So the next year is going to go something like this:


But if the nonstop amygdala pounding is delivered by a pathetic idiot, does anyone feel the manufactured fear? What if they fearmonger all day every day, nonstop, but no one cares?

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Here's what I don't understand about the Dems:

If 2024 is really Hitler or bust, if this really is the greatest threat in all American history to Our Democracy™, then why are they running this senile mummy as their great champion?

It's like saying, There's someone coming to our house right now to kill us—better send Grandpa out to fight them!

Biden can barely stand up and can barely complete multiple sentences—this is the best they could do to slay the Orange Beast?

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The dems and repubs private orgs both work for the same puppeteers. The theater we're watching is pure sheer theater. The script's already written. The cabal just likes to fk with us. Thy myth we still hold of "democracy" serves their purposes, until it doesn't. Then it'll quickly be withdrawn (or so they think).

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Well then it’s a good thing that America is NOT a democracy.

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well, America certainly isn't a democracy.

whether that's a good thing is more arguable, except from the perspective of an old joke:

a wolf asks a sheep, "can I eat you?"

sheep says, "No!"

another wolf drops into the conversation, "can WE eat you then?"

sheep says "absolutely not!"

first wolf then says, "well, how about we vote on it?"

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The Dems are actually funding and running Nikki the Neocon.

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I quit if she gets the nomination

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It's because no one is actually "running" that they can put PedoHitler up for president. They plan to steal it, regardless. They feel no need to campaign, no need to do anything but lie and try to bait us into foolish action. Communism in action is what this is.

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OMG- you nailed it. They already know they won. The fix is in. What a complete cluster fk.

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You are very correct. Our USA is gone and has been for quite awhile. We truly live in the USSA.

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PedoHitler... That was inspired!! I'm surprissed they still let him out of the basement. It certainly isn't helping their case. It probably keeps him quiet and distracted from his constant trawling for ice cream shops though.

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Yeah it's a head scratcher.

My working theory is they're counting on hate to win the day. I mean they're Fuhrer-ious after all!

Joe could be told hate is love on a teleprompter and wouldn't know the difference when he read it.

He's the only person they have that can match Trumps unaware shameless bombast.

The only difference is Trumps conscious in his unawareness.

Trump 2024!

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I'm just excited for the moment this year when Joe has his biggest "senior moment" on the campaign trail and to watch how the MSM tries to tell us all to believe them and not our lying eyes...my greatest wish for 2024 is for as many "journalists" as possible to be humiliated, mocked, and laid off. The MSM cannot be loathed enough...

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Oh it's gonna happen. And it might just be an inflection point like Nixons sweaty upper lip and brows during his first debate with JFK.

What I find abhorrent is his wife is allowing this to happen.

I think many people feel the same way and that could make a difference because it reveals the Left only cares about power.

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I would feel bad for him if he didn't spend his whole career being a shameless fraud. The humiliation is less than he deserves, even as disabled as he clearly is.

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Hard to disagree with that Fukitol!

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Welp, she was fucking him as a teenybopper whilst babysitting his offspring, and his wife and other babies were being killed. So you expect some kind of class from that whore? Shit, she dresses like a seventh grade girl with a hooker for a mom. And no dad.

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She's not fit to be a human.

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100%. Trumps going to go deep in the gutter pointing that out.

I would.

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"The MSM cannot be loathed enough..."

I just returned from the Y. I do speed work on a treadmill. There are flat screens situated in front of most treadmills--I abhor it, but am there for the work.

I HATE SPEED DAYS. HATE THEM. HATE THEM. 4 min interval as fast as I can, walk 3 min x 4. Hand-shaking kind of workout. In a knife fight to not quit the entire time.

Just as I was finishing my last cool down, ABC News starts broadcasting part of Biden's speech.

There is no workout that renews my spirit, my sense of well-being, efficacy, general 'good man-ness'--I feel like a super hero with an open heart--like speed work--or a good HIIT/CrossFit type work. Rinses & flushes all the angst--THEN I SEE BIDEN!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!

Who could possibly believe this crap?!?!

Asking people where they get their news is an important question. If they refer to legacy media--you know they have no idea what time it is.


