"The Trump years are revealing the astonishing hollowness of the liberal order and its grandees. Did any of these people ever believe in anything, really?"
I as well. location of chi mo ski (idgaf spelled wrong) widely diseminated for all to enjoy his most enlightening & interesting ideas. talib minds want to know.
When Obama first started campaigning I said this is the start of socialism…his stump, his policies and his beliefs. Does anyone remember when we broke-out population down by several categories? Poor, blue collar, white collar, rich or poor, working class, management and rich(I may have missed a group) and them Obama reduced it to middle class and rich, pitting the country against the portion. The process continues to pit one group against the other. At the time the WSJ ran a short article on this issue. I had it saved but can no longer find it…it was revealing.
Pre-Obama, no one really knew what a "community organizer" was, or what they did. What their goals were. He knew ...and he knew the general population was overall clueless and would therefore be easily led down that road. Socialism, yes of course, but much more than that. He gave us a clue with his use of the term "fundamental transformation". He knew what he meant by that but the country as a whole had no idea. They thought it meant better days ahead, especially when it came to race relations because after all, they'd just elected the first black President! Little did we know .....
He came to office after a lifetime of being steeped in the radical ideas of Alinsky and Cloward-Piven. Socialism, yes ....but farther, into communism. His mother and maternal grandparents were communists. His Kenyan father was pure communist. That he embraced that ideology can no longer be denied.
What you've described is _exactly_ what a community organizer does, to the end of fomenting societal upheaval leading to ....well, a fundamental transformation. The breakdown of societal order and cohesiveness. We need to be hating on each other, distrusting everyone, destabilized as a people and as a country. I would say he was magnificent in this role and succeeded beyond his (their) own expectations. He wanted to take America to its knees ....and he did. From that point on, it would be a piece of cake to press forward quickly to make it a fait accompli. (Keep in mind here I factor in WEF, et al, up to and including Biden, Kamala, Covid, etc.)
But then there was Trump. Trump threw a monkey wrench into the works. But they are not deterred; only their timeline has been pushed back. If the left manages to steal this upcoming election, we're done for.
Whatever one may think of Trump, I know two things for certain: We were all doing better under the Trump administration and 2) Trump is no community organizer nor is he a communist.
"Trump has said he would bar Muslims from entering the country. This would violate the Constitution’s guarantees of equal protection and religious freedom."
Foreign nationals outside the US have rights granted by the US Constitution?
My question is why would ANYONE want to allow people into their country who want to undermine the existing order with total horseshit like "sharia law"? It would be like not having cancer and finding out that the way you get cancer is by eating a certain food and feasting on it.
Chemerinsky’s son recently ran for LA County District Attorney, but thankfully, he didn’t escape the primary. So there’s more of them, and they probably all think alike.
My reaction too. The Mighty Humanzee Rule Of Engagement #1 is Favor ability of pedigree. Every. Single. Time.
This guy should not be revered as an expert when he fails the common sense and common knowledge test. Most of these people think that pedantia is a form of intelligence. It’s not. But they use that get the audience to be obedient, sick back, and watch the program.
They love to say “I know, it *seems* counterintuitive…” and then the next thing that issues forth from their pie-holes is the most ridiculous nonsense that even a six-year-old could recognize as straight up, irrefutable bullshit. This is the trademark move of today’s “expert”. They love to know that thing that seems like it would be wrong, but their special knowledge has given them the expertise to understand what you peasants can’t. The only problem is, given a 50/50 chance, their pick is dead wrong 100% of the time.
The only urgently needed change to the Constitution is an enforcement provision. Legislators who propose legislation that is clearly unconstitutional should be removed from office immediately. Average citizens need to have "standing" to sue legislators, governors or Presidents for unconstitutional actions, with the same "immediate removal from office" penalties.
The impeachment mechanisms are too slow, too clumsy, and too seldom employed to right the wrongs done to the nation by unconstitutional laws.
The judges who keep saying citizens don’t have standing to sue over constitutional violations are a massive part of the problem.
We are all victimized when a public official violates the constitution and gets away with it because a judge refuses to recognize the rights of the people.
Ken, so true, an enforcement provision & immediate removal for anything unconstitutional! But “the people” are not in control, which is why we find ourselves where we are today…. How do the people reclaim their power??
Bloodless would be preferable, but I fear the elites will fight tooth and nail to prevent the people from taking back the powers reserved to them by the Constitution.
The supreme Court was manned by total idiots for a LONG time. Fortunately some of the current members have some actual understanding of the framers intentions.
Pretty much treason needs to come back into vogue, as a charge used against traitors. From Joey on down to some cretin on a dearbornistan street corner yelling “death to America.”
The impeachment provisions have NEVER been used as intended (re: presidents); just for political attack.
I agree with the sentiment for citizen “standing,” but the government and courts would collapse with half the country perpetually suing the half of government they hate.
I think the idea is to get the federal government small again—to do only what the Constitution and its amendments state. If someone then tries to sue saying that the federal government must educate children or force people into a federal retirement plan, the courts could quickly throw out those kind of cases since the Constitution does not say the government can do those things.
It would only take a few such decisions for the Federal government to be reduced to its proper, much smaller, size. The Constitution does not have any provision allowing for a federalized police force, or education, or health care or law enforcement; 95% of Federal law is unconstitutional.
Barring a revolution, it’s way too late. Democrats really mean it when they commit treasons and use government violence.
Criminals such as Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will crush any hard attempt to uphold the Constitution with fire power of the FBI and F-15s.
