So I've been trying to start a gang of conservative mommies to combat the AWFL's and I've been unsuccessful but I'm going to succeed lol. I'm so sick of these mean passive aggressive Facebook obsessed, Instagram loving, can't have an intelligent conversation about anything trogs. They're way meaner than my sarcastic @$$
They aren’t honestly mean. They are vapid and petty in their meanness. I guarantee as a conservative, your innate ability to get honestly mean is much greater than these bitches. You know what you have to lose. Most of them have zero clue. They come from privileged lives are self centered and narcissistic.
You must have the patience of a saint then. They are a bunch of women in a community where the husbands are probably making decent coin. What they are actually doing is displaying a form of mating ritual where they are fighting to display to the men who is alpha among them, while seeking the attention of the alpha male. They don’t have a clue this is what they are doing and don’t understand it so they do what they know and that is to be mean and nasty. Which is pretty funny because that form of behavior is so unappealing to any man. It’s also sad because women who act like this are the ones who have never had to deal with being seriously confronted about this behavior by another woman. I mean having to defend herself in a physical fight. Which usually ends them acting this way for now they know that they may be held accountable for their behavior. This usually happens in teenage years with people who aren’t from those of better means.
As far as the Commie shit is concerned, I somewhat think it’s adopted because of the whole ideology of must get along with everyone fighting never solves problems (trust me violence when applied with extreme prejudice solves everything) and all of the other communist pap they have driven into peoples heads through the electric chosenite and I broadcast programming. These types probably started out just drinking all the Koo laid thinking this was the way to a better society and they’re at a point where they feel lied to because, well society isn’t the utopia they were promised. All the stuff they were fed is conflicting within them because they have some all they were told and yet nothing is different, they feel lied to and are angry because of it. So they lash out at others. Unfortunately they are also too weak minded to alter their mind map and change the neurolinguistic programming they have followed since they were children. Now they are in groups of like minded idiots for lack of better terms and instead of realizing they are becoming monsters, they all reinforce their ideologies making their behavior worse. There isn’t a way to actually red pill them and break them out of it at this point sadly. Write them off and don’t interact with them as much as possible and if shit hits the fan have your plan of which ones are the most dangerous and neutralize those first.
Not sure if you’ve noticed but there are conservative equivalents to the Commie Mommies. I like to call them the Holier Then Thou types. Those are the ones who claim to be outstanding Christian’s but look down their noses at everyone who comes from lesser means and doesn’t prescribe to the brand of sky god worship their church professes. All other brands of Christianity is false and wouldn’t dare to put out one of those paupers if they were on fire. Unless the optics would shine in their favor.
I really do not know, nor care to know which is actually worse. Both are ugly stains on society and sadly the majority of both types come from the educated ethnically European pool of DNA. It’s embarrassing actually. The world would be a better place if we could round up all of both types and have pay per view cage match to the death cat fights.
I love it. It's just so hard to kill commie mommies with kindness sometimes man lol. In my suburb I went to school with them and it's just that they have only gotten meaner man. Lol
You shouldn’t be kind to them. You don’t have to be mean, and it doesn’t have to be confrontational. Just be tactful and firm in your remarks to them. They see kindness as weakness and will prey on it.
Commie mommies. Love it! One of my passions was (was!) as a volunteer high school rowing coach. Had terrific experiences in the 1990s, and retired the bullhorn in 2000 when I married. Was coaxed back into coaching for a short stint in the mid-2010s, and it was the worst 18 months of my life. Commie mommies and Karens married to emasculated men. What the hell happened to women--and their husbands--over that 15-year period is still a mystery to me.
Chris, pissing on the side of the road, at the tree line or just inside it is dancing with danger nowadays. A cop drives by and it’s a free trip to jail nowadays and an attaboy for the cop. Public exposure is the least damning of what a cop can nab you for. You may also have to register as a sex offender depending on which judge you draw when your case goes to court. Seen it happen here in Texas.