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Biden deserves a tat on his forehead, “FASCIST!”, all caps, bold letters. He is most clearly that, by definition.

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No doubt

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Sorry, Chris, I couldn’t watch that speech all the way through. Couldn’t do it, sir.

God knows I’m an imperfect human, utterly non-deserving of God’s Grace. And far be it from me to judge another human.

But if Joe Biden does not wake up someday soon, see the carnage, sorrow and corruption he has wrought, there will be a special level of hell reserved for him and his ilk. I would wish that on no one, but there are those most certainly deserving.

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I confront this question all the time and the only answer I can find is that they have no other choice.

Except, aren’t Democrats supposed to be a majority party? There really isn’t anyone out there who makes a better candidate than the demented pantshitter?

If he is our only hope then maybe Democracy isn’t as good a deal as it’s cracked up to be?

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I have friends who are Dem donors and Dem GOTV people and as far as I can tell they've been told that as long as Joe wants to keep his job, they have no choice but to shut up and support him, and that anyone who doesn't (including any prominent pols who may want to challenge him) will be iced out in perpetuity—thus if you want to maintain your place in the Dem hierarchy your only choice is to do as you're told and clap for the King.

It is pretty hilarious that the people who never stop preening about their devotion to Democracy cancelled their own primaries, fought to kick people off the ballot, and will also most likely refuse to debate.

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They will have to refuse to debate. They will make up any excuse. He’s uniquely vulnerable here - Generic Democrat could prep and debate even with a bad record to defend. Pantshitter can’t go on stage with Trump because they can’t preprogram him. Trump could just play chaos agent and Joe would get lost. Trump is a world class retard-poker.

Trump should just walk onto an empty stage and stand there checking his watch for an hour. And of course cut a campaign ad: “who showed up to discuss americas problems last night?” Not Joe Biden.

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That would be EPIC!

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"Debates" with democrats are always a risk. They will blatantly lie, but it takes more time than is available to correct the lie, and then in rebuttal they repeat the lie or double down or spring another lie.

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Democracy isn't all that. That's why our founding fathers built a Constitutional Republic for us.

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The answer to this is FJB is a puppet willing to take lots of vacations and ignore whatever the puppet masters choose to do to destroy our republic. That and they cheat like M'F-ckers.

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RFK Jr would have been but they wouldn't let him in the party. They don't give a crp about our Republic or the American citizen. Just waiting to see what they plan to do with all the millions of illegal military age men the Resident has let in.

This grandmother of 4 feels the need to get armed.

Trump 2024

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Well, it may be that Haley is the next anointed one courtesy of the uniparty. A real bipartisan effort to install her backed by big Dem & Rino donors. Interesting discussion with Vivek & Tucker on this. She may ace out Newscum as the next installed puppet. At least they’ll try - hate to say it - but it seems no way they’ll let Trump in.

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How Biden will win should not be a mystery by now. How the country will change once Biden is re-elected is lucid. Digital currency and id. Absolute deadlines for gas powered everything. Attacks on farmers. Increased lawfare against Trump supporters. Institutionalized open borders and rapid path to citizenship. Gun confiscation. Reparations. Off the top of my head.

Obama popularized the idea that American Exceptionalism was a bogus idea, such that everyone believes it now—even if they hate Obama. The one who made the best argument for American Exceptionalism was Lincoln, who pointed to our unique constitution and bill of rights and identified them, especially the bill of rights as the best hope of the world, and the reason why he thought it was worth the massive amount of death of the civil war.

Amidst all this gallows humor, just thought I’d remind us of what we’re losing.

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That’s an interesting perspective, and it has to be true that Lincoln strengthened federal power—after all, what was the war? Federal power made the Emancipation Proclamation possible. I’ve read at least a dozen biographies of Lincoln, and he was sometimes complicated, sometimes wrong but calling him a hypocrite is just silly. They don’t make men with that much gravitas anymore.

