Not to mention, at one point he was outnumbered like seven to one. Nobody even tried to slow him down.

Also extremely strange that the "solution" to being "overrun" in the Capitol is not to summon more backup (and in fact REFUSE more backup), but to simply allow people inside.

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The most damning was the police officer who couldn't get a response to evacuating the Senate and then was fired for wearing a "MAGA" hat to get him through the crowd. By that standard, all these officers should be fired because they "cooperated" with the "insurrectionists."

I have no illusions that this will go nowhere immediately. My only hope is that people start to see the theater for what it is.

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Trump offered the National Guard and Pelosi refused, i remember reading it at the time. Found it strange after all the chaos that happened in the summer. J6th smelled of Reichstag fire the min it happened. The problem is we have a partisan country who treats politics like professional football and is not objective when it comes to anything.

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The other big tell that the media and PTB are lying is they immedialty jump to a conclusion right after information is presented:

2001: Terrorists took down three buildings and hit the pentagon and now we'll implement a law that lets us spy on you...... who had nothing to do with it!

2002-03: Iraq has weapons of mass destruction and we must invade! Bin Laden is in Afghanistan so we must invade! (both turned out to be untrue)

2008: If we don't bailout the banks then we'll have martial law and tanks in the street so give us a blank check (more lies). QE is a short term emergency measure and we'll undue it as soon as we can (still haven't undone it to this day and continue to use QE every time the stock market can't uphold its fraudulent values)

2014: Putin shot down MH-17! (also sometime around then, Assad is using gas on his own people...... counter move by putin, remove all of Assads chemical weapons via the UN) Isn't it also funny that price of oil collapsed in 2014 after MH-17?

2008 to 2019: We must keep interest rates low because the economy can't withstand higher rates (this is actually true but they speak about it like its protecting you from? your own freedom and escape from the corporate cartel?) Whats the rate on your credit card? Whats the rate on your savings acct (if you actually save, isn't it funny how they laud debt and spite savings?)

2020: If you don't let us print even more money then we did in the entirety of 2008 to 2019 then you're all going to die to a virus you haven't encountered in real life and only seems real on the TV and internet.

2021: J6 was worse then the civil war and proves that white supremacists are everywhere.

The list goes on and on: Remember those high school kids on a field trip to DC and the native american guy who's face they got into but we learned a few weeks later the media made all that up also? It never ends, once your eyes are open you can't unsee it.

And one final question: Who has lost their job or gone to prison because any of this? Instead they point at you and claim you're the problem because gosh darnit you just don't believe in them enough.

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Perfectly said!

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Pelosi and Bowser both refused the National Guard. They certainly didn't want order, because they already had their own uncover people in place to make sure it got out of control.

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Couldn't they have shepherded Chansley into an office for a couple hours, and quietly interrogated him on the spot? That would've both informed the authorities about what was going on, as it was going on, and removed an instigator from the proceedings.

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First, thanks for breaking down what's actually happening in regards to Tucker Carlson's statements about what really happened from the videos he's showing.

Second, that's a good lesson for many political issues being discussed-- to listen carefully when someone responds to a debate point. Did they actually respond to the question?

Finally, we're beginning to break through. The truth is starting to come out despite the hysterical denials on the left. Don't get me wrong, in my opinion, this nation is going down but it's nice to have a small victory on the way down.

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For myself, I won't start celebrating until the J6 defendants are released. I won't continue until they are recompensed for their improper incarceration.

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The video release through Carlson is rather odd. How do we know he isn't part of the political theater? Can house.gov not host video files?

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'...listen carefully when someone responds to a debate point. Did they actually respond to the question?'

They almost never do, no matter the venue. They use the question as a launchpad to spew out a pre-digested talking point.

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Exactly. Especially watch what Congressional Republicans DO, not what they say. They have become adept at prevarication.

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Standard politician behavior, since forever.

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The real mistake the Uniparty is making is they seem unaware of the Streisand Effect. Schumer, McConnell, Ken Burns, and the rest of the pearl clutchers are likely sending hundreds of thousands of fresh peepers Carlson's way, just out of curiosity. Many of those folks will be red-pilled on J6, and many more will wonder what all the fuss is about Tucker. It is a huge miscalculation to try to cancel him, and anyone with eyes and ears will realize the breathless Hitler/Putin comparisons are just the sounds of the Great Insurrection narrative deflating out of the left's collective assholes.

