My cousins middle child, 27 years old, was found dead from overdose by her children last week. Jessica is the third member of family tree to die young from an od these past 3-4 years.

I asked my 30 year old daughter how many she had known who’ve died. She answered with “ 50 some folk if I include all those I’ve met on my recovery.”.

Everything is a scam and a lie.

They don’t care about us at all.

Much of what I thought I knew about America was wrong.

It’s truly a small number of folk that can/will change things.

Most folk will just live their life…I’m kinda jealous.

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I am so, so sorry. There will always be people who just don't have the means to get to a better place (physically), and it is a horrible and damnable tragedy that they have to suffer and some of them end up dying. The Scripture reading in church a couple of weeks ago was from Malachi. It wasn't the standard "God will wipe every tear in heaven" thing. It was better, because it talked about the punishment for those who have done the harming in this life. I hope it will comfort you, as it comforted me about some of the ones we've lost in my circle: "'Surely the day is coming; it will burn like a furnace. All the arrogant and every evildoer will be stubble, and the day that is coming will set them on fire,” says the Lord Almighty. “Not a root or a branch will be left to them. But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its rays. And you will go out and frolic like well-fed calves. Then you will trample on the wicked; they will be ashes under the soles of your feet on the day when I act,” says the Lord Almighty." Ashes under the soles of our feet, indeed.

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They brainwashed your kids and their friends in school, telling them parents are clueless and only the government knows anything. They outlawed any moral frameworks, leaving only the government as a token kind of religion.

It wasn't an accident.

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My kid is homeschooled. But thanks for your opinion!

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I am so sorry to hear about the losses in your family JD.

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The number of decent people is large, they are atomized and leaderless.

The number of evil people is significant enough but outnumbered by the Rice Bowl fillers at every level- but they are still few.

The numbers of people who w

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...the number of people who have had enough is growing. They are not mere atoms but slowly forming bodies and at a certain point they will act. As for only a few will do ANYTHING and the rest live their lives- that is eternal.

Good news is the decent among the resourced is growing, quietly for the most part.

The Line Forms.

Musk is no outlier, bold though he be, he is the beginning of a line. The faithlessness of the Democrats towards their instruments who thought themselves allies will be and is becoming their undoing. In fair truth the Republicans are accomplices.

The line prior are the corpses of Afghanistan, Ukraine, Facebook, Amazon teetering with unionization, Starbucks riots and above all The Former Tycoons and C levels (CEO, etc) who have been cast aside in need and are ruined or damaged. No one likes to be used and discarded.

People with resources who are used and discarded are dangerous.

Even swine like Weinstein and Cuomo have friends.

We can add many journalists and academics.

We can add nameless legions who have been damaged , burnt out, victims of crime that are dead or fled chaos and crime.

The system is running out of instruments and the betrayed turn on their betrayer.

The reasons for reflexive betrayal are political souls with politics as religion are compelled to use and betray, and the Left itself always eats and denounces its own- when the Left is your base and primary striking arm you can’t have allies, friends or even family.

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Yep. It takes a while to turn a large ship around, in this case the ship of public conciousness. It's always a process, a growing awareness among ordinary deplorables that the America they'd been brainwashed into isn't reality. The mind will resist it as long as possible and usually until denial becomes a threat to survival. (Unfortunately that final recognition often occurs too late to prevent dire consequences).

Ultimately leaders will emerge when the wealthy see that this present scam threatens them. Then they will ensure that the scattered hosts of the red pill are gathered. But to what end? I don't have much confidence that we won't just be manipulated by another manufactured solution.

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US military Leading Procedure Step 3: Start necessary movement.

as in: receive the mission

issue a warning order

3: start necessary movement.




It doesn't matter what train rolls into this town TAKE THAT TRAIN.

The rest will get figured out as we go, and it's antihistorical fantasy to think it can or will follow a 'plan' or 'narrative'.

Ludendorff had his ideas, but Lenin had his own.

The Duc d'Orléans had his ideas but the Jacobins had their own.

Pitt the Elder had his ideas, but The Founding Fathers had their own.

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The line of oligarchs and other elites who've had enough is beginning to form.

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You had me at "everything is a scam" and then made me laugh out loud at "circle jerk on a life raft." I'm investing all of my life force into the normal human beings because I've been feeling similarly since Biden's speech last year about losing patience with the unjabbed. All I saw was a dog who was 95% bark, and I was like, "F#^@ these abusive bastards." That was it. I found my center.