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Check out The Real Lincoln by Thomas DiLorenzo and Forced into Glory: Abraham Lincoln's White Dream by black scholar and historian Lerone Bennett Jr. The original republic was a voluntary consortium of independent states, and the founders understood that states could withdraw if things didn't work out. The New England states actually met to consider secession over the War of 1812, and no one, pro or con, considered the possibility to be illegal. Lincoln overthrew the original Constitution, made states and people the servants of the Federal government instead of the other way around. And that's only one of the many things wrong with the Whig railroad lawyer hypocrite Lincoln, who never objected to Illinois law that made it difficult for free blacks to enter or live in the state, and who was considering the return of freed blacks to Africa almost to the day he was assassinated.

Moreover, American Exceptionalism, at one time denoting that U.S. citizens were exceptionally free of state and church rule over their lives, leading to exceptional freedom and prosperity, has been grotesquely corrupted for more than a century into the idea that the Federal government should rule the world. That's what neocons mean by the phrase, and of course today the WEF takes it a step further to insist that governments should be phased out in favor of direct control by a global elite of corporate CEOs and "royals" (good people like the Rothschilds and Rockefellers, King Charles, Larry Fink, chief science officer Bill Gates, and their minions and procurers like Jeffrey Epstein and Jimmy Saville.

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The Dems were fucked – if Biden wasn’t to be the guy, then KH would be heir apparent. And if she were to be denied, black women would stay home in DROVES. The Dems know they’d lose almost 100% of independents with a KH candidacy, so once again Biden is their least damaging candidate.

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is funny how the Diversity Uber Alles platform of 2020 has now blossomed into a bumper crop of blatant incompetence, from Harvard to the WH to various mayors and prosecutors to all the crappy preachy movies and shows no one wants to watch...maybe America isn't quite ready for its Soviet "black women are the new proletariat" makeover after all.

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I’ve thought the very same thing. If this is really the Most Important Election in American History, why didn’t you find a Democratic candidate who remembers what he had for breakfast by lunchtime?

If the Dems are really smart, they will throw the election for Trump and let him take the blame for the impending fall of the GAE and subsequent economic crash. I suspect that downturn is inevitable no matter who winds up in office. Certainly I can’t see anybody on either side of the aisle with the gravitas and experience to get us out of it.

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There is no captain steering this ship and no one among the officer class with the skill, intelligence or integrity to take the wheel and change course...America has an appt with a very large and jagged iceberg, sometime this decade, just as you said...

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Leonard Cohen: Everybody knows that the boat is leaking, everybody knows that the captain lied . . .

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This is kinda why I started thinking grand scale cheating was involved in 2020

If Trump is that bad cheating on votes is the least to be done

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Jan 9, 2024
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Dems been crying about Trump is Hitler for years now. They been crying about stopping him by any means necessary for years now

If they didn’t cheat in that mail your ballot in election they ain’t worth much than wet salt.

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the people in power (and that structure is changing, especially with Epstein releases) cannot agree on the next puppet.

Biden was owned, and his push back was 0. Impossibly perfect to replicate to people not used to compromise.

They won't lose the election, the voting machines and mail in balloting fraud will assure of that, but they will lose any vestigial institutional credibility in elections, as the degree of the cheat will have to be so egregious that no one, not even democrats, will believe it.

Our best hope is defections in the ranks will inhibit the degree of operation needed.

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Bullshit baffles brains.

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This is such a great and spot-on comment.

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So sooooo true and that’s funny!

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Well, that’s a risk for the Dems.

But what the voters don’t deliver in the ballot box will be supplemented in the counting rooms at 3:40AM the next morning via “adjudication” in which a vote can be changed with a mouse click and the old ballot image erased. In some jurisdictions, 75% of ballots were adjudicated at the rate of 12,000/hr. That’s a Hell of an operator who can evaluate 3.3 ballots/sec.

Wonder if Zuckerbucks will be spewed across the landscape this time.

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Maybe we should do some ballot harvesting for Suckerberg. 😈

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Bullet harvesting might be more apropos.

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Being a “mission oriented” guy, I’m thinking a nighttime kiosk outside Louis Vuitton and comparable shops (to catch the “midnight discount” shopping crowd), with a BSBB banner: “Bucks for Signed Blank Ballots.”

