Giving my girls cell phones with full data plans because my wife insisted they have phones (for emergencies) was the biggest mistake I made in raising them as it immediately sucked them into social media and anything else their friend group exposed them too. Sucked the joy right out of their lives. They are all dealing with these exposure problems even today. Fortunately my wife and I were not of the medical community mindset for them or I fear that they could have easily committed suicide. The oldest married last year and is currently trying to figure out how to communicate with her husband. If it wasn't for a relationship with the Lord I'm certain they would have hit the rocks by now.

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Oct 16, 2022Liked by Chris Bray

Don’t you know this makes you transphobic?? People on the left wonder how people could vote for a guy like Trump. Well, the contents of this article are exhibit 1.

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Well, well, well...since I'm occasionally the religious one here, this fits perfectly with what CS Lewis wrote about sexuality like forever ago. (I mean, even in the '40s they were starting to wonder what was happening with people and their behavior.) He compared it to food, too:

“There is nothing to be ashamed of in enjoying your food: there would be everything to be ashamed of if half the world made food the main interest of their lives and spent their time looking at pictures of food and dribbling and smacking their lips.”

Oh, if only Clive Staples could have seen what was coming. And little did he know that the food analogy would become acutely appropriate, too. I mean, we all know our food today is pretty stripped of nutrients. Fast food, packaged food, artificially altered and dyed food have changed the way we function and destroyed our gut and ability to absorb the nutrients that are even still available. Some people will eat and eat and eat and just gain crazy weight, because they're not absorbing the nutrients their body needs, so the instinct to eat never settles down. (Some celiac people that I know come to mind. And that fast food lady. Holy cow.)

So has sex become all self-indulgence, devoid of any meaning (ie, nutrients), and that draining of meaning is leaving us empty and losing even the ability to actually desire anything real? It's a good question. And a scary one, as "they" push us towards the metaverse and virtual reality, where nothing is real.

CS Lewis also said, "There are people who want to keep our sex instinct inflamed in order to make money out of us. Because, of course, a man with an obsession is a man who has very little sales-resistance."

Now ain't that the truth.

Eat green vegetables. Real meat. Develop a faithful relationship with a partner and have lots of sex. Have kids, too. Walk barefoot on the beach, or just in the dirt. And find a connection to God. Humanity might literally depend on it.

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Oct 16, 2022Liked by Chris Bray

Pervasive hypersexualization has become bad marketing. Instead of "freeing" people as the proponents claim the constant excess just grosses people out. Removing all magic and intimacy from sex kills the joy. What a surprise.

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Turning away from this stuff helps a lot. Loving another person, in person, is the way.

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Oct 16, 2022Liked by Chris Bray

Destroy the TV - that is crucial to maintaining sanity.

I did it 15 yrs ago.

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Oct 17, 2022Liked by Chris Bray

At first I thought this was heading into French philosophical sophistry, or at least a French parfum commercial vibe, but then it snapped back into the grid. The people talking about “it” all the time usually aren’t doing it, regardless of what “it” is- getting laid, making money, being in the in crowd, etc..

Our culture tells everybody: “Hey you can do anything you want, if it’s hedonistic and trite! You are free, sort of. That’s right- any bad behavior you fancy can be yours- it’s cool! You can be an addict! We will give you needles and NARCAN. You can 💩 in the street, yo! You can give someone HIV and you don’t need to say nuffin’ You can be a criminal and get a statue when you OD and someone else goes to jail! You can be cosmically incompetent and win the Nobel Prize! You can be a misanthrope! ( Driving to the range this morning to exercise my trigger finger and spew carbonaceous pollution so as to kill the planet😮, I was privileged to see a neighbor’s license plate holder sporting the Platonic aphorism “Eat My Ass”. Yeah, that’s right neighborly. Who does that? At lunch later I came across a not so young lady sporting a Tammi Fae Baker facial makeup tribute and a public service announcement t-shirt proclaiming: “ No Beard, No Booty!”. I guess she likes hairy people with penises, formerly known as men. And now we don’t have to ask her what her type is, thus saving everybody valuable time so we can drive right over in our Teslas and eat some ass at drag queen story hour! 🎉!!

What our hyper commercialized, oh so naughty faux free society won’t sell you however are the following items- confidence, true love, non-sexual affection, trust, friendship, self-reliance, excellence, persistence, decency, or judgment.

No control points with that stuff.

We are a decadent bunch, but we aren’t having any fun.

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wayback in the early 2000s I was friends with a sex columnist. she had all the philosophy of sex positive liberation and all the gadgets and sex toys you could imagine. she also happened to be completely frigid and sexless and she didn't take care of her body at all.  The posturing was over compensation for a massive lack of libido

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Oct 16, 2022Liked by Chris Bray

These folks don't experience/enjoy life; their lives are simply different genres of performance art.

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Oct 17, 2022Liked by Chris Bray

You don't have the money or the guns to make me watch that McDonald's video.

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Oct 16, 2022·edited Oct 16, 2022Liked by Chris Bray

Drag queen performances directed at children suck the joy out of everyone who watches them. Why on earth would ANYONE think that's appropriate for kids? Inappropriate for pretty much everyone, IMO. Who really wants to watch overdressed men pretending to be women anyway? My opinion; ymmv.

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Feb 15, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

I feel sorry for these lost people. Thank God I have a devoted husband, to whom I am also devoted.

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Second only to everyone's fear of being called a racist is to be called a prude. I don't have that fear, happily. Unfortunately, I believe many women do fear being thought uptight. There have to be women out there who aim for marriage and children and the dignity of women. Somehow, they are discovered by a lucky man and take the leap together. But even many married women see nothing wrong with Drag Queen Story Hours in local libraries. It is the coming thing with librarians agreeing to it right and left. I do despair at times at women's changing views on what children should be exposed to.

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I heard Jay Leno tell a joke about how bad it has gotten. He said jokingly to Hugh Heffner, "Heff, you've won! Pull your people back."

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Oct 17, 2022Liked by Chris Bray

You got me.

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imagine mutilating your son for a reality TV show!

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