These seem to happen every 20 years or so, quicker if dead brush and trees are left on the ground - especially mesquite scrub and eucalyptus trees - rich sources of fuel. If a fire gets started, and you've got those Santa Ana winds going up canyons and arroyos, the effect is like a blowtorch - that's what was seen on the Malibu beachfront, you could pretty well tell which houses would go up and which would be left without a scorch mark. Couple that with stick-built construction - 2x4s, "engineered lumber" - often wood chips or strips stuck together with resins, and asphalt or wood shingles, and park it on the side of a hill or on the very top, close to the edge, and it's just a matter of time. That was the point of the 1962 flick mentioned in my Substack post below - steel roofs, stone or concrete block or ICF construction - absolutely no wood or anything flammable should be the rule. And high density housing should be banned, we have mandatory setbacks here in Flyover Country, and it's all about fire protection. If you can stand between two houses, stretch out your hands, and touch both, they're far too close. Five feet is the minimum setback here - making for a ten foot gap. And they knew all about this in 1962 - look at the last ten minutes of that flick, Designed For Disaster, by the LAFD. If you've got Santa Ana winds, and you think you can fight a fire, sorry, it's all over until the winds die down - or there's nothing left to burn.
As for DEI, it's a blatant violation of the 14th Amendment, it might be good to see a bunch of 42 USC 1983 lawsuits against universities and so on..
Yes which brain trust decided cedar chake shingles should be allowed on valuable homes knowing the regions proclivity for wild fires. Don't California's ever look east aside from figuring out which state to destroy next when they migrate eastward like cochroaches? Cedar shake shingles have been outlawed since around 1992 for just the very reason California's experiencing now. Cedar is one of those woods that bugs hate to eat and turns a pretty shade of death when dry. It also contains Cedar oil which is highly flammable with a ridiculously low flash point. Lower than that of gasoline.
The longer this happens the less empathy will be coming from me. I'm sorry you have to put up with these willfully retards Chris. I really do.
“Cedar shake shingles have been outlawed since around 1992 for just the very reason California's experiencing now.”
It was in response to the 1991 Oakland hills fire (which burned up 3,280 houses & apt units). Embers floated ahead of the fire and “pre-ignited” roofs so the main fire just needed to provide hot air like a blast furnace. That and the eucalyptus trees, which would heat up and then explode like a gasoline can, spewing fire everywhere. I remember 1 visually prominent house that had been (expensively) built far above fire codes (no external combustible materials, plus other attributes I don’t recall after 34 yrs), but the fire slowly, inexorably caught it on fire & consumed it.
Not that you said anything re: the following, but replacing wood with steel in residential construction as a fire prevention measure is a flawed concept. Steel turns to butter at 700°F, and at that temp will collapse under load, but regardless, will have to be replaced if exposed to fire temps.
Sorry, I was careless with my language (and too brief for once).
Yes, steel roofs are a perfectly fit for purpose. We put one on our house here in the forest in East Tennessee for exactly that reason (fire prevention).
Steel roofs are not “structural.” They hold themselves up and that’s all. Steel in load bearing walls in lieu of wood 2x4s IS structural (as are steel beams in floors) and must be replaced if distorted, which typically occurs in a fire reaching 700°F.
Thanks for this interesting take. I reached out to my son, a former Shasta Lake Hotshot, for his firefighter perspective. He said those fixating on dry hydrants need to realize that pointing a stream of water from a fire hose on those blazes is like trying to put out a bonfire with a squirt gun. He sent me an article from WaPo featuring firefighters' opinions. There was of course climate change dogma in there but I thought it was fairly balanced. Just ask the firefighters. They're gonna pretty much give it to you straight.
You make a great point – firebreaks. We put them in well managed forests, and we cut/dig them ahead of forest fires. I wonder how residents would react to a circle with a perimeter 2 houses wide being demolished around a fire by a D9 cat bulldozer? Not sarcasm – I’m serious; in extreme situations you resort to extreme measures. Of course, if you end the calamity, people will claim it would have magically ended on its own…
In San Francisco, in 1906, during the fire after the earthquake, they used dynamite to blow up buildings and houses for firebreaks - - where no water was available to fight fires.
This is the very reason to let them all burn and eat cake. 98% of the statesbpopulation are highly ungrateful for any help unless it's gonna mint money
Someone had to have lit the fires. Don’t blame the victims. It is like a rapist saying that her dress was so short she deserved rape. Give me a break! Cut the damn weeds, or get some Nigerian Dwarf Goat herds in there to eat the shrubs. Water lawns and trees so they don’t burn as easily. Tile and metal roofs do help, but wood framed homes are far less expensive are made of a renewable green resource and last a very long time if you don’t play with fire.
