Aug 14Liked by Chris Bray

As a retired officer from both CA and OR in my career, having sworn to uphold and defend our Constitution and the laws of the states, I find the behavior of the public institution in permitting the encampment of protestors on their public spaces to be malfeasance and misfeasance of the highest order. Allowing the protestors to decide who may pass through University of California property is ludicrous at least. It boggles the mind. If the protestors want to party, there's plenty of room out in the Mojave desert, where they can mine borax to their hearts' content.

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Oh stop! You take the Constitution and The Laws much too seriously.

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Bunch a white slave owners. What did they ever do for us?


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Dang we could have used you during the 2020 Black Lives Matter riots!

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Aug 14Liked by Chris Bray

>In mid-August, the university is still processing my request for records.

I'm sure they'll get right on that.

Leftists don't give a shit about laws or norms of they aren't immediately in the process if weaponizing them

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I always interpret their "processing updates" as a middle finger.

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'A final by-the-way note: In May, I filed a public records request with UCLA, asking for the university’s instructions to the security contractor that denied me admission to the encampment on the grounds that the people inside it hadn’t cleared me.'

Oh baby. That is sure to light a fire in the bureaucracy of the Professionally Aggrieved. They hates hates HATES nasssty challenges to their (bogus) authority and diktat.

Modern unis are literal fortresses of Wokedom. They permit NO divergence of thought -- that is violence with 'hate speech' doncha know -- and operate as a hive. Not like a hive. As a hive. You either are on the Woke-Fem wagon, or you are anathema, to be ejected and eradicated. The admin is utterly bloated with Identity jivers, some true believers, some just opportunists, but all of them foul and inflexible.

Good reportage here.

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#Defund UC 😂

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Aug 14Liked by Chris Bray

These so-called protesters obviously don’t understand irony, or history, or have any concept of self awareness. The administrators that allowed the exclusion of Jews and others from utilizing the grounds of a public university should not only be fired, but jailed. Hard to believe this happened in America.

Every time I see that photo you took, Chris, of those smug assholes at their chickenshit barricade, my blood boils

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The pro-Zionist Jews shouldn't act surprised by this. This country has demonized all forms of nationalism and in-group preference since WW2 through education and propaganda. Zionism itself is basically Jewish nationalism. The students are just reacting what has been taught to them since the 60s.

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Zionism is Jewish supremacism.

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And, jorn, how dat?

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I'm not getting into that argument and getting tossed off Substack. But I will say that when you watch certain people's actions and listen to what they say over long enough time and in my case in excess of 30 years, you get a real good inference on what I said. It doesn't help them either when they openly claim non jaws are nothing more than cattle to be used as such. Not sure you've ever been called a goyim to your face then go find what the word actually means.

Besides they are the ones constantly harping on about White supremacism, they tend to project their actions onto others to be able to use the perpetual victim card. I mean why? Why call yourself a victim if you're the only people of the planet that God speaks to?

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Well earned

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That's basically what it is when you get down to the nitty-gritty.

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Amen to that. I'm Thinking a bitch slap awaits those little turds at the gate

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Well on a day when the Hamas Nazis shut down the entire 405 a few miles south of UCLA it’s good to know that somewhere in crazy town a Judge knows the law. Thanks for the glimmer Chris. I needed it.

PS if you haven’t seen the video , check it out

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How about when they shut down the Golden Gate bridge??? No arrests.

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California has allowed this type of behavior since the late 50s. The way i see it, this is the dog biting the masters hand. You can't flood the country with all these foreign outsiders and inundate all students of the "horrors of colonialism" for the past 60 years and not expect this.

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They should all be in jail.

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I very much would like to see them there.

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Me too .. graduated in 1980 from there … what a disgrace.. I give them zero alumni money.

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Same for me w/ the University of AZ, ‘Bro

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And defund the whole UC system.

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Here we go. Speaks my lingo.

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The most important point may be incompetent and frightened tyranny out the gate.

“Instead, UCLA claims that it has no responsibility to protect the religious freedom of its Jewish students because the exclusion was engineered by third-party protesters.”

