Young morons. And I don't mean that in a positive way. Casually walking by images of mass murder seems psychotic, no?

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Casually chanting slogans for it while looking at it.

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I wonder if they'll get hold of those special rape-and-murder stimulants and try them out.

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Good God. This really has to be the Matrix or some other simulation. I look forward to your posts. Thanks.

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More of this, please. This type of inside-the-wire reporting is sorely lacking and provides important context to these inane protests. The UCLA administration response is interesting. It seems like they’re throwing these knuckleheads a bone, but maybe they’re not if they’ve confined them to an “open air prison.”

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I suspect some, if not many, are more than just looking at it. I think I now finally realize the argument feminists made when they linked porn with violence, and Hamas, of all people, finally closed that circle.

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Exactly. That’s what I’ve found so ridiculous.

They change their chant based on the ever-changing scenes in front of them:

1. Cop arrests unruly student

Response: “let him go, let him go”

2. Security pepper sprays protestor

Response: “shame, shame, shame”

3. Sunny day turns overcast

Response: “looks like rain, looks like rain”


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Well, given that we all only worry about mass murder if we see it, but if we don't or the "experts" call it "collateral damage," we're just fine, I think they are pretty much a product of their society, and their apathy is perhaps more honest than most people's.

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You can exclude me from that "we all."

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I rather doubt it. Society didn't get this way because there were many exceptions. It's just that some are not so dishonest as to try to deny it.

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Well bless your heart.

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So I was right. It does include you. The attempt at condescending deflection says everything.

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No, dope. That's a Southernism. Essentially, it means "go f*ck yourself."

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You sound like a lefty.

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Young Turks. No different.

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This article reminds me of something...wait...I think it was called...journalism....or maybe news.

It had become nigh extinct until "alternative" media became....mainstream?

What a world (and great work capturing the story!)

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My thought exactly! When I read the part about Chris emailing people to get answers I was like, hey that's a thing journalists do! Instead of just slandering everyone. What a concept.

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But he didn't interview any "experts" so it's all fake and what we saw isn't happening and is an alt-right conspiracy BIGOT.

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Nailed it!

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Agree! This was a great piece thank you Chris. Fascinating.

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So the brats have established a political region of control, surrounded by barricade, protected by security and those within get to vet those outside for their suitability to enter? Gosh, that sounds suspiciously like a border. As we know, a border is an intolerable expression of bigotry and xenophobia. How long will UCLA permit this injustice, after all, No one should be illegal in the UCLA-hamas protest zone.

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A border with walls, no less.

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What they need to do is keep those kids fenced in there and then restrict deliveries of whatever. Maybe Doritos. Make them feel some real hardship, it'd be a whole new experience for all of them.

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Maybe shut off cell service.

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Excellent idea, even better than nixing the Doritos. What would these kids do if they couldn't broadcast their stunning bravery on TikTok?

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Brutal! "But...but...human rights!" 😂

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Tiny emp?

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I’m not a philosopher, but it seems to me that the UCLA campus is a microcosm of the state of our entire country. Our government, whose ONLY job is to protect Americans (for what other purpose should “governments” exist?), has taken the same approach as the UCLA administration: cause the danger by creating the environment in which the danger can flourish (eg: open borders, weak on crime, defund the police, etc) and then limiting the “good” people’s access to places, goods, and services as the new method of offering “protection”. We have the Patriot Act as one example and all the surveillance and limitations on freedom of movement and speech that that entails, we have the forced shuttering of stores (the corporations are forced to close them due to looting and other crimes in the area) which limits people’s ability to feed themselves or take care of their medical needs. I bet if we put our minds to it, we can come up with hundreds of examples of the government-created shrinking of OUR freedoms.

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Well said.

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you nailed it

a lot of these kids are on the payroll https://nypost.com/2024/04/26/us-news/george-soros-maoist-fund-columbias-anti-israel-tent-city/

and the rest don't have a clue that all the checkpoints and barricades are nothing more than conditioning for their future inside a 15-minute prison

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exactly. great link!

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“From The River To The Sea!…

… unless there are bananas anywhere along the way, Kayden is allergic.”

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Oh man Chris, you could have been a part of HISTORY if you would have just shouted "Death to the Jews", "Death to America", or "Stop the BANANAAAAAAAAAAAS!"