The victims elected the state officials which enacted policies that hamper any type of resolving this yearly issue and yes it bis every stinking year. So it's sticking your head in the sand when you say not to blame the victims. They need to be shamed Into reality. Tough love needed for willfully ignorant to reality. So tough shit. They deserve all that they have coming. Won't matter because California will get mega millions in disaster relief and all those who hones burnt to the ground will wind up moving here and becoming parasitic voter block here. The donks have threatened to turn Texas blue within 10 years. This is that plan put into action.
Are you sure? Censorship, voting irregularities ie illegals voting, socialist and Soros influenced ie pay for play hasn’t impacted your state? BS, JH. Wake up to the fix, baby. Gerrymandering? There is a lot more going on. Northern CA is Conservative and the voters voted in funding for reservoirs. How about blatant corruption. Talk about head in the sand. 🤦🏼♀️
Your defection of blame from the voters at large is misplaced. California, unique among the 50 states, has the “Initiative” process whereby a large but finite number of voters can get law changes onto the ballot and bypass the scumbag politicians. The recent elevation of “retail theft over $950” to a felony in Prop 36 is a great example.
The People have the power – they just choose not to care. And so “they get what they get.”
Here in Florida, you can't get any new construction on the coast unless it'll survive a hurricane. It costs more up front, but being elevated on piers, breakaway walls on the ground floor to allow waves to flow underneath, impact windows, etc. is the only way to get insurance.
Whatever happens next in these areas, the architecture that comes next will not look like what it's replacing.
Thanks for the clarification. It's just that you hadn't actually mentioned the construction of the houses before claiming you could tell which ones would go up in flames. But now I see.
Sure, "two years of record rain”—but rain is fleeting, water drains. If only nature had a way of preserving rain in the form of ice or snow that would melt throughout the dryer seasons, releasing water as needed to a parched land and its people. And if only humankind could think of a method for storing that runoff in massive quantities for just such unimaginable, but predictable, calamities as this one. The hydrant was a brilliant invention; if only we had the means to fill it!
Yep, we are removing dams up here in Oregon because we are hoping to have more fires and less water to fight them. Reservoirs just are not popular with the politicians that run Blue states for some reason.
Take heart at the infighting, infuriating though it may be - especially at this time. The cat-scratching in public means there's rumblings within the machine, anything from sudden "under the gallows"-realisations that they've been part of a huge fluster-cluck to CYA-maneuvers to push others in front of the scrutiny-Juggernaught.
Which means that just like after a forest fire, there'll be place for something new to grow in place of the old.
When everything is going to plan, they don't air it out like in the posts and articles you refer.
And if enough property of the rich enough and influential enough is destroyed - and without insurance or with Act of God invoked by the corporations - you might see a real reckoning and pruning of both the upper and the middle cadres of the Democrat-corporate-civil services machine.
Perhaps this is "the moment of clarity" an alcoholic or drug user sometimes experiences, helping them to throw off the habit?
What's so frustrating is how short people's memories are. If these woke governors are ever ousted and capable people replace them and manage to rebuild, I'd give it ten years before the simple-minded section of the electorate start asking, 'Why don't we elect more caring-sharing governors? Why not more women? Why not more black people?'
Point taken, but it’s not the “simple-minded” who elect these idiots. Since 1970, the tendency to vote for the “caring-sharing” Pied Pipers has been exponentially related to education level.
Yes, I'm sure you're right. Initially I wrote 'dumb' but that wasn't what I meant so I changed it to 'simple-minded' but even that isn't right. Perhaps a better description is 'the idealistically naive', the kind of people likely to be taken in by the Pied Pipers you mention. And yes, these do tend to be those who went through higher education (i.e. spent more time in Pied Piper-loving indoctrination camps).
I am a right handed freckled human. If I was to put a nail in my wall, I would be without hand. Hence I call my neighbour <a male>. Thank you GOD for men.
If the concept of “left-handed, freckled, red-haired persons” as “oppressed persons” were to miraculously self-germinate in the liberal hive mind, they would respond with ardent enthusiasm to your intended barb. This is all self-performative Kabuki theater. If these pustules of society actually cared about the poor, they’d research how the greatest number of people elevated themselves out of poverty (acquiring marketable skills), and then advance school-to-work programs to achieve that. Of course, that would require repudiating the idea that working hard in school is “acting white.”
The only good thing to come out of this is that it proves once and for all that "WASP"-society is the most egalitarian, equitable and fair of all since it is the only one with the ideal of "Everyone gets to try and make it".
Small point – “Acts of God” is NOT an insurance disclaimer. That’s the primary thing they DO insure. Regular commercial businesses are not insurers so they routinely put that phrase in commercial contracts for supply of goods. The only exclusions in my homeowner’s policy are “acts of War” and “nuclear contamination.”
