“What you fund is what you’re doing.” Exactly. Years ago I was asked to spearhead a flight safety program for one of the major cargo airlines (my employer at the time). The FAA threatened to ground one of their fleets due to the accident rate. When completed the remediation plan, I was asked to brief the founder and chairman of the company and ordered by his minders, “Don’t go off script.” I finished the presentation and went off script anyway, saying, “Mr. Smith, you don’t need me to tell you how to run your airline, but if we reconvene in 6 months and look at the flight ops budget and there no line item for this safety plan, and we look at yours and the other executives calendars and there are no events about this plan, then the plan never happened and nothing was fixed and the FAA is going to ground 46% of our fleet. If and when that happens and this company is destroyed, you are going to remember this conversation.” The plan was budgeted and executed and the accidents stopped.
Chris, with this post you’ve given the blueprint for the presentation someone must have with President Trump. What you’ve outlined is happening to The Science is going to destroy this country. (One of many things if all are left unchanged.) Brilliant post as usual.
I don't know if you have any belief in its efficacy or veracity, Chris, but I'd love to see you offer some version of your excellent essay as policy here, just in case someone in his world is actually paying attention:
In its present format, Congressmen will never grow cojones to protect “we the people.” That organization exists solely to keep the gears turning in the national grift and looting machine, and to make the gear turners rich. Those that truly understand how the grift gears turn hate Trump with a passion. They’re addicted to the grift and he cannot be controlled and is likely to jam the gears with an iron rod. In their view, Trump is the threat, not the bureaucracy.
How about this for an idea: Where in the constitution does it say the Federal Government has any role in “science”? The concepts “government agency” and “politics” are indissolubly linked.
Want politics out of science? Keep science away from the government, because it is always there turned to war and destruction.
I hear you, but “disease prevention” will never get another dollar of research money from anyone ever, except maybe from the estates of people who died from the disease. There’s no money to be made from people who DON’T get diseases. Drug companies NEVER research how to END diseases, only how to “control” them. What car company ever attempts to build a vehicle that never wears out?
What's needed is future leaders like Trump who are prepared to root out future iterations of Marxist dialectic being applied to The Science & other fields, and yes, new toxic ideologies that subvert society & the economy & enrich the few. One or several universities that teach antidotes to such toxic ideologies & prepares students for ethical leadership roles might be one longer term strategy to shield America from such unethical philosophies in the 2050s, 2060s, & beyond. Trump has 4 years to rescue America from such ideational enemies. The country will need a 'Trump 2.0' in 20 years, & variations on that further on.
Federal funding for science has always given direction to the vector of research. When I was a chemistry grad student in the 1970s cancer was a focal target and my prof was interested in identifying and synthesizing natural products (extracted from plants). He wrote his grant applications and placed his attention on botanical subjects that had either historical, theoretical or folk potential as cancer therapeutic agents. This was, I believe, a reasonable effort by the National Institutes of Health to emphasize research that served our society in a helpful way. What is going on now is apparently being directed by "social science", which IMHO is a perversion. DEI needs to be weeded out of the garden. A balanced evaluation of human activity and overpopulation referencing the impact on the planet is a worthy study. Use of nuclear and possibly fusion energy systems will help a lot. That's a direction we should follow.
You realize that when you begin to attack on this level, it´s like going down to the corner and trying to take the dope directly from the dealer. Be prepared.
“Editor’s Note: The Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccines both use licensed University of Pennsylvania technology. As a result of these licensing relationships, Penn, Karikó, and Weissman have received and may continue to receive significant financial benefits in the future based on the sale of these products. BioNTech provides funding for Weissman’s research into the development of additional infectious disease vaccines.”
They want to brainwash and then mutilate and sterilize children. Why? They don't know why they want that because they have been brainwashed themselves. I'll tell you why they want to sterilize and mutilate children: one, they hate children; two, it cuts down the population of the Americans that they hate. They hate people. Underneath it all, underneath what they think is their nicey-nicey, do-gooder "real" personality, they hate human beings. It's a cult.
