Preston is actually consistent. In both cases he is in favor of breaking down traditional order. Parents have no right to make decisions for minors and police have no right to police minors. Does either benefit minors (whether characterized as “youths” or “children”)? No. Nor does it benefit families or the community. It’s Lord of the Flies.

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This is an EXCELLENT point.

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The problem for preston is that creating a Lord of the Flies scenario is that big fat bonus holes like him won’t survive.

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(Apologies in advance for a somewhat acerbic tone, it's before morning coffee...)

Of course he will.

There's a niche to be filled: counsellors of various monikers, where JDs are sent instead of labour camps or prisons.

The JD is clever enough to understand that he's to tell a sob story (and in reality they teach each other which story to tell which counsellor and which counsellors are "easy marks") to stay out of prison, and with a little work he can spin a tale netting him his own council housing, paid for by taxed law-abiding citizens.

All the JD has to do, is participate in the play-acting called social services counselling.

Whereas the Prestons of this world can make it rich selling how-to courses to governement agencies "trying to help" JDs.

Sound familiar at all?

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It’s been a while but I don’t remember counselors in lord of the flies.

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This is grossly unfair to Lord of The Flies; where there’s an Altar there’s civilization, and LOTF also had Hierarchy, and war bands , and Priest Warrior rule.

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I made the reference to Lord of the Lies based on my recollections from having read it 45 or 50 years ago. Thank you for your comment.

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My knock Sir was not on you- but the Woke who offer none of this,

And all of us for enduring this..

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I’ve had it up to my bonus hole with all the deranged new-speak. The perpetrators of this bastardization of language can all go directly to alternate-Heaven. In a handbasket! 🤡

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If you have 12 bonus holes, you get a free donut hole at Dunkin’ 🍩s.

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May I humbly suggest the use of the term "Bogus hole" instead, for the ones drilled into mentally ill men convinced that having their meat-and-two-veg cut off makes them a woman.

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Where is alternate-Heaven? Is it somewhere up one of their holes?

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Which be the bonus hole; one or two, numbered according to wee wee or poo. I think all of bio-women's (the only kind of woman there is [screw "cis"tardsim]) holes as bonuses - as in extra special prizes, if you will (if you will, then call me "lucky").

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Your article about Lakoff from 2012 is very good btw. This topic encapsulates a lot of stuff. Lakoff speaks about things from an emotional far left perspective. Hence a lot of what he says is factually incorrect, imprecise and nonsensical to the non-Leftist. At the same time he’s diabolically clever in recognizing the emotional value of language and recommending to the Left that they bump up their emotional manipulation game by formulating speech around important issues in such a way to both disguise/massage their true meaning/agenda and simultaneously devalue their opponents on the Right. After all, “Sorry your fetus stopped developing.” - what do you even do with that?

They want it both ways, or maybe 87 ways to reflect how many genders are out there this evening. Biden wants to push solar power as clean energy. C’mon man! Simultaneously, Biden wants to push blocking out the sun to prevent solar power from striking the Earth. C’mon man, again! Makes no sense, but the Lefties don’t care.

The current formula for Left leaning causes is identify the target, create a counter movement to destroy the target and then get it funded by billionaires. Wait, aren’t those evil the Capitalists who caused all this shit? Look a squirrel. The trans movement is no exception. It’s about the money for the money people - pharma, hospitals, surgeons. And it’s about destabilizing the family for the Commies, who will on second thought take some of that money too, thank you very much. Put it in my NGO, running dog imperialist. Wink wink.

In the meantime, society crumbles fastest with the Leftists in the West. But I think the trans thing is backfiring and never destined to be a winner. People will never get comfortable with it. Despite the headlines, I predict the Dems are gonna get tired of trans terror movement soon and the headlines will just be about the mutilated who can’t get their lives back.

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🗨 Not only is language—the Word, logos—core to what makes us uniquely human, but it is our foremost means to discern truth. If language is corrupted, then our ability to discern reality, and the Normal, becomes impossible.

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...which I do believe is the point

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The surgeons who perform these mutilations should be given prompt, death-affirming care.