It’s so exasperating that the military forces, National Guardsmen, federal agents, and policemen are ready to serve an illegitimate, corrupt and totalitarian regime.
It's all about power and control. The first amendment explicitly limits the power of government. Covid exposed the elites’s lust for power and control. We can stop shoe stores from opening and allow Walmart to open and sell shoes because they also sell food. Our decision, our power and if anyone even attempts to stops us, we will have our allies in the media silence the critics. Is it bizarre that all the voices they censored were correct? From masks to vaccines, to lockdowns and school closures they were wrong.
We live in dangerous times. Please remember Trump is not a danger to democracy but to the demo rats.
“We can stop shoe stores from opening and allow Walmart to open and sell shoes because they also sell food.”
Except in Michigan! Whitmer’s apparatchiks picked individual products that could be sold, leading to shelves with tape blocking individual items. The key wasn’t the product itself, but rather its application. One wonders if the candy aisle was blocked off, but the candy shelf in the Grocery area was open…
Covid is when the powerful both within and without the US realized that our Constitution protects us from their plans. Without it, we would have been New Zealand or Australia. Instead, by the fall/winter of 2020, many of our states stopped that nonsense and sued the Federal government because of the constitution. If our "red" states had been compliant, America would be very different now. Thus, they now wish to see it destroyed.
Drag the shitheel out into the street and execute him, there! No nasty Constitution nor that silly Bill of Rights! Yep just like here in Australia. We are disarmed and JOYOUS to be managed by an Executive Class that despises us. HUZZAH!
I'm in the Fast Track Line for The Showers 🚿 😶🌫️ . They said cleanliness is next to godliness and soon I'll be "very clean". . . Arbeit Mach Freis. 🫸
Sheet! I have one sick sense of humour, but they won't think twice about dragging my skinny, white, trash-talking ass out into the street and beating me to death! Rat bastards will have to face a cold piece of steel first!
Hahahaha! Mum taught me everything, so it’s all her fault, God rest her skinny, red-headed ass. I hope she can see and hear me fighting tooth and nail. She was a proud, smart, funny, tough as nails badass. That woman would fight for anything on principle, and I mean ANYTHING.
Where have all the strong woman gone? Sipping their Chardonnay whilst talking nonsense about some sort of BS “cause” du jour.
Really? How many school shootings are you looking to swap up to...checking here..heroically resist being "managed by an Executive class"? Shut the fuck up, Rambo, and quit acting like our Second Amendment aged any better than the Three-Fifths Compromise.
Meal Team Six ain't about to liberate us oppressed tax payers. They're much more likely to shoot themselves or another resident of their home.
"The Constitution has played a role in creating a society that is flagrantly unequal, especially along the lines of race and class."
I assume this person isn't stupid, and I hesitate to pronounce him evil, so the best I can say is that his brain has been warped by the culture war, by the skunk at his country club named Trump, and that he has talked/thought himself into the same place all desperate petty tyants always end up—nothing matters except his political enemy being destroyed, no higher principle can intervene, and he is willing to burn down the whole country as long as he can feel the orgasmic thrill of consummating his vendetta.
But please allow me to parse this one inane phrase:
"The Constitution has played a role..." I love these weasel words "played a role", which is so vague as to be meaningless, akin to saying the sun played a role in my bad day because if it hadn't risen, there'd be no day. And of course, no matter what else you say afterward, you MUST first finish the sentence somewhat like this: "The [American] Constitution has played a role in founding the world's longest extant democracy and has guaranteed the basic righs of billions of its citizens across two-and-a-half centuries, and if it weren't for this document and the brilliance of its creators, I and many other millions of people would never have lived to be so rich and safe and be blessed to be the freest people who ever walked the earth..."
and then:
"...in creating a society that is flagrantly unequal," There is no possible Constitution that could create an "equal" society, certainly not one anyone with any interest in free speech and thought would want to live in, and there is no Constitution that will ever exist that will not be be written in a world that's NOT "flagrantly unequal", as this is our natural state. But of course the truth here is absolutely opposite: the world, for better or worse, is MUCH MORE EQUAL than the 18th century which it was written in, in no small part thanks to this document which helped deliver a death blow to the reign of kings and of priests.
"...especially along the lines of race and class." Once again, despite America's historical crimes, slavery (abolished in 1865) and racial caste (abolished in 1964), America is still the freest and most egalitarian society in the history of civilization, for any race or religion—or oops! it was until the turn of the century when the Uniparty decided to ship our manufacturing base to the Third World, split the profits 50/50 w Wall St, and destroy our middle class.
I can save the Professor all his embarrassing words and maybe even help rescue his dignity, which he's sacrificed on the altar of the Permanent Trump Emergency: how bout we save the Constitution and dump the oligarchy?! Sounds sane and simple to me, but then again I'm not a Professor.
Well when you're chasing the end of a rainbow that doesn't exist you can never be judged by the consequences of such vacuity. Being on the "right side of history" is easy if the arc is long enough...because nobody will remember.
All you have to do is promise everyone a unicorn and a pot of fools gold and they'll cue up for their 3 meals and 4 fetters.
It seems that Western liberals esp those who get paid to put pen to paper have a terminal case of Rousseauism—meaning, anyone or anything that doesn't reflect the world inside their pure and wise hearts (not to mention their beautiful reflection in the mirror), or who interferes with any personal/social/political need they have in this moment, is evil and needs to be destroyed.