“Force majeure” (at least in the U.S.) is a non-religious term that implicitly encompasses Acts of God and any other circumstance that involuntarily prevents a party from fulfilling its obligations under a contract, e.g., an extended system power failure, and robust inquiry yields no commercial generators capable of powering the needed equipment.
Typically, excluded causes include “rising water,” earthquakes and civil unrest (riots).
“Rising water” is a nasty one. The layman thinks “floods,” (which is true), but the insurance company ALSO means damage from your sink or tub overflowing. The water had to “rise” before it damaged your home. Damage from a leaking pipe, OTOH, is covered.
There's some idiot woman on GBnews just now bleating how the world is warming up and "these fires" are due to Climate ChangeTM. God, the stupidity. She knows nothing about anything. Surely it doesn't help that you guys build your homes from highly flammable materials....But prayers for all regardless. Even the climate change believers.
When I read replies like yours, I’m always unsure about clicking the “like” button – I want to approve of the post without liking the news being reported.
PRESIDENT TRUMP WAS RIGHT AGAIN. But citizen of Communist California are too dumb to see it. Actors, writers, poets, assholes who think milk comes from malls. And they'll be cheering the PRESIDENT'S fake conviction as the gangs steal the last of the bread.
I don’t know if they are too dumb. But too arrogant for sure. They hate Trump so much they insist on doing the exact opposite of whatever he says out of pure spite and pure hubris. They know what the right thing is but they insist on not doing it if Trump said it.
I'm not sure it's arrogance. I know that in England, when opposing armies want to neutralise the opponent they burned everything and rebuilt it to their design.
The things that control the levers of power are complete psychopaths, and, as these fires show, humanity to them are the ants and small animals under the magnifying glass of that evil little boy in Toy Story using the concentrated rays of sunlight to torture and burn them. Here is what WEF head Harari (the breadth and width of his influence cannot be overstated) believes about morality, honor, valor, integrity:
“…from a biological perspective, nothing is unnatural. Whatever is possible is by definition also natural. A truly unnatural behaviour, one that goes against the laws of nature, simply cannot exist, so it would need no prohibition.” —Yuval Noah Harari [Do What Thou Wilt]
From their perspective, there is NOTHING good or bad with any action taken, so in their sick heads, neither they - nor that child with a magnafying glass pointed at innocent critters - are evil in the slightest, they’re just being their cute, fun little selves.
This is what we are dealing with and they are not kidding around and we need to act accordingly before, in their gleeful psychotic madness, they wipe us all out.
The wildfires were not caused due to incompetence, but rather “on purpose malice” posing as incompetence, and they are likely being started with DARPA directed energy weapons (a certain shade of blue is a shield) and Antifa posing as firemen, just as in 2020:
Globalist Goals: rewild America, clear off the shores for the military, kill most of us, shove the rest of us into 15 minute prison cities. To do this you must first destroy the old cities and systems and rebuild new ones.
All of this destruction is geared toward maximizing pain and death, while destroying economic, social, physical, and mental productive capital on a vast scale. All designed to lead directly to global dependence-based enslavement where you will eat ze bugs and own nothing and be happy about it - or else.
In other words, their goal is to demolish our ability to sustain ourselves, transforming us into slaves reliant on their "generosity" for our survival and they’re reaching a level of control where Harari feels confident telling us that our Free Will is over while contemplating killing us outright out loud in public:
“Mr. Harari, thinking about all this, puts it this way: “Utopia and dystopia depends on your values.” … The useless class he describes is uniquely vulnerable. “If a century ago you mounted a revolution against exploitation, you knew that when bad comes to worse, they can’t shoot all of us because they need us,” he said, citing army service and factory work.
Now it is becoming less clear why the ruling elite would not just kill the new useless class. “You’re totally expendable,” he told the audience. … “We don’t need you. But we are nice, so we’ll take care of you.” —Source (worth reading in full):
This year, the jet stream has been flowing from a more northerly position. As a consequence, northern CA is at about 100% of normal rainfall. Southern CA is at about 10% of normal rainfall. It's not rocket science.
Normally, I would point out the obvious ineptitude of the ruling class in LA, but this is an entirely different animal. Godspeed.
Thanks for this. We live in Lancaster County PA, the most productive non-irrigated county in the US. And the northern part of the county is in a serious drought. We have a geothermal heat pump and not enough water to run it for the first time in 37 years. We will probably need to replace it with a gas furnace or a geothermal closed-loop system. It does seem that when parts of the west are getting unusual rainfall, we get less. It's frustrating but it's not climate change. It just is what it is.