I'm still raising money for my non-profit: Let's Get the Gay Bisexual Trannie Queers to Palestine (LGGBTQ+P). LGGBTQ+P is focused on uniting passionate young western queer voices with hands on relief efforts on the ground in Gaza.

So far we haven't been able to get any volunteers from the Gays For Palestine group to sign up for our first mission trip, but I'm sure we will get some very soon. If you are still around there maybe you could do some face to face recruitment? We are also accepting activists from the Jews For Palestine group if you run into any of them.

Also, the $100.00 my grandma gave me to kickstart this whole thing has been sunk into administrative costs (mainly avocado toast, kombucha, and vape supplies), so any financial help from you or your readers would be greatly appreciated. Grandma has pledged the entirety of her next Social Security check but her memory isn't the best these days so I'm not sure I can count on that.

If anybody has contact info for George Soros or any of his associates that could really help me get this thing off the ground.

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Great initiative Dan!

Have you approached Team Biden for funding? Your proposal seems to fit many, if not most, of the criteria for government support. Fundamentally insane? Check. Absolutely no chance of success? Check. Its perfect!

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That is a great idea! I'm facing an uphill battle with all my administrative costs. I might have to reinvest a large portion of any grant I receive into the Biden campaign, but it is an election year.

I'm also thinking about reaching out to Greta Thunberg to get her help on sailboat transportation. The thought of contributing to global warming by putting these kids on a carbon spewing plane is really causing me a lot of anxiety, which only increases my administrative costs due to my self medication regimen.

I just know we need to move quickly as my man in country, Achmed, is very anxious to introduce all the volunteers to his pet rocks collection.

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Apr 30Edited

Bad news for your plan. Bibi plans to send all the Palestinians here (or to Europe), so any of our LGGBTQ+Ps who survive may be making a round trip. As FJB would say, no joke: the real purpose of the new U.S. pier may be to facilitate the expulsion of the Gazans to the U.S. so they may more effectively express their appreciation for Israel's long-time best friend.

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So your saying I should focus my efforts on getting the Gays for Palestine to open their homes/dorm rooms to refugees? Well, I suppose if Achmed and his pals could bring their pet rocks they might be cool with it. Dang, he had a whole plan worked out to do mini-aid drops from some of their tall buildings. He was so excited to give the volunteers some hands on experience. Oh well.

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That's not a good choice for a fence; that kind is easy to lift up and tip over, or just lift up and use a section as a ram. Easy enough if two-three guys are carrying it.

Poor decision by the faculty - allowing the students to hold a protest is fine, but the university should have laid down the rules and demanded this:

1) One or two named and id-ed spokesmen for the protest, carrying the legal burden, or no protest (that's a legal requirement here, or you won't get a permit from the police)

2) No blocking off of entrances/exits; blame it on fire safet y if you have to, and make clear any such attempt means the protest is off and police will be called

3) No littering, vandalism, throwing stuff at people, threats, et cetera - or police will be called and the protest is off

Refusal to sign a document with the spirit of the above means no permit for a protest, not on campus.

All of the above is real easy to do if you want to hold a protest, and I can only interpret, based on your reporting, that there is tacit or even open support for Hamas and other groups supporting the palestinian terrorism, among the university leadership.

If it is due to ignorance on the issue, or preferring palestinians over jews, or something, I have no idea but in my experience from over here (experience which dates back to the early 1980s when it comes to palestinians and their western dhimmi) it is a mix of hating jews and projecting the whole "anti-colonialism" and "anti"-racism and schtick; the whole canoli of confused schizoid "I'm ignorant and angry and emotional and hate daddy and mommy for not being as enlightened as I am!".

Break out the tear gas, the rubber bullets and the water cannons, then tell the protestors to clear all entrances and exits within an hour (and to clean up after themselves) and let them protest off to the side. Same goes for any pro-Israel bunch of course.

Same rules for all, or no rules for anyone.

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ixnay onay ethay ubberray ulletsbay

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So rich UCLA students living in a gated community with a private security force actively engaged in maintaining an idealogical bubble. Hmmm. This sounds so familiar it's almost a parody.

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Total parody. Only we get it, though.

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The infuriating thing is these people don’t actually care about the plight of the Palestinian child caught in the cross-fire. They use these moments to get on their soap boxes to push their cultural revolutions. That’s how you wind up with “Queers for Palestine!”, and this is also why none of them were out protesting the powers government seized with Covid as the excuse.