Sadly, the government bureaucracy has gotten so big (and so partisan) that one could bury a line item deep in the bowls of a bill saying that mothers should be banned and few would notice it before voting on it. As Pelosi once said, "We have to pass the bill (Obamacare) so that you can find out what is in it."
Chris, the Swamp is deep and wide. It really will take all of us to help the Trump Administration clean it up. I work for a home builders association. We have government funded NGO's that push higher energy codes which drive up the cost of housing and then people wonder why the rapid increase in home prices. The bureaucracy is insidious.
Bingo! The Dems instituted a “whole of government” approach to insert woke policies into every aspect of our lives via rules, regulations, policies, interpretive guidance for government departments, not to mention the gross abdication of duty they have shown by delegating important government functions to unaccountable NGOs.
We actually need a new government department whose full-time job is to find and root out Wokeism from government. They’ll be busier than the IRS.
My MD in Knoxville will not write an Rx for IVM because the Tenn Medical Board has signaled it takes a dim view of such (i.e., your MD license will be in jeopardy). This in spite of the Tenn legislature having passed a law empowering pharmacists to dispense IVM & HCQ if done consistent with a generic care plan developed by an out-of-state licensed physician, i.e., out of the reach of the Tenn Medical Board.
The problem is Big Pharma. They pay doctors to recommend patients to participate in clinical trials. The doctors can also be paid to be “clinical investigators,” which means they process paperwork and submit trial data to the drug company. Piss off A drug company and those income streams disappear forever from ALL drug companies.
The Feds paid Pharma $20 for the clot shots. If you want a booster now, it’s $1260 last I checked.
There is SO much reform work to be done, but I sincerely hope that one of the primary projects is the utter reform of Pharma. The money involved is so large that it inevitably corrupts everything and everybody it touches.
Sadly Canada is a beautiful place full of independent and good people, albeit too polite governed by the ugliest humans inside and out on the planet, Justin Trudeau and Christia Freeland, and their merry bands of gutless/nutless ghouls also known as the liberals, NDP and the Bloc. It's a disaster we pray will soon end.
And you’re making the perfect argument for why government has to be reduced, simplified and made efficient. Seems a bigger challenge than getting to Mars right Elon?
Huh -- I didn't have that problem yesterday (7th) the few times I did some reading on the site. Maybe a temporary problem -- like server overload from too many people trying to access the website at one time.
I Brave searched the "woman" in question, and brave gave me a weird blurb at the bottom of the AI driven results:
"Dr. Olson-Kennedy was involved in a controversial study on the effectiveness of puberty blockers for transgender youth. Although the study found no significant benefits for mental health, she has chosen not to publish the results, citing concerns that they could be “weaponized” by opponents of trans healthcare for children." So I dug deeper. Beware the link, you will see what she actually looks like. The doctors are just as mentally unstable as their patients. In other words...The inmates are running the asylum, and the US Government is paying for it.
“What you fund is what you’re doing.” Exactly. Years ago I was asked to spearhead a flight safety program for one of the major cargo airlines (my employer at the time). The FAA threatened to ground one of their fleets due to the accident rate. When completed the remediation plan, I was asked to brief the founder and chairman of the company and ordered by his minders, “Don’t go off script.” I finished the presentation and went off script anyway, saying, “Mr. Smith, you don’t need me to tell you how to run your airline, but if we reconvene in 6 months and look at the flight ops budget and there no line item for this safety plan, and we look at yours and the other executives calendars and there are no events about this plan, then the plan never happened and nothing was fixed and the FAA is going to ground 46% of our fleet. If and when that happens and this company is destroyed, you are going to remember this conversation.” The plan was budgeted and executed and the accidents stopped.
Chris, with this post you’ve given the blueprint for the presentation someone must have with President Trump. What you’ve outlined is happening to The Science is going to destroy this country. (One of many things if all are left unchanged.) Brilliant post as usual.
I don't know if you have any belief in its efficacy or veracity, Chris, but I'd love to see you offer some version of your excellent essay as policy here, just in case someone in his world is actually paying attention:
Is this the website the Trump team/rkjr put out?
It is.
In order for this idea to take effect, R’s in congress need (many, not all) to grow some cojones ASAP.
No surprise, I don’t think that initiative has been funded yet.