You can tell a lot about the attitudes of the people in charge by the way they name government agencies. Why are a group of park rangers named the Mountains Recreation and Conservation “Authority”? Compare that to the U.S. Forest “Service”. One agency was set up a century ago by people who thought the purpose of a government agency was to provide a service and the other in an authoritarian location and age by people who are obsessed with having “authority”.
I can't comment directly on the California wildfires, but I can discuss wildfires in British Columbia. In 2015 I visited the south interior of B.C. and saw dead trees everywhere, a local informed me that they had been killed by the invasive Asian Beetle and that the provincial government wouldn't allow any of those dead trees to be removed. I predicted to my wife "the next dry, hot summer there will be massive fires all over this region and they will be blamed on climate change". Sure enough that prediction came true in 2017.
I dunno, Chris. I’d have my suspicions about the competence of a Fire Chief that would put the blame on a 200 lb fire victim because her 5 foot tall, 90 lb, lesbian, DEI hire fire “person” isn’t strong enough to rescue them from a fire:
She’s not the chief (she’s a level below) but it doesn’t matter. It’s the exact same disinterest in the job and indifference to the public the British police have shown for decades regarding rape gangs - justify one’s laziness and cowardice by blaming the person in need.
Remember, when seconds count public servants are there in minutes.
You are correct, Leonard. I got my Kristens/Kristines mixed up. My bad.
Still, if the ASSISTANT Fire Chief promotes this kind of attitude, and the department condones, or even just tolerates it, that doesn’t speak well for the department. Ms. Larson should have been severely reprimanded or discharged immediately for these types of comments.
(Notice, I intentionally avoided the term “fired” 😉😁)
The FDLA lesbian triumvirate is named Kristin, Kristine, and Kristina. How bizarre is that? Kristine sure doesn't look like a Kristine but at least she's not saying her name is Kristopher.
If that's real, it's telling that a) she was ever hired to begin with and b) she felt like she could say "GYF, losers!" to straight people trapped in a fire and c) she felt she could say that with a camera running.
I use to stay apprised of the wind situation. It shows winds shifting north into Santa Clarita on Sunday, but 30mph gusts are 30 mph gusts and it predicts lighter stuff hitting the area of the fires tomorrow. As for Zoe...if you uploaded my brain into AI, and asked it to spit out an image of an emotionally weak, tepid, vapid, retard, she fits the bill. I had to go down the rabbit hole. I couldn't help it.
Just a taste from her book about plants, because trust me, you don't want to eat this Schiff flavored Idiot Sandwich:
"What is intelligent life if not a vine that grows leaves to blend into the shrub on which it climbs, a flower that shapes its bloom to fit exactly the beak of its pollinator, a pea seedling that can hear water flowing and make its way toward it? Zoë Schlanger takes us across the globe, digging into her own memories and into the soil with the scientists who have spent their waking days studying these amazing entities up close."
It's a New York Times Best Seller. Why? If you put a gun to my head, I couldn't tell you. I *hate has no home here* these people with the passion and heat of a thousand burning suns. If Climate Change is their God...then I guess I should just start praying that it smites them.
These seem to happen every 20 years or so, quicker if dead brush and trees are left on the ground - especially mesquite scrub and eucalyptus trees - rich sources of fuel. If a fire gets started, and you've got those Santa Ana winds going up canyons and arroyos, the effect is like a blowtorch - that's what was seen on the Malibu beachfront, you could pretty well tell which houses would go up and which would be left without a scorch mark. Couple that with stick-built construction - 2x4s, "engineered lumber" - often wood chips or strips stuck together with resins, and asphalt or wood shingles, and park it on the side of a hill or on the very top, close to the edge, and it's just a matter of time. That was the point of the 1962 flick mentioned in my Substack post below - steel roofs, stone or concrete block or ICF construction - absolutely no wood or anything flammable should be the rule. And high density housing should be banned, we have mandatory setbacks here in Flyover Country, and it's all about fire protection. If you can stand between two houses, stretch out your hands, and touch both, they're far too close. Five feet is the minimum setback here - making for a ten foot gap. And they knew all about this in 1962 - look at the last ten minutes of that flick, Designed For Disaster, by the LAFD. If you've got Santa Ana winds, and you think you can fight a fire, sorry, it's all over until the winds die down - or there's nothing left to burn.
As for DEI, it's a blatant violation of the 14th Amendment, it might be good to see a bunch of 42 USC 1983 lawsuits against universities and so on..
Yes which brain trust decided cedar chake shingles should be allowed on valuable homes knowing the regions proclivity for wild fires. Don't California's ever look east aside from figuring out which state to destroy next when they migrate eastward like cochroaches? Cedar shake shingles have been outlawed since around 1992 for just the very reason California's experiencing now. Cedar is one of those woods that bugs hate to eat and turns a pretty shade of death when dry. It also contains Cedar oil which is highly flammable with a ridiculously low flash point. Lower than that of gasoline.
