Jan 27Liked by Chris Bray

This is precisely what pacifism and emasculation look like as they approach their limits.

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Steven Guilbeault showed be fined by the courts for excessively portraying a stereotype.

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Jan 27Liked by Chris Bray

Who marries these guys?!?! He looks like the Canadian version of the 4'5" cat-fondling Robert Reich.


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Women who pay the "mortgage" and want a "ployamorous" relationship?....

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i loved it when Tucker compared male fascism to female fascism. that was perfect. authoritarianism disguised as "care" and "kindness" and "inclusion." i'm a woman who ran her own business, had 30 employees and invested in real estate on my own so i can say this: THERE ARE TOO MANY WOMEN IN POSITIONS OF POWER. and too many pussified men letting them get away with it. we are in desperate need of some actual MEN, testosterone and all, some bold direct fearless action instead of all this bullshit

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True, but it warrants some nuance, as in looking at WHY some of the women currently in power are wrong for the job. Executive leadership skills are learned through years of success in increasingly responsible (and difficult) assignments. Look at the pre-DEI military. Generals don’t have a 5 yr career track to get to the top. David Petraeus, one of the Army’s best, took 25 yrs from USMA graduation to brigadier general (2 years should be deducted for the time spent at Princeton getting an MA & PhD while in the Army).

But in the “intersectional affirmative action era”, quality of experience is largely tossed out the window. Once the decision is made that the new hire will be a (fill-in-the-blank), then the hunt is on for the most experienced person within that segment, no matter how short, low level & limited that experience might have to be.

I’ve worked with women in mid to senior leadership roles in companies. Some have been excellent, and some were self-interested power-seekers who didn’t know how motivate a team except by fear.

We are in the era of almost universal tokenism.

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Jan 28·edited Jan 29Liked by Chris Bray

of course, i completely agree. as a woman, i didn't let anyone set limits on me ever. i also didn't try to pretend that i was a man- i know the difference- and i certainly never tried to "have it all." as a boss, i'd say i was a laissez-faire dictator. i was kind and gave my people a wide berth but ultimately my vote was the only one that counted. if you couldn't fit in with my way of thinking, you were out.

currently, my boyfriend and i live in a house that i bought and paid for and my income is from the rentals of the other two houses i own outright and social security reimbursements of money that was confiscated from me when i was working. i would have continued my secondary job until death but was let go after 40 years because i wouldn't take the covid vaccines. my BF has nice union pensions, whereas i would never join a union, not approving of how they protect a lot of mediocrity. of course, being the owner of the business i created from scratch, i sure as hell didn't want difficult employees in a position to make demands of me. i absolutely wouldn't do well in today's overly sensitive, pick your pronouns, victims uber alles work culture which is one good thing about being 70.

i should state though that it was a women's work kind of business- broadway theatrical costume making and all my employees were women or homosexual men. i can count on 2 fingers the number of straight men i encountered working in costumes in my pretty long career. you could say that men in my profession were unfairly underrepresented, which would be a lie, or you could tell the truth- which is that straight men are not interested in dress making. when straight men sew, it is as tailors making men's suits. suits have rules and a very organized process. women's clothes are all over the map and the differences in the processes of making men's and women's clothing aligns with the differences in men's and women's thinking.

i'm not sure it's merely a matter of experience and training though. women are fundamentally different from men and no amount of education will change that. a world of only men would be a violent, dangerous place. a world of only women would be a tear soaked gab fest where nothing ever got done. which is why you need both- to curb the worst instincts of the other.

it's unfortunate that women's importance hasn't been recognized historically. it seems that many women now in positions of power are not only inexperienced but vengeful, as if getting back at men for historical oppressions for all womenkind (much like demanding reparations for slavery from people who never owned slaves) and men have been cowed by too much touchy feely sensitivity training and too many exogenous estrogens in the environment into silent acquiescence.

for the best example of behavior i seriously doubt you would ever see from a professional man:


notice the evil slightly demented gleam in her eyes and the twisted smile as she starts her incantations. a man will take you out back, sock you in the face and then buy you a beer. women take the circuitous route. again, this isn't about education or socialization- the difference in behavior is highly influenced by the difference in reproductive strategies. regardless of what richard "rachel" levine and william "lia" thomas want you to believe, men and women are not the same.