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I was thinking along the lines of collect them like the real harvesters, but switch to ballots for Trump to put in the boxes. Have a nice weenie roast with the fake ballots we got from the "voters."

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Jan 9, 2024
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So you think Zuckerberg blew $419M to hire partisan workers in swing state election offices and nothing was affected…

Apparently you haven’t watched any videos showing exactly how the “adjudication” process worked on optical scanning systems. It requires 1 (ONE) person to make vote changes. No second party concurrence required. No political party observers. And most importantly, no retention of original ballot scans. And nothing to tie the physical ballot and the retained (altered) image together for a later quality control review.

You sound exactly like Democrats and scared judges in 2020 – logic is irrelevant and “criminal prosecution” level evidence is demanded after pre-election rulings prevented its segregation and preservation.

The consistency of the failure of ballot counting processes in swing states to retain documentation of “human contact” with ballots is HIGHLY suggestive that such contact is being hidden intentionally.

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With the slurring it’s more like HISCLER HISCLER HISCLER. The presidency of the USA has become an unfunny joke.

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I got a sneak preview of his upcoming speeches yesterday. Solid speechwriting… https://toxiclit.substack.com/i/140351921/bidens-positive-new-message-for-racism-fear

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Before I was aware it was toxic lit, i put it together as toxi clit. Like poison pussy or something. Not funny, but ah.

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Funny you say that because I tried making a faceboook page with the name in the URL (/toxiclit) and it told me the name violated its rules. I was pretty baffled. Took me a few moments to realize why.

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We need more feminist AI.

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Just signed up for your stack. Funny stuff.

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Thank you! I appreciate it

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I have to remind myself regularly that there are people that take this shit seriously. I can't get my head around it, so otherwise sometimes forget that it isn't an elaborate prank taken too far for too long.

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It’s truly Orwellian. The capacity for fascism on the left seems infinite — government colluding with private corporations (GOOG, FB, TWTR pre-Elon etc) to suppress political dissent, banana republic prosecutions of opposing political leaders on charges never before seen and in most cases completely specious, mob violence (BLM) in support of political goals that can’t be accomplished through legal processes, arbitrary and unconstitutional detention of political protestors for years without trial, and of course attempting to prevent the opposition from even being on the ballot — and all in the name of “protecting democracy”.

I find it astonishing that so many intelligent people I know go in for this shit, it is much more Hitlerian than anything Trump has done.

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I've been wondering since childhood how the Roman Empire fell, how Hitler came to power. Now we know. Bread and Circuses, Weimar America. But Trump was far too concerned with his image to be Hitlerian. He joked about Hillary for Prison (just as he joked about Putin perhaps sharing her "missing" e-mails) but immediately renounced the idea after his election and then appointed establishment types to every position in his administration. No comparison to the weaponized injustice being carried out by Obiden.

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Please re-read 'Brave New World'. I had forgotten how prescient both Orwell & Huxley & Rand all were--truly prophets. It is a dystopian hybrid...


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I can't even either lol....happy new year

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That's the key, for the body politic to ignore the fear mongering... The more it happens, the more shrill their tone and tenor will be, continually revealing themselves layer by layer like an onion. And "dimwitted pantshitter"? Consider that appropriated. Will see if we can get it trending on X

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Its been the last seven or eight at this point, we're veterans of the everything i don't like is Hitler campaign! (its only been this long of campaign because our leadership is lacking) ;)

I'm doing my part!


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You had me at dimwitted pantshitter!!!


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So damn funny. I would subscribe just for Brays headlines!

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Using Siri, so there are likely typos or grammatical errors.

I spoke with a neighbor late Aug 21. We’ve lived down the street for them for 23 years. Great friends. She’s gay. I’ve always thought of gay people as being born left-handed. Well, not always. It wasn’t until I went to a YMCA summer camp when I was 15 and learned that my camp mentor was gay for “bisexual” which was what the rumor was.

This is 1985, and I had my own theory about “faggots”. It wasn’t what I would call a kind and compassionate theory.

So I had to go and sit by myself and think about Randy for a very long time. Did it change everything that I deeply admired about him? I came to the conclusion that no it did not. The best way I could understand it was that he was like my brother who is left-handed.

