Yes. It’s just the way it is towards the end of any criminal enterprise. The hubris melts into mass paranoia, followed by a barely contained panic as everyone begins to realize how fragile the operation they've built really is. As bold as they seem at the moment, they're all thinking about exit strategies.
Exit strategies- Victoria Newland announced her retirement today. Happy the witch is gone, but they’re usually replaced with someone worse. Remember who replaced Gov Cuomo? Another broom riding witch.
The woman likely most responsible for the massive destruction of Ukraine is going to ride into the sunset with a huge federal pension, become a commentator on MSNBC, and probably a professor somewhere... all while the Ukrainians she (mis)used are still dying in a pointless conflict that should never have happened.
Kissinger gets the rap for being an alleged war criminal, but you look at Nuland's career and I don't think "mass murderer" is an exaggeration, at all. Based on estimated numbers alone she might join a pretty rarified pantheon of those sitting on thrones of blood.
Yes, that's what I mean. But even that replacement strategy is dangerously rattling the house of cards. Eventually, dingbat patsies and potential whistleblowers will be the only ones left in the hiring pool.
She isn't retiring. she's gonna work on her evil cuck husband's winking blinking recent op-ed "Remove by any means necessary" on Trump. She doesn't look like sniper material, tho.
A few might work "tirelessly". But most of them are lazy trust-fund babies and delusional buffoons. That’s what happens when you select for amoral qualities instead of competence and virtue.
Yes, they will call for all kinds of obscenities in the coming months. They may even call for "sharks with frickin' lasers strapped to their heads." The question is: will they have (competent) manpower to enforce their decrees?
A zombie army has many weaknesses, not least of which is spiritual lack. It's one thing to teach some cretin to shoot. It's another thing to teach them to be shot back at, and still hold their ground. For the spiritually dead, even the promise of spoils isn't enough. I'd take one of ours for twenty of theirs, any day of the week.
In Germany the gov't also allows "mysterious" arsonists to burn down your factory's high-voltage terminal-- either a preview of governance to come, or proof that 2020 Anno Floyd chiliasm can never "peak." Either way, the jig is up
Yes, and do you know what is even more insidious than the Pharma takeover of the media? That stupid Jardiance song that keeps playing in my head like a kind of demented Chinese Water Torture. What demon wrote that catchy, toe-tapping jingle? I hate him/her/zer. He/she/they have made my life hell.
As for the rest of your comment, I wholeheartedly agree.
I'd love to be able to tell people in other countries these things. I don't know people in other countries, I only know leftist a$$hat$ that live here in the US. Obviously, they don't care about what I have to say.
Yes, to lose their Biggest Lie about the "big lie" is a loss so threatening that they must continue to lie or the biggest lie of all will be revealed; that you are so alone you can't speak truth.
I fully expect Joe Biden to win 99% of the popular vote, a margin no one will believe but no one will challenge for fear of being shipped to the Gulag and die as a starving slave laborer.
We are the dirt people. Those who rule over us are the cloud people. They despise us as if we are cockroaches. They lie to our face. They know they are lying. They know we know they are lying. They revel in our humiliation.
Their moral code is very simple. They are strong and they do what they will. We are weak and we do what we must.
If anyone believes that they see us in any other light, I’d love to hear why you think so.
To the cloud people, we are not allowed to have any pride in our history. All of our ancestors were immoral human beings. And we need to be ashamed of them.
We are the only ones who can be convicted of hate crimes. It doesn’t matter how hateful any group is toward us. To the cloud people, we are merely getting our just desserts.
Hysteria is the only way they have to energize the base, so they resort to it regularly. Problem is, like you say, it's exhausting. So they keep having to turn the dial up higher and higher over less and less until they're constantly screaming at the top of their lungs about nothing at all, and it just becomes white noise which people simply tune out.
So the political equivalent of "crazy guy smoking crack on the subway I hope doesn't stab me". Trust me, it's happening in Canada as well only in our trademark, sugar-free-decaf manner.
The hysteria seems to mostly come from the white liberals though, particularly the white liberal women.
I'm just not seeing many working/middle-class Black or Hispanic people panicking about threats to democracy like their white peers in the Democratic party are doing.
They will become more and more brazenly fascist in the name of “democracy”. They will lose, ultimately, but it will never be by quiet submission and voluntary withdrawal. If anyone is hoping for that, I’ve got some bridges for sale.
This is what everyone must come to terms with before it can be agreed on how to best proceed. We’re dealing with underhanded evil which yearns for authoritative rule by cultural revolution.
Yes, no peaceful solution with unhinged hysterics is possible. The question becomes what do we do with a party that openly jeopardizes the country? If they are not dealt with in a robust manner, then the nation is lost. So it's our patriotic responsibility to take necessary action. Same in Canada. People laugh at Canada, but politeness does not equal weakness. Authoritarians who break the law must be held accountable. Canada may have to split into 3 countries, & the US into 4 or 5. Fall together, or survive separate.
Yes it never ends with Democrats trying to subvert the Constitution. Right away Congressman Raskin: “And so I am working with a number of my colleagues, including Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Eric Swalwell, to revive legislation that we had to set up a process by which we could determine that someone who committed insurrection is disqualified by Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment.”