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I have no power other than my own agency, and I agree completely. Women should not be in the E-suite, virtually not ever. No women POTUS, no women VP. Just no.

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Never truer words.

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You really don’t know Robert Reich do you and it’s not his cat he fondles in private just like Guilbeault when he’s together with Justin Trudeau.

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Jan 28Liked by Chris Bray

He’s certainly keeping his speech writer busy . You know some of the stuff coming out of his office and twitter account certainly isn’t his and surpasses the moron quality of this dope smoking former jail bird.

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Literally a convicted felon.

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Fucking. Nailed. It.

Canada has become a huge cesspool of pacified pansies.

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Not Alberta. It’s akin to Texas.

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The floor; translucent cellar gimps with a testosterone level of zero.

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"with a testosterone level of zero."

I'm guess negative numbers.

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Not quite – no man-buns in that group.

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Jan 27Liked by Chris Bray

OMG! I couldn't get though 60 seconds of that bald Canadian politician. His face is almost as punchable as Gavin Newsom's or Justin Trudeau's.

What kind of women are attracted that those types of guys?

As much as I'd like to punch him, chances are I'd have simply ignored him on my way to producing something. Maybe instead of punchable, it is more accurate to say he's so ignorable. I couldn't even finish listening to him. Gross.


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"What kind of women are attracted that those types of guys?"

Women who want men they can easily control.

"I'd have simply ignored him on my way to producing something."

This is why progressives suck up all the oxygen, because conservatives have jobs and families and churches so politics isn't the all-consuming focus of their lives.

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“What kind of women......?” All I know is, not me.

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Not me either 🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮😎!

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What kind of women are attracted to these guys are typically former men who think they are women

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These kind of guys are so pleased with themselves ultimately they cannot tolerate another entity domestically. They don't own dogs, cats, or plants. They talk to themselves and may eventually become self satisfied anchors and commentators on CNN.

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“I couldn't even finish listening to him.“

Why would someone want to? He’s obviously reciting canned talking points that are disconnected from reality. Apparently the list of talking points was too short, because he mentioned LGBTQ 4 times. And apparently he’s not familiar with the names Tammy Bruce, Liberace, Dave Rubin, Jim Hoft, Rick Grenell, Caitlyn Jenner, Guy Benson, Peter Thiel, Brandon Straka and many, many others. Trump appointed Grenell as Ambassador to Germany, and then as Acting DNI. Odd treatment by someone who supposedly hates LGBT folks.

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Jan 27Liked by Chris Bray

I grew up in Central California, a virtual hotbed of soccer in the 80s. In fact, Trisha Venturini (sp?), who played for the 1994 US Women's Team, is from my home town. Trisha played against my sister. In our leagues, once you turned 14/15--you could ref the Under-8, Under 10, Under 12 leagues.

Oh, this was when people loved their country. Mia Hamm became an absolute icon, someone all the little girls wanted to be. Now, we have the bitter, man-hating lesbian with purple hair as the women's soccer icon.

Soccer was the best sport I played. I was the only guy on my high school varsity team that did not play for a Div 1 or Div 2 school after graduation. I was too busy rolling joints, buying cheap beer, and failing out of the local junior college...which, to no one's surprise, is how I ended up in the Army the very next year.

I love soccer. Love it! I play to this day.

I do not understand the soccer flop culture. This was not how we grew up playing the game. Soccer almost had a hockey element to it--we had fights--some fights had 22+ kids in this crazy mob-fight--but we fought. If someone fouled you, you punched them, or took someone else out, or your buddy slid-tackled the offender & dropped an Atomic Elbow in the guys chest. There were more injuries playing soccer than our football team, with 2X the roster.