Anyway, my kind neighbor isn’t the sharpest tool in the box. Never has been, but a very decent human being. Total full on 100% Democrat. Gay, state worker, afraid of guns… And to top it off a Rachel Maddow fan.

I spoke with her after the criminally negligent withdrawal from Afghanistan. It was something like “can you at least admit that I was right in there incompetence?”

She replied by yammering something about handguns ...

I was torn between sobbing for our country, and punching her right in the face. The Withdrawal broke me.

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It broke a lot of people.

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Damn iPhones… Sent before I finished.

The point I was meandering towards is that for the longest time I have thought of the Democrats, as guided, confused, or tragically idealistic.

Today I see them as evil. Willfully blind. Irretrievably, stupid and malleable. Within nanometers of irretrievable and irredeemable.

One cannot witness that asshat speak and want another 4 years of his stewardship unless they hate themselves, our country, and humanity itself.


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The country’s fine, our lives are great, and Joe Biden is a brilliant statesman, to paraphrase an otherwise intelligent Democrat who I was quite close with. This person also really believes the covid vaccines are safe and effective and the CDC would never lie to us. Irretrievable seems accurate.

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The answer is D. All of the above. Their capacity for hatred is unparalled except by DEI ho's. I had to put the apostrophe in because "hos" looks like poorly spelled Spanish. And a hoe is a garden tool that probably doesn't hate anyone. As far as I know.

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Dan Blocker would be relieved.

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That would have been another one! That would have been three bad puns! I'll have to remember for next time! Thank you!

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The next chapter of this farce is not pretty. "Standing in the need of prayer."

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Yep. You described them perfectly.

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“The Withdrawal broke me.”

Treason doesn’t break me. It makes me seek a reckoning. The saddest part is that so much of what’s happened over the last 9 yrs will be allowed to pass without prosecution.

I can think of only 2 Democrats in my lifetime who were upright politically – Daniel Patrick Moynihan and Joe Lieberman. There may be a few others, but none come to mind. (Subsequent thought: Tulsi Gabbard)

Moynihan because he lived by his famous line “Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts.” You can argue with his conclusions, but he always started with reality. He also authored a report in 1965 that correctly predicted the destruction of the black family & culture.

Lieberman for regarding Republicans as erroneous but good-hearted, and for holding Democrats to account. His speech preceding the Senate impeachment vote on Clinton was withering.

The rest I utterly have no use for, b/c they deny manifestly obvious reality.

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I like Tulsi. She's got guts. Bret Weinstein had a proposal of a split ticket back in 2020. DeSantis/Gabbard for example. I think there is some merit to this argument. Trump/Gabbard would blow the left's mind. I'd love to see it.


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Trump needs assassination insurance. Trump/Vivek would do it.

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I like her as well. Accordingly, I think the Left would unload on Gabbard like she was Catherine Engelbrecht of True the Vote – unrestrained poisonous vitriol, and despite her being of Samoan descent and a Hindu, they’d call her “white adjacent.” Of course, that whole attack would help her with dubious conservatives.

My concern with split tickets (or Cabinet secretaries from the opposite party) is how do you reconcile policy differences? Tulsi’s main selling points to conservatives are her focus on truth, good governance, and patriotism. All good, but when you get down to economic and quality of life issues, she’s a “government interventionist.” She didn’t leave the Party b/c of their historical liberal positions, but b/c they’ve gone insane with modern gibberish.

Pre-polarization, you could find common ground on something between almost any 2 people in Congress. Now there is almost no common ground on any issue at all. Given that both parties have self-segregated along the spectrum, any fair person sees it’s the modern liberal positions which have shifted extremely far from the liberal positions in the early 60s. Conservative positions now vs. the early 60s are remarkably consistent.

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As many times as I've turned out to be wrong. Really, really, stubbornly wrong--I've come to a new calculus.

It is impossible to be 100% correct from one political perspective. You can be 100% wrong easily, but the world is too big to fully understand.

I used to always tell my Soldiers, "We always need a hippie at the table. We need our ideas poked and prodded. I'm very likely to drive this organization off a cliff enthusiastically with my hubris--and truth be told--I knew my job well and was good at it. Still...