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Aug 14·edited Aug 14Liked by Chris Bray

Institutions run by weak individuals naturally attract infestations of extremism. The signals sent out by acquiescing in unlawful conduct get picked up throughout society.

The current wave of radicalism will get episodicaly and marginally contained by the judiciary but in the long run it is preposterous for anyone to put their faith in the courts. At best the courts will offer only enough relief to maintain the illusion that the rule of law will protect people.

Laws are ultimately useless. Conscience (moral clarity) and resolve at a granular level remain essential. Such a simple lesson.

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The American Judiciary is now on the backbench headed for back burner headed for irrelevance.

That’s Bipartisan because they actually did their duty to the Constitution, which was supposed to finish fading away.

You see of course SCOTUS 🇺🇸✝️.

The P@pists went to the meetings, for 30-40 years.

Ergo Dobbs, in exchange for Chevron. ✝️ wanted abortion checked (gone actually but highly unlikely). Business wanted Chevron gone.

✝️ own 🍕wanted both 🤣.

🇺🇸✝️ have done their duty, as both Roe (reversed by Dobbs) and Chevron were unconstitutional.

We 🇺🇸✝️ did our duty to 🇺🇸.

The great decentralization has begun in earnest. We 🇺🇸 are just restoring our natural Federation that is to say decentralized.

Some call it Subsidiarity. <

Remember the lament of years that “the Left wins because they go to the meetings?”

Well someone else did too…

(And I am not joking about the 🍕connection lol).

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By that definition, couldn't the KKK "legally" seal off parts of campus from non-white catholics?

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Wouldn't ALL exclusions be engineered by outsiders? How stupid

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It is an unbelievable shame that spineless and/or fellow-travelers allowed this to happen. These people should lose their jobs.

There will be 300 qualified applicants for each of these over-paid, under-worked positions.

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Aug 14Liked by Chris Bray

Chris, thanks for the update on this… I live out in the desert and my son is a month away from starting his first quarter at UCLA. Math major. We are not Jewish… We had some good discussions about the campus environment… decided he was mature and knowledgeable and grounded enough to stay away from this crap. We are all excited for him to get the experience and I hope it’s not corrupted.

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Aug 14·edited Aug 14Author

Tens of thousands of students, maybe 200 pro-Hamas encampment losers. He can keep his head down and learn math, but draw some lines and defend them. There will be ideological pressures.

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It isn't the Hamasniks, it's the professors.

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“And defend them”. This is a very important addition. If the kid looks away, it could be a long term stain on his integrity, especially if people get injured. If he “defends” it could be a long term badge of honor. Let’s face it, there will be major protests if Israel engages in any acts (even defensive) against Lebanon. There will even be protests in sympathy with DNC protesters. This could get very ugly.

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I'd look into a smaller or private college, imho.

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This is a situation where I like to play the substitution game: What if whites controlled where POC could access? What if conservatives denied entrance to liberals? What if pro-lifers denied access to womb murderers? What if 2A supporters denied access to anyone not carrying? What if nationalists demanded “papers” and controlled entrance by illegals? Can anyone believe for a nano-second that the DOJ wouldn’t immediately pull out all the stops to identify and incarcerate(without bail) those responsible. It would be another J6 level effort. And the media would be doom-reporting 24/7 for any of these “what ifs.” Feel free to reply with your own “what ifs...”

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What-ifs don't work. I've been around for almost five decades and "what if that were said about whites" (for example) hasn't moved the needle one inch.

They must feel pain. Stuff like bussing illegals to NYC, lawsuits for anti-white bigotry, blaming them for murdering blacks with the vax mandates, boycotts, etc. Anything to turn their own tactics against them.

These people are complete assholes, either because they are captured by ideology, psychopaths, or just unbelievably fucking stupid. If you rely on their decency or their ability to think in terms of principles, you're going to be sorely disappointed my friend.

