Tucker Carlson once asked, have you asked a Guatemalan immigrant what they think of queer gender theory? California is about to find out. Scott Weiner makes me want to hurl every time I see his face and realize that he is passing groomer laws.

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Scott Weiner is an odious human being.

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I’m not sure “odious” conveys the full measure of evil at play. Suggested alternatives from Roget’s: villainy, iniquity, wickedness, deviltry, fiendishness, depravity; maybe all of them together?

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Yes all of the above and more.

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You forgot insidious.

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It just didn’t convey the requisite Hellfire & brimstone… 😂

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Sodomite poster child, rubbing his hands as he rubs our face in it?

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The AG being able to deceptively phrase ballot measures to make them sound like the opposite of what they are perfectly sums up the problem with so many of the left’s insane ideas.

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Leftist language is like a soft fungus that thrives only in darkness. It cannot survive daylight and fresh air, which is why they pursue censorship so fanatically.

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It's an excellent example of how a small unelected cadre can make sure our representative democracy... isn't.

"If thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought" -Guess Who

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Words matter to the Left when the words serve the purpose of disguising stupidity or depravity.

The other side of the same coin is that this allows them to call the words we use, to point out the obvious, as exactly what their euphemisms are intended to conceal.

Heads they win...tails we lose.

Republicans need to stop being predictable by relentlessly/ fearlessly pointing this out and not give a shit about how the media uses these words in a predictable but relentless manner to make them fearful in a fixed gotcha game.

Alas, I don't think they know how utterly stupid it is to think they're going to win a debate in a Leftist gambling hall with media dealers using a stacked deck with zero odds.

They're not going to win with the public until they figure that out and play on their terms using the Lefts own words and understanding they're not going to win with the media. They need to be on OFFENSE not prevent defense.

They're STILL trying to win a zero-sum game where there's no value left with no odds in a house where they're just trying to not lose. They're on tilt. They need to get out of the casino and get on the streets.

The irony is the Left has made it easy to win by using their words against them....but like a degenerate the Republicans keep doubling down on stupid.

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"...understanding they're not going to win with the media. They need to be on OFFENSE not prevent defense."

Absolutely true. It is hard to go on the offense when our ostensible leaders are the controlled opposition RINOs. And when the mass media is controlled by the leftists, allowing them to.

-control the meanings of the terms of discussion

-always get the last word.

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“They need to be on OFFENSE not prevent defense.” Truer words have not been spoken. Until republicans that truly believe and understand the destruction the left is forcing on the population, they will be fighting with one hand behind their back. RINOs need to go away. The Rs need to fight to win using all legal means possible.

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Last November we had a local ballot measure on ranked choice voting that was worded such that a “yes” vote was required to repeal it, as in, “yes, I don’t want RCV for city council elections.” The same logic gave us the nonsensical novelty song, “Yes, We Have No Bananas” a hundred years ago, but the song was meant to be nonsense; the repeal of RCV failed.

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California is famous for misleading ballot measures. Coupled with low information coastal voters, we managed to get the “fix the roads” gas tax that doesn’t fix the roads, and an effort to repeal the aforementioned gas tax was billed as somehow putting thousands of Caltrans (dept of transportation) workers out of a job. They still haven’t fixed the roads. Every year there is some BS “water infrastructure” proposition passed even though we are still paying the bond measures for the previous propositions and still no new reservoirs or desalination plants. 🤷🏼‍♀️🙄

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Just like the so-called Patriot Act that gutted the Bill of Rights. Newspeak legislation titles seem to be a widespread problem.

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Real simple. People are not born with the wrong bodies but sometimes people think they are. So the easiest and simplest solution is to change the way someone thinks rather than issuing drugs and radical surgery to try and change the body. Or another way of putting it, your body has the wrong mind so change your mind.

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That's the funniest thing about all of this. These morons think they're protecting little Suzy from being lambasted over getting her dress dirty by chopping her tits off.

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No, the people pushing this are pedophiles who want cover.

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The Scott Wieners of the world, sure. But the average AWFL who thinks violent police encounters exist because we haven't reimagined things hard enough, no. She doesn't want to diddle kids, she's just an imbecile.

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Why don’t they say their bodies are correct but they got the wrong mind? Or soul? They can spend years becoming the opposite sex mentally and spiritually. Whatever that means.

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Psychological counseling has none of the societal destructive power of chopping off children’s body parts on a whim.

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I'm a mid-50s white male who was born and raised in California, so my opinion means nothing anymore to our "leaders" out here. When I was in elementary school, the only teacher that wanted to talk about his gender and sexual orientation also ended up being a pedophile who spent time in jail for sexually assaulting his boy students. Sure, this is a case study of one, but it is more than enough for me to think that the government needs to keep sex out of elementary schools.

Bonta can F off.