I also think Tulsi is adult enough to change her mind. It is risky--and you're correct that the left would slay here. Apostates are worse than infidels...but it sure would be fun to watch!

So, I'd take a compromise on ideology to have a known person with integrity.


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I would suggest that entering any of those Middle East wars was a bigger disaster than the craven withdrawal

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I agree they were act “imperial hubris” which I believe is a book as well. Also filled with lies.

What broke me is I lost people in Afghanistan. I gave 15 of my best months of effort in anything I have ever tried--and we left without Honor.

It is how we left that is so disgraceful, so criminal, so arrogant.

And instead of firing people, the spin was spiking the football about the “greatest evacuation“ in the history of mankind.

I can feel my blood pressure rise Just thinking about it.


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No shame. They have no shame whatsoever! No disrespect intended but why the furor over the ones that were murdered at the end? What about all of the good and brave men who gave their lives so "Scranton Joe" could throw it all in the trash and allow the "tally-ban" to become the biggest arms dealers on earth? I was about to ask why there has been no reckoning for the whole sh1tshow but I D know the D answer D to D that. D. DDDDDDDDD. It's always those b@stards.

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I believe Lloyd Austin should be recalled to active duty to face court martial. Milley. Both CENTCOM commanders. The 82nd Commander & Marine Commander who didn't listen to the intel and allowed those brave young men and women to die.

Did you see the text threads in real time from those guys? Criminal negligence. All of them.

In hindsight--I'd bring all the GOs back and court martial them. Even the one's I had great respect for at one point. NO ONE had the balls to tell the truth. I honestly thought it was gonna be McChrystal in 2012 when the Rolling Stone article came out. High hopes. He should lose his pension as well. Petraues-Betray-us.

Gen Mike Hayden, the former Director NSA (DIRNSA is how is SIGINTers call it) and Director of CIA tweeted, "Send the unvaxx to Afghanistan on the empty planes." Hung from the neck till he's dead.

I gotta stop. It drives me batshit crazy. AND THOSE DAMN LEFTIST BASTARDS DO NOT CARE ONE IOTA.

It is still raw.


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I knew it sucked; I didn't know that it was on such an epic level! Don't hang the guy with the rope - attach it to a trailer hitch and drag the b@stard! And I thought "Whte-Rage" Milley was an f-tard!! Austin with his mask and face shield was pretty hilarious though. Somebody that large shouldn't be afraid of a virus. I mean "large" as in Jupiter being large enough to have over 100 moons. Austin's moons must be stealth moons.

You are NOT alone! I think almost everyone has a combat vet in their family and really hates how they were treated like garbage over there and then worse when they got home! My dad has a Purple Heart from Korea. He tried for years to get them to stop sending him a disability check but they never would.

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And he should have to permanently wear two masks a visor and gloves.

What a wussy!

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100. It was always based on lies. A million+ people killed in Iraq alone. For 100 LIE. The end.

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Entering was not the problem. Entering without an objective was the problem. Problem compounded by a fraudulent election.

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What benefit to American people in any of the wars ? A huge Nation full of resources, a creative skilled workforce (decimated by corrupt Government / MIC / Multinational Corporations) miles from any serious external threat.

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9/11 didn't require a response?

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Ha ha. Another Pearl Harbour

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Or did U.S. desire to control Afghanistan (the "graveyard of empires") require 9/11? U.S. involvement in Afghanistan went back decades, and a plan for military operations was on G. W. Bush's desk two days prior to 9/11 even according to establishment media (https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna4587368).

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Jan 9, 2024
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Or even understand American history or simple geography. America’s position as an admired and respected Nation has not been helped by these endless wars and meddling in other nations politics

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Interesting we're the exact same age. I also had virtually the same experience and I had the same thought process with left handedness and gay people.

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That's crazy--and then, maybe not. It is hard to maintain bigotry & prejudices when we're faced with real people, especially if you learn something amazing about them before learning about their 'otherness'.

The left-handed metaphor worked famously for me. It was an instant change of mind/heart once I put it in that frame for myself. Are you from the West Coast?


