Oct 24, 2022Liked by Chris Bray

I think they hate the traditional family because it is easier to control an atomized society. They also do not like masculine men or feminine women. They want to invert the normal social dynamic between man and woman.

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Oct 24, 2022Liked by Chris Bray

Thank you Chris, it is extremely simple, control and indoctrinate children and you control the future. Control their language and you control their minds and thoughts. The Germans knew it, the Soviets knew it, the Spartans knew it; I needed you to point it out and my head almost exploded. It is really all so simple; thank you for all that you do.

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Oct 24, 2022Liked by Chris Bray

Planned Parenthood's Jaffe Memo, dated March 11, 1969, might shed some light on the issue. The chart on Page 9 is a good summary of their goals, many of which have been achieved:


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In ancient times, conquering armies slaughtered the men and took the women as slaves, since -- sorry gender studies majors -- women would be more servile and less likely to revolt violently than the men. I guess since the woke culture warriors aren't comfortable with straightforward violence, rather than slaughtering the men, they convince the rising generation of boys to hate maleness and become "women" -- i.e., more servile and less likely to revolt violently against rising totalitarianism. There does seem to be a method to the madness!

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Oct 24, 2022Liked by Chris Bray

I thought one of the main things Ishiguro's *Never Let Me Go* was about was the destruction (by government and the medical-industrial complex) of the relationship between parents and children. People are just consumable products or consumers of those products. The Hailsham kids have no parents (not in any sense that is meaningful to someone my age) and have been engineered to have no children. Each person is just a piece of commerce, and of course the big moment in the book (and even in the movie) is the line by Miss Emily: "We didn't have to look into your souls. We had to see if you had souls at all." And of course even seeing that these human beings did have souls, they didn't change their dehumanizing plans one bit.

I feel sorry for Mulvaney. He doesn't even realize that he is a piece of commerce, to be tossed aside as soon as his usefulness as a promoter of [fill in the blank with any number of things] is used up, or he starts looking too creepy [for whatever demographic isn't already creeped out] to pretend to be a "girl." We've got a long way to go, though, because most of the population hasn't yet been convinced (as JAMA's editorial staff has) that men being able to menstruate is a human right (doi:10.1001/jamasurg.2022.2652 and doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2020.34561). I guess we have some more promotional programming to look forward to as the Complex sells America on the idea that it's a human right for a man to have a dead woman's uterus.

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"People who remake other people’s children are conquerors, consolidating a victory,"

Story of humanity brah.

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Native Americans were defeated physically, spiritually and outnumbered. Not sure this applies. The people pushing these gender changes aren’t in the majority and the people they are trying to steam roll are spiritually superior and haven’t been physically decimated. Won’t stop them from trying

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"What kind of adults do they intend to make when they argue for gender-affirming medical care for children, and when they argue that it’s morally wrong to ban it or limit it, and when they center gender identity and drag queens in the discourse of childhood? What do they intend to make?"

Damn good and interesting question...

As someone who's had the misfortune of viewing the New Left and their phalanx of sophistic charlatans called "postmodern theorists" up close, I'm not sure they've ever successfully "made" anything.

Look at their scholarship: just a bunch of sterile gibberish that wraps word clouds around concepts borrowed from Mao and that all boils down to moral and emotional blackmail: agree with and obey me or else you hate the marginalized!

Look at their supposed art: the same slogans packaged in new bottles that are really an updated form of Soviet agitprop but with a modern American twist of narcissistic self-absorption.

Look at their disciples: really a collection of the world's most misshapen, misbegotten and miserable humans ever to walk the earth.

But to try to answer the question: their Promised Land of "socialist liberation" involves 1) a complete inversion of the social pyramid of say the 1950s, where the European Christian male goes from first to worst, where yesterday's zeroes become tomorrow's heroes; and 2) a vanguard of commissars overseeing it all, invested with total power over every aspect of society. (Basically, Marcuse's idea of Slavery disguised as Liberation).

And like all fundamentalists, they start with children first bc they are easiest to convince and control and because if you own their brains you own the future.

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I'm working my way through de Tocqueville's famous Democracy in America. It was on my list to catch up with the classics I've never read. The 1830 English translation makes it a slog, but I highly recommend Chapter XVIII (18) of his first volume: The Present and Probable Future Conditions of the Three Races which Inhabit the Territory of the United States. De Tocqueville has long been public domain of course, and you can find chapter 18 online easily I'm sure. That chapter deals very presciently with the issues both the Indian and African Diaspora races were going to and now have, faced in this country.

Marx himself recognized that destroying the family was essential to his vision. The Left is just another Christian heresy, and always has been. Judaism and Christianity with their emphasis on personal salvation and therefore personal responsibility are what separates the West from the rest of the world, so banishing religion from the public square was always the first, essential goal. That is what differentiates the West from the so-called "honor cultures" (really reputation cultures) of the Middle and Far East.

Freedom, so long planted deep in an American's soul, dies hard though, even if traditional Christianity and Judaism are corrupted and forced out of the public square. The revolt of the abstractionists against the sodbusters will not end well for any of us.