The longer this happens the less empathy will be coming from me. I'm sorry you have to put up with these willfully retards Chris. I really do.
“Cedar shake shingles have been outlawed since around 1992 for just the very reason California's experiencing now.”
It was in response to the 1991 Oakland hills fire (which burned up 3,280 houses & apt units). Embers floated ahead of the fire and “pre-ignited” roofs so the main fire just needed to provide hot air like a blast furnace. That and the eucalyptus trees, which would heat up and then explode like a gasoline can, spewing fire everywhere. I remember 1 visually prominent house that had been (expensively) built far above fire codes (no external combustible materials, plus other attributes I don’t recall after 34 yrs), but the fire slowly, inexorably caught it on fire & consumed it.
Not that you said anything re: the following, but replacing wood with steel in residential construction as a fire prevention measure is a flawed concept. Steel turns to butter at 700°F, and at that temp will collapse under load, but regardless, will have to be replaced if exposed to fire temps.
In Australia, bushfires are common and they use steel roofs to protect dwellings against it - and have done extensive research, see and In short, it depends on how the steel roof is constructed... (later edit) and for general guidelines for new construction - and retrofits for existing buildings:
Sorry, I was careless with my language (and too brief for once).
Yes, steel roofs are a perfectly fit for purpose. We put one on our house here in the forest in East Tennessee for exactly that reason (fire prevention).
Steel roofs are not “structural.” They hold themselves up and that’s all. Steel in load bearing walls in lieu of wood 2x4s IS structural (as are steel beams in floors) and must be replaced if distorted, which typically occurs in a fire reaching 700°F.
Thanks for this interesting take. I reached out to my son, a former Shasta Lake Hotshot, for his firefighter perspective. He said those fixating on dry hydrants need to realize that pointing a stream of water from a fire hose on those blazes is like trying to put out a bonfire with a squirt gun. He sent me an article from WaPo featuring firefighters' opinions. There was of course climate change dogma in there but I thought it was fairly balanced. Just ask the firefighters. They're gonna pretty much give it to you straight.
You make a great point – firebreaks. We put them in well managed forests, and we cut/dig them ahead of forest fires. I wonder how residents would react to a circle with a perimeter 2 houses wide being demolished around a fire by a D9 cat bulldozer? Not sarcasm – I’m serious; in extreme situations you resort to extreme measures. Of course, if you end the calamity, people will claim it would have magically ended on its own…
In San Francisco, in 1906, during the fire after the earthquake, they used dynamite to blow up buildings and houses for firebreaks - - where no water was available to fight fires.
This is the very reason to let them all burn and eat cake. 98% of the statesbpopulation are highly ungrateful for any help unless it's gonna mint money
That thought prompts the idea (as did my own suggestion of a bulldozer) that all it does is rearrange the “fuel” – it doesn’t make it unavailable.
Someone had to have lit the fires. Don’t blame the victims. It is like a rapist saying that her dress was so short she deserved rape. Give me a break! Cut the damn weeds, or get some Nigerian Dwarf Goat herds in there to eat the shrubs. Water lawns and trees so they don’t burn as easily. Tile and metal roofs do help, but wood framed homes are far less expensive are made of a renewable green resource and last a very long time if you don’t play with fire.
The victims elected the state officials which enacted policies that hamper any type of resolving this yearly issue and yes it bis every stinking year. So it's sticking your head in the sand when you say not to blame the victims. They need to be shamed Into reality. Tough love needed for willfully ignorant to reality. So tough shit. They deserve all that they have coming. Won't matter because California will get mega millions in disaster relief and all those who hones burnt to the ground will wind up moving here and becoming parasitic voter block here. The donks have threatened to turn Texas blue within 10 years. This is that plan put into action.
Are you sure? Censorship, voting irregularities ie illegals voting, socialist and Soros influenced ie pay for play hasn’t impacted your state? BS, JH. Wake up to the fix, baby. Gerrymandering? There is a lot more going on. Northern CA is Conservative and the voters voted in funding for reservoirs. How about blatant corruption. Talk about head in the sand. 🤦🏼♀️
Your defection of blame from the voters at large is misplaced. California, unique among the 50 states, has the “Initiative” process whereby a large but finite number of voters can get law changes onto the ballot and bypass the scumbag politicians. The recent elevation of “retail theft over $950” to a felony in Prop 36 is a great example.
The People have the power – they just choose not to care. And so “they get what they get.”
As Adam Carolla said on X the other day “You vote the way you do, and you get what you get.”
When was the name of the Santana Winds morphed into Santa Ana Winds. They have nothing to do with Santa Ana, the city.
' could pretty well tell which houses would go up and which would be left without a scorch mark.'
By the type of construction.