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"....a dog who was 95% bark."


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I’m not an advocate for violence, but I don’t think these “elites” entirely understand the potential ferocity of the hornets nest they’re kicking.

I know countless people talking of feeling disillusioned or disenfranchised with the goings on of these out of touch authoritarian, utopia fantasist busybodies.

I’ve often wondered if they are hoping for violence so they can drop the pretence of wanting to “unite their peoples”, and start outwardly hunting/jailing/murdering their political dissidents.

I wouldn’t be the one to tie a rope around their necks and lift them up on a lamppost, but I wouldn’t mind a beer while I watched it happen.

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You bring the beer and your attention. I got the rest covered.

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I give you a heart. Blaine, we need some assissinations.

Can that be arranged?

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"Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap." AC/DC

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Might want to watch that language, I wouldn't want to get Chris into trouble. Beezy is slightly more circumspect ;)

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Except THEY won't be doing a damn thing, they'll hire mercks to do their dirty work, while they sit around jerking off somewhere... What they don't EVER remember, these psychopath types like these, is that when the Peeps finally get angry, they get RADICALLY angry, and that's when tyrants get the Heads In The Basket treatment.

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The hunting and jailing has already begun. Give them another year or two, and Grandma who walked nonchalantly through open doors into the Capitol on J6 will be on death row for "sedition".

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I very much relate to and agree with your comment... except I'm not wanting to watch that. My imagination is WAY enough...

But I also have thought... all they need to just slaughter us outright, with weapons of war, and mercks, is if we become violent.

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I love hearing stories of awakening because the folks from my legacy world show precious few signs of stirring.

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200 billion dollars allotted to public schools during the scamdemic. Where is all that money? I'm stuck with paying hefty high school fees and I have seen no changes or investments in the public schools around me. For all those billions, all kids could have free meals and no school fees across the country for many years to come.

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And our real estate property taxes rise 15% a year...the bulk of it going for public education. Seniors are being taxed out of the homes they worked their entire lives to pay off. What a load of crap!

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All part of the plan. Infuriating, or should be.

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The money went to the same place all the Ukraine money went -- through FTX and into politician's pockets.

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How much you wanna bet it went into teacher pension funds? Those things are so underfunded and because of that they've now invested those into the stockmarket to make up for lousy bond returns. All roads of fraud and corruption lead back to the stock market and banks in general. You weren't surprised that a pandemic required larger bailouts then 2008? I think covid happened because they needed to bail themselves out again and knew they couldn't run 2008 again. People were on to the economic fraud they've been pushing for decades. Needed something you had to be an expert on to actually have a voice, like MD's.....................

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Correction: not all of it went into teacher pension funds, gotta kick 10% to the big guys. But you get my drift ;)

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I covered the local school board until mid-2021. There were limits on how ESSER [edited my typo] and other "pandemic relief" money could be spent, so it didn't go into pension funds. However, it had to be spend during a short timespan (two years?), and there are only so many hours of tutoring you can give kids in a week, so a lot of it went into capital improvement to marginally health-related things like HVAC. The district I covered used the money to replace the HVAC system in every school that had it planned for the next few years.

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And quality teachers, well-paid (and fire the crappy teachers). I can dream.

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You know what I’m seeing at the local high school by me? Construction of a new football stadium. I don’t know from whence this funding came, but what I can surmise is that the new stadium will do little to improve test scores.

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I can attest from covering school board meetings that an expenditure like a football stadium is part of a capital plan, and funding decisions for this particular stadium probably pre-dated corona. If the situation is like the district I covered, bonds were probably issued to cover several large expenses, including the stadium. Also, if it's like the district I covered, **parents** were the ones who asked for FieldTurf and offered public comment at the school board meeting in support of large athletic expenditures because they were "embarrassed" when their children played against other schools that had nicer facilities. Public school systems have been spending public money in ways many of us don't like for a long, long time. I imagine that mis-spending of corona money (ESSER, etc.) is rare. You're just seeing the regular p*ssing away of money that happens all the time. And you know what? Very, very few taxpayers *ever* show up at school board meetings to complain. Virtually never was I able to quote a taxpayer or a parent speaking *against* wasteful spending at a school board meeting, because it just didn't happen.