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I had no interest in Trump and was put off by him before his announcement of his presidential run after going down the escalator in 2015 . But, I listened to the hysterical accusations of racism, etc., and then I listened to what he said. The accusations of racism, etc. were false - taking his words out-of-context and twisting them. I started to listen to Trump a bit more. I still don't like his personality or many of his tactics and policies, but I did vote for him twice.

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I realized something early in 2020 - They (left or right) are carefully programmed to only get information from what Dr. Tom Woods calls "The 3x5 card of allowable opinion" and they stick to is (as I once did). When The Great Trouble (or as I call it "Operation Enduring Clucsterfuck") began. and I kept hearing people tell me that my life was surely about to end, that "Experts" were saying this-and-that from the White House (and OH MY GOD TRUMP IS AN IDIOT) I decided to watch these Task Force press conferences...on YouTube. I never got the filtered version. There was Fauci, Birx, Admiral Giroir, etc and they said things and made announcements. Then I would bump into an NPC somewhere who would happily repeat what they were TOLD that was said. I'd be like "Ok, I watched the press conference and that's not what they said." ERMHAGERRD YOU MUST BE A NAHTSEE!!!!!

It was fascinating. In a day and age where I can just watch the people say some stuff LIVE on YouTube, my fellow 'muricans had NO IDEA what was actually said, who said it, when they said it, and the context in which they said it. If Anderson Pooper said they said it, then it was gospel.

This leads me to the belief that you could invent a time machine, teleport these idiots to the Capitol on January 6, let them see it with their own eyes, and they'd be like, "Well, that's misinformation, because fACtZ!"

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I always try to watch things for myself not just listen to a summary by one talking head or another. For the same reasons you stated. It is amazing how many times that you will tell people, “here’s what was really said if you watch the whole thing”. Great assessment by you and I am now also going to start calling it Operation Enduring Clusterfuck.

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Thank you, Chris. I believe Tucker. He described exactly what was going on; I could see for myself. Finally. He showed Schumer practically foaming-at-the-mouth angry. What did he have to be angry about? He's an eeeeeeeevil dirtbag. Quite honestly, I fear for Tucker's safety.

Now, how do we get our people out of there alive?

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I'm sure Tucker has a crack security team, but Tucker's wife has got to be on anti-depressants by now. 🙏

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That video was the most damning evidence of entrapment in judicial history.

It is the equivalent of an uncovered security video of the JFK assassination where cops help Oswald up the stairs to the top floor of the book depository then load his rifle for him before they open the window for him.

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Who ya gonna believe? A political hack or your own lying eyes?

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Well, when your eyes are conspiracy theorists, you have to deplatform them. Wear eye patches or something. We cannot let conspiracy theorists spread their lies, and if your eyes are giving you misinformation (e.g., Politifact has rated the things you think you see as "mostly false"), then your eyes are probably conspiring with Tucker Carlson and Trump to help the Russians subvert our democracy or something. Bottom line, deplatform your eyes in that situation.

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Using logic shows white privilege.

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This tactic, of responding to an invented claim with paramoral histrionics and thereby attempting to shift attention away from one's own very obvious wrongdoing by implying that the accuser is a crazy meanie who's just victimizing the accused, brings to mind Harrison Koehli's recent examination of borderline personality disorder:


There's a video there showing a pink-haired shoplifter reacting in precisely this way.

We contend not with an ideology, but with a nest of neurotic narrative-driven theatre kids who have collectively gone off the deep end into the abyss of profound mental illness.

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I sincerely believe we are grappling with some good, old-fashioned "powers and principalities." I struggle to explain the descent into madness that has gripped the West in any other terms.

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You're probably right about that.

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It's very simple - the possession conveyor belt.

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That's the answer I circled onmy test paper.

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I wonder how much of the explosion in apparent mental illness is the result of poisons, relative to how much may be the result of 10+ generations of compounding mutations since childhood mortality was suppressed. The Spiteful Mutant theory. I am certain poisoning (chemical, memetic and spiritual) plays a role. I hope we don't have to deal with a large genetic component.