The Constitution was written in a time that it was inconceivable that those elected would remain 20 to 50 years in Congress. It was inconceivable that there would be almost unlimited spending, profligate spending. The Founders believed the federal government would be a light hand on the tiller of state.It was inconceivable that Congress would create a massive government that accountability would cease to exist and the permanent government in collusion with Democrats/Uniparty would use the powers of government to pick and choose to eliminate a candidate for the presidency. The Founding Fathers knew that tyranny was always near and the Constitution was a way to prevent it. Now it is all falling apart. A nation of corrupt men and women have emerged to challenge the Constitution by proposing legislation to turn it on its head, even creating a dictatorship of one party.
We're ruled by mediocre bureaucrats because the mediocre bureaucrats have made D.C. a hostile work environment for productive adults with IQs above room temperature.
Once upon a time, congress was full of guys who didn't want to be there, but felt they had to be there.
Now it's full of fucking mediocre losers who love all the power they can wield and all the money they can make for being in D.C.
Raskin is an idiot – Congress can legislate the impact of insurrection on getting elected, but they’re prohibited from passing a “bill of attainder” – a political vote as to a specific person’s guilt. One’s status as an “insurrectionist” MUST be judicially determined. BTW, Raskin couldn’t have marked their effort as more of a joke than he did by citing Fartswell and Wasserman-Schultz.
The constitutional “barrel” went over the falls in 1913 with the adoption of the 17A – direct election of Senators. That took the “check” of State legislatures’ divergent interests away from the Federal legislative (and spending) process. In the interest of “the People” having direct control over everything, we now have special interests only needing to pay off half of 535 people in D.C. rather than half of 50 state legislatures.
It’s GREAT when government is so much more efficient, no?
This may sound a bit out there, absurd, untenable. But here goes. Imagine the Dems/globalistas are determined to bring about a permanent coup in the USA, realizing their dream of turning the founders' vision into an obscenity beyond belief, one which the founders would likely see as a near-Satanic corruption of their vision.
What would they wish to see happen under such circumstances? I think they would consider utterly valid 'any' means used to terminate in its tracks such a 'coup de l'ame' as these traitors to the Republic clearly intend. They would correctly see that the traitors' actions would cause great harm to the world, & would be an horrific betrayal of the founders' vision for America.
It may become necessary for patriots to take necessary measures to rescue the nation, & the world, from the dark plans the usurping globalists intend to act on.
Would Thomas Jefferson be arrested today for saying, “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants”? If so, the hiring process in government has been politicized and corrupted for generations because this mindset does not occur in one dubious regime. With all due respect you sound like a plant by government operatives.
I believe there is a big difference between the DNC and the average Democrat. But, the political tricks and vilifying the Republican opposition will continue. However, I also see a growing percentage of the population that is uneducated about the issues, and gleefully embraces "Orange Man Bad" theories. It is one thing to have the DNC playing dirty tricks, but much more concerning when your friends, neighbors, and colleagues believe that anyone that supports conservative policies is a Nazi.
Individual self-governance is a precondition for participating in collective self-governance. Aristotle wrote that 2300 years ago. Education is a key part of individual self-governance. Which is perhaps why 20th century liberals did everything possible to undermine actual education ("the formation of character").
John Adams was channeling Aristotle when he said, "our constitution is for a moral and religious people and wholly inadequate for the governance of any other." Today is what happens when we try. I suspect there's no pulling out of this dive; we'll eventually end up with an authoritarian in charge. I'm just hoping he's a Franco instead of a Mussolini or a Stalin or a Mao.
In truth, there are lots of illiberal and/or undemocratic systems that work pretty well.
I just cut & pasted your comments to my daughter with school aged children, after we had just been in discussion about school & teachers, etc. I thought it was well worth sharing. Thank you!
Yeah, I play in a band with an old guy (mid 70s) who still, to this day, thinks Ivermectin is horse paste. Not whether or not it works against Covid, mind you, but whether or not it is exclusively a veterinary medicine.
I try to red pill him when I can, but if you're so programmed you can't look into something that demonstrably false, getting into stuff like the 2020 election is a fool's errand from my perspective.
Ivermectin has been prescribed to billions of people around the world, and the inventor won a Noble Peace Prize because of its effectiveness against Malaria and as an antiviral. Thinking it is only a veterinary medicine is extreme ignorance to a degree that you actually need to work at. It is like reverse intelligence where you are so unwilling to accept facts that you cling to ideology, and believe you are the smarter one. You can't fix stupid.
When you went to school, most teachers were able to, (and allowed), to teach. And literacy, numeracy, civics, and history, and economics had not yet been replaced by indoctrination!
And many of them had been born or grown up during WW2, so were able to in some way compare democracy with the various "people's democratic republics".
I keep coming back to that it seems more and more so we - the general West - absolutely needs an Other (to use postmodern terminology correctly) to stay true to our own cultural heritage and traditions/ideas of governance.
With no such Other, just global corporatism, well here we are.
Is that not exactly what totalitarians have ALWAYS done. They offer "the other". They replace ALL cultural institutions with the omnipresent, omnipotent, nanny state - the source of all things!
Nja, as we say here, meaning "Yes but no". Totalitarians /invent/ an other of their own making, that they control and define and continuously redefine as needed.
A real other, at the risk of looking for true scotsmen, exists autonomously. It doesn't need to be an enemy or a threat or hated or anything negative, it just has to be something Other than yourself.