It is a juvenile form of romanticism that people usually grow out of, unless they live their entire lives in that sheltered garden of utopian dreams, the California college campus.
So, a brief search on Chemerinsky revealed that he:
1) Doesn’t agree with the Heller decision, and that even if the 2A is an individual right, the state should be able to circumvent it “to reduce violence.”
2) He abhors the Electoral College
3) He believes that Roe v. Wade was correctly decided
4) He supports affirmative action
And yes, he’s dean of the U.C. Berkeley law school.
CP, this why I stay for the comments. Brilliant and articulate as usual.
I’ve been watching this Chemerinsky fellow for years as he used to pop up on the local LA news stations as their go-to “legal expert.” I recall thinking when he would make noises with his mouth on these TV appearances that he always sounded lefty and partisan, but he didn’t sound crazy.
The years haven’t been kind to Herr Professor. He seems to now have gone full bat shit cuckoo.
Our historical crimes are continually being made in the form of wars we have no business in. WWII was the only war fought that had Americans interest at heart. Name another after that. I’ll wait.
The apparently standard pocket copy of the Constitution includes this from Daniel Webster: "It is hardly too strong to say, that the Constitution was made, to guard people against the dangers of good intentions."
And unfortunately that's why history is not taught anymore.
Our overlords know that the most important and enigmatic lesson in history is that people forget it.
So they rewrite history to eliminate reference so the people no longer have the words to understand their cultural history...just so they can do the same shit that didn't work before.
That whole thing about children being taught about the constitution, and our real history, and why that document alone with its amendments, is the only thing keeping this nation different than all others. Can’t have that!
Ask any high school student about the class they were required to take teaching the precepts of the Constitution...you'll get a blank stare. The 10 planks of the Communist manifesto, on the other hand have been in force and effect for DECADES. https://www.courageouslion.us/p/communism-american-style
As of yesterday, it is now a crime here in Brasil to access X-Twitter. And about a six-thousand dollar fine, too. The origin of our current madness, is that the great anti-corruption crusade that started in 2014, began to turn its attention towards lawyers and judges and the judiciary. ALL CORRUPTION BEGINS WITHIN THE LEGAL SYSTEM. Forget the press, and the politicians. Pay very, very careful attention to your American legal system.
Welp, y’all got a taste of American corruption when the cia deposed Bolsonaro. He was too much like trump. Pretty sure the revolution is at the gate. The cia deepstate will not allow world peace. They will need utter destruction, death, dismemberment lest they reassemble like a bad sci if movie and come back stronger. There are traitors among us that will need killing.
No, I have to disagree. Most people under the age of thirty are very happy with the LOSS of independence. They want lots of freedom, but no independence. Teenagers demand freedom from their parents, but independence? Hardly.
Yes, as is a lot of life! Dad, give me the car keys! Dad, bail me out of jail for drunk driving! I had a Chinese girlfriend who used to say that American guys were "sexymoronic".
So we are not the only place strapped with mindless victimless crime "laws". Use your guns to take Brazil back from the psychopaths control freak PARASITES that have taken over. We're heavily into the practice mode as I write.
I thought for sure that they would forcibly overturn that installment of cia approved communist, but then they killed a bunch of them, and that was it. I’m pretty sure it’s going to go different here.
"The Constitution doesn’t allow Erwin Chemerinsky to reshape society the way he wants society to be reshaped, so he wants to get rid of it."
But the Constitution DOES allow Chemerinsky to reshape society the way he wants -- he just needs to get 34 states on board with his vision. Good luck, Erwin!
Nothing can make you uncomfortable, can it? Including everyone else's freedom.
Of course the girl was a jerk and Erwin had every right to throw her out, but think about that tiny incident writ large.
The entire point of the constitution is a way to disagree - a lot - without the world collapsing. It is the guardrails of the nation - it is not the third rail as Erwin proposes.
BTW - thanks for your work Chris - have a fun weekend!
This has been the Progressive complaint from Wilson on - how dare that paper hold back our ambitions! Declare open warfare on it, and then let the blood flow and to the victors, the honor.
He was the most articulate and comprehensive in his ego and disdain for the restrictions on making us a better people. Old as I am, I'm not so weak of spirit to allow them to trample us with impunity.
Back before I turned into S.D "Bob" Snake Plissken and realized that Hugh was a giant RINO, I used to listen to the Hugh Hewitt Show from time to time. Erwin Cherminsky and John Eastman used to be brought on to debate issues of Con Law, with Erwin handling the Leftist side and Eastman handling the actual interpretation of the Constitution. Erwin is the Dean of the law school at UC Berkeley and was recently in the news because he tried to have a dinner party at his home and protestors showed up uninvited to turn the dinner party into a struggle session and condemn Erwin for being a Jew and a Zionist and probably for serving red wine with fish or some other stupid crap, and trying to get him fired. Erwin and his wife were pretty shocked, understandably, because you can serve a good Rose' with salmon. Now lo and behold a few months later, Erwin wants to replace the Constitution. I'm not gonna say that one thing has something to do with the other, but it's pretty clear that Erwin is falling in line with the Progressive Left ( AKA Cultural Marxists, AKA Commies) once again. Hey Erwin - it won't help. They will still hate you and attack you because you're a Jew the next time they run out of Buspirone or get a check from the Tides Foundation or a front group for the latest Ayatollah HairyScary. Just sayin'.