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Twenty years ago, I worked at a small community newspaper in the suburbs. I covered the city government plus cops and courts, while a very regal and invariably drunk older lady covered the school district. She would not write about school board politics, about budgets, about the use of money from bond measures. Would not, full stop. She wrote stories like, "The recent production of Jack and the Beanstalk at Local Elementary was the finest production of that play in living memory, many observers say." All the children are very special!

One day I was talking to a local lawyer about a lawsuit he had filed against the city, and he tossed some documents across his desk at me to see if I was interested in another lawsuit he'd filed against the school district. I told him I didn't cover the schools, but as I flipped through the stack of papers I saw that our little suburban school district was represented by a white shoe law firm in downtown Los Angeles, of the kind that does major commercial litigation and represents Fortune 500 companies. I was baffled. So I asked for the school district's legal services contract, then emailed dozens of other districts to find out what they were paying for legal services. And then, knowing that Regal Drunk Lady wouldn't touch the thing, I just wrote a story that said our school district was paying TRIPLE the rates for legal services that every comparable suburban school district in the state was paying. "[Regal Drunk Lady] is going to be very angry," the editor said, and then published the story.

My phone rang all day for a week:

"Who put you up to this?"

"What's your real agenda?"

"What are you trying to prove?"

"Why are you attacking our children? Don't they deserve the best?"

Regal Drunk Lady slurred at me at great volume in the parking lot –– school attacker! child hater! –– and the editor suggested I not ever pull anything like that again.

Communities don't want to know. Flatly, they feel offended if you tell them.

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Our situation may be slightly different, in that the school district administration that was in office prior to the current one, with the approval of the board that was in office at the time, greenlighted swaps with a large financial institution that ended up putting the district in an extremely bad financial position. One fairly courageous guy at the local TV station camped out outside the district's administration building and broke the story, and people (because their taxes went up to pay for the catastrophic ... error in judgment) actually were interested. So there's a bit more interest as far as the readers are concerned. People just don't want to drive over to the board meetings at 5 or 6 p.m. at the admin building or the local middle school and make their views known. The meeting minutes are posted online a few days after every meeting; the agenda items (including expenditures that are, in my view, nutso) are posted well in advance of every meeting, so people really can inform themselves. They're just too lazy to do anything other than grouse after the fact, or (like the FieldTurf situation) are actually in favor of the insanity. I covered it honestly; there were literally two guys who showed up at every meeting, and one pro-shot fanatical mom who showed up a couple of times a year. The corona stuff (virtual school, masking, etc.) was the first time somebody other than the three usual suspects showed up. And it didn't last. Once the protocol was in place, the parents went back to sleep, and the taxpayers had never woken up.

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have you checked the school board members pockets?

I'd ask for minutes from their meetings - somewhere it should be recorded.

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Horrible resistance will occur to that kind of oppression in America. We fell for the CovID stuff. Never again.

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i'll believe it when i see it. too many if our fellow americans like wearing these stupid blue muzzles, standing on dots, and feeling warm and fuzzy that big daddy gov is taking of everything, dont you worry.

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Never again is right. Staying isolated at home, masks, gloves, plexiglas barriers, injections, distancing, shutdowns, mandates, denying access to loved ones in nursing homes/hospitals...all of it. Do not comply with any of these evil rules, ever again! How do we get ‘non-choir members’ to see this?

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I try--and have always tried, re: shots--to get people to see that someday, their ox will be gored. The problem is that they can never believe that any intervention they don't find "reasonable" will be mandated.

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Yep, never ever again! That is, IF we live through it.

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'War is a racket, the pandemic is a shockingly lucrative racket, a bunch of insiders are getting paid, government officials have offshore accounts, and the news is a cover story. Policy is about 90% pretext. Anyway, that’s my current mood, and I’m pretty confident it’s widely shared.'

I certainly share it.

I just completed a lengthy YouGov poll being administered by some university or other. Almost all the questions were engineered in a way as to have you supporting one or the other political party. For someone like me, who over the last three years has learned that no news is to be trusted and all politics is performance on the part of a uniparty, there's no way to express my attitude. Not sure if that's lack of imagination on the part of the survey authors, or intentional. Either way, their results will be misrepresenting what I suspect is a sizable portion of the population.