These were the kids that mocked the trucker protests calling freedom - “FreeDumb”. These were the kids calling for arrests and detention camps for those who chose not to take an experimental gene therapeutic.

These people don’t protest government abuse, they yearn for it and chant its slogans.

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“Stop or I’ll fruit!”

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My outrage/giveashitmeter has popped a fuse. Not only do I not care, I've decided I simply cannot care. Sadly this includes any legitimate kid who cannot go to class, or others 'feeling unsafe'. Peechy Keanan sums up my feelings pretty well.

It has been fine to hate white males for nearly 30+ years, you can suck on your own shit-sandwich now. Zero fbombs given.

We live in a blackhole of leadership. Zero. Zilch. Nada.

I'll start getting pissed when they block me from leaving Costco standing in an intersection with long-guns like they did 2020 in honor of Saint George Floyd.

My contempt for these people has run out, only apathy remains.

Looking for good fiction, good new storytellers that can distract me from the collapse of the West. Any suggestions? I just started "The Passage" by Justin Cronin-so far so good.


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Apathy is, I think, the calculated endpoint. The purpose of the operation is to exhaust and demoralize.

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Truth. Eroding our consciouses through deliberate histrionic sacrilege of all that we once held dear. Empty tank.

I am awestruck by your ability to wade into this muck and mire day in and day out with such aplomb, humor, and acuity.


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I’m with you, Brian. I read this insightful piece by Chris and started to feel emotional, then a few seconds passed and I felt nothing for either side. This is what they want, this is what they get, as John Lydon once sang. (The song title is “The Order of Death.” No, I didn’t make that up).

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Yeah, I know the feeling, an outrage and anger so deep that you must adopt a different emotional stance towards the insanity; perhaps humor, and then that doesn't really work, although Bray is frequently I must admit hilarious....then you just detach from it all

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And who the hell is allergic to bananas? 🤣😂

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No one.

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Shut up you MONSTER! Some people FEEL like they are allergic to bananas.

Why can't you respect other people's feels and accept their truth?

They are genetically engineered.

Ever played Mariokart? Banana peels ruin lives!

Bananas kill tens of people every year in this country, probably.

People don't tell you that banana bread is made from old gross brown bananas until you are in your early thirties. Imagine living your whole life only liking almost green bananas and finding out all those times your mom made banana bread she was just feeding you lies? I hope you never have to have the walls of your reality crash down around you when big banana corporations run psy-ops on your perfect world.

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🤣😂😂 oh you poor dear child....

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You don't have to be an idiot to be a progressive, but it helps...

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My operating theory is that social media has eliminated the individual sense of self in a huge percentage of youth. Pre-SM, you could remain silent on things you didn’t care about, as well as things on which you held an opposing view, but didn’t care to evangelize. Now, you must affirmatively take the group position on everything the people in your environment care about. To take a contrary position is to be rejected by the group and be left socially stateless. These are people who would be unable to survive in Tom Hanks’ role in “Castaway.” Unlike him, they would continue their suicide efforts until successful. Standing alone in opposition to the group (or just in general) is an utterly alien concept to these people. They exist solely in their reflection from the group.

A separate aspect of SM is that it offers to narcissistic psychopaths unrestricted access to society – the kind of person who initially calls for a specific “cancellation.” We would do better as a society to use “red flag” laws on such psychopaths than on gun owners. There are far more of them hollowing out our civilization.

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My one caveat is that UCLA has something like 35,000 students, and maybe 300 of them are in the encampment. There was a massive amount of "don't care" on the campus.

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Extrapolating from your thought, there are ≈170K Palestinians in the U.S. (plus ≈600K Arabs). 170K/335M=.05%; .05% X 35K = 18. 300/18 ≈ 17.

Seems to me the Palestinian cause is overrepresented at UCLA by 16X.

If you include the Arabs in the calculations as well, the overrepresentation drops to 3X.

The most common group at these protests appears to be the “crabgrass” of causes – the “Poseurs.”

It’s ironic that Anglos protest the (alleged) stealing of Palestinians’ land by stealing the universities’ land.

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The University gave them an acre out of fear of violence...

Message received: "If you threaten violence, we will surrender."

Gee, I wonder what tactic they'll use next time they want something...?

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Easily explainable. You wandered onto a movie set. Who's making the movie? GOD.

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