It doesn't strike me as very American either. Not a single athletic hero I had growing up 'took a dive'.

American Football LEGEND Ronnie fbomb Lott had part of his finger cut off so he could play in a playoff game!!! That is the kind of athlete American's love.

Now that I think about it, maybe it is best that we're not very competitive in the World Cup--only our ladies--because American men do not take dives. We keep the ball and deliver a victory.


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Yes, so much. I watched Mia Hamm as a girl, played D2 and D3 in college as a goalkeeper. This was a bit later than you, some of the flop culture had started but not at the competitive younger levels. And it was a dangerous sport— I have a unremembered ride in a Medivac helicopter with a concussion to prove it.

I have utterly lost respect for the U.S. women’s national team. Between the push for “equal pay” which was completely BS, plus the politics both on and off the field, lack of team mentality that seem to crystallize when Hope Solo was keeper, etc. I couldn’t even watch the last women’s World Cup, I was so disgusted with them. They have completely ruined soccer’s credibility for girls and women in this country. Breaks my heart.

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It breaks my heart as well. We all need models. I don't understand the politics, the equal pay, the kneeling...it is a game!!! Athletes are, it seems to me, the most likely of all people to find 'flow' in their 'career'.

I'm convinced that is what we are all seeking when we play any sport--we want that beautiful mindless/mindful sense of 100% attention, playing outside of yourself, you are your best self, doing what you were put on the planet to do.

These days I find this most often playing pickleball. It usually only happens once or twice a day--but (especially singles) when you're in a rally that each player hits 10-15 shots back. Each person is flying across the court, playing out of their absolute minds--but keeping that rally alive. It has taken me years to truly understand this--but when I'm playing like that--I don't want to win the shot at much as I want to keep the rally alive.

When politics/wokeness invades athletics--we are killing the very one thing that might save us all. I'd add art. Art and athletics. They are the reasons life is livable.


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Humorless, joyless, talentless, impotent hate-filled uglies.

Saw some photos of my high school’s 35 year mini-reunion. California Girls was no exaggeration. We had dozens and dozens and dozens of beautiful girls in my school.

The photos of these ladies, all in early 50s now, are mostly still beautiful. But it took me this many years to actually see how beauty is truly from the inside out. All of these friends of mine are delightful people, successful, alive, happy--and beautiful.

The leftists are all ugly. Fugly. It is their world view that distorts and wrinkles their skin, tightens their bent faces into scowls. They are the what the 4th grade hall monitor turned into.


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“…it is a game!!”

Not so for liberals. There are no games, there is no humor, there is no purpose to existence other than advancing the Marxist agenda. Joy in life is decadent.

Their view of how life should be lived (except for the extremist runner):


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That’s the thing about “totalitarians.” When they demand control of totally everything they mean it.

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I agree. I find ‘flow’ on that rare occasion where I hit a runner’s high. (Yes, I went from running little as a keeper to now running half-marathons, lol.)

Athletics is what used to bring us together too— didn’t matter what you thought or who you were, if you were a fan of “x” team, you had something to be apart of and brought people together. Even with team rivalries, the love of the game brought people together. Politics in sports have absolutely ruined this.

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Exactly. Are you old enough to remember the 84' Olympics in LA?

That is the last time "we were all in it together ".

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Not quite old enough for that, sorry. The first Olympics I remember watching were Atlanta ‘96, which felt pretty united to me, but probably too young to pick up on any politics or division at that time if it were there.

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We were all in it together ripping McDonald's off.

They had this Olympics prize game where if you ordered something you were guaranteed another item for free on a scratch-off card.

What they didn't tell the employees is that there was a limit to how many scratch cards you could give out.

So basically all stripes of people ate for free for an entire summer.

We stuck it to the man....together...;)

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I get it. 100%.

I played 3 sports in high school but ended up embracing tennis as an adult, which was not a sport I played in HS.