Like this: women are Other to men, biologically as well as psychologically as socially, evidenced in dress-wear, mannerisms and so on. Exactly how this manifests varies according to culture.
Moslems are Other to non-moslems. But arab moslems can be Other to persian ones, since they are different cultures. Americans are Other to englishmen, but not when wither are compared to turks; then the turks are Other to americans and englishmen both.
Also, a totalitarian (and not only them) will place blame for something or other, on the Other. Crops fails? Blame the witches. Russian Empire at the verge of collapse? Blame the "Elders of Zion". And so on.
Maybe that was what you meant? I just wanted to clarify the term Other. Originally, it carried no negative association or connotation, it simply meant Other as in Not-Self, on a civilisational-cultural level in the same way a child learns it is a discreet individual, Other from its parents.
But Hitler, for example, made the Other about “non-Germans.” The Jews were convenient focal points, but the Nazis were also focused on re-aggregating German-speaking areas lost in WWI: Alsace-Lorraine, Rhineland, the Ruhr Valley, Sudetenland. The Anschluss occurred because Germans had craved it since Austria was excluded from the unification of Germany in 1871.
During my crotchety lifetime I have seen Watergate devolve into Iran-Contra, to the Clinton impeachment, to the "stolen" elections of 2000 and 2004, to 9/11, to the politics of envy of the Obama years, to the freak out of 2016, to Russiagate and the media's doubling down on their lies, to the Covid insanity of 2020ff., to where we currently find ourselves. And those are just the "highlights." Not a steady downhill slide but a definite downward slope, not lessening by any means. So, my codger take is that, based on past performance, things are unlikely to get better without something catastrophic happening. However, I continue to look for something positive - I am not quite ready to totally give up.
You’d think the fact that the SC decision was unanimous would cool down the rhetoric at least a little bit, but the response just illustrates that this is, in fact, an existential psychodrama for our current ruling class.
The neoliberal order and the politics built around it are in the terminal phase. The politicians, pundits, and everyone else who has benefited from it for the past few decades recognize that, and things like Trump, the collapse of newspapers, and the widespread voter apathy you refer to are giving them near-daily reminders that their time is ending.
We’ll have a fundamentally different (and I believe better) politics and media by the end of this decade, but we’ll have to endure the screaming, flailing death throes of the current system before we get there.
Civilizational collapses take centuries, and it’s certainly possible that’s what we’re facing. But there are smaller, generational cycles that take about a decade to die and be replaced.
I think 2016 was the starting gun for the end of Boomer politics and the systems built around it. Trump has a feral instinct for what the new politics wants to be, and if someone younger and more disciplined picks up the ball and runs with it, we could be having a fundamentally different conversation by 2028.
Yep. It was a 9-0 ruling and Democrats (mostly of the white pseudo-intellectual thought-leader variety), still scream about it simply because it didn't go their way.
So that's one more point of evidence that you can't make these people happy, so stop appeasing them.
“The neoliberal order and the politics built around it are in the terminal phase.”
What leads you to this conclusion? The only thing that caused the Nazis to enter their “terminal phase” was the delivery of massive quantities of ordnance by the Allied armies. Hell, there were smoking bodies half in/out of the crematoria when our soldiers entered the camps.
The ranks of Western school teachers are equivalent to the staff of the Hitler Youth – assuring an ongoing supply of young twisted minds. They do their best to subvert Churchill’s quote: “If you're not a liberal at twenty you have no heart, if you're not a conservative at forty, you have no brain.”
The only thing that ended the Reign of Terror was Robespierre’s opponents using it against him. Many of those opponents wanted MORE executions, and were politically outfoxed by the moderates.
After the American Revolution, almost all American Tories emigrated – to Canada or to England.
I don’t see American neoliberals emigrating to the Left Bank of the Seine.
I get what you’re saying but I see signs that the current arrangement is faltering. College enrollment is declining, legacy media is shuttering, there’s no appetite in the American public for foreign intervention or new trade deals, and growing discontent with the 2 major parties. Despite all their scaremongering and dirty tricks, Trump is breezing through the primaries and leaders/parties despised by the establishment keep gaining traction around the Western world. Disney is getting sued for its woke quotas and Doritos is getting the Bud Light treatment this week.
Neoliberal institutions will stick around for a while, and its minions will have more influence than they deserve, but they’ll become increasingly less legitimate in the eyes of the populace, and I can foresee a day when they become functionally irrelevant in political and cultural matters.
I've lost count how many times I've heard, "This is the most important election in our lifetime!" It’s more like pro wrestling....or a shit fight. Marketing is everything.
I think I could ignore it a bit when we would have two somewhat standard mediocrities running against each other.
Joe Biden, due to his mental incapacity and the JV team he has running the show for him, is actually a threat to us all since the people calling the shots seem to be leading us closer and closer to a conflict where the big missiles might fly. They're not doing it on purpose. They're just fucking arrogant and stupid and in charge.
I disagree. The armorer in the Baldwin “Rust” killing was just convicted of involuntary manslaughter for her incompetence. That was due to ≈18 hrs of faulty decisions that led to live ammo being present, then loaded, then fired on set.