Every single one. I learned growing up with guys, that you’re not going to last too long if you need a bathroom! Deal! Lol! It’s called “drip and dry” for a reason. 🤣
Not in Chicago. I was stuck in a traffic jam on the freeway and had to pee bad. Finally, I said to my wife hand me a bottle and have another one ready. I filled the damn thing up.
Got you all beat -- my particular gentleman friend can pee in a bottle while he’s flying an airplane.
OK, to be honest...he usually says “Your airplane” and lets me fly it while he’s doing the Gatorade bottle yoga dance. He’s a high-T alpha male who is also comfortable with letting his woman fly the plane while he takes the piss.
Wide mouth Gatorade 32oz. bottles are a great road trip companion. Not using a can. Won’t do it.
I used to love the wide mouth 2 liter bottles of Mountain Dew back in the 90’s and I always wondered why they are very hard to find these days...
*HINT: Anyone feel free to tell me that they aren’t hard to find as well as where to find them. Preferably Diet Mountain Dew. If indeed they are still available for sale in the Southeastern US. Virginia Beach.
Laughing. Quite frankly, I do think the water and our processed foods have a lot to do with it. Testosterone levels have dropped for younger- to middle-aged men.
Yes! I’m female and not a big meat eater myself. But I truly remember years ago some kind of study was done in a prison and the inmates on vegetarian diets were calmer and less violent. I don’t know how to look that up but I really remember reading about it. Maybe a vegetarian diet is a good thing in prisons?
I guarantee that you'll find Gov't subsidized soy (estrogen laden fake protein) and (endocrine disrupting) corn oil in EVERY commie-mommy's and man-bun-bitch's pantry.
"When I think of the absurdity of the admonition a friend received in a Brooklyn playground recently, my heart hurts for the child in question. My friend's toddler took a shine to a little girl playing nearby, and my friend asked the mother, "How old is she?" The mother chastised her, "They. We don't know their gender yet."
Quite describing every girl i tried to date when i lived in the city from 2008 thru 2021. I was once called a misogynist because i preferred bernie sanders over elizabeth warren on a date when asked about it. Lectured by women on my preference to not date a single mom was prejudice. The list goes on and on. PTSD man.
FYI it didn't really start to get bad until around 2016........ brains have been broken ever since.
I was groomed to be one of those women - Leftists/Communists/Progressives prey on pride and the longing to belong and be thought highly of. That went along way with me in my undergraduate years, but ultimately the desire to know and understand - and not just feel the way people I admired taught me to feel - led me to discover the nonsense at the heart of it all. These women like the feeling of feeling the “right way” about the world and enjoy the feeling of shared disgust with their tribe over those who feel the “wrong way”. It’s never been about knowledge of what is true.
Rob Henderson calls this Luxury Beliefs: views held by those rich enough to never have to suffer because of them. I am less polite, because I myself am a woman; I call them Frothing Fannies.
McGilchrist writes about this in The Master & his Emissary, how modern life is changing the brain, so that the left hemisphere is taking precedence; this side of the brain thinks it is right and is not smart enough to be able to consider that it might not be).
McGilchrist emphasizes attention. The left attends to an internal model or schema. The right attends to reality. It explains why otherwise intelligent people can seemingly focus on some idea or concept despite counter-evidence challenging it. Climate, the Covid measures and other major issues are examples. Logic doesn't make a dent.
To the rest of us it is increasingly looking like mental illness. A rejection of reality. Men can be women, so it is fine to castrate boys etc.
Enjoy it while you can. It will be illegal soon enough, lol.
I am working on a piece just now based on McGilchrist. Basically WW3 won't be a conventional war or even a cyber war. It is a conflict between the left-hemisphere brigade and reality. Inevitably reality will win because real life exists. But there will be casualties.
It's Head Girl syndrome. The Current Thing will be vehemently supported until the next Current Thing. Gaza will be forgotten by Christmas as election season and OMB kick off the TDS and moral outrage.
Sadly you may be right despite the fact that the Establishment Left are supporting Israel even with the current kinetic environment. It's fashionable to be a "rebel."
