A rainbow over the ashes. San Francisco is even more insane than LA. The week Xi Jingping comes into town, his court eunuch gavin cleans it all up in days after letting it descend into mayhem for years.

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Nov 13, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

My ability to disconnect has become unhealthy, its soooo easy to sit around and say "hmm, yeah that happens to empires" while I look for useless"kriff-krafts" on Amazon.

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The key to understanding all of this is understanding weaponized resentment.

Politicians know that they can get power and get RICH by appealing to the resentments of people who have failed in life, and being gay is a failure. No one was born gay. It is just a bad choice in life, albeit a choice often conditioned by having been sexually molested by a gay man as a boy. Most gay men were molested as boys, and they will admit it if pressed. It's an open secret among them.

BLM is weaponized resentment of the failure of blacks, due itself to resentful black culture.

Feminism is weaponized resentment of men for slights on the playground decades ago, and for their innate physical weakness relative to men.

Marxism is nothing but the resentment of the rich, a way to make everyone poor just to feel better about themselves. (Georgism is a truly practical answer, btw, because it would not impoverish or oppress anyone.)

All of the left's ideology is resentment alone, and those resentful people elect the most corrupt imaginable grifters as long as those grifters, like Newscum and Pelosi, say the right words to sooth the pain of their resentments.

"Man would fain be great and sees that he is little; would fain be happy and sees that he is miserable; would fain be perfect and sees that he is full of imperfections; would fain be the object of the love and esteem of men, and sees that his faults merit only their aversion and contempt. The embarrassment wherein he finds himself produces in him the most unjust and criminal passions imaginable, for he conceives a mortal hatred against that truth which blames him and convinces him of his faults." - Pascal

We can try to debate everything under the sun with leftists, but it will get nowhere because all they really want is to injure others as a revenge for their own perceived failures. That is the unspoken truth, and no one on the left can ever speak it.

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Nov 13, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

Rome is burning. Or if you prefer, this is really very 3rd world dictatorship. This is what you see in Venezuela or Cuba or any other dystopian hellhole. The ruling class and its activities are totally detached from the reality on the street. So you see fluffy stories about nonsense and hear happy talk while people starve and crime accelerates and dissidents are tossed in gulags or disappeared. One notable difference is that the citizens of those places know what’s going on and are either for the regime or against the regime. Whereas the unbelievable thing in America, at least in some areas, has been for the public to pretend that somehow everything is normal while clearly it’s on the skids, particularly in what used to be the richest, most cosmopolitan areas, which are now the Deep State prison cities. Life in America is very different culturally and on a practical level than it was only 5 years ago. Maybe this is a long reach, but it’s my impression that this phenomenon also dovetails with the incredible naïveté of the upper middle class nitwits marching for Hamas. It’s all of a piece as Antonio Garcia Martinez points out in one of the best pieces to date on the war in the ME:

“Contemporary society lives in a miasma of showy hypocrisy. Elites talk of diversity and inclusion and then send their kids to private schools. Everyone among a certain class tweeted out #BLM and “defund the police,” and then protected themselves from the resulting wave of urban violence, which impacted mostly minorities, by living in upscale neighborhoods. Similarly, Western political elites will clamor for a “two-state solution,” but it will be Jewish children whose heads will be bashed in if the approach fails (as indeed it did, and they were). The two-state solution is not the way out of the current situation: It’s how we got here.

Westerners view the Middle East with a new wokified Orientalism: It’s an exotic stage on which to project (if not enact) their own political dramas around identity and oppression. The problem is that the liberal mind cannot imagine what’s inside the illiberal mind; the entire thrust of a liberal education ensures that impossibility. So you have well-meaning (neo) liberals like Noah Smith who propose that simply lifting Gaza’s per capita GDP will pacify it forever. If only they had a bit more disposable income, they’d beat their swords into plowshares (to echo Isaiah), or their AK-47s into iPhones. The liberal who loves life inside our capitalist society of spectacle has a bit of trouble understanding a populace who’d really rather kill, rape, and plunder a sworn ethnic enemy while screaming “God is great!” at the top of their lungs than founding a Y Combinator startup.

Never mind that the United States’ own misguided attempt to turn Iraq into a Jeffersonian democracy caused more civilian deaths—roughly 200,000 by most accounts—than 10 Israels would cause in a decade. Why doesn’t everyone want what we want?, laments the well-meaning liberal, as yet another crusading liberal experiment abroad fails miserably.

Israel is now an outcast among nations for the same reason the Jew was an outcast among European peoples: a stubborn refusal to abandon his traditions and peoplehood, and an equally stubborn refusal to take up the universalist crusade of the Christian gospels and its secular descendents like liberalism and wokeness.”

Whether it’s the homeless guy down the road starting a massive blaze or the carnage in the ME, these folks will be living in LaLa Land, until the fire is upon them.

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LA is a third world country no one is reporting on. I just checked the covers of WSJ, CNN, MSNBC and the fire and destruction is not a headline, so far. California may just be a failed state. I don’t know what’s working well there, the power grid? The freeway system? Crime? Drugs? Police? Last but not least public education?

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Nov 13, 2023·edited Nov 13, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

And don’t worry, they cleaned up San Fran I hear for Xi to come visit with Newsom and even to meet with the demented Biden next week. Rest assured Californians - they’ll sell you all out. Lol.