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in the good ol' "eye for an eye" tradition, I think those surgeons (and shrinks pushing hormone treatments on kids) could each use some of their own "affirming treatments" and see how they like the results

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It is a very old problem, the manipulative misdescription. Confucius had a view.


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🗨 If names be not correct, language is not in accordance with the truth of things. If language be not in accordance with the truth of things, [any] affairs cannot be carried on to success.

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Lets just stop talking

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Jul 10, 2023
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They be mutilation more than words

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Newspeak for eugenics:

- Gender affirming Care = Sterilizing the Mentally Ill

- Reproductive Care = Terminating Underclass Lives

- Preserving Human dignity = Euthanizing the Mentally Ill

Buck v. Bell SCOTUS 8-1 decision: "Three generations of imbeciles is enough" government and government by proxy sterilizations the feeble-minded, mentally ill, undesirables. Still law of the land, upheld in 2000's. Slightly restrained under Skinner. Eugenics constitutional US law. Cited by defendants in subsequent Nuremberg trials - "We were just following your law in the US."

Gender-affirming care is the sterilization of imbeciles, as Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes penned in the majority decision. But with a flashy Madison Avenue marketing and advertising campaign behind it. Same eugenics but with a different label. For some reason, "come get you some eugenics" isn't a good marketing campaign these days. Now, "gender-affirming care," who wouldn't want that?

Reproductive care - Planned Parenthood's founder, Margaret Sanger was a unrepentant eugenicist. Built abortion clinics in the poorest minority communities, stop those undesirable lower races from making babies, creating more generations of inferior races.

Preserving human dignity - Euthanasia program in Canada, on-demand, for the homeless, depressed youth, despondent, even if only temporary setbacks, a permanent solution that stops the mentally weak from procreating, gets rid of the poor people littering the streets, wasting resources on.

It's all Eugenics. Buck v. Bell, "we have enough imbeciles, undesirables, disobedient, inferior races polluting the gene pool." "Useless eaters! Let's call it "gender-affirming care," they'll voluntarily line up and demand their right to be sterilized!! Stupid imbeciles!!" They learned from history. Not to not do it, but how to do it better.

Useless Eaters: Disability as Genocidal Marker in Nazi Germany

Catholic Culture, 2002 https://www.catholicculture.org/culture/library/view.cfm?recnum=7019

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Your linked article is very good. The first time I read that, it clarified why I was so useasy at hearing good ol’ Klaus use the phrase “useless eaters” in WEF sessions. We need to remember history hidden within the current whirlwind of ‘information.’

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I'm glad you read it, is very long. I teared up in places, the inhumanity and lies of medical professionals we trust to care for us and our loved ones. They sound so sincere, caring, but it's just an act so many times.

I have hospice nurse friends who held my emotional heart when my mother was in hospice. They knew how many of their colleagues are so jaded, they know better than family about life and death and will do what they think is best, hasten death, go against family wishes, ignore requests, but pretend they will honor them to the family member's faces. All very convincing, they learn how to fake compassion. Very few remember why they get into nursing in the first place.

Knowing my experience with them (I've avoided for over 30 years) through my mother's passing, input from my nurse friends, the descriptions in the article are so easy to see happening here, too. Not a stretch of the imagination one bit. Allopathy is an evil system of medicine. Easy to orient to become Murder, Inc.

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"Saving the lives of Ukrainian soldiers"

Of course, the Ukrainian "youth" who find the unexploded "liberation weapons" in years to come are just collateral damage.

And, yes, politics is rapidly becoming divided between those who think words should be used as description and those who think words should be used to shape enforced, shared delusions.

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Well there you go. So who are we trying to "save" then? (I mean other than our munitions makers.)

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I’d check to see if those munitions makers are quite rolling in the dough (no) or are even getting multi year contracts so the Pentagon and in truth Congress doesn’t ruin them (again) when I last checked , no.

60% of the DOD budget is personnel, in 2020 the BIG 5 made $286B altogether.

WALMART alone $523B .

The MIC is a nice phantom menace, it really hasn’t existed since WW2, perhaps Vietnam.