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When I collected signatures I would ask each person that signed if they would sponsor a signature.

Most donated five bucks, average cost per sig. by pros.

It's a late start, but it can help to bring in big donations.

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Every post you write about California makes me grateful we escaped from there years ago (not that Oregon's much better, but California is the WORST). I admire folks like you who are standing their ground and fighting, though, and this latest movement shows there are more awake people in California than might be assumed.

Chris, I would like to invite you and your readers to consider adding your voices to the comments of this post thanking Substack for standing up to the censorship bullies:

• “On Fearing Freedom—Plus Thanking Substack for Standing up to the Censorship Bullies”: https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/on-fearing-freedomplus-thanking-substack

It's important to reward those who have the courage to defend free speech in this censorious culture, especially when it affects their bottom line.

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Margaret Anna Alice, don't be fooled by the Sacramento-Urban centers alliance in CA. There is a large number of Californians opposed to their woke, NWO, Great Reset, Agenda 2030 policies. Thanks to rigged elections they have control in Sacramento, but there is a large and growing opposition.

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Signed. Thanks for heads up and making it ‘easy button’ with the link.


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Well the groomer government is hard at work on the left, destroy the family has been hard at work for a long time. First remove the father ra ra single moms, then remove the mother ra ra single dads, then seperate kids from both, then let the nanny state give them to people who think drag queen story hour is remotely ok and porn is fine to read to them. Everyone knows CPS in California has been trafficking women and girls for a long time. What a cesspool. Soddom and Gamorah man. Republicans and Christians have been screaming into the void in this circumstance I'm glad the void has started to answer back. It's debauchery. They know parents are going to go ham when they make up reasons to ruin our kids and they make their careers on it. It's maximum societal sickness.

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my biggest hope from this is that the blue parents that learn the hard way to fight back, see that the sexualization of their children is from the same marxist play book as climate change, illegal immigration, vaccines, lock downs etc, and learn to recognize them and future battles as such.

The fact that I know so many Vaccine injured, (who are still taking shots!), and who are not the slightest bit angry (because they have not been told to, but heaven forbid if Trump makes a tweet) always foretold how far down this marxist* hole we would go until any any push back.

(Auto correct keeps insisting I capitalize marxist, F.U. auto correct)

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It’s important to ask - what’s in this for them? We know “the science” doesn’t back them. Even when considering psychological health (suicide) long term. The polls don’t, either. So why are they pushing all this so hard?

The only consistently logical reason I’ve yet heard, is that it’s an effective tool for revolution. For severing the cultural ties between parents and their children, so the children can be remade into automatons for the state.

When someone says this is pure concentrated evil we’re dealing with, they’re not being hyperbolic. These demons are willing to mutilate, abuse, and torture kids so they can enslave them, and garner themselves more power.

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The story I see people telling themselves here in Deep Blue World about being kind and standing up to the bigots who don't want young children to have their empowering hormone therapy and elective mastectomies is so insane that the acceptance of it has me wondering about this question all the time. Some of the politicians are surely aware of the deeper implications, the destruction of family and the political effects of social atomization. Very dark thoughts follow.

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I’ve been lurking around in dark thoughts of mine for quite a while now. I grew up in a world believing that the world wars my grandfathers fought in was the end of world domination seeking evil. I saw my home country as a beacon of good and freedom, as well as the USA, even though they have their flaws.

I’m now entirely convinced we’re ruled by government gangsters. Liars, thieves, rapists, cultists, and yes, pedophiles.

I would have thought that the idea of dark and sinister, moloch worshipping cultist gangsters was a laughable conspiracy theory only for the movies. Covid changed all that.

I think our governments are completely overrun with corruption that would make Capone blush - spurred on by dark secrets that other bad people possess and use to lord over their western political puppets for their own gains and power.

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🎯 Like you, the mammoth lie that was the “pandemic” opened my eyes to other sinister truths that I did not want to believe. Sure, I knew evil was out there, but I was unaware of the scale, ubiquity, organization, and depth of depravity. I know now that ALL of our institutions are hopelessly corrupted to the core by the powerful monsters who are in charge. The idea that we could put hope and trust (at least some measure of hope and trust) in our various institutions was folly.

I’m thankful that my eyes have been opened. I put all my hope and trust only in Jesus.

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It’s almost as if they purposely want to go to Hell.

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Nailed it.

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Well, Scott Wiener is clearly a pedophile, so it's pretty clear what's in it for him.

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Sent them $50.


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Supporters of public schools (as opposed to those in favor of school choice - I am the latter), are going to get absolutely fucking rolled over this the longer it is allowed to go on.

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So let’s not just talk about it, guys. Get out your credit card. Chris is right, failure of this initiative to protect kids in California will spread.