The AWFLs are bringing about the destruction of the only society in history that would tolerate them. HAMAS really doesn't have a lot of respect for shrieking Karens.
I think AWFLs should be conscripted as “Deputy Ambassadors of Outreach” and deployed by parachute across the Arab Muslim world, never to be heard from again…
Plenty of anecdotes of this very phenomenon. Literal white women going to Muslim countries like Turkey and Pakistan to demonstrate how racist the rest of us are. There is a guy online who documents the litany of carnage that ensues. Rapes, beheadings, even sex slavery. Those white women quickly learn civilization is rare and much of the world does not share our rosy view of multiculturalism or equality between the sexes.
Naturally such things are not widely discussed. Can't have the empowerment narratives sullied by casual rape and abuse a huge section of the world openly endorses.
I know people like this. Yes, they are commie-doodle-do but they are one and the same people who have eagerly and dutifully and outspokenly taken 5 + jabs and, lo, they are lining up for more-- so we'll see if they're even out and about or even alive to be blathering on about all this in another couple of years. I hear you about the private schools. They are not what they once were, too many of the parents appear normal, a recognizable slice of the old socioeconomic pie, but start talking to them and you quickly realize, they're certifiable. Same for the board members, OMG.
I sincerely hope you’re right about the vaccine thinning the heard. I know that’s incredibly harsh, but the “true believers” in fake science need to pay for what they did to Western civilization.
I don't wish death on anyone. But I see death coming, I call it out. Justice I leave to the Divine and, on this earthly level, to the courts. On the imaginal, there is also a starring role for our comedians and memesters.
I appreciate your loyalty to civilization – I share it. But the path of civilization has been to extinguish lives that are discordant with society’s needs. Rome destroyed Carthage and then the Visigoths destroyed Rome, and 1,000 yrs of darkness ensued in which ignorance and error were celebrated.
We have the ability to short circuit the new Dark Ages by removing its proponents or at least casting them out. In Atlas Shrugged, the thinkers retreat to Mulligan Valley. It seems fairer to expel the intellectual reprobates to the valley, leaving nondestructive citizens in place to continue the Enlightenment.
I often ponder this too. Obvious targets are the immigrant groups unable to adapt. Don't let any more in and repatriate the failures.
But what about our home grown incompatibles? All those university professors who hate the patriarchy they invented? The endless hassle about systemic racism and institutional sexism? It is exhausting. Is it worth keeping them?
Greece and Rome at their peak made good use of exile. Short stints to teach lessons, longer ones to punish. Permanent exile to save society. Perhaps we need this.
Congress has the power to admit new states; there’s nothing to suggest it can’t expel them. Relevance apparent below.
I would give our home grown incompatibles (HGIs) the choice between 1 year in Somalia without a U.S. passport or access to consular services, or permanent expulsion to the new Socialist Republic of California. Saving society is definitely the issue. (In fairness, we’d offer the option of immediate termination à la “Escape from New York.”)
A great example are the climate extremists. Here in the UK we have Just Stop Oil. Lunatics stopping traffic because they are convinced the world is ending. All wearing clothes and using tech derived from petroleum.
I'd sentence them to one year in Greenland with zero access to products derived from hydrocarbons. No plastic toothbrushes, no food grown with fertilizer, no Goretex jackets. Let's see how their zero oil lifestyle works.
Wow, this is some crazy shite. I would ask Saira if she would enjoy living in India and suggest that she immediately return to the home of her ancestors.
In pre-colonial India, widows were set ablaze following the death of their husbands. Maybe a little less colonialism and no dependence on the patriarchy is what we're going for? I'm all ears...
Yes. They quickly forget the British took one look at the ancient practice of suti, the tradition of a widow burning herself to death on her husband's funeral pyre, and promptly banned it on pain of death. The British commanders erected gallows at the funeral sites and reminded the Indians anyone who encouraged it would be hanged. It ended quickly and never returned.
So much for ruthless colonization. Alas some are unsuited to civilization and certainly cannot maintain one as we are learning.