But let's suppose, and I think this is the case, that Erwin actually believes what he's writing. He can fuck off. The Constitution is one of if not the greatest political document of all time and I won't belabor the reasons why. Simple, elegant, far ranging, and aligned with the human soul. We are conditioned to believe that nationalism and populism is bad and that the one world citizenry construct is good. But that is not the case. Not given the current crew of miscreants pushing that totalitarian opium. Maybe in the future the Federation will be nice and we'll all cheerfully wear unitards and phazer the Romulans, but right now, not so much. It's always the same with the Commies - whatever is "normal", whatever is conducive to the traditional structure of society and human interactions and understanding is evil. History is evil, in the West white people are evil, men are evil, Jews are evil, borders are evil, etc. The Constitution is the tool of oppressors so therefore it's bad too. There are the oppressors and the oppressed and that's that. So we need to uproot the oppressors so the oppressed can oppress the oppressors. I mean that's basically it. It's all bullshit. It's a fancy long con job everywhere it's done. There are a few winners at the top and everybody else is a serf. It's true in China. It was true in the USSR. It's true in Cuba and Venezuela and it will come to pass in the post-industrial West. Yes, some people are evil. Yes, there's always a grain of truth in every effective lie. That's why it's effective. But the idea that we should just toss out all the progress of the last umpteen thousand years because some Commie intellectuals think they know better, and their brownshirt hordes want to get paid, is not a persuasive argument. We've seen this movie and we know how it ends. We're living in the opening scenes of the latest sequel at the moment. How's that going for the good guys? Not so good. The New York Times is the Bible for the Commies. The people who write these long form opinion pieces are the high priests of American Marxism. It's garbage. It's deliberate misrepresentation of facts and context to achieve a political agenda.
I'm sick of the Commies. I'm sick of all the lies. I'm sick of the slow motion train wreckage of society. For example, 250,000 dead Americans from fentanyl since 2021 ( pronounced fentanyl, not fent-a-nol) because we have no borders and the CCP wants revenge for the 19th century opium wars and our politicians are paid off. Since this started a while back, we've lost more Americans than we did in WWII. We're probably approaching civil war death numbers I would guess. We have to fix it. Nobody else will do it. If you want to pretend that everything is hunky dory, you're in for a rude awakening and not from me. I'm just a regular American who hates this destructive waste of human potential and life. It will come in the form of continued usurpation of your natural rights and freedoms, the theft of your the fruits of your labor, more anxiety, more misery, more anger. We all want a nice life for ourselves and our kids. We have to work to keep it. We have to square off with the bad guys. There's a lot more of us than them. This starts with speaking the truth and winning an election, but it probably won't end there. The Left is at war with us. They aren't gnats anymore buzzing in our ear. They are the crocodile in the swimming pool and they want to come in through the doggie door. Don't let them.
Will be offline all evening for family stuff.
JJ. Thank you for two excellent posts in one day!
Agree Ryan. Ain't he something?
He's got a motor that won't stop, that's for sure.
His Adderall order must have arrived 🤣
LOL. Like.
"How *dare* you! How *dare* you!"
"The Trump years are revealing the astonishing hollowness of the liberal order and its grandees. Did any of these people ever believe in anything, really?"
Absolute power.
I said they don't believe in anything (above), but they do, and it is absolute power! Do they hate us that much?
Yes. Yes, they do.
And they wonder why we hate them.
I have enough loathe for them to float a battleship around.
ME TOO, Ryan. Thank God I have “some”restraint because my fantasy world isn’t unicorns and rainbows.
I as well. location of chi mo ski (idgaf spelled wrong) widely diseminated for all to enjoy his most enlightening & interesting ideas. talib minds want to know.
Yup. It's all hollow.
Money and power is all they have. May they choke on it.
'Fundamental transformation'........Obama
When Obama first started campaigning I said this is the start of socialism…his stump, his policies and his beliefs. Does anyone remember when we broke-out population down by several categories? Poor, blue collar, white collar, rich or poor, working class, management and rich(I may have missed a group) and them Obama reduced it to middle class and rich, pitting the country against the portion. The process continues to pit one group against the other. At the time the WSJ ran a short article on this issue. I had it saved but can no longer find it…it was revealing.
Pre-Obama, no one really knew what a "community organizer" was, or what they did. What their goals were. He knew ...and he knew the general population was overall clueless and would therefore be easily led down that road. Socialism, yes of course, but much more than that. He gave us a clue with his use of the term "fundamental transformation". He knew what he meant by that but the country as a whole had no idea. They thought it meant better days ahead, especially when it came to race relations because after all, they'd just elected the first black President! Little did we know .....
He came to office after a lifetime of being steeped in the radical ideas of Alinsky and Cloward-Piven. Socialism, yes ....but farther, into communism. His mother and maternal grandparents were communists. His Kenyan father was pure communist. That he embraced that ideology can no longer be denied.
What you've described is _exactly_ what a community organizer does, to the end of fomenting societal upheaval leading to ....well, a fundamental transformation. The breakdown of societal order and cohesiveness. We need to be hating on each other, distrusting everyone, destabilized as a people and as a country. I would say he was magnificent in this role and succeeded beyond his (their) own expectations. He wanted to take America to its knees ....and he did. From that point on, it would be a piece of cake to press forward quickly to make it a fait accompli. (Keep in mind here I factor in WEF, et al, up to and including Biden, Kamala, Covid, etc.)
But then there was Trump. Trump threw a monkey wrench into the works. But they are not deterred; only their timeline has been pushed back. If the left manages to steal this upcoming election, we're done for.
Whatever one may think of Trump, I know two things for certain: We were all doing better under the Trump administration and 2) Trump is no community organizer nor is he a communist.