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Nov 13, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

c/p of a comment I made on SH's Stack: "I feel like I don't even live here anymore. I'm just observing life as it's happening around me... It's like I rented a movie that sucks, but there's nothing else to do so I let it play, not really watching it, with a faint hope that it'll somehow get better, even though I know it won't...."

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Democracy is the system that mandates that the votes of those drug-addicted vagrants should count the same as those of productive citizens. Liberalism is the ideology whereby productive citizens vote like drug-addicted vagrants. Liberal democracy is functioning as it should. The fire is just nature’s thus far unsuccessful attempt to remove it. For the pride flag, the very banner of anti-nature, yet waves, over the land of the NPC, and the home of the slave.

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Cheers, California is quite literally a dumpster fire! Let’s also remember that California has the most rigid Building Codes in the country, I know because I’m a licensed architect in the state, though I no longer live there.

They are very Elitist about how difficult they make it to build anything there, and yet they allow a homeless shanty town to build up comprised of all wood pallet construction, minus the emergency sprinklers, minus the rated firewalls and occupancy separations designed to prevent fire and loss of life.... these people are clueless not to mention hypocrites. So much for virtue signaling your anti-civilizational ‘liberal’ values?!

So glad I got off that sinking ship years back, and to a nearby “flyover” state that is trying hard to emulate this sh88 show? Time to go back to Republican rule, unless you’re looking for a death wish?! Democrats seem to have a thing for causing destructive fires and then trying to blame it on “climate change,” that will be their next excuse -

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Get out while you can.

The incompetence and corruption are rotting this country to the core.

This is just more proof of it.

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When Alex Christoforou does his walk-around videos for The Duran, I see graffiti everywhere in Athens, a bit less in Cyprus, even less in Serbia, and virtually none in Moscow and St Petersburg. In the US, every freight train car is covered with it. It says something about the society and the civilization that tolerates such filth.

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If you guys have never restacked an article before, this is the time to start.

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Nov 13, 2023·edited Nov 13, 2023

Prior to the 2000 election, Clinton Curtis was hired by Florida Rep Tom Feeney to write a software program for flipping votes on electronic voting machines. Tom assured Clinton it was to train their people to recognize and prevent election rigging. When Clinton noticed in the 2000 presidential election in Florida his software was being used to actually rig the election he blew the whistle. Very few people took him seriously, the cover story became hanging chads, SCOTUS (with a couple of daddy’s appointees) stopped the audit before it was finished, and George W Bush fraudulently won the White House. Bush’s buddies publicly wished for a Pearl Harbor type catalyzing event to begin their insanely profitable conquest of the middle east and, abracadabra, neocon zionist actors within the US government, with the help of Israel, did 9/11. The rest, as they say, is history.

Clinton testified about this to Democrat John Conyers’ Judiciary Committee in 2006. You can still find it on YouTube. Again, very few took him seriously. Politicians, most of them already owned, didn’t care because they had found a way to make sure enough of their people would be elected to get the kinds of things done that they wanted. Those things had nothing to do with what was best for people and this country.

Fast forward 23 years and that software has evolved, improved, and spread over the entire planet. Anywhere there are electronic machines for casting or tabulating votes, those results cannot be trusted. These machines, now combined with the mail-in ballots enabled by a fake pandemic, mean we may never have actual representation again.

That’s where your story can begin. You want to know why that bridge burned like that? You want to know why the entire country…no, the entire world…is burning like that? You want to know how these pure idiots…these lobotomized stooges…are in office who will do nothing that makes any sense? Now you know.

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“They’ve Failed At Every Single Thing They’re Supposed To Do”

But equally true, perhaps in greater measure:

THEY ARE succeeding at every single thing they are actually THERE TO Do..

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Could you please explain why you live, work, and pay taxes there?

Are they forcing you to stay?

It's a big country, and a big world.

Take away some of their tax revenue.

Get the hell out!

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Nov 13, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

It is getting difficult to stay even remotely “lady-like” in my comments anymore. Oh, and yes, I was born with female genitalia, ovaries, developed my own breasts, and am heterosexual- a novelty at this point - but I am all that, OMG - AND white. Dear lord.... .

At any rate, I am so fucking tired of the hypocrisy these evil politicians shove down our throats! Homeless cause 87% of all fires - but the politicians pocket millions by always “trying” to end homelessness. The democrat politicians are the worst, but both parties do it. They don’t care how many lives they endanger, how environmentally damaging this shit is, or how much of our taxpayer dollars is wasted -

Newsom is a whore who will forsake his long term tax payer employers for a night with his highest paying client (Xi) while, again, wasting even more taxpayer dollars to clean up SF only to abandon the city once their “fun” is over. Then the homeless shit and needle pile will be allowed to return - fuck the taxpayers who have to live with it without any reprieve.

We are losing America, American values, our dignity, and our Allie’s. Oh, but thank goodness “they” can stack the bodies, the shit, the needles, the American flag, and anything else these tyrants want up high and tall and triumphantly place a rainbow flag and a pro Hamas flag (side by side) at the tippy top of the stench and shout “we won!!!”

God bless them for they know what they do .... and they don’t care.....

Oh, I am catholic too.....


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