The I Industrial part was gutted in the 90s.

All of Eisenhower’s warnings came true, except MIC.

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Yes but lots of contacts to clean the mines up after

FASCAM do google...

Meanwhile another Princess Di can come along and raise funds and Virtue Signal about saving dah chiluns from dah mines blah blah..

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If teenagers want abortions or sex change surgery, they're youths, but if they get caught up in the criminal justice system, they're just innocent children. I wonder what happens to political prisoners, like if a 16-year-old attended the January 6th protest, would that type of "crime" make him a "youth" again, rather than a child? It's so liberating to have words that can mean anything you want!

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That would depend on race, sex and what religion he/she/other follows.

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But if he was at a pro-Trump rally, that means he's politically white, no matter the actual color of his skin. Witness, the Left's labeling of black conservatives like Larry Elder as "white supremacist."

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Winsome Sears, the white supremacist lieutenant governor.


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Yes, indeed! Those white supremacists got the memo about DEI and decided to start promoting black women into leadership roles. White supremacy is becoming a very diverse and inclusive movement!

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Doh! I plain forgot about that!

Ain't dumocrazy grand, you can change your race by how you voice support and vote... 🥳🤪🤡

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Liberating, indeed!!

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The invention of new words, or new meanings for existing words, and insistence that everyone obey these novelties, is the part of the current left that most makes me think of the Bolsheviks and the Jacobins.

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Except it’s Parody of Bolsheviks and Jacobins. See they KILLED PEOPLE to get their power.

OTOH these wretches simply babble and we ... far more wretched... far more pathetic... let them have their way with us and children and anything else they want to help themselves to...

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What do you expect from a primitive society but child sacrifice? We're a little smarter than our cousins who throw them whole into volcanoes: they're worth more if you sell them for parts. Just ask Planned Parenthood. If we think we're offering up our children to appease God, however, we're cruisin' for a bruisin'. The "gods", yes; God, a hard no.

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People are wearing masks at that rally, dated March 25 of this year (2023). Wow. Good point, of course, about the language. Those of us who majored in English have been sad, angry, depressed, etc., for a long time now. I saw that FDA is considering "reform" that will take away the voting part of committee like VRBPAC. I guess when vaccine cheerleader Offit votes "No," it would be too obvious to kick him off the committee, so you have to "reform" it by taking its small amount of power away. Words, words, words...

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I was thinking something similar this week as I heard the conservative commentator Robert Barnes (who otherwise is very good), refer to "these trans treatments" and take the Constitutional position that the state cannot ban parents from giving them, lest pro-family activists risk this state power being weaponized against them. First of all, SURGICAL REMOVAL OF HEALTHY BODY PARTS IS NOT MEDICINE AND THE APPLICATION OF COMPOUNDS THAT IMPEDE A HEALTHY BODY'S NORMAL FUNCTIONING IS NOT MEDICINE. MEDICINE IS THE APPLICATION OF SURGERY AND CHEMICAL COMPOUNDS TO AN UNHEALTHY BODY. Conservative commentators have been so effectively mind-controlled that they are accepting the Left's framing of reality. And second of all, the state is ALREADY being weaponized against pro-family activists and conservatives.

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It's probably best that we don't let these gullible, indoctrinated children grow up to reproduce.

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Yea, they weren’t going to work out.

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Oh boy, the "new liberation weapons", this really made my day. I feel as if once more I were ten years old living back in good old East Germany behind the iron curtain😫

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Can we 🇺🇸 use them too, if any are left?

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By the time language is used to this degree to manipulate and attempt control the trap has been sprung. Life and human life as well has been sacrificed to the perversions, the death filled nihilism of the totalitarian majority . It is the real virus.

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🗨 To reform the state, call everything by its true name. ~~Confucius

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This is Confucian, diva 👩‍🎤

This is the Woke Confucian Mandarins saying Point Deer, make Horse

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It seems to me this phenomena is worthy of its own conservative tracker website or daily newsletter. Maybe a feature titled 'Yesterdays 10 Most Egregious Mutilations of Our Language."

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The person who wrote that newsletter would go insane.

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