One of the Brits was confronted by the head Brahmin and was told Sati was their cultural practice and the Brits should not interfere. Whomever it was responded ‘We aren’t. It is your cultural practice to burn widows. It is ours to hang murderers who kill innocent women.’ You do you, and we will do us, in other words.
The nice thing about the west (failing as it is) is that if you don't like can fuck off.
The politicians and the media "people" are constructs and we exist more and more in a digitally constructed world.
The commie mommies are just constructing their image like everyone else and if you're not a gold in the victim Olympics (and white middle class females are second to last just ahead of white men) then you construct the image that you are an ally to the victims to divert attention from the easy life you lead, because that easy life leaves you riddled with guilt.
It's toxic femininity: commie mommies have so much empathy for the down trodden (whether actually downtrodden or just construct downtrodden) and they just care sooooo much more than the other commie mommies (because caring is competition for females) that it becomes a race to show who hates themselves the most.
That is why we have a strong emphasis on discrimination. Anti-discrimination laws etc. A soft approach would be unemployment. Be a pain in the ass, find yourself on the dole. Emigrate to our society and shout about how horrible we are (Ilhan Omar) and you starve. Complain about the patriarchy that built literally everything? Be removed from the patriarchal structures of steady employment.
We are too soft. We have adopted the female mindset where no one can be offended. It is harsh, masculine competition they need.
They are what they hate unless it is those other people they are hating. You know, the ones who don’t hate themselves and have some happiness in their lives.
Some of those signs would say "all are welcome here". I used to imagine walking in at dinner time and helping myself to some food, see what kind of reaction i'd get.
“Commie mommies” I love it! And so Sick and Tired of all the virtue-signaling from this demographic.
Commie mommies are the sisters of barren Karens
So I've been trying to start a gang of conservative mommies to combat the AWFL's and I've been unsuccessful but I'm going to succeed lol. I'm so sick of these mean passive aggressive Facebook obsessed, Instagram loving, can't have an intelligent conversation about anything trogs. They're way meaner than my sarcastic @$$
They aren’t honestly mean. They are vapid and petty in their meanness. I guarantee as a conservative, your innate ability to get honestly mean is much greater than these bitches. You know what you have to lose. Most of them have zero clue. They come from privileged lives are self centered and narcissistic.
You must have the patience of a saint then. They are a bunch of women in a community where the husbands are probably making decent coin. What they are actually doing is displaying a form of mating ritual where they are fighting to display to the men who is alpha among them, while seeking the attention of the alpha male. They don’t have a clue this is what they are doing and don’t understand it so they do what they know and that is to be mean and nasty. Which is pretty funny because that form of behavior is so unappealing to any man. It’s also sad because women who act like this are the ones who have never had to deal with being seriously confronted about this behavior by another woman. I mean having to defend herself in a physical fight. Which usually ends them acting this way for now they know that they may be held accountable for their behavior. This usually happens in teenage years with people who aren’t from those of better means.
As far as the Commie shit is concerned, I somewhat think it’s adopted because of the whole ideology of must get along with everyone fighting never solves problems (trust me violence when applied with extreme prejudice solves everything) and all of the other communist pap they have driven into peoples heads through the electric chosenite and I broadcast programming. These types probably started out just drinking all the Koo laid thinking this was the way to a better society and they’re at a point where they feel lied to because, well society isn’t the utopia they were promised. All the stuff they were fed is conflicting within them because they have some all they were told and yet nothing is different, they feel lied to and are angry because of it. So they lash out at others. Unfortunately they are also too weak minded to alter their mind map and change the neurolinguistic programming they have followed since they were children. Now they are in groups of like minded idiots for lack of better terms and instead of realizing they are becoming monsters, they all reinforce their ideologies making their behavior worse. There isn’t a way to actually red pill them and break them out of it at this point sadly. Write them off and don’t interact with them as much as possible and if shit hits the fan have your plan of which ones are the most dangerous and neutralize those first.
