Tucker Carlson once asked, have you asked a Guatemalan immigrant what they think of queer gender theory? California is about to find out. Scott Weiner makes me want to hurl every time I see his face and realize that he is passing groomer laws.

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The AG being able to deceptively phrase ballot measures to make them sound like the opposite of what they are perfectly sums up the problem with so many of the left’s insane ideas.

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Jan 23·edited Jan 23Liked by Chris Bray

Real simple. People are not born with the wrong bodies but sometimes people think they are. So the easiest and simplest solution is to change the way someone thinks rather than issuing drugs and radical surgery to try and change the body. Or another way of putting it, your body has the wrong mind so change your mind.

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Jan 23Liked by Chris Bray

I'm a mid-50s white male who was born and raised in California, so my opinion means nothing anymore to our "leaders" out here. When I was in elementary school, the only teacher that wanted to talk about his gender and sexual orientation also ended up being a pedophile who spent time in jail for sexually assaulting his boy students. Sure, this is a case study of one, but it is more than enough for me to think that the government needs to keep sex out of elementary schools.

Bonta can F off.

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When I collected signatures I would ask each person that signed if they would sponsor a signature.

Most donated five bucks, average cost per sig. by pros.

It's a late start, but it can help to bring in big donations.

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Every post you write about California makes me grateful we escaped from there years ago (not that Oregon's much better, but California is the WORST). I admire folks like you who are standing their ground and fighting, though, and this latest movement shows there are more awake people in California than might be assumed.

Chris, I would like to invite you and your readers to consider adding your voices to the comments of this post thanking Substack for standing up to the censorship bullies:

• “On Fearing Freedom—Plus Thanking Substack for Standing up to the Censorship Bullies”: https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/on-fearing-freedomplus-thanking-substack

It's important to reward those who have the courage to defend free speech in this censorious culture, especially when it affects their bottom line.

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Jan 23·edited Jan 23Liked by Chris Bray

Well the groomer government is hard at work on the left, destroy the family has been hard at work for a long time. First remove the father ra ra single moms, then remove the mother ra ra single dads, then seperate kids from both, then let the nanny state give them to people who think drag queen story hour is remotely ok and porn is fine to read to them. Everyone knows CPS in California has been trafficking women and girls for a long time. What a cesspool. Soddom and Gamorah man. Republicans and Christians have been screaming into the void in this circumstance I'm glad the void has started to answer back. It's debauchery. They know parents are going to go ham when they make up reasons to ruin our kids and they make their careers on it. It's maximum societal sickness.

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my biggest hope from this is that the blue parents that learn the hard way to fight back, see that the sexualization of their children is from the same marxist play book as climate change, illegal immigration, vaccines, lock downs etc, and learn to recognize them and future battles as such.

The fact that I know so many Vaccine injured, (who are still taking shots!), and who are not the slightest bit angry (because they have not been told to, but heaven forbid if Trump makes a tweet) always foretold how far down this marxist* hole we would go until any any push back.

(Auto correct keeps insisting I capitalize marxist, F.U. auto correct)

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It’s important to ask - what’s in this for them? We know “the science” doesn’t back them. Even when considering psychological health (suicide) long term. The polls don’t, either. So why are they pushing all this so hard?

The only consistently logical reason I’ve yet heard, is that it’s an effective tool for revolution. For severing the cultural ties between parents and their children, so the children can be remade into automatons for the state.

When someone says this is pure concentrated evil we’re dealing with, they’re not being hyperbolic. These demons are willing to mutilate, abuse, and torture kids so they can enslave them, and garner themselves more power.

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Jan 23Liked by Chris Bray

Sent them $50.


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Jan 23Liked by Chris Bray

Supporters of public schools (as opposed to those in favor of school choice - I am the latter), are going to get absolutely fucking rolled over this the longer it is allowed to go on.

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Jan 23Liked by Chris Bray

So let’s not just talk about it, guys. Get out your credit card. Chris is right, failure of this initiative to protect kids in California will spread.

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You can download and send in the petition yourself from the Protect Kids website:


If you want to gather signatures, you certainly can. But even if all you do is sign your own name, get your other half to sign his or hers, and send the thing in, that's enormously helpful. You're crowdsourcing signature gathering, and you sending in your name saves Protect Kids $5-10 in fees to paid signature gatherers.

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Jan 23Liked by Chris Bray

There is no bottom to this rot. It must be faced, and the fight will go on for a long time.

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Have you seen the new poll reporting that "our elites" hold beliefs opposite those of those they rule over? https://www.zerohedge.com/political/shocking-poll-exposes-how-much-elite-hate-us https://committeetounleashprosperity.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Them-vs-Us_CTUP-Rasmussen-Study-FINAL.pdf

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Jan 23Liked by Chris Bray

Well maybe there is a ceiling on crazy in some corners of our culture. That’s good news.

But it’s probably a bridge to far for some of these folks to connect the dots with all the other crazy stuff and see that it comes from the same place on the Left and results in a more atomized, unhappy, less functional society.

They are right that the radical trans movement is essentially an anti-gay and anti-woman movement. A number of gay people have told me they are not particularly comfortable being lumped in with the trans community.

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