Can you say 'Kamala', citizen? The authorities are empowered women now, and those women are drunk with power, which they wield tyrannically and with great glee.

No prob, we'll just toss boys and men out of education and employment for four decades and replace them with girls and women. All will continue smoothly on because, after all, Muh Constitution and Ekwalitee. Replacing males with females everywhere will have no significant effect. We're all Equal now, right? Right, citizen? lol

It ain't 1962 any more gentlemen, and it ain't America anymore. This is New Amerika. Wait until you stand before yet another feminist 'judge' wielding Feminist Jurisprudence all over your sorry ass.

Where are my burly officers?

Ah, here they come now!

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There's a point there in the midst of the diatribe.

Men learned long ago, back in the stone age, that sometimes it's best to let other men speak, lest they kill you instead. Words can prevent violence. Jaw, jaw, jaw is better than War, War, War.

Women, only ever having power over children, didn't learn that in the stone age. They learned that you shake your finger and wag your tongue and toss a shoe at them and the children get in line.

Thus men treat people like adults and women treat them like children. 'I can clear this room young man!'

What's going to happen at some point is a power woman is going to be in an existential crisis like, say, Ukraine is in and start to realize that Jaw Jaw Jaw is better than War War War.

Most women don't even understand 'negotiate' because you don't really have to with children. They don't negotiate, they dictate. (There are exceptions.)

Maybe, at some point, 'power wimmin' will start to realize that that 'burly man' is more than capable of killing them. And the reason they don't is that... 'you don't hit girls.' But if you're going to play the man's game...

Maybe. Someday.

In the meantime, they can only treat others as children.

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Diatribe? What a foul and untrue characterization. A diatribe is a 'bitter, abusive denunciation'. Whereas I have given you the unvarnished truth, although expressed poetically. I am not surprised, however, after forty years of cowardice and denial on the part of American men, that the plain truth is considered bitter and abusive. Anything is better to men than standing up for what is right and what is true. Why, that might be uncomfortable! That might be costly! My girls might love me no longer!! lol

Grill on, me hearties! :O) The comfy and safe life has overthrown even your masculinity.

Meanwhile, your massively empowered and entitled wives, sisters, mothers and daughters ARE bitter and abusive. . . and very much in control of U.S. culture, gleefully and mockingly, even to destroy the Boy Scouts before your very eyes, while you do. . . nothing.

Where have been you big strong men the past four decades, to stop their feminist tyranny before it overtook all things? Busy sending your daughters to Whore College, where they learn to hate and persecute boys, men, masculinity, whiteness, and heterosexuality. Oh, and not Need No Man, except for daddy. Hmm.

Cowards, simps, and funders/defenders/collaborators with patent evil. What have my God and me to do with the likes of you? If you really loved your daughters, wives, sisters et al., you would have stood against their Death Cult of Feminist Empowerment decades ago. . . instead of characterizing one who did, and who does, as unleashing 'diatribes'.

Ptooey on the lot of you. You will receive the tyranny that you deserve, and I will let you go down to its hell, even as you wished. Put that in your diatribe pipe and smoke it. Doubtless afterwards you'll feel a lot better about selling out your God, your nation, and your manhood.

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I cannot *like* this enough!

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