Not sure if you’ve noticed but there are conservative equivalents to the Commie Mommies. I like to call them the Holier Then Thou types. Those are the ones who claim to be outstanding Christian’s but look down their noses at everyone who comes from lesser means and doesn’t prescribe to the brand of sky god worship their church professes. All other brands of Christianity is false and wouldn’t dare to put out one of those paupers if they were on fire. Unless the optics would shine in their favor.
I really do not know, nor care to know which is actually worse. Both are ugly stains on society and sadly the majority of both types come from the educated ethnically European pool of DNA. It’s embarrassing actually. The world would be a better place if we could round up all of both types and have pay per view cage match to the death cat fights.
Warm Loving Kind. The WaLKs. Versus the AWFuLs.
I love it. It's just so hard to kill commie mommies with kindness sometimes man lol. In my suburb I went to school with them and it's just that they have only gotten meaner man. Lol
You shouldn’t be kind to them. You don’t have to be mean, and it doesn’t have to be confrontational. Just be tactful and firm in your remarks to them. They see kindness as weakness and will prey on it.
I did get some statement yoga pants with a Trump mugshot off easy and let them ( and their husband's lol gawk to quietly get my point across)
Hahaha that’s hilarious.
try posting this on Facebook:
forget about a classic pro-life punk rock song
(i just saw a wokester "punk" band cover this - crushing irony)
2nd best to The Clash.
How about this for prophetic:
'When they kick at your front door
How you gonna come?
With your hands on your head
Or on the trigger of your gun
When the law break in
How you gonna go?
Shot down on the pavement
Or waiting in death row
You can crush us, you can bruise us
But you'll have to answer to
Oh-oh, the guns of Brixton'
love love this record
But, you grow up and you calm down
And you're (workin' for the clampdown)
You start wearin' blue and brown
And (workin' for the clampdown)
So you got someone to boss around
It makes ya' feel big now
You drift until you brutalize
Make your first kill now
And that "one yellowy eye" in London Calling
Nature always bats last, thats what scares them the most! ;)
The AWFuLs.
Commie mommies. Love it! One of my passions was (was!) as a volunteer high school rowing coach. Had terrific experiences in the 1990s, and retired the bullhorn in 2000 when I married. Was coaxed back into coaching for a short stint in the mid-2010s, and it was the worst 18 months of my life. Commie mommies and Karens married to emasculated men. What the hell happened to women--and their husbands--over that 15-year period is still a mystery to me.
Alan, I’ve noticed the same thing! I was born in 1963. Men did not look like this or act like this. Straight men look gay. Scary...
Is it in the water????
if you can't pee in a bottle when you're're not a red-blooded male.
there's the litmus test.
There are perfectly good trees on the side of the road.
Chris, pissing on the side of the road, at the tree line or just inside it is dancing with danger nowadays. A cop drives by and it’s a free trip to jail nowadays and an attaboy for the cop. Public exposure is the least damning of what a cop can nab you for. You may also have to register as a sex offender depending on which judge you draw when your case goes to court. Seen it happen here in Texas.
I live in California -- we basically don't have laws.
Unless they can be used against conservatives.
Who doesn't use cover and check for cops? I always do when Nature calls and there are no bathrooms available.
I know!😉
But what red-blooded American male has time to stop and pee on the side of the road?
Every single one. I learned growing up with guys, that you’re not going to last too long if you need a bathroom! Deal! Lol! It’s called “drip and dry” for a reason. 🤣
Obviously men don’t understand this!!
i know but spycams in the frankenpines!
not worried about me but about the people who pulled over so I could piss on the frankenpines
Connecticut rush hour. You’ll never make it to the trees...
Not in Chicago. I was stuck in a traffic jam on the freeway and had to pee bad. Finally, I said to my wife hand me a bottle and have another one ready. I filled the damn thing up.
that's for #2 when you can't make the exit!...:)
time-restricted eating (i.e. oldschool european big meal at the end of the day) assures time-restricted end at the intestinal tract
Got you all beat -- my particular gentleman friend can pee in a bottle while he’s flying an airplane.