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Even if there hasn't been time for breeding to play a large role, certainly there's time for epigenetics to have made a difference for the worse.

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Look, all I know is that if Tucker Carlson isn't deported immediately, Jones will come back. Also polio.

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I honestly think/feel/believe Leftists and the Uniparty are trying to provoke a reaction. We need more solutions and less rhetoric. I don't know of specific tactics to combat the approach the Left is using, yet. I do know the Federal Government has been over reaching for 60 years. The courts are the way to roll it back, just like Dobbs did to Roe V Wade. It's possible.

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Humor and sarcasm are the best weapons. They are looking for violence and an excuse to put people in prison. Don't give them one.

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Yes, I think you're right; they are trying to provoke a reaction in order to bring the revolution to its next phase.

Hence, all of Brandon's deliberate discrimination against white men, in particular, and preferential treatment for "people of color."

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They've been overreaching for a bit longer than 60 years.

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Agreed, but 60 years is a nice round number and goes back to the big pump, the early 1960s. The overreach really got moving in 1942 with the USSC case Wickard V Filburn. That case expanded the interstate commerce clause at the expense of the 10th Amendment. That case needs to be chipped away at just like 2nd Amendment groups do with gun control cases and what Dobbs did to Roe V Wade. The best part is it can be done WITHOUT the GOP establishment.

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More like 230 years, at least.

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Some obvious things from the unadulterated video: 1) Chansley appears relaxed and calm. Nothing in his demeanor is threatening. 2) At any time in the video, he is vastly outnumbered by armed cops who could have arrested him easily. 3) the police appear to be completely unafraid of the dude in the odd getup and seem to be facilitating his movement through the various rooms in the building. 4) There is no large crowd of protestors inside the building or any apparent damage to the interior spaces we see.

So without the benefit of biased editing and breathless emotionally overwrought reporting, which is the specialty of the Democrats and their Vichy GOP handmaidens, it’s pretty f-g dull. Literally nothing happens. So this Trump supporting guy gets 4 years in prison AFTER the plea bargain. Welcome to East Germany. In context, you can shoot and kill innocent people in some blue cities, and if you’re in the right fake victim group, you get out of jail with no bail within 24 hours. And to out that in further context, by the time you murder someone, you’ve already usually been arrested and released a bunch of times for other crimes.

Operationally, nobody in DC cares. And this is just one more example of why you shouldn’t give money to either Dems or Republicans. The GOP is a useless group. Cowardly, greedy, backstabbing duds. Yes, the Dems are insane.

But the GOP is of no use to you. The same garbage happens anyway. What’s happened since the GOP took the house? You got to see the video? OK. And then what happened? Did anybody do anything? No. It’s scraps. That’s what you get. We need a new party. It is what it is. These bloviating liars do not represent anybody but themselves.

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yo la tengo called this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=La72SRjJ2y4

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Well, but it's TUCKER CARLSON, after all, so how can anyone BELIEVE him, right?

Fingers in ears, eyes shut...LALALALALALALA

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When I first became a stepmom it was clear I was entering a situation full of harmful spin where my new husband was being disrespected in a (boring, stale, obvious) dishonest fallout situation that happens after divorce all the time. Most people take it up with the ex spouse but I knew that would be unreliable so I just started correcting the record with the kids, unless that was wildly inappropriate. Case by case basis, receipts. I even once read an email that I had written out loud to an 11 year old and then gave him the chance to think over who was telling the truth. I did this while also encouraging them to respect their birthparents regardless. I had absolutely no idea the skill set I developed but narcissistic abuse is an easy A now. Look I can even write about it without mentioning a person. This shizzle is the exact same thing. It’s so see through to anyone who has been dealing with tantrums in the face of the truth in any scenario. Still, I doubt I’m alone when I say that this week is flaring all the times J6 came up with the people with whom I fought off the shot. It was such a vaxx tactic. I’m at a new level of integration and assimilation of what we stood up to, anyone with me? Emotional Intelligence rules the day.

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That's where you keep going wrong Chris, using logic and reason and intelligence 😆 and how were several police officers hopelessly outnumbered by ONE MAN? 😂😂😂

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