In its present format, Congressmen will never grow cojones to protect “we the people.” That organization exists solely to keep the gears turning in the national grift and looting machine, and to make the gear turners rich. Those that truly understand how the grift gears turn hate Trump with a passion. They’re addicted to the grift and he cannot be controlled and is likely to jam the gears with an iron rod. In their view, Trump is the threat, not the bureaucracy.
Trump is an existential threat to OUR BUREAUCRACY.
Trump is the worst threat facing > We the People, and everything America was created to be.
That's a sex change operation I would support.
Congress is hopelessly corrupted. Party is irrelevant. They’re worse than worthless. I have no reason to believe this will change, unfortunately. :(
I want the $15 MILLION back that was spent on Fauci security detail over the last 2 years!!! (The Dossier/Substack)
Yeah I read that too. 15 million for a car, driver, and a security detail. Likely the actual cost was 1 million. The rest of it was laundered.
Add up those abuses and it doesn't take long to raise a $billion in campaign funds.
That much?? Good grief.
How about this for an idea: Where in the constitution does it say the Federal Government has any role in “science”? The concepts “government agency” and “politics” are indissolubly linked.
Want politics out of science? Keep science away from the government, because it is always there turned to war and destruction.
I hear you, but “disease prevention” will never get another dollar of research money from anyone ever, except maybe from the estates of people who died from the disease. There’s no money to be made from people who DON’T get diseases. Drug companies NEVER research how to END diseases, only how to “control” them. What car company ever attempts to build a vehicle that never wears out?
I think you are correct.
I mind the corruption more than the war. War comes in handy now and again, corruption never.
What's needed is future leaders like Trump who are prepared to root out future iterations of Marxist dialectic being applied to The Science & other fields, and yes, new toxic ideologies that subvert society & the economy & enrich the few. One or several universities that teach antidotes to such toxic ideologies & prepares students for ethical leadership roles might be one longer term strategy to shield America from such unethical philosophies in the 2050s, 2060s, & beyond. Trump has 4 years to rescue America from such ideational enemies. The country will need a 'Trump 2.0' in 20 years, & variations on that further on.
Federal funding for science has always given direction to the vector of research. When I was a chemistry grad student in the 1970s cancer was a focal target and my prof was interested in identifying and synthesizing natural products (extracted from plants). He wrote his grant applications and placed his attention on botanical subjects that had either historical, theoretical or folk potential as cancer therapeutic agents. This was, I believe, a reasonable effort by the National Institutes of Health to emphasize research that served our society in a helpful way. What is going on now is apparently being directed by "social science", which IMHO is a perversion. DEI needs to be weeded out of the garden. A balanced evaluation of human activity and overpopulation referencing the impact on the planet is a worthy study. Use of nuclear and possibly fusion energy systems will help a lot. That's a direction we should follow.
You realize that when you begin to attack on this level, it´s like going down to the corner and trying to take the dope directly from the dealer. Be prepared.
Just for starters, any government employed Doctor, scientist, researcher should not receive one penny of Royaltie$ .
Like the 2023 mRNA Nobel Prize winners????
“Editor’s Note: The Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccines both use licensed University of Pennsylvania technology. As a result of these licensing relationships, Penn, Karikó, and Weissman have received and may continue to receive significant financial benefits in the future based on the sale of these products. BioNTech provides funding for Weissman’s research into the development of additional infectious disease vaccines.”
The second part of the famed Eisenhower Farewell Address warned about an Federal funding - research nexus.
They want to brainwash and then mutilate and sterilize children. Why? They don't know why they want that because they have been brainwashed themselves. I'll tell you why they want to sterilize and mutilate children: one, they hate children; two, it cuts down the population of the Americans that they hate. They hate people. Underneath it all, underneath what they think is their nicey-nicey, do-gooder "real" personality, they hate human beings. It's a cult.
Sadly, the government bureaucracy has gotten so big (and so partisan) that one could bury a line item deep in the bowls of a bill saying that mothers should be banned and few would notice it before voting on it. As Pelosi once said, "We have to pass the bill (Obamacare) so that you can find out what is in it."