OK, to be honest...he usually says “Your airplane” and lets me fly it while he’s doing the Gatorade bottle yoga dance. He’s a high-T alpha male who is also comfortable with letting his woman fly the plane while he takes the piss.
I’ve done it. And I’m a red-blooded female.
DAMN! That's badass!
Oh honey…you got no idea! Lol!😉
My wife and her twin sister had to pee in Folger's cans on their trips from Texas to Oklahoma 'cause Daddy wasn't about to stop.
The old-timey version of "... To Grandmother's House We Go."
We've all done it guys, come clean.
Exactly! Lmao
Wide mouth Gatorade 32oz. bottles are a great road trip companion. Not using a can. Won’t do it.
I used to love the wide mouth 2 liter bottles of Mountain Dew back in the 90’s and I always wondered why they are very hard to find these days...
*HINT: Anyone feel free to tell me that they aren’t hard to find as well as where to find them. Preferably Diet Mountain Dew. If indeed they are still available for sale in the Southeastern US. Virginia Beach.
32 OZ Gatorade bottle is choice....otherwise it can get messy
You must have saved a 32 ouncer. All I've seen for a while now are are the shrink-flated 28 oz. Gatorade bottles.
I'm in Florida. I can get tge 32 ouncers anywhere
Laughing. Quite frankly, I do think the water and our processed foods have a lot to do with it. Testosterone levels have dropped for younger- to middle-aged men.
It's a lack of red meat.
Or soy beans.
Or both.
My husband and his father raised a ton of soybeans, but they didn't eat any :)
Yes! I’m female and not a big meat eater myself. But I truly remember years ago some kind of study was done in a prison and the inmates on vegetarian diets were calmer and less violent. I don’t know how to look that up but I really remember reading about it. Maybe a vegetarian diet is a good thing in prisons?
We're fortunate to have a friend who raises grass-fed unvaxxed cattle.
I guarantee that you'll find Gov't subsidized soy (estrogen laden fake protein) and (endocrine disrupting) corn oil in EVERY commie-mommy's and man-bun-bitch's pantry.
It’s a toxic war on masculinity. Highly recommend Nancy Pearcy’s book on this. Not finished reading it yet but it’s so good!
The day care generation grew up.
Every sport.
Maybe we should let men take over women's sports.
but there is a backlash. brooklyn playground encounter via brilliant armenian singer anais tekerian
"When I think of the absurdity of the admonition a friend received in a Brooklyn playground recently, my heart hurts for the child in question. My friend's toddler took a shine to a little girl playing nearby, and my friend asked the mother, "How old is she?" The mother chastised her, "They. We don't know their gender yet."
That poor child.
Holy shit. What fucking morons.
Lol! Let me guess, Park Slope or Brooklyn Heights?
Exactly what I figured! How predictable these people are!
Quite describing every girl i tried to date when i lived in the city from 2008 thru 2021. I was once called a misogynist because i preferred bernie sanders over elizabeth warren on a date when asked about it. Lectured by women on my preference to not date a single mom was prejudice. The list goes on and on. PTSD man.
FYI it didn't really start to get bad until around 2016........ brains have been broken ever since.
The morning of November 7. I felt it in the air.
I was groomed to be one of those women - Leftists/Communists/Progressives prey on pride and the longing to belong and be thought highly of. That went along way with me in my undergraduate years, but ultimately the desire to know and understand - and not just feel the way people I admired taught me to feel - led me to discover the nonsense at the heart of it all. These women like the feeling of feeling the “right way” about the world and enjoy the feeling of shared disgust with their tribe over those who feel the “wrong way”. It’s never been about knowledge of what is true.
It must be exhausting to be a wannabe slave master and a virtue signaling slave.
Rob Henderson calls this Luxury Beliefs: views held by those rich enough to never have to suffer because of them. I am less polite, because I myself am a woman; I call them Frothing Fannies.
I think the key concern is those in the grips of this malady can vote. And we see the consequences of this all around us.
The elevation of feelings in particular to the detriment of common sense is sinking us fast.