We rarely played for points. The juice for my tennis friends, and I, was the rally. This was, for me, what playing for the pure love of the game truly meant

And I’m convinced that we got as good as we did because of how we played with one another.

I never even heard of pickleball until about 2 years ago and it looks terribly fun, as are all of the similar ‘net’ sports.

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It is all about the rally. After playing pickleball, I know totally get why people love tennis.

I call pickleball blue-collar tennis or ping pong but standing on the table.


I hadn’t enjoyed that kind of unadulterated sense of the pure joy of ‘play’ for probably 20 years before pickleball. I exercised daily-former soldier--but rarely made time for sports and never just play...

Remember walking to school 45-60 minutes early to play whatever sport was in season before school? That was everyday for me from the 5th grade until high school. School was basically where my friends and I hung out in between one year long game. The sport didn’t matter, it was the game, the play, the joy.

That is how it feels to play pickleball. It is an underhand serve, so it is the most ‘accessible’ sport there is. Anyone can play.

The tennis players who play pickleball DOMINATE.


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Yeah brother, I can’t wait to try it out.

I recently saw some Pro’s in an ATP doubles match and it looked right up my alley. I’m in great shape for 50 but I have two rehabbed knees that I do not want to have scoped.

Thanks for the info/recommendation.

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My daughter played all through school, goalie no less!!

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One of my favorite all time Nike Commercials (oh, and I could sit in front of YouTube watching old 90s Nike commercials all damn day!)



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Wonderful ad. 💯

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I don't remember that one, but our girls softball team was the Go-gos!

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Jan 27Liked by Chris Bray

I like that, political soccer flop. And as a hockey fan I’ll give it 2 minutes in the sin bin for embellishment!!

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Jan 28Liked by Chris Bray

"Evil forces from the United States"...... wow....they are effin scared of Carlson...that's crazy...."inciting violence"..... "extreme-right"?????/ I was a leftie and I am NEVER voting that way again.....they have NOOOOOOO idea..... this is the SAME LIBERAL party that INVOKED the Emergencies Act on it's OWN citizens...I think they are shitting their pants because of the decision that came down this past week.....



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It's pretty obviously an attempt to shift focus from the Emergencies Act ruling, and maybe it'll work. It's disgusting, and pathetic beyond my ability to describe it.

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As a Canadian my disgust with Trudeau, his government, and our own Deep State - make no mistake Canada has one that is just as vile as yours - is beyond description.

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That was a major blow to the government. I couldn't believe we won that fight.

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They are scared of US

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They damn well should be!

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The Liberal party has been importing DNC talking points for eight years now. It became pretty obvious by 2019. So they're just projecting.

But while American intellectual influence has always been imported into Canada (think socialism and progressivism), political influence by way of strategists is a fairly new thing. When the Reform Party under Manning and Day was morphing into the modern Conservative party, they used American neocon strategists (with Harper part of it) to form its identity. The interesting thing is Liberals sound exactly like neocons too now as Ukraine shows.

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Mad points for the Reno 911

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Completely agree, perfection ending. 🤣

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Terry Bernadino rules!

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i listened to the speech. did i miss the part where tucker threatened LGBTQ-whatever people (or even mentioned them)? where he put a target on someone's back or incited violence? he did say that Freeland wasn't very bright but he didn't give her home address and instruct the audience to go kill her or anything. it seemed to me that he complimented canadians for being very nice, polite people and advised them to laugh at their ridiculous "leaders" which is a pretty good idea. i'm not really sure that speech can be violence anyway.

i get the feeling that the panicked politicians who commented on what was obviously their hallucination of the speech- because the actual speech is not recognizable from their description of it- fear that they would melt if people laughed at them, much the way the wicked witch of the west melted when dorothy dumped a bucket of water on her.

we really are now living in to completely different universes. a bunch of people voluntarily pay money to go see a guy, who they probably wanted to see, give a speech that they seemed to enjoy and some other people describe it as the worst possible thing that can happen in a civilized society and will blame every bad thing that happens afterward on that speech, the person who gave the speech and the people who attended the speech.