The morons in the Biden admin have over 100 yrs of modern history in international power politics for guidance as to the role of clearly expressed “national will” in influencing the behavior of adversary foreign states. They have the 8 yrs of the Obama admin that were a case study in failure in this regard, and they have 3 yrs (so far) of unprecedented failure in their own admin. For this to continue is evidence of intent. This is equivalent to someone continuing to drive on a flat tire for dozens of miles, which catches the car on fire, which goes out of control and kills a pedestrian or maybe a school bus. The intent can be inferred from the unrelenting conduct.
The Constitution mentions “…Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.” Surely the intentional exposure of the Nation to war (nuclear or otherwise) through incompetence for no benefit whatsoever is worse than “bribery?”
These people have been raised in their personal lives and professional careers under the premise that they're smarter than the rabble and therefore are rarely, if ever wrong.
Their arrogance in their own superiority demands that they never recognize when they've been catastrophically wrong.
100% agreed. But I was addressing the inferred “mens rea” of criminal negligence: “Those who hold themselves out as having particular skills must match the level of performance expected of people with comparable skills.” The Liberals purport to have expertise in governance and yet they repeatedly fail to deliver any results except ever higher spending on ineffective programs.
If they hold themselves to be the pinnacle of competence, yet primarily deliver incompetent results, then we must conclude that the results they're getting are their real goal, and the results we would deem as competent are simply the goal they're lying about to us.
The odds are that history, (when we are allowed to acknowledge history again), will categorize this unsustainable "new normal" simply as one of the manifestations of the death throes of 'The West'. Just an interlude of utter chaos as we move to the next stage. Feudalism perhaps?
It's highly improbable that we will be able find a road back to the era when we were free to support the candidates who most closely represented our views. Or, for that matter, when the candidates who actually had "views" were elected, or allowed to govern.
It's crazy when you think of the historical missteps that have gotten us to this place.
Western nations have explored space, invented the internet, raised billions out of poverty, invented novel farming techniques to increase production to feed the entire world.....and we're just throwing it all away.
was olbermann hanging with jerry sandusky back in the day? what horrible thing did he do to be tasked with reading this extremist bs from the teleprompter? he sounds as crazy as gene simmons
My own fear is that we won't have a real election, and that instead we will have Cuba or Russia style theater funded by Soros dollars, with polls manned by Zuckerberg minions, and final numbers designed to create a veneer of credibility. Even with the Supreme Court ruling overturning the Colorado ballot issue, did Colorado actually print the ballots correctly and distribute them to polling locations? Leftist governed states see how the Biden administration has defied Supreme Court decisions with no consequence, so why would those states not follow the Biden lead?
They also watched New York get slapped down with their unconstitutional gun laws, only to see New York state immediately pass a new batch of unconstitutional gun laws that will take 5-10 years to make it through the court system.
I spent the first decades of my life reading the Washington Post and the New York Times. Now I read CHRIS BRAY. So to answer your question, no. NORMAL IS FINISHED.
Looking back to the 20th century, by decade, we had war, a Great Depression and another war, Mother's Little Helper, another war, A Bay of Pigs, an assassination of a president, the pill, another war, free love, Watergate, Global Freezing, Global Warming, hostages, the fall of the Berlin Wall, another war (if Desert Storm counts), 9/11, THE PATRIOT ACT, free money, WMD, another war, too big to fail, mortgage crisis, another war, the Arab Spring, Benghazi, another war, Wikileaks, Trump, Russiagate, Biden, Transgender, Afghanistan fuck up (intentional?), another war, borderless chaos, and....wait for it....another war. There's no normal, just fucking crazy.
My fear is that the corruption has gotten so bad they literally can't afford to lose.......
Yes. It’s just the way it is towards the end of any criminal enterprise. The hubris melts into mass paranoia, followed by a barely contained panic as everyone begins to realize how fragile the operation they've built really is. As bold as they seem at the moment, they're all thinking about exit strategies.
As were Brutus and Cassius, towards the end.
Exit strategies- Victoria Newland announced her retirement today. Happy the witch is gone, but they’re usually replaced with someone worse. Remember who replaced Gov Cuomo? Another broom riding witch.
The woman likely most responsible for the massive destruction of Ukraine is going to ride into the sunset with a huge federal pension, become a commentator on MSNBC, and probably a professor somewhere... all while the Ukrainians she (mis)used are still dying in a pointless conflict that should never have happened.
Kissinger gets the rap for being an alleged war criminal, but you look at Nuland's career and I don't think "mass murderer" is an exaggeration, at all. Based on estimated numbers alone she might join a pretty rarified pantheon of those sitting on thrones of blood.
Yes, that's what I mean. But even that replacement strategy is dangerously rattling the house of cards. Eventually, dingbat patsies and potential whistleblowers will be the only ones left in the hiring pool.
Also Sinema not running- maybe a chance here for Kari Lake.
I think you spelled that last word incorrectly. Doesn't that word start with a different letter? 😉😊😋
She isn't retiring. she's gonna work on her evil cuck husband's winking blinking recent op-ed "Remove by any means necessary" on Trump. She doesn't look like sniper material, tho.
They will work tirelessly to fortify that fragile structure.
- Protests in Germany against the AfD are cynically interpreted as mandates to restrict civil liberties.
- Friendly, give-no-offense Canada becomes a model of repressive, coercive government.
- Media outlets like the BBC give no voice to those opposed to funding the war in Ukraine.
-In the U.S., our government engages in disingenuous anti-disinformation efforts with universities, think tanks, and NGOs.
