I see this first hand in the formerly Covid-psychotic progressive-majority public library I work in. These people want nothing more than to flush the vaccine they cheered for and talked about incessantly for months down the memory hole. I rather like to bring it up at every opportunity but they are growing ever fewer lol

Great post on a very astute and encouraging observation.

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Hello, fellow library worker! Thank you for remaining in your post during such a volatile time in history. Seeing the same thing in my system. Non vaxxed me has been subbing for all the vaxxed & boosteds coming down w/C19. I’ve noticed they lose the masks after a few days, for good this time...no mention of how strange it is I’m healthy thru the “outbreak” having not received even a single dose. The next frontier is killing wokeness...or at least bringing back balance and reason to libraries. The new crop of activist librarians is quite depressing!!

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And you! I'll be honest, the mask mandate, though thankfully brief in my state, about did me in. If not for Gov. Reynolds making it illegal to mandate for public institutions, the godforsaken DEI committee running shit here would absolutely still have it in place. 🙄 And while the masks and email photos of my coworkers' boo boo arms are mostly behind us, it's pretty clear they've found a new beast to slay: competence and decency. The recent crop of diversity hires and (heavily protested but put on anyhow) drag queen shows don't inspire confidence in my ability to hold my post for long.

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I hear you, on the competency and decency front. When it’s “normal” for new people to introduce themselves by announceing what they prefer to fuck, it’s hard not to feel like one is slowly being locked in with crazies.

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Sep 23, 2022
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Too true. I had some idea but admit to being woefully unprepared to virtually discover at once all the evidence of those decades piled on my front lawn like a cheating lover's dirty laundry.

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Dittos. What’s funny/creepy is seeing some of them make a permament adjustment to wearing the freaking masks all the time - even without serious underlying health issues…while praising themselves as ‘highly intelligent.’

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Dude we still have double maskers. One of which booked a vacation in Portugal for the express reason that it's the most vaccinated country. 🥴

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Yeah, now I'm hearing "COVID is over, isn't it?" Never mind that universities still mandate the vax for students.

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Daughter graduated in '21. After an abysmal senior year even in a state with some of the fewest restrictions, she happily embarked on an apprenticeship. I can't properly describe the relief we felt at not having to risk her life and fertility to attend some shit pile Woke U.

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Sep 23, 2022
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with another pureblood, Inshalla

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Sep 23, 2022
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Maybe no enforcement? Some academic conferences have stopped checking, even though vax is supposedly required.

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As Eugyppius pointed out, the True Believers never change their minds, but they _do_ become increasingly isolated and less influential over time as people gradually distance themselves from them. Compare the amount of prominence and influence the ZeroCovid forevermaskers had eighteen months ago to what they have today.

Also, the "Crisis Crisis" reminds me of an observation Thomas Sowell made in one of his books: the word "crisis" is simply a synonym for "situation" at this point.

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What I'm beginning to suspect is that many of the true believers aren't, but more about that tomorrow.

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True. “Coming Out” is still risky. nobody I know “in real life” knows how i feel about the shots, unless they eventually piece it together that I never talk about the shots, never complain about the side effects, stopped going to Canada and never get sick with the Ro.

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Social Media is the crack pipe, Crit Theory (and its various malevolent offshoots including Net Zero) is the crack rock. And somehow our entire global ruling class from politicians to musicians and everyone in between have been turned into crackheads: dangerously unstable, emotionally erratic, controlled by phantoms and delusions, and happy to destroy the family and burn the house down for their next hit.

What do you do when a raging crackhead is at the wheel pedal to the metal and you're in the passenger seat!!? Buckle up!

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I think lots of them have also been smoking Parmesan found in the rug.

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^^THIS is the best summation I've seen!!^^

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We've all heard about "quiet quitting". What you are describing is akin to people quietly quitting COVID vaccines, the COVID crisis, wokeness etc.

quiet quitting -> https://hub.jhu.edu/2022/09/12/what-is-quiet-quitting/

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“Something is definitely wrong with our kids today. You know that right?” I say a lot more often now. And the people who used to just shrug me off are now saying, “I think you might be right.” Among the gifts of covid was now being able to point out the obvious that can’t be ignored anymore. For some, we can bluntly call it the pharma cartel, and for some we just have to hint at it. But they know. They definitely know.

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Wait. What? You still have prople to talk to? And they let you talk?

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I am also very surprised =O

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To be fair, these were “go along to get along” people already. So they are ready to be persuaded.

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There you go, using that "people" word again as if that still exists. I haven't known any "people" since April or May 2020. Where do you find them?

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The truth is out there. :-D

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Age six months through five years is too young to have their arms twisted for sports or college. If they were told they needed it for daycare, parents would have complied. I have seen my own extended family knuckle under to shots, then boosters for college; shots to participate in indoor sports tournaments in Manhattan; and boosters to see the big tourist attractions in a certain foreign country. They know it's not good, but they tell themselves it's not as bad as Kirsch knows it is, because they don't have the guts to miss out on the things their overlords are holding hostage. Nobody wants to rock the boat, and right now, you can protect your toddler without rocking the boat.

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Depressing, but probably correct.

