"Others lamented the district was waging costly battles on fringe topics while ignoring the basic functions of a school district...."

This has been a go-to gaslighting technique for the Gender zealots as a way to project their mental instability onto their opponents: "Why are you so OBSESSED!?! What do you care if a kid reads a BJ manual in junior high? They see worse every day online...You seem to have an odd fixation with child sexuality, you might want to examine that..."

The sad part is it works, because fighting the Gender zealots is a lot like fighting a skunk, you know you're going to get sprayed with foul stink, and most people decide to just steer clear—and thus the Gender zealots have installed their propaganda in a generation of brains.

At some point in the last decade people on the Left decided that it was beneath them to explain, debate or compromise—who stoops to debate when they know they're righteous and infallible?—and instead have resorted to charges of moral pollution, moral contagion, various ISMs and -phobias, the all-purpose bigotry accusation, and when this doesn't work, banning and/or cancellation.

This illiberal and hateful form of anti-thought is the product of the American academy, and now it's spread out to the media and the larger culture, another sign of our cultural and intellectual degradation.

The only consolation for now is that this style of thought and writing is about as smart and fun as a Maoist Struggle Session and only appeals to True Believers and other adult children—thus rags like the LA Times continue to hemorrhage readers and cash.

Hope whoever wrote this article knows how to code!

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There is a way to fight back such that you never get “sprayed by the skunk”. Change your life. Remove your kid from public school. Homeschool. Do whatever it takes to shield your kid from this evil. That’s what my wife and I have done. My kid is 2 years old, and if I can help it, she’ll never step foot in one of these indoctrination camps. My wife is now a stay-at-home mom teaching my daughter good, virtuous things. And soon I’ll be taking a severance package from my Fortune 100 employer to start my own business. We are taking back our power.

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This is absolutely the correct approach, but it requires effort. Therefore almost nobody will do it.

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Yep, it requires an enormous amount of effort. I’ve worked on it pretty much nonstop since 2020, before my daughter was even born.

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You sir, are what we used to call ‘a real man.’ God bless you.

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Yep. I don't know that I've ever met "a real man." I've met some that were good replicas, but not the real thing.

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My hope is that they are still around, quietly doing what needs to be done - but my fear is that they are aging out.

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Or a really stupid man! 😂 We’ll see how it goes. God bless you too!

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A lot of stupid will be revealed LOLOLOLOL. Keeping a sense of humor is sooo necessary, isn’t it?

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My wife homeschooled our 6 kids who all went on to college degrees and real jobs. Now she is homeschooling our grandkids. No one will ever care about your kids the way you do. Just don’t give them up, they’re your family. The state workers couldn’t care less for your kids. But you can make them brilliant!

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This is a great article about the state of our public school system. The article begins with this:

"In 1942, there were 108,579 public school districts in the United States. By the 2020-21 school year, there were only 13,187.

"That massive consolidation of school districts was propelled by the belief that economies of scale created by larger school districts would lower costs and serve students better. Those presumed efficiencies have not, however, been demonstrated in practice. As Stephen Coffin summarized, “Large urban school districts generally have not been accountable for improving school and student performance…they have been constrained by their overly large scale…The typical large urban school district needs to be right-sized or disaggregated.” "

I think they are on to something here. All of the nonsense that has been foisted on parents over the last few decades has been allowed because they made themselves behemoths that are difficult to deal with. They need to cut them down to size.


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Great link, ma'am. Thank you.

Dr. Galles, in his short article, hints at, but does not clearly state, that the core problem with our disastrous so-called "education" system, is - we don't hold the bastards accountable. We no longer measure the performance of school boards, administrators, teachers, OR bloody students.

How can we begin to fix a very sick system when we refuse to even examine the patient?

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Exactly right. We have simply, in all areas of life, become complacent, and by our complacency become complicit. I was fortunate enough to be able to send my son to private school until high school, and then was fortunate enough to have help in getting him out of the local HS and transferred to a much better school six miles from our home. He wanted to make it, and it was a great learning experience. We were able to explain to him that, based on the current public education system, he had been extended this opportunity, and it was a privilege that could easily be revoked if he did not mind his p's and q's at the school he attended. He accepted the challenge and graduated as a scholar athlete.