There are no exit strategies. They are all in.
A few might work "tirelessly". But most of them are lazy trust-fund babies and delusional buffoons. That’s what happens when you select for amoral qualities instead of competence and virtue.
Yes, they will call for all kinds of obscenities in the coming months. They may even call for "sharks with frickin' lasers strapped to their heads." The question is: will they have (competent) manpower to enforce their decrees?
They don't need competent manpower, they need zombies with guns. They have plenty in Canada and I'm sure they can train left wing-nuts to shoot.
A zombie army has many weaknesses, not least of which is spiritual lack. It's one thing to teach some cretin to shoot. It's another thing to teach them to be shot back at, and still hold their ground. For the spiritually dead, even the promise of spoils isn't enough. I'd take one of ours for twenty of theirs, any day of the week.
They don't need "left wing-nuts," they've got millions of illegal warriors shipped in by every evil country on Earth to kill us.
Nobody wants to die in a foreign land serving weak, sociopathic masters. They can also expect no quarter from the natives.
In Germany the gov't also allows "mysterious" arsonists to burn down your factory's high-voltage terminal-- either a preview of governance to come, or proof that 2020 Anno Floyd chiliasm can never "peak." Either way, the jig is up
This is likely.
Yes, and do you know what is even more insidious than the Pharma takeover of the media? That stupid Jardiance song that keeps playing in my head like a kind of demented Chinese Water Torture. What demon wrote that catchy, toe-tapping jingle? I hate him/her/zer. He/she/they have made my life hell.
As for the rest of your comment, I wholeheartedly agree.
It makes me want to have fun fun fun diabetes, so I can feel the joy of taking that wonderful pill!
Do you envy diabetics? Do you yearn for a disability? You may be suffering from Body Integrity Identity Disorder, or BIID. Get help.
Here you go:
They've created a new one for this year, pretty similar, same song.
I agree about the Ozempic one too. It's starting to feel as if drugs are the only thing advertised anymore.
Where's a smitten, heart-eyed emoji when you need one?
Great manifesto. I couldn't agree more.
I'd love to be able to tell people in other countries these things. I don't know people in other countries, I only know leftist a$$hat$ that live here in the US. Obviously, they don't care about what I have to say.
So beautifully stated, Diane! And words to live by!
Yes, to lose their Biggest Lie about the "big lie" is a loss so threatening that they must continue to lie or the biggest lie of all will be revealed; that you are so alone you can't speak truth.
And they want that perception to be the prevalent mindset. "You don't want us to get 'really' crazy, do you?"
Big blue cities across the country were boarded up on Election Night 2020 -- and it wasn't in case Biden won.
I fully expect Joe Biden to win 99% of the popular vote, a margin no one will believe but no one will challenge for fear of being shipped to the Gulag and die as a starving slave laborer.
We are the dirt people. Those who rule over us are the cloud people. They despise us as if we are cockroaches. They lie to our face. They know they are lying. They know we know they are lying. They revel in our humiliation.
Their moral code is very simple. They are strong and they do what they will. We are weak and we do what we must.
If anyone believes that they see us in any other light, I’d love to hear why you think so.
To the cloud people, we are not allowed to have any pride in our history. All of our ancestors were immoral human beings. And we need to be ashamed of them.
We are the only ones who can be convicted of hate crimes. It doesn’t matter how hateful any group is toward us. To the cloud people, we are merely getting our just desserts.
Dirty white people
They're starting to get afraid of getting caught is that liberty I smell coming down the hall? 😁
I agree, but it might be like a Mexican standoff.
Hysteria is the only way they have to energize the base, so they resort to it regularly. Problem is, like you say, it's exhausting. So they keep having to turn the dial up higher and higher over less and less until they're constantly screaming at the top of their lungs about nothing at all, and it just becomes white noise which people simply tune out.
So the political equivalent of "crazy guy smoking crack on the subway I hope doesn't stab me". Trust me, it's happening in Canada as well only in our trademark, sugar-free-decaf manner.
You don't need to tell me about Canada, I live it every day.
The hysteria seems to mostly come from the white liberals though, particularly the white liberal women.
I'm just not seeing many working/middle-class Black or Hispanic people panicking about threats to democracy like their white peers in the Democratic party are doing.
brilliant take
They will become more and more brazenly fascist in the name of “democracy”. They will lose, ultimately, but it will never be by quiet submission and voluntary withdrawal. If anyone is hoping for that, I’ve got some bridges for sale.
This is what everyone must come to terms with before it can be agreed on how to best proceed. We’re dealing with underhanded evil which yearns for authoritative rule by cultural revolution.
Yes, no peaceful solution with unhinged hysterics is possible. The question becomes what do we do with a party that openly jeopardizes the country? If they are not dealt with in a robust manner, then the nation is lost. So it's our patriotic responsibility to take necessary action. Same in Canada. People laugh at Canada, but politeness does not equal weakness. Authoritarians who break the law must be held accountable. Canada may have to split into 3 countries, & the US into 4 or 5. Fall together, or survive separate.
I fear that America is in a very abnormal stage. There is a slight chance that things can be fixed but it is not looking good.
It is extremely unsettling. Every single day. Probably by design demoralizing people is part of the plan as well
That is why it is important to focus on things you can control and to laugh.