Here in Florida, you can't get any new construction on the coast unless it'll survive a hurricane. It costs more up front, but being elevated on piers, breakaway walls on the ground floor to allow waves to flow underneath, impact windows, etc. is the only way to get insurance.
Whatever happens next in these areas, the architecture that comes next will not look like what it's replacing.
Thanks for the clarification. It's just that you hadn't actually mentioned the construction of the houses before claiming you could tell which ones would go up in flames. But now I see.
See and and for general guidelines for new construction - and retrofits for existing buildings:
Sure, "two years of record rain”—but rain is fleeting, water drains. If only nature had a way of preserving rain in the form of ice or snow that would melt throughout the dryer seasons, releasing water as needed to a parched land and its people. And if only humankind could think of a method for storing that runoff in massive quantities for just such unimaginable, but predictable, calamities as this one. The hydrant was a brilliant invention; if only we had the means to fill it!
Yep, we are removing dams up here in Oregon because we are hoping to have more fires and less water to fight them. Reservoirs just are not popular with the politicians that run Blue states for some reason.
Because they improve people’s lives, and that’s intolerable.
So… remove the dams... Let the forests burn… And replace them with solar panels. Sounds pretty green to me!
Take heart at the infighting, infuriating though it may be - especially at this time. The cat-scratching in public means there's rumblings within the machine, anything from sudden "under the gallows"-realisations that they've been part of a huge fluster-cluck to CYA-maneuvers to push others in front of the scrutiny-Juggernaught.
Which means that just like after a forest fire, there'll be place for something new to grow in place of the old.
When everything is going to plan, they don't air it out like in the posts and articles you refer.
And if enough property of the rich enough and influential enough is destroyed - and without insurance or with Act of God invoked by the corporations - you might see a real reckoning and pruning of both the upper and the middle cadres of the Democrat-corporate-civil services machine.
Perhaps this is "the moment of clarity" an alcoholic or drug user sometimes experiences, helping them to throw off the habit?
What's so frustrating is how short people's memories are. If these woke governors are ever ousted and capable people replace them and manage to rebuild, I'd give it ten years before the simple-minded section of the electorate start asking, 'Why don't we elect more caring-sharing governors? Why not more women? Why not more black people?'
Point taken, but it’s not the “simple-minded” who elect these idiots. Since 1970, the tendency to vote for the “caring-sharing” Pied Pipers has been exponentially related to education level.
Yes, I'm sure you're right. Initially I wrote 'dumb' but that wasn't what I meant so I changed it to 'simple-minded' but even that isn't right. Perhaps a better description is 'the idealistically naive', the kind of people likely to be taken in by the Pied Pipers you mention. And yes, these do tend to be those who went through higher education (i.e. spent more time in Pied Piper-loving indoctrination camps).
“the idealistically naive” 👍👍
But I think I’d add one more little thing:
“the willfully idealistically naive”
Yeah, been arguing against such stuff over here since the 1990s.
My usual rebuttal would be:
"What's the ratio of left-handed, freckled, red-haired persons?"
For some reason, that's conversation-stopper. Funny, that.
I am a right handed freckled human. If I was to put a nail in my wall, I would be without hand. Hence I call my neighbour <a male>. Thank you GOD for men.
I don't know what any of that means.
She calls her neighbor a male. Which is perfectly valid if that's what her neighbor has chosen!
Ah, I think I now see. The commenter is a woman! Got it! Perhaps not a native speaker.
If the concept of “left-handed, freckled, red-haired persons” as “oppressed persons” were to miraculously self-germinate in the liberal hive mind, they would respond with ardent enthusiasm to your intended barb. This is all self-performative Kabuki theater. If these pustules of society actually cared about the poor, they’d research how the greatest number of people elevated themselves out of poverty (acquiring marketable skills), and then advance school-to-work programs to achieve that. Of course, that would require repudiating the idea that working hard in school is “acting white.”
The only good thing to come out of this is that it proves once and for all that "WASP"-society is the most egalitarian, equitable and fair of all since it is the only one with the ideal of "Everyone gets to try and make it".
Yep. Burning out some of the wealthiest inhabitants of California is a whole different ballgame to burning out poor people in Maui.
Once the fires die down, they will circle the wagons. They do love the power.
They'll cry out to their newly homeless subjects, "Donate!" That's when we'll see the anger, the bargaining, the depression.
Perhaps the administration will have better sense...
Perhaps the fools will be benched.
Hoping that you’re right on this. Delusios and corruption don’t break easily.
Small point – “Acts of God” is NOT an insurance disclaimer. That’s the primary thing they DO insure. Regular commercial businesses are not insurers so they routinely put that phrase in commercial contracts for supply of goods. The only exclusions in my homeowner’s policy are “acts of War” and “nuclear contamination.”