meanwhile, when people drop dead 5 minutes after taking a poorly tested medical product, they can't make the connection and write it off as a coincidence. an unarmed demonstration nets 22 year jail sentences and the burning of cities is described as "mostly peaceful."

none of those people who critiqued the event actually saw the event. they have no idea what tucker said or how he was received but they want to make sure that, if you didn't hear the speech, you will think about it what they tell you to think about it and, since it's so easy for anyone to hear the speech on-line, they are terrified that you won't go along with what they are telling you. in that little clip, the bald guy brought up LGBTQ 3 times but didn't talk at all about MAID, Fentanyl or uncontrolled immigration which were central to the speech which is a pretty good indication that he has no idea what was said during the speech but that his ass is on the line

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Straight up sociopathic lying, praying white-knuckled that enough people fall for their representation of the speech and please please please God don't let them really hear what he actually said. Very Gavin Newsom, just baldfaced sociopathy.

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Jan 30Liked by Chris Bray

These crybabies were hung up about "Putting Cross hairs" on Guilbeault... It's an IDIOM and they are IDIOTS. Although idiots is probably too kind. The same Guilbeault was jailed for scaling the CN tower back in his activist days....apparently climbed on top of a politician's house and scared the family. Now he crying in a corner over an Idiom.

Our Premier, Danielle Smith "summoning evil forces". haha Watch out Harry Potter!

Thanks for highlighting this whiny bunch of Liberals, Chris!

And you nailed it Carolyn, no talk about "MAID, Fentanyl or uncontrolled immigration which were central to the speech".

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Here is one:

If you disagree with me then you are an "emotional terrorist"😭

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Straight from Santa Cruz and San Francisco!

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Emotional terrorist?

Be-a-u-tiful! I'm stealing that, it'll work wonderfully over here.

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I knew Canada had changed tremendously when there was a Twitter storm because the truckers were blowing their horns in Ot Ta Wa during the peaceful protests during covid mandatory vax caper. The video of the politicians in this post is priceless. I believe they mentioned the alphabet mafia 4 or 5 times in 4 minutes. But the money shot was the frequent references to MAGA movement. I expected them to say they were going to bring a case against Trump in Canada for some mean things he said while on Canadian soil 30 years ago or something. The burning question I have is what of percentage of Canadian citizens even realize that a majority of their leaders are complete frauds. Perhaps even more troubling to me is how many people eligible to vote in the US recognize that, with very few exceptions, our political system is controlled by completely worthless frauds who shouldn't be hired to clean Tucker Carlson's pool.

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The only Canadians I know are Dudley Doright and James Doohan, and Scotty's family continues to shoot his ashes into space in a vain attempt to get as far away from Canada as possible.

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Doohan was wounded during WWII, the Normandy invasion I believe, and for that reason one of his hands was never shown.

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He lost a finger. You can see it briefly in one scene in Star Trek where he is carrying an arm full of tribbles.

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I think Tucker had it right when he told his audience -- us Canadians -- because it wasn't just the folks who came to see his speech who heard it -- it has gotten likely millions of views. He told us to laugh at these clowns, because that is what they are, Trudeau and all of his minions like Guilbeaut, and Rodriquez, the fact that they are Cabinet ministers is a joke on its own. These idiots call Tucker's speech violent, but haven't said a peep about the pro-Palestinian Hamas protests that have taken over our streets, our shopping malls and our public squares for months now. Shouting not only anti-semetic garbage but going aftere Chrisians as well, scaring children lined up to visit Santa Claus in malls, trying to cancel Christmas parades, the list goes on. But that's all right, but poke a little fun at Liberals and they lose their minds -- what's left of their minds anyhow. Now that is funny.