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If you get the chance, read John Taylor Gatto's book "The Underground History of American Education," especially Chapter 3. In that chapter, Gatto looks back at the literature American children read in the 19th century (James Fenimore Cooper is one example) and compares it to what kids read today in those same grade levels. Dr. Seuss is taken to the wood shed for his inane rhymes, limited vocabulary, and stupid story lines. Gatto also explains what is wrong with the "see and say" reading method and what is absolutely ingenious about the phonics method.

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I actually have read that, several years ago. Worthy of a revisit.

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I wish I had read it earlier; I only discovered it last week! I’ve known for years that our schools are a hot mess, but didn’t know the details. Too many books I still need to read.

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Reducing the size of school districts, while leaving the same Education Mafia in administrative and teaching positions, won't have a positive impact on the issues.

It would just create more administrative positions to be filled by the same monsters from the same Schools of Education that are the source of the infection.

Smaller districts? Sure. But that has to be simultaneous with eradication of the grip of the Education Mafia on the smaller districts.

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I completely agree. Administration has run amok, and because most hold PhD’s, gobbles, up much of the money allotted to education.

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It’s pure slander and a hit piece. BTW Hitler was a soccer mom, but kept it under wraps.

So newspapers are filled with Commies hacks who habitually write lies about normal people. This has been going on for quite a while now. And it’s a legitimate major problem. On the other hand, who are the people who believe what the papers write and take it as gospel? At this point you believe it or don’t resist it because you have made a conscious decision to be woke or have your head in the sand. You actively decided that the sand was where your head needs to be. These are people who are not going to be culture warriors. They just want to duck the fray. They are psychologically unable to cope with this new terrifying reality wherein every major social institution is corrupt and aggressively trying to alter the country, and not in a good way. So I’m not sure who is getting influenced at this point. Maybe a few independents. It would be good to understand the numbers.

The Commies won’t quit until they are forced out by overwhelming failure or other methods for removing Commies. Losing money didn’t stop the papers - somebody simply decided to subsidize the outlets that they thought mattered. Shame is not a factor. Integrity is not a thing in a shameless segment of society that thinks it alone knows best. What does it is leverage and fear. Those are two things we lack because the organizations putatively representing normal Americans are compromised and unwilling to play at the level needed.

But I think we are closer to these guys collapsing than it seems. So I take heart in that.

Meanwhile keep trashing them.

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"Hitler was a soccer mom, but kept it under wraps."

See, you learn the most amazing stuff on the Internet!

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That’s right! And he liked dogs too!

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And don't forget, a vegetarian who urged people to get outdoors and hike in the forest.

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If I’m not mistaken, he ‘ran for office’ on a platform of supporting anti-animal cruelty measures, parks, and other nice things that appeal to women, shortly after women were allowed to vote in Germany….

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yes, I think we're closer to these guys collapsing than it seems. It's a house of cards. We are perceiving their power through old lenses. So very few people listen to or respect them now. As I pointed out to colleagues when I shared Chris's story about the 10 fire, the only people thinking that getting that freeway back open with what looks to be duct-tape and shims counted as a "success" were the 5 people in the photo op. There'll be a Berlin Wall moment soon, I reckon, when everyone suddenly realizes no one at all gives these knuckleheads one shred of authority over our lives anymore. Game over.

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Nov 28, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

“attracting an odd and sometimes menacing fellowship of Christian evangelicals, vaccine conspiracy theorists, anti-government militias and more moderate parents who believed they lost their voice during the prolonged COVID-19 shutdowns.” WHAT THE CRAP?!?! The clowns at the LA times didn’t even give us brown, Spanish speaking, Catholics an honorable mention?!?!?! You know what I’m mad at them but also imma let la Raza know we gotta step up our game. 😂😂😂 I will give it to the evangelicals though 🙌🏼 they have been doing some good work. The LA times is going to be feeling “menaced” more often with the “odd” fellowships that are springing up of normal people that are fed up with all of it. I went to visit my family in SGV and my parents neighborhood was up in arms about a recent robbery in the Costco parking lot off a lady was dragged. The conversations started there but always included the 🌈 stuff. People are fed up. I don’t know if you heard of the robberies that are happening while people are HOME in the SFV but in the local news segment, most of the homeowners had guns. In SFV??? I was surprised any of them had guns.

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This is how nearly all legacy media outlets operate to appear “neutral”. They’re all shit and need to vanish into the abyss.

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Then there is like silly things like math, English and like science. A strange place that focuses on what/who a young child might want to fuck one day more than what they need to learn today.