I'm probably confusing it with force majeure, and no doubt there are differences in interpretation between here and USA.
“Force majeure” (at least in the U.S.) is a non-religious term that implicitly encompasses Acts of God and any other circumstance that involuntarily prevents a party from fulfilling its obligations under a contract, e.g., an extended system power failure, and robust inquiry yields no commercial generators capable of powering the needed equipment.
Typically, excluded causes include “rising water,” earthquakes and civil unrest (riots).
“Rising water” is a nasty one. The layman thinks “floods,” (which is true), but the insurance company ALSO means damage from your sink or tub overflowing. The water had to “rise” before it damaged your home. Damage from a leaking pipe, OTOH, is covered.
There's some idiot woman on GBnews just now bleating how the world is warming up and "these fires" are due to Climate ChangeTM. God, the stupidity. She knows nothing about anything. Surely it doesn't help that you guys build your homes from highly flammable materials....But prayers for all regardless. Even the climate change believers.
GB News are forced by the government regulators to have such people on.
When I read replies like yours, I’m always unsure about clicking the “like” button – I want to approve of the post without liking the news being reported.
PRESIDENT TRUMP WAS RIGHT AGAIN. But citizen of Communist California are too dumb to see it. Actors, writers, poets, assholes who think milk comes from malls. And they'll be cheering the PRESIDENT'S fake conviction as the gangs steal the last of the bread.
I don’t know if they are too dumb. But too arrogant for sure. They hate Trump so much they insist on doing the exact opposite of whatever he says out of pure spite and pure hubris. They know what the right thing is but they insist on not doing it if Trump said it.
I'm not sure it's arrogance. I know that in England, when opposing armies want to neutralise the opponent they burned everything and rebuilt it to their design.
But in England, they’d use wood from the King’s forest. Here, they’re burning the People’s money over & over & over.
The things that control the levers of power are complete psychopaths, and, as these fires show, humanity to them are the ants and small animals under the magnifying glass of that evil little boy in Toy Story using the concentrated rays of sunlight to torture and burn them. Here is what WEF head Harari (the breadth and width of his influence cannot be overstated) believes about morality, honor, valor, integrity:
“…from a biological perspective, nothing is unnatural. Whatever is possible is by definition also natural. A truly unnatural behaviour, one that goes against the laws of nature, simply cannot exist, so it would need no prohibition.” —Yuval Noah Harari [Do What Thou Wilt]
From their perspective, there is NOTHING good or bad with any action taken, so in their sick heads, neither they - nor that child with a magnafying glass pointed at innocent critters - are evil in the slightest, they’re just being their cute, fun little selves.
This is what we are dealing with and they are not kidding around and we need to act accordingly before, in their gleeful psychotic madness, they wipe us all out.
The wildfires were not caused due to incompetence, but rather “on purpose malice” posing as incompetence, and they are likely being started with DARPA directed energy weapons (a certain shade of blue is a shield) and Antifa posing as firemen, just as in 2020:!AntifaDressedAsFiremen.jpg [image]
dutchsinse: All of SE Quebec Erupted Into Wildfires ALL AT ONCE June 2nd:
Globalist Goals: rewild America, clear off the shores for the military, kill most of us, shove the rest of us into 15 minute prison cities. To do this you must first destroy the old cities and systems and rebuild new ones.
The Color Blue Has a Frequency of 6.66 - .Gov Buildings Are Now Being Fitted With It:
Paid arsonists are destroying these cities so they can buy them up for pennies on the dollar. [pdf]
All of this destruction is geared toward maximizing pain and death, while destroying economic, social, physical, and mental productive capital on a vast scale. All designed to lead directly to global dependence-based enslavement where you will eat ze bugs and own nothing and be happy about it - or else.
In other words, their goal is to demolish our ability to sustain ourselves, transforming us into slaves reliant on their "generosity" for our survival and they’re reaching a level of control where Harari feels confident telling us that our Free Will is over while contemplating killing us outright out loud in public:
“Mr. Harari, thinking about all this, puts it this way: “Utopia and dystopia depends on your values.” … The useless class he describes is uniquely vulnerable. “If a century ago you mounted a revolution against exploitation, you knew that when bad comes to worse, they can’t shoot all of us because they need us,” he said, citing army service and factory work.
Now it is becoming less clear why the ruling elite would not just kill the new useless class. “You’re totally expendable,” he told the audience. … “We don’t need you. But we are nice, so we’ll take care of you.” —Source (worth reading in full):
Dutchsinse (9/9/2020): NIGHT 2: Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) off California -- Color enhanced2020;
What DEWs look like when used:
What DEWs do to cars, Maui edition:
Blessings to the California victims.