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You can download and send in the petition yourself from the Protect Kids website:


If you want to gather signatures, you certainly can. But even if all you do is sign your own name, get your other half to sign his or hers, and send the thing in, that's enormously helpful. You're crowdsourcing signature gathering, and you sending in your name saves Protect Kids $5-10 in fees to paid signature gatherers.

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There is no bottom to this rot. It must be faced, and the fight will go on for a long time.

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My liberal friends think I'm making this stuff up when I tell them about it. It is truly a bizarre phenomenon to see people willingly blind to depravity and call it love just because the tribe uses euphemisms to make them feel good about how the words sound rather than the evil represented by the grotesque symbolism used to camoflauge wickedness as empathy.

Is there a bottom to the rot if you can't "smell" the rot?

Does it even "smell" when you self-lobotomize your empathy to stay in the tribes perfect purity circle?

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If I discuss Queer Theory for Kids with anyone in my circle (I live in LA), I'll say something very mild like: I don't think anyone should be that surprised that some parents don't appreciate their kids being taught Queer Theory in grade school—and my friends will say, Oh that's not happening, that's Fox News, and even if it is (even if some kids even end up detransitioning), it's all worth it to make those genuine "trapped in the wrong body" Trans children feel safe, loved, accepted. And why are you so OBSESSED!?

This issue has been so intensely tribalized and propagandized that for people who only follow this through mainstream media and culture, and especially people who always want to support gay rights, they believe that "anti-Trans" is always only "anti-gay" and that all the Gender propaganda is about "just being nice" and supporting an abused minority who they also believe are being abused and even murdered at the outsized rates they get from the MSM.

Also, I think that for secular Americans the Self and its emanations are where they locate the Sacred, thus the idea of some poor child being denied the chance to "express their True Self" strikes them as a painful injustice that only bigoted Deplorables could support.

The Critical Theorists were wise in both identifying/equating themselves with Civil Rights and with American therapeutic individualism (it's amazing how "socialist liberation" shape-shifts depending upon time and place), and opposing them strikes most liberals as not just bad etiquette but also reeks of cruelty and blasphemy.

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I just have to get back to you on this later this evening when i get out of traffic.

I can't believe the similarities between your discussion and mine over lunch yesterday with what used to be two moderate friends.

Rather uncanny in your approach, your rationale and their response/reaction

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thanks! i'll be around--eyes on the road!

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Yes, and what a bright red flashing light telling us something is broken.

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John Carter just published a great analysis: https://barsoom.substack.com/p/theres-a-crown-lying-in-the-gutter

> Over 3/4 of the cloud people want to make it illegal for you to eat meat, to drive, to fly, to cook, or to light, heat, or cool your home, without first obtaining their permission to do so. In other words, they do not want you to be able to buy these things; they want to ration them. Mother Climate is angry, you see. The numbers in favour of carbon rationing go up to almost 90% when only the alumni of the rancid DIEvies are considered. A similar fraction thinks that meddling parents should have no say in the indoctrination of their children. Almost half hold that Americans have too much freedom – this at a time when the surveilled, micromanaged, overregulated, and heavily taxed Amerikaner has never been less free. It goes almost without saying that over 80% of them think that “Joe Biden” is a first-rate president; surprising no one, 3/4 of them think the economy is in great shape, because their personal finances have only been improving. Lucky them.

>The poser elite knows full well that they are not elite in any intrinsic sense. They are not more intelligent or more virtuous than those outside the fat little cyst on the body politic that they inhabit. They got into the ‘best’ schools because they are legacy admits, or because they are women, or because they are diverse, but most of all because they are unprincipled sociopaths happy to agree with whatever honeyed lies they have to voice in order to squirm their way to the top. They were selected for their ideological compliance, not for their intellect, and they understand this better than anyone. Lying is, after all, the only thing that they are good at; they don’t tell the truth about that, either.

>The only thing that makes them ‘elite’ is their position on the top, and they know that they do not merit those positions.

>They know that they cannot competently manage the systems they’ve been placed in charge of.

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We've acquired a parasitic overclass.

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This survey is a bit misleading...

"The Elites are defined as those having a postgraduate degree, a household income of more than $150,000

annually, and living in a zip code with more than 10,000 people per square mile. Approximately 1% of the

total U.S. population meets these criteria"

^ most urban professionals fall into this category. I wouldn't consider them the puppet masters by any means.

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They are elite only in that they have proved their loyalty to the Party. Their status is fragile.

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Well maybe there is a ceiling on crazy in some corners of our culture. That’s good news.

But it’s probably a bridge to far for some of these folks to connect the dots with all the other crazy stuff and see that it comes from the same place on the Left and results in a more atomized, unhappy, less functional society.

They are right that the radical trans movement is essentially an anti-gay and anti-woman movement. A number of gay people have told me they are not particularly comfortable being lumped in with the trans community.

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