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Yup. Grew up in San Diego. But live between Tampa and Sarasota now

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1,329 views will somehow translate to 87 million votes by November.

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The "views" count will be suspended at 3:00 a.m. due to a water leak....

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Ruby and her daughter are standing by ready to recount--I mean count.....

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Ruby and her progeny will be election supervisors this year probably in Atlanta and Athens. Js.

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No worries, the count will be up 800,000 by mid morning. Right PA?

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Could be! I just looked (it’s approximately 8:30 pm EST) and the count is now over 16,000.

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I noticed that! I was dumbfounded.

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Here is what I got out of this:

Joe Biden: “ I understand that a lot of people are highly devotional about the upcoming erection. America is a divided horse. We don’t know who we can trust. We don’t know where we may end up. We are angry and skeetered. I say Habberflabb!! Republicans are terrorists and that’s more tuna fish than I like on a sandwich.

In this climate catastrophe winter of our misgendered discontempt, furrow brow, Cornpop was a rolling stone and wherever he got laid was his speakerphone. Yeah. Marshall Tito and I thought it appropriate to prepare some remarks to address the nation and speak to the breakfast taco voters who are in chains and ain’t black, Jill. Look into the teleprompter. Say the line. Turn Left. What time is wheel of fortune on?

My fellow Jamericans, we live in Pericles times.

Shabba Ranks! I know you live your breast wife, but only Jews can stop Forrest gump. We all know the thing. We must deflect Democracyatallcoshts. We must. Hunter...Buehler...Buehler...We cannot have a sick tater in America people. We can’t. C’mon Mr. T. ! Hell I fought Adolph Hitler at Costco just last weekend. ........walking off stage left......walking back to microphone. Words! We lead by example. Hitler must not pass. Say the secret word. Say it! When George Washington fought Emil Klinger from MASH he was only 18 proud and brave, but a tanker laid him in his cave with Bin Karen. Angry face. Angry face. Bakers man. Bake me some crack as fast as you can. Hey! Wait a minute. I don’t work for you!

Turn off microphone. Look around room. Pick nose scratch ear. Collect ten percent. Look residential. Smile at fat granny. Obama, you are so clean!

As I was saying Hitler is Trump. Trump is a bad dude. He used to like my hairy legs, but he’s the smartest guy I know. In summm...in dimmm...in dimsum we are all South Africans today. Vote Trump Hitler in 24. Bad, bad. You know the thing. Zzzzzzzzzzzz.....”

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Mind blown. Very very funny. Thank you 😊

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Toda raba, Tziporah.

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That. Was. Awesome!! Member of KHS class of 75 marching band approves! It should matter a lot - I have a LETTER in marching band!

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That is hilarious. 😂😂

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Well played. Very well played.


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Now THAT'S funny!

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You in Sarasota? I've been down here for 3 nights

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We were there for 9 days. Came back Monday. Stayed on Anna Maria. Had a nice break. Went to that Selva place you recommended. The one at UTC. And Veronica Fish and Oyster in town . Both Excellent. I like the area. Everybody is normal.

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Well I came back from NYC about a week ago and it was definitely not normal.

They're trying to take it back to the 80's.

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I wouldn’t volunteer to go to NYC at this point. If you have yo go, you have to go. Used to really enjoy it. But it just seems demoralized and decaying now. I’m sure one can cobble together a good time, but I think there are so many better places to go.

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The only enjoyable aspect of watching any part of that was seeing how AI "translated" his slurred speech. Biden's enunciation of "gallows were erected" became "Gam low were he rebilitied." Poor AI. Doin' its best.

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Let the record show that I oppose gam low were he rebilitied. FOR AMERICA.

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Of course you would, you MAGAt.

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But he rebiltied back butter!

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Half our population is lost to me. When I hear someone supports Biden, I immediately create distance and avoid them at all costs. Over the last few years my social circle has shrunk, and seeing all the supportive comments in the chat and for this speech makes me want to vomit. In all my years I've never experienced such polarity in our country. This is all very sad and concerning.

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Do you really think those supportive comments were made by irl supporters, or do you think a sizable number might be bots?

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I speak with so many low-information voters that support Biden that I don't know what to believe anymore.