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Quantum theory demonstrates that It’s all about your food. I think it’s mostly the donut shops you guys have up there. Tim Horton’s is to blame. There’s one like every twenty meters, even in the forest. The sugar is eating Canadian frontal lobes. And then suspiciously I was in Vancouver a few years ago and they were advertising New Orleans style pizza. But nobody in the United States has ever heard of that, including in New Orleans. So that was some sort of top secret Canadian psyop, probably funded by Klaus and Soros. Finally, I was in Whistler in 2001 and they told me I was not allowed to get a medium rare hamburger from room service because it was against the law since presumably I could die from a rare Canadian infection. They didn’t even say “sorry”, because the kitchen was secretly manned by vegan Commies, and Canadians love to say sorry. Never mind the temperature at which protein denatures is well below that, but whatever. I knew then that you guys were in for a rough ride.

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Jan 28·edited Jan 28Liked by Chris Bray

Canada never ceases to amaze me. I spent a lot of time there over nearly 15 years and learned that the "polite Canadian" is just a superficial personality quirk. Most Canadians look down their noses at 'Merica, and are not shy about expressing their disgust towards Americans. Most of them believe they are superior because of their strongly liberal beliefs. Not long ago, a Canadian I know strongly defended Trudeau's action towards the truckers in Ottawa, as well as MAID. But, also derided Biden and the US for what is going on at the southern border of our country "because it is starting to impact Canada." Every attempt I made to have a reasonable conversation failed. Fuck Canada, they deserve all they are getting.

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For sure. It masks their cruel, passive-aggressive superiority complex.

I always found Americans far more genuine in their politeness. Gregarious and always ready to chat. On my RT. 66 last year, we stopped in Seligman and I ended up talking to the owner of one of the shops for one hour. When he found out I was Canadian he went into a story about friends and family there. It was like all along the trip.

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Jan 28Liked by Chris Bray

I know some genuinely nice Canadians, but I have also been on the receiving end of some cruel, passive-aggressive superiority complex teasing. I am all for a bit of teasing amongst friends, but once you realize someone is looking down at you, it loses its appeal.

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Jan 28Liked by Chris Bray

There are certainly some Canadians exactly like the one you know, but then there are many (including myself and many I know) who could not be more different. Please don't generalize about what all Canadians are like or deserve based on the foolishness of some.

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Canadians are masters of the black art of sanctimonious passive aggressiveness. No one else comes close.

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Jan 28Liked by Chris Bray

The bald guy says “I won’t stand for this “. I might take him a little more seriously if his voice was a little deeper than my 8 year old granddaughter.

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Jan 28·edited Jan 28Liked by Chris Bray

Two of the men pictured are Pablo Rodriguez and Steven Guilbeault. The former - a natural for a Pert commercial - was stopped by police for suspicion of DUI and refused to cooperate with them and the latter is a convicted eco-terrorist felon who looks like was just revealed to be the villain by Fred and Daphne. Zoinks!

As for St. Onge, she's the former Olympian who along with Pablo authored the disastrous Bill C-11 and Boissoneault is a gay guy who just sprouts of the usual 'everyone's mean' left-wing gibberish.

Yeah, the reaction to Tucker was predictably tedious and dramatic. I think many of these people are that stupid and/or mentally not well. It's not normal to be this wrapped up in faux-righteous pearl-clutching. But here we are.

It's all so insane I find serenity in the simpler things in life. Like making Jello.

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Did you know that "making jello" is code for making napalm? Be careful.

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I love how these super advanced progressive intellectuals have no problems calling other people "dogs". If it was reversed, there'd be a 80 million dollar defamation suit in the works. Oh wait.

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Jan 28Liked by Chris Bray

Texas putting up fences is equal to invading Poland.

Am I doing it right?

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The tone needs more hysteria, but the content is correct.

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Jan 28Liked by Chris Bray

You are spot on Rikard.

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Jan 28Liked by Chris Bray


Summoned evil forces. I love that. Like this pol drew a pentagram in blood and chanted some evil spell and out popped the devil himself, Tucker Carlson.

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