

Yep, they shat all over the floor, and then mopped it up with 100 dollar bills. Super effective.

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Makes Dumb and Dumber a Genius Milestone.

Which it is.😂

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And that’s insulting to rocks! 😂

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Once you grasp that the entire purpose of our government is to create crises on which they can campaign, it all makes sense. If the fixed anything, on what would they campaign? It’s just like their wars: if we won, or refused to engage, where would their bribes come from with the Military Industrial Complex not getting new orders & increased budgets?

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Yes, the government regulators create problems and then tell us that the only way to fix them is more government regulation, which causes more problems that can only be solved by more government regulation. And just like that, here we are in 2023.

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This is a, perhaps the, fundamental problem with democracy. (Please don’t go down the “we’re a republic” road: we’ve been a defacto democracy since 19A & 26A.)

As to representation, only squeaky wheels get grease - & only the uber-wealthy are heard in the District of Corruption. “It’s a big club & you ain’t in it.” - Carlin.

Hoppe probably was right. But this leaves the succession problem... IMO only size fixes this - were too big.

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While I’m general agreement, I read something several months ago with a “solution” to the crash (but not to the morons we elect who cause it.

It seems that across the developed world, the ratio of debt to govt-owned (central bank) gold is similar. That being the case, re-pricing gold in the realm of $20-30K/oz, would pretty much instantly alter the entire debt situation globally ...

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Yeah if that happens it'll be a Donner party of 8 billion

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Don’t understand your comment...

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I’m aware of the Donner party. Not sure I get or agree it’d turn the world into cannibals. It’ll never happen, so ...

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Have a joyous and peaceful Thanksgiving, Chris. Bless you for all the work you do to bring the truth to us.

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The people of the United States absolutely don’t give a damn, and will never give a damn, until their bread no longer gets buttered. Then it will be too late.

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Same across the West. When the lights go out and the cupboards are bare then they'll pay attention.

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I wish it would hurry up and happen. I'd much rather have an acute crisis than continue circling the drain. I thought covid was that crisis, but everyone has already forgotten about "the pandemic lol". People are determined not to see.

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That is a big part of the problem. The avoidance of reality. Some kind of collapse would perhaps help. It would of course strip away the woke nonsense. No one will be caring about pronouns when they are busy avoiding the cannibal gangs.

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The general populace has always disregarded complex distant issues in favor of local ones that affect them directly. What's new is the plethora of internally created, potentially lethal issues the Nation now faces.

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"And that after this is accomplished, and the brave new world begins

When all men are paid for existing and no man must pay for his sins,

As surely as Water will wet us, as surely as Fire will burn,

The Gods of the Copybook Headings with terror and slaughter return!"

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My favorite Kipling prom!

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So like, the bridge burned because of pallets, so...they fixed it with pallets?

Will they build a pallet bridge when this one collapses, and then call it a triumph of engineering?

So I know he might be installed as the new president, and he looks and acts like a mafia Don, but at least the mafia assured things ran smoothly.

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The wood structure under the burned stretch of freeway is called a “falseworks.” Seems entirely fitting in this situation.

(I was trying to understand why you get SO exercised over each instance of Newsom’s stupidity (as opposed to writing him & the state off), and I now I see you have a PhD in history. It is all clear. It’s hard enough for a layman to see the lessons of history gratuitously ignored. It must be excruciating for a scholar.)

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The cycle of failure and self-congratulatory behavior seems very clear.

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That 10 freeway repair looks like a giant Jenga game. “Falsework” is apropos.

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And likely will be one literally as the “people experiencing houselessness” start pulling the cribbing for their structures.

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Or set it on fire for the hell of it…

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I'd rather drive over a bridge made of half played Jenga pylons

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I am thankful for substack as my new knowledge base and for authors like Chris Bray and the readers whose comments and insight and humor give me slender hope for the future.

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. 🦃😊

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Newsom, in my view, is not an idiot. He and his family going back decades (linked with Pelosis vile heritage) has systematically destroyed California for their own enrichment.

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I think him and his ilk sense the end and enrich themselves to escape.

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The Carpetbaggers Redux

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Hope you are right. But I just don’t see how their ruinous reign ends.

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Collapse then invasion probably.

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And China’s enrichment...

Take a look at San Fransicko lately? It’s all Chinese.

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That's why patriotism matters. We have forgotten that.

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Was the repair contractor Homer Simpson? Or am I doing Homer a disservice?

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I don’t know, Chris. I’m eyeing that support structure and all those fine looking timbers...

I got 10 bucks says some enterprising disenfranchised bottom-dweller is going to see that fine wood and do one of two things:

1) Most likely, get his [hopefully I got their preferred pronouns right] hammer and pry bar out and avail themselves of some fine construction lumber; or,

2) Set a match to the whole mess again and roast some weenies.

$10 says one of the above actions will happen within the next 3 weeks. Maybe that smarter-than-a-conch-shell mayor had the road crew build a fence around that area to protect it. I doubt it. That would be racist. Maybe even transphobic.

What you say we make it $20.

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I'm not getting anywhere near the other side of that bet. I also kind of don't want to get anywhere near that stretch of freeway.

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Fences are valuable too. Lean two sections against each other and throw a tarp on them - sturdy tent that you can cover with foliage if you want a little camouflage.

Or just sell them for "recreational drugs" or "self-medicating".

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A happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, Chris!

So the solution to warped and burnt roadway is I-beams and wood. That will hold up well no doubt. Who bears the liability when this uh rig job collapses and/or burns?

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The US taxpayers.

Just like now.

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Enjoy Thanksgiving....our “fearless” leaders will!

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Remember when we weren’t allowed, but Brix did? I do!

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Somewhere, I once read that the peak of Western culture and achievement was during the late Victorian age. I'm pretty sure it was an opinion piece, and at the time I sort of brushed the comment off, but these last few years have had me wondering if the writer wasn't actually on to something. I'm quite sure that my grandpas, both tradesmen, born in the first decade of the 20th century, would have been embarrassed to have worked on that overpass 'repair'. No, actually they wouldn't have been embarrassed, because they never would have done that kind of crappy work in the first place.

We live in a house filled with antiques, most pre-1930, and by golly! the furniture is still beautiful and sturdy, the farm equipment still works correctly, and the kitchen doodads are as useful as ever, and everything is fixable. Can't say that about pretty much anything new we've bought - and don't get me started on the plastic shelves and bins in modern refrigerators which are designed to fall apart within months of purchase, usually moments after the manufacturer stops making replacements. Kinda like what's going to happen to that overpass.

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Nailed it

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I showed the photo of the overpass repair to my husband, who worked several decades in industrial construction. The first thing out of his mouth: "Did anybody run this by an engineer?"

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Goodness. It truly is a snapshot of the rot in this country

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I thought this might be about Argentina. I watched a video of Javier Milei running back and forth on a stage pumping his fists is the most inspiring and authentic display of victory, enthusiasm, and joy I have ever seen. I had tears in my eyes as my optimism re-found fertile ground.

As for the clown show that Chris writes about--never hire a pretty man. They are disgusting. Newsom and Trudeau are likely the same person. Neither of them have ever been punched in the mouth. They have never been truly tested. Women who are attracted to these smarmy men hate themselves and the human race.


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Modern version of "They create a desert and call it peace."

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