Good advice👍
Yes it never ends with Democrats trying to subvert the Constitution. Right away Congressman Raskin: “And so I am working with a number of my colleagues, including Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Eric Swalwell, to revive legislation that we had to set up a process by which we could determine that someone who committed insurrection is disqualified by Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment.”
The Constitution was written in a time that it was inconceivable that those elected would remain 20 to 50 years in Congress. It was inconceivable that there would be almost unlimited spending, profligate spending. The Founders believed the federal government would be a light hand on the tiller of state.It was inconceivable that Congress would create a massive government that accountability would cease to exist and the permanent government in collusion with Democrats/Uniparty would use the powers of government to pick and choose to eliminate a candidate for the presidency. The Founding Fathers knew that tyranny was always near and the Constitution was a way to prevent it. Now it is all falling apart. A nation of corrupt men and women have emerged to challenge the Constitution by proposing legislation to turn it on its head, even creating a dictatorship of one party.
We're ruled by mediocre bureaucrats because the mediocre bureaucrats have made D.C. a hostile work environment for productive adults with IQs above room temperature.
Once upon a time, congress was full of guys who didn't want to be there, but felt they had to be there.
Now it's full of fucking mediocre losers who love all the power they can wield and all the money they can make for being in D.C.
Raskin is an idiot – Congress can legislate the impact of insurrection on getting elected, but they’re prohibited from passing a “bill of attainder” – a political vote as to a specific person’s guilt. One’s status as an “insurrectionist” MUST be judicially determined. BTW, Raskin couldn’t have marked their effort as more of a joke than he did by citing Fartswell and Wasserman-Schultz.
The constitutional “barrel” went over the falls in 1913 with the adoption of the 17A – direct election of Senators. That took the “check” of State legislatures’ divergent interests away from the Federal legislative (and spending) process. In the interest of “the People” having direct control over everything, we now have special interests only needing to pay off half of 535 people in D.C. rather than half of 50 state legislatures.
It’s GREAT when government is so much more efficient, no?
This may sound a bit out there, absurd, untenable. But here goes. Imagine the Dems/globalistas are determined to bring about a permanent coup in the USA, realizing their dream of turning the founders' vision into an obscenity beyond belief, one which the founders would likely see as a near-Satanic corruption of their vision.
What would they wish to see happen under such circumstances? I think they would consider utterly valid 'any' means used to terminate in its tracks such a 'coup de l'ame' as these traitors to the Republic clearly intend. They would correctly see that the traitors' actions would cause great harm to the world, & would be an horrific betrayal of the founders' vision for America.
It may become necessary for patriots to take necessary measures to rescue the nation, & the world, from the dark plans the usurping globalists intend to act on.
Would Thomas Jefferson be arrested today for saying, “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants”? If so, the hiring process in government has been politicized and corrupted for generations because this mindset does not occur in one dubious regime. With all due respect you sound like a plant by government operatives.
I believe there is a big difference between the DNC and the average Democrat. But, the political tricks and vilifying the Republican opposition will continue. However, I also see a growing percentage of the population that is uneducated about the issues, and gleefully embraces "Orange Man Bad" theories. It is one thing to have the DNC playing dirty tricks, but much more concerning when your friends, neighbors, and colleagues believe that anyone that supports conservative policies is a Nazi.
Individual self-governance is a precondition for participating in collective self-governance. Aristotle wrote that 2300 years ago. Education is a key part of individual self-governance. Which is perhaps why 20th century liberals did everything possible to undermine actual education ("the formation of character").
John Adams was channeling Aristotle when he said, "our constitution is for a moral and religious people and wholly inadequate for the governance of any other." Today is what happens when we try. I suspect there's no pulling out of this dive; we'll eventually end up with an authoritarian in charge. I'm just hoping he's a Franco instead of a Mussolini or a Stalin or a Mao.
In truth, there are lots of illiberal and/or undemocratic systems that work pretty well.
I'd like to think that last part isn't inevitable, but TBD.
I would very much like to be wrong on that point.
I just cut & pasted your comments to my daughter with school aged children, after we had just been in discussion about school & teachers, etc. I thought it was well worth sharing. Thank you!
The real Nazis are in Ukraine spending American taxpayers Billion$, given to them by...
Yeah, I play in a band with an old guy (mid 70s) who still, to this day, thinks Ivermectin is horse paste. Not whether or not it works against Covid, mind you, but whether or not it is exclusively a veterinary medicine.
I try to red pill him when I can, but if you're so programmed you can't look into something that demonstrably false, getting into stuff like the 2020 election is a fool's errand from my perspective.
Ivermectin has been prescribed to billions of people around the world, and the inventor won a Noble Peace Prize because of its effectiveness against Malaria and as an antiviral. Thinking it is only a veterinary medicine is extreme ignorance to a degree that you actually need to work at. It is like reverse intelligence where you are so unwilling to accept facts that you cling to ideology, and believe you are the smarter one. You can't fix stupid.
Calling the US Supreme Court /antidemocratic/ of all things!
A key tenet of democracy is division of powers in some way or manner, and that not even a governement with 100% of the votes have unlimited power.
Or at least, that was one of the things setting democracies apart from "democracies" when I went to school.
When you went to school, most teachers were able to, (and allowed), to teach. And literacy, numeracy, civics, and history, and economics had not yet been replaced by indoctrination!