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Oh, I agree completely that “what ifs” don’t work to change anything. The game is just my little exercise to remind myself that I’m not the crazy one… they’re crazy for believing what they’re doing is righteously correct. You absolutely can’t negotiate rationally with crazy people. You absolutely must impose painful negative consequences. Which is why Western Civ leaders used to say, before they got completely derailed, “The gallows are the highest form of civilization.”

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I'll go with fucking stupid

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What’s next for America, relearning how to tie our shoes and use a can opener? FFS.

The University knows exactly what it’s doing and has no shame. They have to be policed not to discriminate against students. The irony and the illegal, regressive discrimination are so amazing as to be nearly incomprehensible to anybody with a cursory knowledge of American history. Only highly educated people can be this stupid and dogmatic.

The only way this stops is to fire a lot of people and cripple these woke, corrupt institutions with economic and governance sanctions. The administrators should also be held personally liable for their decisions, as they are personally responsible for breaking the law. All these decisions are illegal. These people are garbage.

Bigoted, stupid, and arrogant. Unfortunately that’s a common profile for modern university administrators.

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Aug 14Liked by Chris Bray

De-escalate? All it did was escalate the takeover by the protesters and embolden them.

Some people call it doublethink. I call it pathological lying.

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The same people who shout words like Islamophobia, racism, sexism, etc., are saying it’s ok to discriminate against Jews. My opinion: they don’t believe in equal application of the law, they believe there are different rules based on social segmentation, political ideology, race, sex, gender. They justify discrimination by using rationales. To them, the law should NOT be equally applied. They are a true threat to democracy and freedom.

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This is why history is not taught, so that one can freely do evil without fear of being called out on it. (History ceased to be taught when ‘social studies’ began to be.) So UCLA could have a Judenfrei Zone. Students of our era do not know who the Kulaks were, or the fable of the Emperor’s New Clothes. They believe they live in a Brave New World, without the appropriate sense of dread.

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You are overcomplicating the situation. It's a tribal thing. Muslims are reacting to what they see Jews are doing to their people in the Middle East. And the non-Muslims that are going along with it are just saturated with anti-colonial sentiment that primarily Jewish professors have spouted for the last 60 years. You can't play victim when you are the elite of this country.

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I am not in disagreement with you. I was commenting on the ignorance of history. Actually, my experience and sense of the Academy having purged history in favor of ‘social justice’, is that the purge was led and carried out by Jews, for the most part. I think it’s more than tribal, I guess I do tend to think it is complicated. Why do you think so many Jewish students have turned against Zionism?

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US Jews are turning against Zionism because the US regime is aligning itself with the Global Majority and key centres of power within the US are doing the same. Warm relations between the US and Israel only began in the late 60s and are rapidly cooling. Soviet Jews were expected to be anti-Zionist. Those who aspired to any sort of career got the message and went along with regime ideology. US Jews are doing exactly that. It is simply conformism and opportunism.

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I completely agree with you! The ignorance of history has put the West in a precarious situation. This "social justice" has always been an scathing attack on White gentile history and culture from the start. What started out as grievance tools by Jewish scholars is now every groups tool used against, not only Whites but Jews themselves now. They can't play the eternal victim anymore, when they have been the elites of this country for over a century now and continue to command the public discord & direction of the country. These students, especially the non-Muslim ones are simply playing the role that 5 generations of indoctrination have encouraged them to do.

I think the cultural syphilis that they unleashed is finally infecting their own people now. They can't maintain an explicit ethno-religious state like Israel while their cohorts in the West have instilled the new foundation of equality, civil rights, "we are all of the human race" BS as the basis of our moral compass. By their own definition of race, culture and national sovereignty, the state of Israel is an outdated model that should not exist in the 21st century. Karma is a bitch and they have no one to blame but themselves.

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Uninformed to the terminal

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Aug 14Liked by Chris Bray

This is not the America we grew up in. It's no surprise that American patriotism is at an all time low as more subsects divide us further and further. The fact is we are weaker as a whole if everyone has a different agenda and propagandists have us right where they want us. I worry for our children. Thanks Chris for what you're doing you are a real patriot. Hope all is well with the family. 🙏

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What a great ruling by the judge.

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