I'm hopeful that things will change.
1 item bills going forward.
Where is Pelosi btw ?? At the Vatican?
She went to visit her brother Satan in Hell. She's only a couple of years older than him. 😉😊😋
Getting another breast augmentation. 🤮
Big mistake--it's making her face sag.
Chris, the Swamp is deep and wide. It really will take all of us to help the Trump Administration clean it up. I work for a home builders association. We have government funded NGO's that push higher energy codes which drive up the cost of housing and then people wonder why the rapid increase in home prices. The bureaucracy is insidious.
Bingo! The Dems instituted a “whole of government” approach to insert woke policies into every aspect of our lives via rules, regulations, policies, interpretive guidance for government departments, not to mention the gross abdication of duty they have shown by delegating important government functions to unaccountable NGOs.
We actually need a new government department whose full-time job is to find and root out Wokeism from government. They’ll be busier than the IRS.
Government over regulation is rapidly driving up home costs. Criminal and no return on investment.
The old joke: The Republicans want to be in our bedrooms. The Democrats want to be in every other room (including the garage and the tool shed).
Out of date. The Dems now want to be in every room, especially your kids' bedrooms.
Can we get this information in front of of Elon? He has a personal tragedy due to much of this perversion.
Well that’s one side of the story.
Billboard Chris is a great Canadian.
Speaking of The Science TM - I know it's medical but this crap is continuing:
Dr. Kilian was one of the first doctors in Canada to speak out and they just about flattened her life. They even debanked her.
Not the behavior of a free society. Ugly.
My MD in Knoxville will not write an Rx for IVM because the Tenn Medical Board has signaled it takes a dim view of such (i.e., your MD license will be in jeopardy). This in spite of the Tenn legislature having passed a law empowering pharmacists to dispense IVM & HCQ if done consistent with a generic care plan developed by an out-of-state licensed physician, i.e., out of the reach of the Tenn Medical Board.
The problem is Big Pharma. They pay doctors to recommend patients to participate in clinical trials. The doctors can also be paid to be “clinical investigators,” which means they process paperwork and submit trial data to the drug company. Piss off A drug company and those income streams disappear forever from ALL drug companies.
The Feds paid Pharma $20 for the clot shots. If you want a booster now, it’s $1260 last I checked.
There is SO much reform work to be done, but I sincerely hope that one of the primary projects is the utter reform of Pharma. The money involved is so large that it inevitably corrupts everything and everybody it touches.
Sadly Canada is a beautiful place full of independent and good people, albeit too polite governed by the ugliest humans inside and out on the planet, Justin Trudeau and Christia Freeland, and their merry bands of gutless/nutless ghouls also known as the liberals, NDP and the Bloc. It's a disaster we pray will soon end.
Very ugly
Debanking should be made a crime against humanity.
And you’re making the perfect argument for why government has to be reduced, simplified and made efficient. Seems a bigger challenge than getting to Mars right Elon?
Chris --
Did you see the related post today, https://jennasside.rocks/p/the-fascist-is-back, mentioning the Kennedy/Kucinich web platform, 'Policies for the People' (https://www.policiesforpeople.com/), soliciting rectifying ideas/proposals from the public like this one of yours?
Missed that -- helpful.
I can't get past the first page - just spins and won't load.
Huh -- I didn't have that problem yesterday (7th) the few times I did some reading on the site. Maybe a temporary problem -- like server overload from too many people trying to access the website at one time.
Will certainly keep trying!
Maybe try a different browser? I was using Firefox.
This just makes me sick - eight year olds. We have gone mad.
I Brave searched the "woman" in question, and brave gave me a weird blurb at the bottom of the AI driven results:
"Dr. Olson-Kennedy was involved in a controversial study on the effectiveness of puberty blockers for transgender youth. Although the study found no significant benefits for mental health, she has chosen not to publish the results, citing concerns that they could be “weaponized” by opponents of trans healthcare for children." So I dug deeper. Beware the link, you will see what she actually looks like. The doctors are just as mentally unstable as their patients. In other words...The inmates are running the asylum, and the US Government is paying for it.
To sum up: she has an agenda and is as dishonest as the day is long.