DD we need restoration
Indeed. Classical liberalism is kaput. It’s all will to power, baby!
"Trump has said he would bar Muslims from entering the country. This would violate the Constitution’s guarantees of equal protection and religious freedom."
Foreign nationals outside the US have rights granted by the US Constitution?
He didn't ban all Muslims, he banned certain countries of origin due to the impossibility of vetting them.
Are you kidding? Look at all of the new “rights” afforded to illegal fucking aliens that are not the first rights of American citizens
No shi*t. How these people function with their “reality” is a mystery to me.
It was also amazing how many muslims were allowed in under the so called muslim ban. But who wants to let facts get in the way.
My question is why would ANYONE want to allow people into their country who want to undermine the existing order with total horseshit like "sharia law"? It would be like not having cancer and finding out that the way you get cancer is by eating a certain food and feasting on it.
Kind of makes you wonder a little - Erwin is considered a “well-regarded law school dean”? He really is?
By the Right Thinking People© he is. What else matters? Shut up, peasants!
Chemerinsky’s son recently ran for LA County District Attorney, but thankfully, he didn’t escape the primary. So there’s more of them, and they probably all think alike.
My reaction too. The Mighty Humanzee Rule Of Engagement #1 is Favor ability of pedigree. Every. Single. Time.
This guy should not be revered as an expert when he fails the common sense and common knowledge test. Most of these people think that pedantia is a form of intelligence. It’s not. But they use that get the audience to be obedient, sick back, and watch the program.
They love to say “I know, it *seems* counterintuitive…” and then the next thing that issues forth from their pie-holes is the most ridiculous nonsense that even a six-year-old could recognize as straight up, irrefutable bullshit. This is the trademark move of today’s “expert”. They love to know that thing that seems like it would be wrong, but their special knowledge has given them the expertise to understand what you peasants can’t. The only problem is, given a 50/50 chance, their pick is dead wrong 100% of the time.
Exactly - sometimes I think that is a cognitive dissonance tactic. "What you really don't know is ..." spring to mind.
I saw that… Crazy!
Trump never wanted to bar all muslims from the US. Just more "Nazi" name calling. Please, somebody, get him his TDS anecdote!
That was my first take as well.
The only urgently needed change to the Constitution is an enforcement provision. Legislators who propose legislation that is clearly unconstitutional should be removed from office immediately. Average citizens need to have "standing" to sue legislators, governors or Presidents for unconstitutional actions, with the same "immediate removal from office" penalties.
The impeachment mechanisms are too slow, too clumsy, and too seldom employed to right the wrongs done to the nation by unconstitutional laws.
The judges who keep saying citizens don’t have standing to sue over constitutional violations are a massive part of the problem.
We are all victimized when a public official violates the constitution and gets away with it because a judge refuses to recognize the rights of the people.
Ken, so true, an enforcement provision & immediate removal for anything unconstitutional! But “the people” are not in control, which is why we find ourselves where we are today…. How do the people reclaim their power??
Bloody revolution.
Bloodless would be preferable, but I fear the elites will fight tooth and nail to prevent the people from taking back the powers reserved to them by the Constitution.
The elites never do the fighting. They hire mercenaries with the moniker of "law enforcement" to do their fighting.
Firearms and the will to use them.
There’s no First Amendment without the Second!
The problem is that the 2nd is being ignored in a massive way.
Also Scalia’s opinion in “Heller v DC”: https://supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/554/570/#tab-opinion-1962738
The supreme Court was manned by total idiots for a LONG time. Fortunately some of the current members have some actual understanding of the framers intentions.
Pretty much treason needs to come back into vogue, as a charge used against traitors. From Joey on down to some cretin on a dearbornistan street corner yelling “death to America.”
The impeachment provisions have NEVER been used as intended (re: presidents); just for political attack.
I agree with the sentiment for citizen “standing,” but the government and courts would collapse with half the country perpetually suing the half of government they hate.
I think the idea is to get the federal government small again—to do only what the Constitution and its amendments state. If someone then tries to sue saying that the federal government must educate children or force people into a federal retirement plan, the courts could quickly throw out those kind of cases since the Constitution does not say the government can do those things.
Good, solid thinking there, Steve. You’re absolutely correct.
It would only take a few such decisions for the Federal government to be reduced to its proper, much smaller, size. The Constitution does not have any provision allowing for a federalized police force, or education, or health care or law enforcement; 95% of Federal law is unconstitutional.
“The Congress shall have Power To”
Barring a revolution, it’s way too late. Democrats really mean it when they commit treasons and use government violence.
Criminals such as Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will crush any hard attempt to uphold the Constitution with fire power of the FBI and F-15s.
It’s so exasperating that the military forces, National Guardsmen, federal agents, and policemen are ready to serve an illegitimate, corrupt and totalitarian regime.
That is the way it has always been...but there is an answer. https://www.courageouslion.us/p/those-forgotten-and-ignored-13-words
95%? Where do you get that low number. More like 99,99999%
Like what’s happening right now?
What we need is those Forgotten and Ignored 13 words back in force and effect. And the abolition of the Federal Reserve. https://www.courageouslion.us/p/those-forgotten-and-ignored-13-words https://www.courageouslion.us/p/thank-you-federal-reserve https://www.courageouslion.us/p/there-is-a-reason-they-dont-listen
It's all about power and control. The first amendment explicitly limits the power of government. Covid exposed the elites’s lust for power and control. We can stop shoe stores from opening and allow Walmart to open and sell shoes because they also sell food. Our decision, our power and if anyone even attempts to stops us, we will have our allies in the media silence the critics. Is it bizarre that all the voices they censored were correct? From masks to vaccines, to lockdowns and school closures they were wrong.