And many of them had been born or grown up during WW2, so were able to in some way compare democracy with the various "people's democratic republics".
I keep coming back to that it seems more and more so we - the general West - absolutely needs an Other (to use postmodern terminology correctly) to stay true to our own cultural heritage and traditions/ideas of governance.
With no such Other, just global corporatism, well here we are.
Is that not exactly what totalitarians have ALWAYS done. They offer "the other". They replace ALL cultural institutions with the omnipresent, omnipotent, nanny state - the source of all things!
Nja, as we say here, meaning "Yes but no". Totalitarians /invent/ an other of their own making, that they control and define and continuously redefine as needed.
A real other, at the risk of looking for true scotsmen, exists autonomously. It doesn't need to be an enemy or a threat or hated or anything negative, it just has to be something Other than yourself.
Like this: women are Other to men, biologically as well as psychologically as socially, evidenced in dress-wear, mannerisms and so on. Exactly how this manifests varies according to culture.
Moslems are Other to non-moslems. But arab moslems can be Other to persian ones, since they are different cultures. Americans are Other to englishmen, but not when wither are compared to turks; then the turks are Other to americans and englishmen both.
Also, a totalitarian (and not only them) will place blame for something or other, on the Other. Crops fails? Blame the witches. Russian Empire at the verge of collapse? Blame the "Elders of Zion". And so on.
Maybe that was what you meant? I just wanted to clarify the term Other. Originally, it carried no negative association or connotation, it simply meant Other as in Not-Self, on a civilisational-cultural level in the same way a child learns it is a discreet individual, Other from its parents.
But Hitler, for example, made the Other about “non-Germans.” The Jews were convenient focal points, but the Nazis were also focused on re-aggregating German-speaking areas lost in WWI: Alsace-Lorraine, Rhineland, the Ruhr Valley, Sudetenland. The Anschluss occurred because Germans had craved it since Austria was excluded from the unification of Germany in 1871.
During my crotchety lifetime I have seen Watergate devolve into Iran-Contra, to the Clinton impeachment, to the "stolen" elections of 2000 and 2004, to 9/11, to the politics of envy of the Obama years, to the freak out of 2016, to Russiagate and the media's doubling down on their lies, to the Covid insanity of 2020ff., to where we currently find ourselves. And those are just the "highlights." Not a steady downhill slide but a definite downward slope, not lessening by any means. So, my codger take is that, based on past performance, things are unlikely to get better without something catastrophic happening. However, I continue to look for something positive - I am not quite ready to totally give up.
Are you familiar with Dr. Pangloss? 😂
You’d think the fact that the SC decision was unanimous would cool down the rhetoric at least a little bit, but the response just illustrates that this is, in fact, an existential psychodrama for our current ruling class.
The neoliberal order and the politics built around it are in the terminal phase. The politicians, pundits, and everyone else who has benefited from it for the past few decades recognize that, and things like Trump, the collapse of newspapers, and the widespread voter apathy you refer to are giving them near-daily reminders that their time is ending.
We’ll have a fundamentally different (and I believe better) politics and media by the end of this decade, but we’ll have to endure the screaming, flailing death throes of the current system before we get there.
It is absolutely a terminal phase. But how long is the terminal phase, is the thing.
Civilizational collapses take centuries, and it’s certainly possible that’s what we’re facing. But there are smaller, generational cycles that take about a decade to die and be replaced.
I think 2016 was the starting gun for the end of Boomer politics and the systems built around it. Trump has a feral instinct for what the new politics wants to be, and if someone younger and more disciplined picks up the ball and runs with it, we could be having a fundamentally different conversation by 2028.
Yep. It was a 9-0 ruling and Democrats (mostly of the white pseudo-intellectual thought-leader variety), still scream about it simply because it didn't go their way.
So that's one more point of evidence that you can't make these people happy, so stop appeasing them.
“The neoliberal order and the politics built around it are in the terminal phase.”
What leads you to this conclusion? The only thing that caused the Nazis to enter their “terminal phase” was the delivery of massive quantities of ordnance by the Allied armies. Hell, there were smoking bodies half in/out of the crematoria when our soldiers entered the camps.
The ranks of Western school teachers are equivalent to the staff of the Hitler Youth – assuring an ongoing supply of young twisted minds. They do their best to subvert Churchill’s quote: “If you're not a liberal at twenty you have no heart, if you're not a conservative at forty, you have no brain.”
The only thing that ended the Reign of Terror was Robespierre’s opponents using it against him. Many of those opponents wanted MORE executions, and were politically outfoxed by the moderates.
After the American Revolution, almost all American Tories emigrated – to Canada or to England.
I don’t see American neoliberals emigrating to the Left Bank of the Seine.
I get what you’re saying but I see signs that the current arrangement is faltering. College enrollment is declining, legacy media is shuttering, there’s no appetite in the American public for foreign intervention or new trade deals, and growing discontent with the 2 major parties. Despite all their scaremongering and dirty tricks, Trump is breezing through the primaries and leaders/parties despised by the establishment keep gaining traction around the Western world. Disney is getting sued for its woke quotas and Doritos is getting the Bud Light treatment this week.
Neoliberal institutions will stick around for a while, and its minions will have more influence than they deserve, but they’ll become increasingly less legitimate in the eyes of the populace, and I can foresee a day when they become functionally irrelevant in political and cultural matters.
