The lie that penalties are disproportionately applied to black people has been disproven so many times that those repeating it aren't just uninformed, but intrinsically dishonest.

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We saw Sound of Freedom today. Child traffickers should get the death penalty.

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You know that anything related to Van Jones is the most racist, illogical organization and I feel like this proves it. He’s just the worst.

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Public Safety committee video is up:


Will watch in the morning.

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Sickening. Thank you for your continued research, Chris. WTF has happened to California? My family has been here since the 1920’s, I can’t believe the sick f*cks we have running this state.

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Thanks for doing the legwork (fingerwork?) and bringing this to light Chris!

Yet again a lefty NGO, with the slightest effort, stymies very popular efforts to make society safer. Stuff like this and the network of NGOs found to be instrumental in censorship by the Twitter Files demonstrates the efficacy of the Deep State investment. "Our" gov't is working against us with our own money.

This shit won't stop until we have real elections.

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Van Jones is another sell out admitted Communist and wealthy race hustler.

All these “revolutionaries” with multimillion dollar TV contracts and big corporate donors who lavish big protection money to keep from getting hassled. Jeff Bezos gave him $100,000,000 in 2021 because he’s “brave and a unifier”. Right. He’s a “Communist ” who takes $ 100,000,000 from the world’s second richest man, who’s a big time Capitalist. I mean you could not make this up. He makes $1,000,000 a year as a TV commentator in CNNLOL. Meanwhile the real victims of kidnapping and abuse get ignored. We’re living in a sick country.

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So let's see - a bill is brought to the Assembly Committee On Public Safety that attempts to “Add human trafficking of a minor for purposes of a commercial sex act to the list of “serious felonies subject to enhanced penalties, including under California’s Three-Strikes Law”.

There have been, according to Cheryl Anderson's 10 page summary, NINE (9) previous attempts, in the past 15 years, to bring forth similar legislation. NONE have made it out of committee.

This proposed legislation was supported by no fewer than 88 registered organizations, (mainly law enforcement), and 13 private individuals. It was opposed by seven (7) NGOs. And the NGOs, as is so frequently the case, prevailed.

Questions are:

1. WTAF is wrong with these legislators?

2. What is wrong with the people of California? Vote the cretins out!

3. How long are we going to continue to allow the bureaucratic state to refuse to enforce existing laws?

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That non-whites are always more proliferate in any violent crime or any crime having to do with sex surely has nothing to do with incarceration-rates?

Trafficking, aka slave trading, should carry the penalty of mandatory execution. If possible and evidence permitting to be carried out immediately on-site in public after hearing by a police tribunal and with a defender present.

I bet you dimes to dollars (hope that's the correct expression) that if slave-traders were strung up along the illegal border crossings and left to dry in the sunlight, and pedophiles were given the Mozambique drill when caught, rapes against children and slave trading of same would drop towars zero.

Evidence permitting, of course.

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According to a political scientist I worked with at NSF, the real support for social welfare programs is from the people who have jobs (make money) in that industry. People with low incomes and "disadvantages" just don't vote very often. But social welfare bureaucrats do vote. So SB 14 was opposed because there were far more people making money off trafficking than people who could make money reducing it.

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I wondered if it wasn't something like that.

What I find ironic about this is that I suspect child sex trafficking affects "communities of color" more than it does white communities.

As for this: "As for keeping people in prison longer, the Ella Baker Center noted that incarceration costs money, and so prevents 'adequate investment in schools, jobs, mental health and other services that can prevent acts of violence.'” Okay, well, then what do you suggest? I'm not necessarily for capital punishment, but if you want to save money on incarceration while still protecting innocent people (most especially children) from repeat offenders, there's really only one option.

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“We prioritize dismantling the criminal punishment system”. So basically admitting that those being punished are indeed criminals not innocents wrongly charged. I guess criminals shouldn’t be punished?

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I think that sex trafficking is worse than racism, frankly.

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Antiwhites gonna Anti-White?

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"Three Strikes" criminals don't need healing. They need killing.

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we just saw the Sound of Freedom tonight so you are right on target

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