McGilchrist writes about this in The Master & his Emissary, how modern life is changing the brain, so that the left hemisphere is taking precedence; this side of the brain thinks it is right and is not smart enough to be able to consider that it might not be).
McGilchrist emphasizes attention. The left attends to an internal model or schema. The right attends to reality. It explains why otherwise intelligent people can seemingly focus on some idea or concept despite counter-evidence challenging it. Climate, the Covid measures and other major issues are examples. Logic doesn't make a dent.
To the rest of us it is increasingly looking like mental illness. A rejection of reality. Men can be women, so it is fine to castrate boys etc.
Absolutely; well put. I love the internet sometimes, when out of the ether comes someone whose neurons cause mine to fire!
Enjoy it while you can. It will be illegal soon enough, lol.
I am working on a piece just now based on McGilchrist. Basically WW3 won't be a conventional war or even a cyber war. It is a conflict between the left-hemisphere brigade and reality. Inevitably reality will win because real life exists. But there will be casualties.
If hypocrisy was a physical disease, there wouldn't be a leftist left alive in the U.S.
It's Head Girl syndrome. The Current Thing will be vehemently supported until the next Current Thing. Gaza will be forgotten by Christmas as election season and OMB kick off the TDS and moral outrage.
eugyppius did the classic takedown on head girls
Nope it will be with us until the election.
If you want peace, don't vote for Hitler
Sadly you may be right despite the fact that the Establishment Left are supporting Israel even with the current kinetic environment. It's fashionable to be a "rebel."
The AWFLs are bringing about the destruction of the only society in history that would tolerate them. HAMAS really doesn't have a lot of respect for shrieking Karens.
Yes -- it's self-aggrandizing self-destruction, which is...interesting.
I think AWFLs should be conscripted as “Deputy Ambassadors of Outreach” and deployed by parachute across the Arab Muslim world, never to be heard from again…
Plenty of anecdotes of this very phenomenon. Literal white women going to Muslim countries like Turkey and Pakistan to demonstrate how racist the rest of us are. There is a guy online who documents the litany of carnage that ensues. Rapes, beheadings, even sex slavery. Those white women quickly learn civilization is rare and much of the world does not share our rosy view of multiculturalism or equality between the sexes.
Naturally such things are not widely discussed. Can't have the empowerment narratives sullied by casual rape and abuse a huge section of the world openly endorses.
I know people like this. Yes, they are commie-doodle-do but they are one and the same people who have eagerly and dutifully and outspokenly taken 5 + jabs and, lo, they are lining up for more-- so we'll see if they're even out and about or even alive to be blathering on about all this in another couple of years. I hear you about the private schools. They are not what they once were, too many of the parents appear normal, a recognizable slice of the old socioeconomic pie, but start talking to them and you quickly realize, they're certifiable. Same for the board members, OMG.
I sincerely hope you’re right about the vaccine thinning the heard. I know that’s incredibly harsh, but the “true believers” in fake science need to pay for what they did to Western civilization.
I don't wish death on anyone. But I see death coming, I call it out. Justice I leave to the Divine and, on this earthly level, to the courts. On the imaginal, there is also a starring role for our comedians and memesters.
I appreciate your loyalty to civilization – I share it. But the path of civilization has been to extinguish lives that are discordant with society’s needs. Rome destroyed Carthage and then the Visigoths destroyed Rome, and 1,000 yrs of darkness ensued in which ignorance and error were celebrated.
We have the ability to short circuit the new Dark Ages by removing its proponents or at least casting them out. In Atlas Shrugged, the thinkers retreat to Mulligan Valley. It seems fairer to expel the intellectual reprobates to the valley, leaving nondestructive citizens in place to continue the Enlightenment.
I often ponder this too. Obvious targets are the immigrant groups unable to adapt. Don't let any more in and repatriate the failures.
But what about our home grown incompatibles? All those university professors who hate the patriarchy they invented? The endless hassle about systemic racism and institutional sexism? It is exhausting. Is it worth keeping them?