We live in dangerous times. Please remember Trump is not a danger to democracy but to the demo rats.
“We can stop shoe stores from opening and allow Walmart to open and sell shoes because they also sell food.”
Except in Michigan! Whitmer’s apparatchiks picked individual products that could be sold, leading to shelves with tape blocking individual items. The key wasn’t the product itself, but rather its application. One wonders if the candy aisle was blocked off, but the candy shelf in the Grocery area was open…
And she was considered a presidential candidate?
By the insane.
Amen,well said! Time to flush the toilet!
Covid is when the powerful both within and without the US realized that our Constitution protects us from their plans. Without it, we would have been New Zealand or Australia. Instead, by the fall/winter of 2020, many of our states stopped that nonsense and sued the Federal government because of the constitution. If our "red" states had been compliant, America would be very different now. Thus, they now wish to see it destroyed.
Drag the shitheel out into the street and execute him, there! No nasty Constitution nor that silly Bill of Rights! Yep just like here in Australia. We are disarmed and JOYOUS to be managed by an Executive Class that despises us. HUZZAH!
I'm in the Fast Track Line for The Showers 🚿 😶🌫️ . They said cleanliness is next to godliness and soon I'll be "very clean". . . Arbeit Mach Freis. 🫸
Seen over the gates of an Australian McDonald’s, a sign cut out of steel reading “Arbeit macht fries”
Lolol. I'm sorry but that was funny
Sheet! I have one sick sense of humour, but they won't think twice about dragging my skinny, white, trash-talking ass out into the street and beating me to death! Rat bastards will have to face a cold piece of steel first!
God that's funny.
You're a woman after my wife's heart.
"skinny, white, trash-talking ass"
Hahahaha! Mum taught me everything, so it’s all her fault, God rest her skinny, red-headed ass. I hope she can see and hear me fighting tooth and nail. She was a proud, smart, funny, tough as nails badass. That woman would fight for anything on principle, and I mean ANYTHING.
Where have all the strong woman gone? Sipping their Chardonnay whilst talking nonsense about some sort of BS “cause” du jour.
Strong women have gone the same way as strong men. Men have been castrated and most women are looking for those kind of men.
Too busy running around to their idiotic appointments and yoga classes jacked up on Ritalin being little judgemental tweaker
That sounds about right.
Really? How many school shootings are you looking to swap up to...checking here..heroically resist being "managed by an Executive class"? Shut the fuck up, Rambo, and quit acting like our Second Amendment aged any better than the Three-Fifths Compromise.
Meal Team Six ain't about to liberate us oppressed tax payers. They're much more likely to shoot themselves or another resident of their home.
“ highly regarded law school dean”.. speaks with a forked tongue , like a venomous snake 🐍
"The Constitution has played a role in creating a society that is flagrantly unequal, especially along the lines of race and class."
I assume this person isn't stupid, and I hesitate to pronounce him evil, so the best I can say is that his brain has been warped by the culture war, by the skunk at his country club named Trump, and that he has talked/thought himself into the same place all desperate petty tyants always end up—nothing matters except his political enemy being destroyed, no higher principle can intervene, and he is willing to burn down the whole country as long as he can feel the orgasmic thrill of consummating his vendetta.
But please allow me to parse this one inane phrase:
"The Constitution has played a role..." I love these weasel words "played a role", which is so vague as to be meaningless, akin to saying the sun played a role in my bad day because if it hadn't risen, there'd be no day. And of course, no matter what else you say afterward, you MUST first finish the sentence somewhat like this: "The [American] Constitution has played a role in founding the world's longest extant democracy and has guaranteed the basic righs of billions of its citizens across two-and-a-half centuries, and if it weren't for this document and the brilliance of its creators, I and many other millions of people would never have lived to be so rich and safe and be blessed to be the freest people who ever walked the earth..."
and then:
"...in creating a society that is flagrantly unequal," There is no possible Constitution that could create an "equal" society, certainly not one anyone with any interest in free speech and thought would want to live in, and there is no Constitution that will ever exist that will not be be written in a world that's NOT "flagrantly unequal", as this is our natural state. But of course the truth here is absolutely opposite: the world, for better or worse, is MUCH MORE EQUAL than the 18th century which it was written in, in no small part thanks to this document which helped deliver a death blow to the reign of kings and of priests.
"...especially along the lines of race and class." Once again, despite America's historical crimes, slavery (abolished in 1865) and racial caste (abolished in 1964), America is still the freest and most egalitarian society in the history of civilization, for any race or religion—or oops! it was until the turn of the century when the Uniparty decided to ship our manufacturing base to the Third World, split the profits 50/50 w Wall St, and destroy our middle class.
I can save the Professor all his embarrassing words and maybe even help rescue his dignity, which he's sacrificed on the altar of the Permanent Trump Emergency: how bout we save the Constitution and dump the oligarchy?! Sounds sane and simple to me, but then again I'm not a Professor.
One of your better posts.
Well when you're chasing the end of a rainbow that doesn't exist you can never be judged by the consequences of such vacuity. Being on the "right side of history" is easy if the arc is long enough...because nobody will remember.
All you have to do is promise everyone a unicorn and a pot of fools gold and they'll cue up for their 3 meals and 4 fetters.