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And I guess I would say that you're right in that they don't believe the crisis BS, but they're still controlled. Look at the courage of a guy like Kirsch, publicly calling BS and losing (I'm going to bet) all his friends, plus sinking money into VSRF. I know only a few people like that personally.

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I view the Trans issue as Mass Formation Psychosis. The only way to end the mutilation of children is for people to become loud about it. Step in front of the train. Yes, some people will get knocked out. But everytime there are are two to replace that one, the harder it becomes to keep up the illusion that this is all Normal. We need to be graphic in describing what Transition REALLY means. The finality of it. No ability to procreate, no ability to have any sexual function, ever. The damage to bones and hearts. The endless surgeries, to keep open a wound the body will naturally try to close.

Children's brains are incapable of seeing the future they will be denying themselves,. Parents who mistakenly are reassured and trust what the white coat is saying, end up going along, and the parents who object end up being cut out of their children's lives by courts. So many victims.

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>> their harm could be prevented by literal nothing. <<

Their harm could also be prevented by machetes, guillotines or small arms fire. Best thing about those options is that it they dramatically reduce recidivism, and also they act "pour encourager les autres" - as Voltaire famously said of the execution of Admiral John Byng in 1757.

Every now and then it's a good idea to execute an elite parasite to focus the minds of rest of their class.

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Sep 23, 2022
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By the band named String Theory.

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Great stuff. Governments exaggerate risk to create the perception of a crisis, then "throw sand in the gears" of functioning systems to manufacture a real crisis. And then people are foolish enough to look to the same government who created the mess for a solution. They don't have it. Only more sand.

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Not being able to any longer bear the smug righteousness of my mother and sister who have very much imbibed The Science, I confronted them with the fact that the vaccines have unequivocally failed. It's as simple a deduction as looking at the giant infection curves after mass vaccination. For some people though, you can put all the data you want right under their nose and they refuse to open their eyes and see. A month later my vaxxed and boosted sister was sick for over a week with Covid.

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Yes, but your sister would've been much worse if unvaccinated. /s

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Great post Chris. Very thought provoking and honestly, a small spark to reignite my dying optimistic self.

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We’ve adopted a zero tolerance policy for woke bullshit, and whether it makes a difference or not, we at least feel like our dignity and integrity are intact. Just last night we pulled the plug on the latest season of “Billions” the instant we saw the giant closeup portrait of…..wait for it…. Stacey Abrams (?!) on the wall of the former Axe Capital lobby. No. Just, no.

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Lol. Perfect. I love it when product placement is some crooked Leftist inserted to make her more “relatable”.

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I'm thinking she won out over George Floyd, only because the producers didn't want to pay the licensing fee.

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Yeah what happened to that show? The first couple of seasons were brilliant, and then it went downhill fast. It’s like they knew they had a audience and figured now was a good time to inject a megadose of DIE.

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Great article Chris!

Timely too.

I'm teaching my 11 year old boy to play Risk right now!

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That game is the only reason 11-year-olds know Kamchatka. At least, it was for me.

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OMG. Exactly. So funny you're saying that.

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Yuh, there is one overall "scheme" of fraud. It has its components, arguments from raw authority, arguments from alleged social necessity, propaganda / media repetitions, calling those who speak or write any part of the truth "disinformation spreaders" or "conspiracy theorists" or ( ... once it was "commies..."), the creation of schemata such as "woke" -- spray painted messages about "deconstruction" and raw attacks on "privilege" described as oppressive merely for also having some connection to knowledge or ability.

And, yes, as e.e. cummings explained "there is some shit [i] will not eat" is, at some horribly averse stink, a precept followed.

On the other hand, maybe Steve Kirsch has a point, if slightly differently stated. Excellent that two year olds aren't getting jabbed. What would it take to have a similarly decent regard that would avoid some of the many other injuries derived from and sponsored by the modern style of fraud (crisis crisis crisis making generally included.) How about not playing 9/11 and the hopelessly counterproductive wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen...? How about not so much "green washing" / fed and state gov't pushing and subsidizing, and not so much mining lithium and cobalt and so forth to make batteries and panels with a short useful life and a long toxic aftermath?

I'm glad that the young are not being jabbed. Genuinely. I suspect, however, it is just from another kind of frankly only semi-understood fear. I confess to having dreams that it would instead be from awareness and understanding.

In an odd way, even though the parents don't put up their children to harm, that's great, it is also "easier" (more instinctive, requires less "awareness" than recognizing, understanding, finding our collective way through the other several crisis crisis crisis crises). It is not wrong to hope that we can take a next step in which we don't nod our heads to the lying (because it is the only thing we can do), and in which we say, not only will we not eat the shit, but in our collective house, it is not being served.

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Very astute. If parents really understood the risks, they would opt out not just their toddlers, but also their seven-year-olds and themselves. Not everyone was going to lose a job over these shots, but more than three-quarters of the country took them.

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I love reading this. I spent the first six months of the pandemic thinking either I'm crazy or everybody else is. Substack, Joe Rogan, and Tucker Carlson have become needed doses of sanity. I do see some of what you are talking about but only in the data, which feels distant and unsubstantial. Mattias Desmet says it's less than ten percent of the population that drives the insanity and they rest of us have to calmly continue to object. I am grateful for the people that been doing exactly that, please keep going.

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Excellent article and great point!

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