I've lost count how many times I've heard, "This is the most important election in our lifetime!" It’s more like pro wrestling....or a shit fight. Marketing is everything.
I think I could ignore it a bit when we would have two somewhat standard mediocrities running against each other.
Joe Biden, due to his mental incapacity and the JV team he has running the show for him, is actually a threat to us all since the people calling the shots seem to be leading us closer and closer to a conflict where the big missiles might fly. They're not doing it on purpose. They're just fucking arrogant and stupid and in charge.
“They're not doing it on purpose.”
I disagree. The armorer in the Baldwin “Rust” killing was just convicted of involuntary manslaughter for her incompetence. That was due to ≈18 hrs of faulty decisions that led to live ammo being present, then loaded, then fired on set.
The morons in the Biden admin have over 100 yrs of modern history in international power politics for guidance as to the role of clearly expressed “national will” in influencing the behavior of adversary foreign states. They have the 8 yrs of the Obama admin that were a case study in failure in this regard, and they have 3 yrs (so far) of unprecedented failure in their own admin. For this to continue is evidence of intent. This is equivalent to someone continuing to drive on a flat tire for dozens of miles, which catches the car on fire, which goes out of control and kills a pedestrian or maybe a school bus. The intent can be inferred from the unrelenting conduct.
The Constitution mentions “…Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.” Surely the intentional exposure of the Nation to war (nuclear or otherwise) through incompetence for no benefit whatsoever is worse than “bribery?”
These people have been raised in their personal lives and professional careers under the premise that they're smarter than the rabble and therefore are rarely, if ever wrong.
Their arrogance in their own superiority demands that they never recognize when they've been catastrophically wrong.
100% agreed. But I was addressing the inferred “mens rea” of criminal negligence: “Those who hold themselves out as having particular skills must match the level of performance expected of people with comparable skills.” The Liberals purport to have expertise in governance and yet they repeatedly fail to deliver any results except ever higher spending on ineffective programs.
Ah, I get your point.
If they hold themselves to be the pinnacle of competence, yet primarily deliver incompetent results, then we must conclude that the results they're getting are their real goal, and the results we would deem as competent are simply the goal they're lying about to us.
100% 👍
I think that if someone seriously said that to me, with a straight face, I would vomit in my mouth a little bit.
The odds are that history, (when we are allowed to acknowledge history again), will categorize this unsustainable "new normal" simply as one of the manifestations of the death throes of 'The West'. Just an interlude of utter chaos as we move to the next stage. Feudalism perhaps?
It's highly improbable that we will be able find a road back to the era when we were free to support the candidates who most closely represented our views. Or, for that matter, when the candidates who actually had "views" were elected, or allowed to govern.
It's crazy when you think of the historical missteps that have gotten us to this place.
Western nations have explored space, invented the internet, raised billions out of poverty, invented novel farming techniques to increase production to feed the entire world.....and we're just throwing it all away.
Yes, Dancing, we are, very deliberately, very intentionally, "throwing it all away".
And NO, that does not make sense.
"Crazy" IS probably the appropriate term.
Olbermann *belongs* in a mental ward so in that sense it makes...."sense".
He's sort of making his own, broadcasting from his living room alone. I wonder how much he gets out.
he's getting himself "off". there's no need for him to ever leave the house.
was olbermann hanging with jerry sandusky back in the day? what horrible thing did he do to be tasked with reading this extremist bs from the teleprompter? he sounds as crazy as gene simmons
My own fear is that we won't have a real election, and that instead we will have Cuba or Russia style theater funded by Soros dollars, with polls manned by Zuckerberg minions, and final numbers designed to create a veneer of credibility. Even with the Supreme Court ruling overturning the Colorado ballot issue, did Colorado actually print the ballots correctly and distribute them to polling locations? Leftist governed states see how the Biden administration has defied Supreme Court decisions with no consequence, so why would those states not follow the Biden lead?
They also watched New York get slapped down with their unconstitutional gun laws, only to see New York state immediately pass a new batch of unconstitutional gun laws that will take 5-10 years to make it through the court system.
Another perfect example, unfortunately.
I spent the first decades of my life reading the Washington Post and the New York Times. Now I read CHRIS BRAY. So to answer your question, no. NORMAL IS FINISHED.
I used to freelance for the Washington Post, so we've all wandered over here together.
Best comment ever on Voting
Quote We don’t have debate anymore; we have insane existential psychodrama, like a deadly brawl on a mental ward.
Maybe we're not taking it far enough. Instead of a presidential election, we should have the two final candidates do pistols at dawn.
Should sift out some of these mediocre pathetic cowards we keep getting in high office.
Looking back to the 20th century, by decade, we had war, a Great Depression and another war, Mother's Little Helper, another war, A Bay of Pigs, an assassination of a president, the pill, another war, free love, Watergate, Global Freezing, Global Warming, hostages, the fall of the Berlin Wall, another war (if Desert Storm counts), 9/11, THE PATRIOT ACT, free money, WMD, another war, too big to fail, mortgage crisis, another war, the Arab Spring, Benghazi, another war, Wikileaks, Trump, Russiagate, Biden, Transgender, Afghanistan fuck up (intentional?), another war, borderless chaos, and....wait for it....another war. There's no normal, just fucking crazy.