Stupid people with arrogance are dangerous.
It seems that Western liberals esp those who get paid to put pen to paper have a terminal case of Rousseauism—meaning, anyone or anything that doesn't reflect the world inside their pure and wise hearts (not to mention their beautiful reflection in the mirror), or who interferes with any personal/social/political need they have in this moment, is evil and needs to be destroyed.
It is a juvenile form of romanticism that people usually grow out of, unless they live their entire lives in that sheltered garden of utopian dreams, the California college campus.
Agreed, I guess that's why we're all here; to build bridges...and unfortunately burn a few before they burn the whole damn thing down.
You know that saying, "I'll burn that bridge when I come to it". That's what I've been doing since covid. lol
No, they have a terminal case of psychopathy. https://www.courageouslion.us/p/problem-psychopathic-control-freaks
Or any campus these days
So, a brief search on Chemerinsky revealed that he:
1) Doesn’t agree with the Heller decision, and that even if the 2A is an individual right, the state should be able to circumvent it “to reduce violence.”
2) He abhors the Electoral College
3) He believes that Roe v. Wade was correctly decided
4) He supports affirmative action
And yes, he’s dean of the U.C. Berkeley law school.
I so appreciate your perspective and words. Very well said.
is much appreciated
CP, this why I stay for the comments. Brilliant and articulate as usual.
I’ve been watching this Chemerinsky fellow for years as he used to pop up on the local LA news stations as their go-to “legal expert.” I recall thinking when he would make noises with his mouth on these TV appearances that he always sounded lefty and partisan, but he didn’t sound crazy.
The years haven’t been kind to Herr Professor. He seems to now have gone full bat shit cuckoo.
"flagrantly unequal, especially along the lines of race and class"
That's just society tho?
Good post.
Our historical crimes are continually being made in the form of wars we have no business in. WWII was the only war fought that had Americans interest at heart. Name another after that. I’ll wait.
LOL! Slavery was abolished in 1865? That's a laugh. https://www.courageouslion.us/p/communism-american-style
I think you should post this as a review for the book. It’s perfect
These "dummies" believe they're better because the ventriloquist on MSM (and their tribal guilds) tell them so.
That's why the dummies can be switched out, but the show is still run by the same "persons".
The apparently standard pocket copy of the Constitution includes this from Daniel Webster: "It is hardly too strong to say, that the Constitution was made, to guard people against the dangers of good intentions."
Exactly. To guard against human nature.
History is the best cautionary tale.
And unfortunately that's why history is not taught anymore.
Our overlords know that the most important and enigmatic lesson in history is that people forget it.
So they rewrite history to eliminate reference so the people no longer have the words to understand their cultural history...just so they can do the same shit that didn't work before.
That whole thing about children being taught about the constitution, and our real history, and why that document alone with its amendments, is the only thing keeping this nation different than all others. Can’t have that!
Ask any high school student about the class they were required to take teaching the precepts of the Constitution...you'll get a blank stare. The 10 planks of the Communist manifesto, on the other hand have been in force and effect for DECADES. https://www.courageouslion.us/p/communism-american-style
only takes a generation to erase
As of yesterday, it is now a crime here in Brasil to access X-Twitter. And about a six-thousand dollar fine, too. The origin of our current madness, is that the great anti-corruption crusade that started in 2014, began to turn its attention towards lawyers and judges and the judiciary. ALL CORRUPTION BEGINS WITHIN THE LEGAL SYSTEM. Forget the press, and the politicians. Pay very, very careful attention to your American legal system.
Welp, y’all got a taste of American corruption when the cia deposed Bolsonaro. He was too much like trump. Pretty sure the revolution is at the gate. The cia deepstate will not allow world peace. They will need utter destruction, death, dismemberment lest they reassemble like a bad sci if movie and come back stronger. There are traitors among us that will need killing.
No, I have to disagree. Most people under the age of thirty are very happy with the LOSS of independence. They want lots of freedom, but no independence. Teenagers demand freedom from their parents, but independence? Hardly.
Having "freedom" without independence is oxymoronic.
Yes, as is a lot of life! Dad, give me the car keys! Dad, bail me out of jail for drunk driving! I had a Chinese girlfriend who used to say that American guys were "sexymoronic".
So we are not the only place strapped with mindless victimless crime "laws". Use your guns to take Brazil back from the psychopaths control freak PARASITES that have taken over. We're heavily into the practice mode as I write.
I thought for sure that they would forcibly overturn that installment of cia approved communist, but then they killed a bunch of them, and that was it. I’m pretty sure it’s going to go different here.
In Brasil only criminals have guns. Everybody else who might have one, is on the official payroll.
Bolsonaro didn’t have enough time to arm the country.
Most people would just shoot themselves in the foot.
“Everybody else who might have one, is on the official payroll.” So what you are saying is only criminals have guns.
You said, not me!
The political prisoners of J6 could not be reached for comment.
The day of the corruption of our legal system already passed.
"The Constitution doesn’t allow Erwin Chemerinsky to reshape society the way he wants society to be reshaped, so he wants to get rid of it."
But the Constitution DOES allow Chemerinsky to reshape society the way he wants -- he just needs to get 34 states on board with his vision. Good luck, Erwin!
The Left will learn how to blackmail states into giving up their rights.
That's how I got free* healthcare and a $2,000 check from obamma
Erwin - pretty sure it is the current constitution that allows you to throw people off of your property - https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/uc-berkeley-law-professor-confronts-palestinian-student-backyard-dinne-rcna147434
Nothing can make you uncomfortable, can it? Including everyone else's freedom.