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Oct 25, 2022Liked by Chris Bray

The single most lasting relationship over time is that of a mother and her child - that stands in the way of government control. The breakdown of the family has, in many traditional strongholds of family values, been destroyed by the virtual elimination of the fathers role and responsibilities - resulting in government dependency and the rise of crime. Corrupting the education of our children with critical race theory and gender ideology in an unabashed attempt to dilute and sabotage the parent-child bond is just another step in creating a generation of dependents. That will be the hill on which this battle is won or lost. The latest insult to that relationship has been the lock-out of children from schools and the insane CDC recommendation to include Covid shots on the childhood vaccinations schedule, an experimental drug with a spike protein from the Wuhan virus which is now extinct and has uncounted adverse effects on healthy children and adults with no benefit for the containment of the later mutations of the virus. Again, Chris, thanks for focusing your readers on this insidious invasion and disruption of the family.

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OMG...so I am literally Hitler!!

I had no idea I was so evil. To whom to I prostrate myself? Is self flagellation required? Or can I just send a check to a thoroughly corrupt DEI group to save myself?

BTW, it should be DIE, not DEI.....they lost a good chance at an appropriate acronym there...

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Excellent column. Very insightful and thoughtful.

I don't have any answers.....as I see no practical goal.

The adults produced by the gender affirming crowd tend to be quite useless and needy members of society...fraught with emotional and physical instability. WHY would you want that?

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Chris, great article.

The preferred mechanism of control available to the regime is curated dysfunction. This destabilises the lower orders, suppresses the capacity of the population for resistance to control from above and manages society by promoting anomie and morbidity (both psychic and somatic). Destroying the traditional family is essential, because families are resistant to control by external forces and the loyalty between family members is an affront to social engineers who seek to reduce the level of cohesion and trust in the subject population.

Just as feminism enabled capitalists to manage the fertility of the female population, the LGBQT and gender fluidity agenda enables the regime to weaponise gender, sexuality and interpersonal relationships. The regime also seeks to disrupt the fertility of the next generation by supporting LGBTQI and gender fluidity.

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"Who remakes childhood and why?"

I think we should specify the "they" I see in some responses.

I see two distinct groups that want to remake childhood. First, there are the megalomaniacal, power-seeking psychopaths. These are composed primarily of politicians and billionaire empresarios who achieved their positions because they view other human beings as sheep to be herded, sheared, and slaughtered for their own benefit. As do conventional shepherds, this group knows that the earlier they interfere in the natural process, the easier and more productive will be the shearing and slaughtering.

The second group is composed of those ever-present self-righteous fools who think it is their right; their duty even; to impose their innate goodness on every other living soul. We have always had such people and we will always have them. In today's world, however, they are far more dangerous because a) most have discarded traditional religions, leaving their supposed moral superiority without the restraint of a supreme being or any written rules and, perhaps most importantly, b) their particular mental disorder makes them extremely useful idiots for psychopaths.

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Oct 25, 2022Liked by Chris Bray

Excellent article. History is a great teacher, that's why they erase it going back as far as time. Being well is based on cellular heath, also called whole body health. Family is naturally, organically cellular heath of the body society. A person with good cellular health gets a cold, no big deal. But a person (like elderly) get a cold or flu, its bye bye. Our countries cellular health is the medical emergency.

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Oct 25, 2022Liked by Chris Bray

Very insightful and educational piece. In AZ we have a long experience in this particular project of deracinating native culture. It generally hasn’t turned out well for the defeated, but it never does. There’s still a lot of poverty, isolation, and resentment,despite/because the Federal Govt.‘s finger in the pie, as usual. Maybe it didn’t have to turn out as it did, but we will never know. As badly as we treated the indigenous people of America, how much different is it to what we tried to do to tribal peoples in the Middle East? America wants everybody to be like us and love us. And when they reject us, we destroy them, or die trying. How’s that working out? The desire to improve oneself is helpful. The desire to remake everybody in your image is unhealthy. The lack of tolerance for the indigenous peoples and the parallels to today’s condescending woketards as they judge the rest of us is apropos. The difference is that the 19th century social engineers were genuine if imperfect pioneers, building a new country. The enterprise today is performative, cynical and stupid. Stupid precisely because we already know how this ends (badly) and because it reflects a lack of historical understanding. We aren’t peasants in thatched huts or Indians in loincloths living in the wilderness. We are economically powerful, politically powerful, sophisticated in terms of education and experience, armed, have access to instant, mass communications, vastly outnumber our domestic detractors, and as Americans are innately rebellious toward authority, particularly misplaced authority. People don’t like the New Democrats and their divisive agenda. They suck. This is a major problem for the Commies. That’s why they can’t debate. They know that we know. The NWO bit off more than they can chew this time. You’re gonna see that in November. And we won’t be so slow to organize or tolerant should they try pull this crap again. Meanwhile , cleanup on aisle 7.

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