Greece and Rome at their peak made good use of exile. Short stints to teach lessons, longer ones to punish. Permanent exile to save society. Perhaps we need this.
Send them all to Australia.
Congress has the power to admit new states; there’s nothing to suggest it can’t expel them. Relevance apparent below.
I would give our home grown incompatibles (HGIs) the choice between 1 year in Somalia without a U.S. passport or access to consular services, or permanent expulsion to the new Socialist Republic of California. Saving society is definitely the issue. (In fairness, we’d offer the option of immediate termination à la “Escape from New York.”)
I am onboard with this too.
A great example are the climate extremists. Here in the UK we have Just Stop Oil. Lunatics stopping traffic because they are convinced the world is ending. All wearing clothes and using tech derived from petroleum.
I'd sentence them to one year in Greenland with zero access to products derived from hydrocarbons. No plastic toothbrushes, no food grown with fertilizer, no Goretex jackets. Let's see how their zero oil lifestyle works.
Wow, this is some crazy shite. I would ask Saira if she would enjoy living in India and suggest that she immediately return to the home of her ancestors.
In pre-colonial India, widows were set ablaze following the death of their husbands. Maybe a little less colonialism and no dependence on the patriarchy is what we're going for? I'm all ears...
Yes. They quickly forget the British took one look at the ancient practice of suti, the tradition of a widow burning herself to death on her husband's funeral pyre, and promptly banned it on pain of death. The British commanders erected gallows at the funeral sites and reminded the Indians anyone who encouraged it would be hanged. It ended quickly and never returned.
So much for ruthless colonization. Alas some are unsuited to civilization and certainly cannot maintain one as we are learning.
One of the Brits was confronted by the head Brahmin and was told Sati was their cultural practice and the Brits should not interfere. Whomever it was responded ‘We aren’t. It is your cultural practice to burn widows. It is ours to hang murderers who kill innocent women.’ You do you, and we will do us, in other words.
The nice thing about the west (failing as it is) is that if you don't like can fuck off.
The politicians and the media "people" are constructs and we exist more and more in a digitally constructed world.
The commie mommies are just constructing their image like everyone else and if you're not a gold in the victim Olympics (and white middle class females are second to last just ahead of white men) then you construct the image that you are an ally to the victims to divert attention from the easy life you lead, because that easy life leaves you riddled with guilt.
It's toxic femininity: commie mommies have so much empathy for the down trodden (whether actually downtrodden or just construct downtrodden) and they just care sooooo much more than the other commie mommies (because caring is competition for females) that it becomes a race to show who hates themselves the most.
It's kind of pathetic but that's where we are.
" can fuck off."
And would really, really, really be welcome to.
That is why we have a strong emphasis on discrimination. Anti-discrimination laws etc. A soft approach would be unemployment. Be a pain in the ass, find yourself on the dole. Emigrate to our society and shout about how horrible we are (Ilhan Omar) and you starve. Complain about the patriarchy that built literally everything? Be removed from the patriarchal structures of steady employment.
We are too soft. We have adopted the female mindset where no one can be offended. It is harsh, masculine competition they need.
Nah. It's mostly the Creedal Passion Period we are going through, Happens every 50 years. Those of us who went through the last one have immunity.
Fascinating analysis. Thanks for posting. It has given me food for thought.
Some are indeed immune.
They are what they hate unless it is those other people they are hating. You know, the ones who don’t hate themselves and have some happiness in their lives.
Hate has no home here. It rents.
Some of those signs would say "all are welcome here". I used to imagine walking in at dinner time and helping myself to some food, see what kind of reaction i'd get.
Only a fool would welcome "all."
Hold up-is she one of the founders of “Race to Dinner”?!?!? Where white ladies get yelled at over a fancy dinner?
Blocked and Reported did a show on this 4/6/20. Starts at 26:30.
Yes. She sells guilt.
Business is good.
I checked it out. Sounds like fun! Almost makes me want to identify as female just so I can sign up.
"like you burn your house down to prove that it’s the nicest one in the neighborhood."
If we start that trend, the problem may take care of itself......