Of course the girl was a jerk and Erwin had every right to throw her out, but think about that tiny incident writ large.
The entire point of the constitution is a way to disagree - a lot - without the world collapsing. It is the guardrails of the nation - it is not the third rail as Erwin proposes.
BTW - thanks for your work Chris - have a fun weekend!
I’ll bet that incident was the last straw for old Erwin. Gotta finish that book…
More Hamasniks for Erwin!!!!
This has been the Progressive complaint from Wilson on - how dare that paper hold back our ambitions! Declare open warfare on it, and then let the blood flow and to the victors, the honor.
Boy it did all start with Wilson.
He was the most articulate and comprehensive in his ego and disdain for the restrictions on making us a better people. Old as I am, I'm not so weak of spirit to allow them to trample us with impunity.
Well thank goodness for you.
We can all learn from your hard EARNED wisdom.
No need to grovel, I'm a reasonable man.
Trust me. I am not one to grovel.
Who, not coincidentally, hated the general population.
Not as much as he hated the black population..
He was the slime that strapped us with the totally UNCONSTITUTIONAL Federal Reserve act. https://www.courageouslion.us/p/thank-you-federal-reserve
I believe Trump said he would bar Muslims from some countries because they couldn’t be vetted.
They only believe in power.
And their own superior wisdom.
Back before I turned into S.D "Bob" Snake Plissken and realized that Hugh was a giant RINO, I used to listen to the Hugh Hewitt Show from time to time. Erwin Cherminsky and John Eastman used to be brought on to debate issues of Con Law, with Erwin handling the Leftist side and Eastman handling the actual interpretation of the Constitution. Erwin is the Dean of the law school at UC Berkeley and was recently in the news because he tried to have a dinner party at his home and protestors showed up uninvited to turn the dinner party into a struggle session and condemn Erwin for being a Jew and a Zionist and probably for serving red wine with fish or some other stupid crap, and trying to get him fired. Erwin and his wife were pretty shocked, understandably, because you can serve a good Rose' with salmon. Now lo and behold a few months later, Erwin wants to replace the Constitution. I'm not gonna say that one thing has something to do with the other, but it's pretty clear that Erwin is falling in line with the Progressive Left ( AKA Cultural Marxists, AKA Commies) once again. Hey Erwin - it won't help. They will still hate you and attack you because you're a Jew the next time they run out of Buspirone or get a check from the Tides Foundation or a front group for the latest Ayatollah HairyScary. Just sayin'.
But let's suppose, and I think this is the case, that Erwin actually believes what he's writing. He can fuck off. The Constitution is one of if not the greatest political document of all time and I won't belabor the reasons why. Simple, elegant, far ranging, and aligned with the human soul. We are conditioned to believe that nationalism and populism is bad and that the one world citizenry construct is good. But that is not the case. Not given the current crew of miscreants pushing that totalitarian opium. Maybe in the future the Federation will be nice and we'll all cheerfully wear unitards and phazer the Romulans, but right now, not so much. It's always the same with the Commies - whatever is "normal", whatever is conducive to the traditional structure of society and human interactions and understanding is evil. History is evil, in the West white people are evil, men are evil, Jews are evil, borders are evil, etc. The Constitution is the tool of oppressors so therefore it's bad too. There are the oppressors and the oppressed and that's that. So we need to uproot the oppressors so the oppressed can oppress the oppressors. I mean that's basically it. It's all bullshit. It's a fancy long con job everywhere it's done. There are a few winners at the top and everybody else is a serf. It's true in China. It was true in the USSR. It's true in Cuba and Venezuela and it will come to pass in the post-industrial West. Yes, some people are evil. Yes, there's always a grain of truth in every effective lie. That's why it's effective. But the idea that we should just toss out all the progress of the last umpteen thousand years because some Commie intellectuals think they know better, and their brownshirt hordes want to get paid, is not a persuasive argument. We've seen this movie and we know how it ends. We're living in the opening scenes of the latest sequel at the moment. How's that going for the good guys? Not so good. The New York Times is the Bible for the Commies. The people who write these long form opinion pieces are the high priests of American Marxism. It's garbage. It's deliberate misrepresentation of facts and context to achieve a political agenda.
I'm sick of the Commies. I'm sick of all the lies. I'm sick of the slow motion train wreckage of society. For example, 250,000 dead Americans from fentanyl since 2021 ( pronounced fentanyl, not fent-a-nol) because we have no borders and the CCP wants revenge for the 19th century opium wars and our politicians are paid off. Since this started a while back, we've lost more Americans than we did in WWII. We're probably approaching civil war death numbers I would guess. We have to fix it. Nobody else will do it. If you want to pretend that everything is hunky dory, you're in for a rude awakening and not from me. I'm just a regular American who hates this destructive waste of human potential and life. It will come in the form of continued usurpation of your natural rights and freedoms, the theft of your the fruits of your labor, more anxiety, more misery, more anger. We all want a nice life for ourselves and our kids. We have to work to keep it. We have to square off with the bad guys. There's a lot more of us than them. This starts with speaking the truth and winning an election, but it probably won't end there. The Left is at war with us. They aren't gnats anymore buzzing in our ear. They are the crocodile in the swimming pool and they want to come in through the doggie door. Don't let them.
Happy Labor Day. We can do this.
Trump/Vance 2024
X 10. Phuck Fentanyl.
What a rock star comment!!