I subscribe to Robert Reich's substack just to see how older leftist/democrat's think. I try listen to views from people that I don't agree with so I don't end up in an echo chamber. He is a chore to read. I understand he is/was a respected economist/lawyer/author but I can't for the life of me understand why. Maybe his books are good.

What I love about substack is an unknown author can beat an established figure like Robert Reich. Substack may be the best version of a meritocracy so far. I write a substack under a different name that has more subscribers and engagement than Taylor Lorenz's substack. Without the Washinton Post to back her we are the same size.

I think this what men like Robert Reich hate about a free speech driven twitter. Without censorship we are all the same size. Only our ideas matter when their are no guard rails.

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Dec 13, 2022·edited Dec 13, 2022Liked by Chris Bray

Musk is the new Trump. Nobody hated him until they were told to. These people are idiots.

Neither Trump nor Musk is literally Hitler nor Jesus.

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I've met people that have been loved by no one.

Elon isn't one of them.

I suspect many of the empty vessels blankly awaiting orders are.

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He is auctioning off items from Twitter headquarters! Only white supremacists would do something so hatefull! He fired people! People shouldn't be allowed to be fired under any circumstance especially not right before Christmas which is a holiday we hate because it is for white people and everybody who celebrates it needs to die! He probably wants voter ID which is so racist because everybody knows black people are too stupid to find the DMV which wouldn't give them one because of institutional racism. I'm literally dying right now! My boss at Starbucks wants me to work over 10 hrs this week and I might have to kill myself! Is Ukraine still something we support? Someone needs to tell me what to think unless you are my dad then you just need to pay the tuition for my 10th year of gender studies and shut the hell up!

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Everyone blathers on about Love, Love your enemies, Love your neighbor, All You Need is Love, Love Wins! etc etc, but the truth is that Hate is just as strong if not stronger, Hate is the strongest social glue ever invented, Hate is energizing and gives us a reason to live.

And since we're here hiding out from Left authoritarianism, let's be clear about the role Hate plays in their ideology (despite their slogans about Tolerance and their claims to censor based on fighting "Hate"): Leftists absolutely hate anyone who dissents from their program; anyone who is healthy, happy and well-adjusted; they absolutely hate any successful tradition or institution (at least before they capture them); they hate America at least as it exists instead of their dreams of how to change it; they hate White people and men and Christians; and they often seem to deeply hate themselves and their parents/families and even their bodies.

And now thanks to the deadly combo of Twitter and Social Justice, they've become a cult of fanatics deeply addicted to hatred, which is why they've created their Emmanuel Goldstein of the Month Club.

All that hatred needs an outlet!

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I maintain this isn't just about Musk or JK Rowling or whoever else falls 'out of line' with the left -- it's a powerful reminder that the mob will also turn on YOU if you fall out of line. People like Chapelle have "screw you" money so they don't care, but when your ENTIRE LIFE is wrapped up in your politics, you're forced to toe the line or lose everything.

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I am trying to remember the last time I witnessed hate, in person. I can’t recall, but I can say that any clip I’ve seen of Steven Colbert is hateful. He’s a very unpleasant person who is not very smart - must be where all his hate comes from (self loathing). All of the stupidity and hatred is exhausting, is it ever going to end? Or, is it going to take famine or world war to get everything back in line? This is so frightening. I think I may move to El Salvador - and who would have thought that just 5 years ago?

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Dec 13, 2022Liked by Chris Bray

The idiots crying about Elon today will be the target of the mob tomorrow.

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I am not getting that Trump vaccine! (obligatory Social media post)

1 week later

I have been assigned group 1B, and will get it at 10:05 next Tuesday, I can't wait! (obligatory Social media post)

How many more examples can we name?

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Dec 13, 2022Liked by Chris Bray

I’ve been commenting to my husband for a long time now about the loss of volunteer civic organizations. When I was a kid every little league team in our town was sponsored by a different organization; the Lions, the Kiwana’s, Rotary, JC, etc. They were active in the community and brought people of all kinds together to help each other. Even the kids had groups to belong to. This was a sad loss for our country that went unnoticed. I’m glad you mentioned it. (And PS I’m Gen X so I’m not *that* old; this wasn’t so long ago)

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Dec 13, 2022Liked by Chris Bray

I love the two pictures, the original with Stalin with one of his lackey running dogs, then the second, where the lackey had fallen out of favor and had been shot or gulagged. Totalitarian states have to a lot of airbrushing or re-writing of history books, taking those who were heroes, then them falling out of favor and ending up in re-education camps, or worse, and removing them. What's happening to Musk was quite predictable. Senator Synema is going through that, as well, just not as viciously, yet.

Danny Huckabee

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Dec 13, 2022Liked by Chris Bray

So true, Chris. This has been going on in subtler ways forever. Now that the internet and social media, history’s largest megaphone, have arrived, it’s way easier to sway naive or dumb people overnight, and that’s a lot of people. But the curtain is getting peeled back. That was one of Trump’s greatest contributions. He exposed the machine. Musk is doing the same thing. The Twitter thing is huge because he bought one of the regime’s main levers of opinion control right out from under them. This amazes me. The bad guys took their eye off the ball. The problem with running a scam is that eventually you get caught. The percentage of people who believe the big lies is dramatically shrinking. What we have now is a race: between freedom and the corrupt power class consolidating control. The regime is vicious, but it’s brittle. Let’s put a few more cracks in it, shall we?

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Talked to a potential school for my young kid today. They told me about how they want students to become "justice warriors.". I'm not so quick with retorts, but should have asked if they are really recruiting child soldiers for the culture war? Shouldn't they be paying me in that case? Oh well.

The current school is manageable and we joke about the propaganda.

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This is the scariest part of Communism. Families and friends choose complying with what they have been told over love and friendship. Eagerly. Without remorse.

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But... A billionaire who puts shitloads of surveillance devices in space? Really?

Somehow, I don't trust him at all. It sorta feels like a lot of people who are "supposed" to be skeptical-- aren't. Okay, come at me.

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Dec 13, 2022Liked by Chris Bray

The heel-turn on Musk by the Left has been remarkable. After years of phenomenal success and huge body of public statements only now does the big glowing target appear on his back. Elon hasn't changed at all.

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