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I have no idea if this is the final covid funding tally, but Chino Valley Unified, where Ms Shaw is an elected member, received an extra $69.6M due to the pandemic ($2642/student). No wonder their AC doesn't work, Chino didn't get the whopping $4.6B ($11,143/student) that LA Unified received.

How can anyone be expected to at least keep the lights on with only $2600/student in EXTRA funding???


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If I read the statistics correctly, The LAT had a daily circulation of 651K during 2014 and it has dropped to 118K during 2023. In other news...The state of public schools is alarming. Where’s all the money going? Do the California districts have to report their budgets and then get an audit of their annual spending? I hear this big syphoning in the background, there’s got to be embezzlement somewhere down the line.

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Most large consolidated school districts have 1 administrative person for every teacher. Much of this is caused by “measurement by statistics” imposed from above. The continued decline in the classroom proves that you cannot overcome bad performance by workers & administrators by ever increasing measurement tools. Measuring by standardized student testing led immediately to “teaching to the test.”

The best thing that could happen to K-12 education would be for the federal Dept of Education to disappear, never to return in any other agency. Return control & funding responsibility to local parents/voters. Lastly, schools need to “lock out” members of national teachers’ unions.

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Here in Vermont the birth rate is extremely low. In our village of 450+/- people there are exactly 18 school age kids. Nonetheless, we pay through the nose for the local school district and it seems to increase every year. I am told by our village's representative on the school board that the brand new, absolutely essential, regulations and programs dreamed up annually by our overpaid and brainless people in Montpelier is a large part of the reason. I'm pretty sure that every public school kid in the state gets fed at school, for "free", regardless of family need and I'll bet the schools administer tons of DIE programs for the five BIPOCs who live in the state.

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very important question, agreed.

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This is why we literally have to rebuild the entire industry from the ground up.

It's not where I thought I'd end up, but.......

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"Screaming" is a good start.

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What else can I do? Certainly not sit by and watch it happen.

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Journalism is like America’s ex-wife.

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Really makes you wonder why the left fights so hard to keep this menacing cabal of “Christian evangelicals, vaccine conspiracy theorists, anti-government militias and more moderate parents who believed they lost their voice during the prolonged COVID-19 shutdowns” stuck in the compulsory government education system 🤔. Here’s a proposal - let them have new air conditioning systems and all the graphic sex books for kids of all ages, and in exchange we can take our tax dollars and choose where we send our kids to be educated. Deal?

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I think it's 26 states now that are considered school voucher states.

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As someone else said, you may hate the media, but you don’t hate them enough.

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Homeschooling for the win.

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So, Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn talk about reality and this is banned, but sucking a dick is A-OK?

This is why California is such a pathetic state.

Meanwhile, the old riverboat rider Mark Twain gets the hell out of San Francisco being that place has gone to pot and is full of folks defecating on the streets assuming Xi ain't coming to town.

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Banning Mark Twain and children sucking dicks are not the objectives. These grossly offensive tactics are “torpedoes” aimed at the hull of Western civilization by devotees of “Critical Theory,” which holds we must destroy society in order to rebuild it the “right way.” Destroying children’s concept of how a moral society should work and their parents’ resulting mental anguish is viewed as the fastest way to the destruction of our “oppressor” civilization.

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I reckon so, but when I read Huck Finn it really made an impression on me, so whatever theory somebody might have - I'll take that to my grave.

I read it in my teens if I recall and Mark Twain - that guy could write!



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Nov 28, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

Come, come. The people who have been running the schools are Professional Educators. Yes, mistakes were made, but the Professional Educators have established committees of Professional Experts to study the mistakes and establish the increased funding levels necessary to ensure that different mistakes are made in the future.

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The proliferation of administrators in public schools sucks up far more money than a board’s efforts to get rid of sexually explicit material in the classroom. I recall the superintendent of my high school was superintendent for the entire district, now every individual school has one; in addition to a principal, vice principals, a dean of students, an anti-bullying coordinator, etc. An absolute waste of money.

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School ain't for children

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My Lord, progressives are now outright monsters and perverts; I suppose they always have been monsters and perverts, but at least they used to hide it better.

Save our kids. Homeschool. Fire politicians who oppose school choice.

Don't drink the Brawndo.

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I couldn't help myself


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Shame on you.

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But Brawndo has electrolytes!

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