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Thankfully, I don't have much exposure to that population, and I don't engage with those I think may be low-information voters, because in this day if they are low-information it's a conscious choice they are making, and convincing or persuading them to become high-information is likely a fools errand.

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This is such a good point. It has never been easier to get information, but at the same time there's never been more low-info voters.

I guess that's what happens when people get too much free crap.

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Dumbocraps have their lobotomy at birth. They don't need information, they couldn't understand it.

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WHY would you do that?!? It’s such an emotional energy suck.

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The supportive comments could be real, but guaranteed that the algorithm deleted most or all of the critical comments.

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I think they're all bots. Hillary had to green screen in her crowd way back in 2016. Biden is same, I have no doubt.

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Just to try to restore your faith in humanity, remember that something like 70% of Democrats do not want this guy as their candidate or at least want a primary contest.

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I think that might be the same percentage (at least of the white women Leftists) who are chewing on anti-depressants as well. They are truly miserable people.


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Jan 5, 2024Edited
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Does she bring up politics? If not, talk about something, anything else. I had 3 avowed liberals working for me (out of a population of 12), and we just didn’t discuss politics. They were very competent accountants and decent ppl, and we got by.

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My sympathies. I'd say give her a little slack (which you are) because she's elderly, but she's not too much more elderly than I am. It's just that I've never been a democrat, or what passes for one these days.

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She still thinks FDR hung the moon and saved the country. That ain't changing.

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It's difficult for old people to change their minds about anything. Set in their ways is a truism that's accurate. Best keep the peace and stay away from disagreeable subjects like politics and religion😉

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Fine. He may be an idiot, I’ll give you that. But on the other hand he’s also really old and creepy.

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This is an insult to dimwitted pantshitters

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I did a satirical write-along if you're interested:


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YouTube disabled the dislike button because the White House account was getting ratiod so hard. Bray and simulation commander will get more views on their pieces than that senile teleprompter reader.

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Also the streaming comments were turned off, at least on the stream I watched.

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100. I almost didn't click YT just because I wanted to withhold my view from the tally. lol

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There's a browser extension called "Return YouTube Dislike" that will show you the true score.

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Sorry but his “speech” on your stack is WAY too lucid. Not one “truinnerashuvaduprezure.”

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Try as I might, I cannot turn off that much of my brain :(

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De-energizing is insufficient to achieve full equivalence. Either Cuisinart lobotomy or multiple lobe full resection is required.

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Only a tiny bit.

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Nicely done!

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I listened for maybe a min or so. We didn't witness an "insurrection" we witnessed a COUP. One lie after another. The morons clapping? They want an Alzheimer's pt for president? Darkness does not comprehend light. Ruby and her daughter are ON CAMERA running ballots through counters multiple times. Unbelievable.

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You made it farther than I did. I couldn't get through the a$$hat introducing him.

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Same here. Had to turn it off. Use can’t. Not anymore.

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It was just one lie after another. TWILIGHT ZONE. How could anyone be stupid enough to believe any of it? I just can't stand liberals. Their stupidity and they are all totalitarian thugs .

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He's the definition of an empty suit.

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Diapers are full though

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My butts been wiped!

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You can get a bumper sticker from the campaign with that slogan, if you really want one...

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Brain is completely empty

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Well, not ENTIRELY empty. There is that mess in the trousers.

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; ]]

Nothing like potty humor!

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Gutfeld is wearing off on me. 😂

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What's funny is we both said virtually the same thing at the same time.

Brilliance! Lolol....:)

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Great minds…

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Empty suit on a weathervane.

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Because Jan 6 falls on a Saturday this year, I thought we weren't supposed to put our decorations out until Monday.

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Don't mince words Chris, tell us how you really feel about the most August and noble statesman since Caligula. . .

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I just could not get past the first speaker. So, after skipping over his drivel, I get to Joe’s segment and then had to shut it off after being subjected to the attendant drones chanting: “four more years”.

I - Just - Cannot - Subject - Myself.

I did nothing to deserve this.

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One thing for sure, he doesn't have shit for brains anymore. I has worked its way through him.

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😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 Thank-you for that LOL!

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