This year, the jet stream has been flowing from a more northerly position. As a consequence, northern CA is at about 100% of normal rainfall. Southern CA is at about 10% of normal rainfall. It's not rocket science.
Normally, I would point out the obvious ineptitude of the ruling class in LA, but this is an entirely different animal. Godspeed.
Thanks for this. We live in Lancaster County PA, the most productive non-irrigated county in the US. And the northern part of the county is in a serious drought. We have a geothermal heat pump and not enough water to run it for the first time in 37 years. We will probably need to replace it with a gas furnace or a geothermal closed-loop system. It does seem that when parts of the west are getting unusual rainfall, we get less. It's frustrating but it's not climate change. It just is what it is.
Some evidence on the Palisades fire origin:
It's real easy to go to and see that temperatures in L.A. County have been quite ordinary for the past year.
You can tell a lot about the attitudes of the people in charge by the way they name government agencies. Why are a group of park rangers named the Mountains Recreation and Conservation “Authority”? Compare that to the U.S. Forest “Service”. One agency was set up a century ago by people who thought the purpose of a government agency was to provide a service and the other in an authoritarian location and age by people who are obsessed with having “authority”.
Mayor Bass must have agreed that Chief Kristin Crowley was somewhat competent. Bass just fired Crowley for placing blame on Bass.
Turns out this report of her being fired was false, according to Grok search follow-up.
I read that she was fired, but then I read a denial that she was fired.
It's all good. All the info about these fires (or trans-waters) can be found at "URL."
Hat tip: Karen Bass!
I can't comment directly on the California wildfires, but I can discuss wildfires in British Columbia. In 2015 I visited the south interior of B.C. and saw dead trees everywhere, a local informed me that they had been killed by the invasive Asian Beetle and that the provincial government wouldn't allow any of those dead trees to be removed. I predicted to my wife "the next dry, hot summer there will be massive fires all over this region and they will be blamed on climate change". Sure enough that prediction came true in 2017.
I dunno, Chris. I’d have my suspicions about the competence of a Fire Chief that would put the blame on a 200 lb fire victim because her 5 foot tall, 90 lb, lesbian, DEI hire fire “person” isn’t strong enough to rescue them from a fire:
She’s not the chief (she’s a level below) but it doesn’t matter. It’s the exact same disinterest in the job and indifference to the public the British police have shown for decades regarding rape gangs - justify one’s laziness and cowardice by blaming the person in need.
Remember, when seconds count public servants are there in minutes.
You are correct, Leonard. I got my Kristens/Kristines mixed up. My bad.
Still, if the ASSISTANT Fire Chief promotes this kind of attitude, and the department condones, or even just tolerates it, that doesn’t speak well for the department. Ms. Larson should have been severely reprimanded or discharged immediately for these types of comments.
(Notice, I intentionally avoided the term “fired” 😉😁)
The FDLA lesbian triumvirate is named Kristin, Kristine, and Kristina. How bizarre is that? Kristine sure doesn't look like a Kristine but at least she's not saying her name is Kristopher.
Kome on! Kut the krap!
I think she was trying to be funny without realizing she completely ignored fitness to perform the job.
Unless it was excerpted from a “send up” of “bad” firemen, I don’t see it.
Minor correction:
Pakistani, Indian and Afghan rape gangs.
If that's real, it's telling that a) she was ever hired to begin with and b) she felt like she could say "GYF, losers!" to straight people trapped in a fire and c) she felt she could say that with a camera running.
Turn around, go back down
Back the way you came
Can't you see that flash of fire
Ten times brighter then the day
And behold a mighty city
Broken in the dust again
Oh god, pride of man
Broken in the dust again
"Pride of Man", Hamilton Camp
I use to stay apprised of the wind situation. It shows winds shifting north into Santa Clarita on Sunday, but 30mph gusts are 30 mph gusts and it predicts lighter stuff hitting the area of the fires tomorrow. As for Zoe...if you uploaded my brain into AI, and asked it to spit out an image of an emotionally weak, tepid, vapid, retard, she fits the bill. I had to go down the rabbit hole. I couldn't help it.
Just a taste from her book about plants, because trust me, you don't want to eat this Schiff flavored Idiot Sandwich:
"What is intelligent life if not a vine that grows leaves to blend into the shrub on which it climbs, a flower that shapes its bloom to fit exactly the beak of its pollinator, a pea seedling that can hear water flowing and make its way toward it? Zoë Schlanger takes us across the globe, digging into her own memories and into the soil with the scientists who have spent their waking days studying these amazing entities up close."
It's a New York Times Best Seller. Why? If you put a gun to my head, I couldn't tell you. I *hate has no home here* these people with the passion and heat of a thousand burning suns. If Climate Change is their God...then I guess I should just start praying that it smites them.