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Intentional. It seems like surveys are always designed this way.

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Of course they are. Massive sums have been invested, since modern polling was created in the late 1800's, to insure that NO poll is conducted, ever, to which the result could be in doubt.

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"War is a racket. It always has been". The opening sentence from Marine General Smedley Butler's 1935 speech and book Still available online. For now. One source:[https://ratical.org/ratville/CAH/warisaracket.html]

And on polls - I have maintained since my university days, over a half century past, that, given the topic, and the identity of the person or group paying for the poll, that I can predict, with > 91% accuracy, the result of the poll, 19 times out of 20.

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And it's all for our benefit, paid for by us! Yay!

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I know exactly what you mean. There is no way to state that you are very concerned about gun control because there's already too much of it.

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Beautifully written, Chris. It feels good to read that i am not alone. Also... get out of my head 😂

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Let's hear it for Margery Taylor Green, she has more common sense and courage than most her conservative colleagues and men that talk tough but do little. Let's hope some more will grow a spine and hold the government accountable for our tax money. We were right to stop funding the WHO which is just part of Klaus Schwab and the elites plan for world control without a single vote being cast by THE PEOPLE. Tell me what strategic interest we have in Ukraine? And how will that end? No-one, and I mean NO-ONE has any idea where the billions of our tax dollars are going in Ukraine except we know that the arms dealers and their supporters (or lackeys) in congress that are beholden to them. The shameful withdrawal from Afghanistan was an opportunity to stop senseless and aimless conflicts in which there is NO upside for the people of America. And we have to hear from the WEF about restructuring and from the Climate Nazis about the imminent Armageddon ? When we stand perilously close to nuclear conflict ? Tell me how that ends.

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"...the Ukrainian laundromat". That is priceless.

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The Ukrainian Laundry is NOT a fancy restaurant. :)

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I feel the same Chris. Very well said. They have tremendous power to control people like themselves and prevent us from doing the things that they want to do, but I feel increasingly that their threat to normal life is vastly overstated.

The corruption and pointlessness of it all seems an excellent excuse to check out and check into life with your family, making and doing things that are worthwhile intrinsically and not because they can make you a buck, and investing in neighbors and friends.

Anyway, if it does turn out that this tiger is not entirely a paper tiger, doing those things is what will make us strong to find them. We need more of the strength of the Shire and less of Minas Tirith.

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"...check into life with your family."

The seems like the answer to me.

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"I see what they intend, but I struggle to feel authentically frightened of these people:"

Same. They may bring the whole world down in their delusional quest for full control of the planet, but it won't work.

The sooner more and more of us, ignore them, go around them and laugh at their absurdity, the quicker their decline.

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The problem Mr. Bray with war as racket is the soldiers weren’t in on the gag.

That’s a mistake.


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It’s true, Chris, that the majority of people in the USA are shunning the booster, maybe some other places as well. However that is not universal and the motivations are not clear. Where I live (in Asia) I constantly get asked whether my 5 year old has had his vax... (they just don’t see it... Despite my rather direct responses! ). Could it be that some of the negative news and data is leaking out into our collective consciousness? Could it be that even when we tell people what we know and they react negatively, don’t respond, ghost us even, the message is landing somewhere in their subconscious? I hope so rather than the idea that they are just jaded and want it all to go away and anyway we can see it’s everywhere now and not a major threat anymore, right? Cos the science right?

If it is the latter there will be no awakening to the fact that Covid 19 was never a threat worthy of the name pandemic and all the policy was a catastrophic crime. And people remain under the sway of the public health authority and MSM/Big tech and still believe Big Pharma works for their good... So while Covid may be waning as an issue the G20, WHO and UN are using the manufactured “war of Covid” as a pretext for preparing for the next one, that they “promise us” is coming. Given this one was released from a lab and they have amped up this gain of function work rather than closing it down, we can be sure their promise has veracity. And behind them the WEF keeps popping up.

If there is no great awakening of the masses then they will respond the same way that they did almost 3 years ago for the next one and the mediocre elites will have their power and mandate to take more freedoms away and impose more mandates for unproven deadly drugs. So while we can look with disdain on these mediocre “giants”, these self appointed masters of the world, we must do so in the sure knowledge that we need everyone to wake up to neutralise them. And we need strong opposition leaders who are not part of the elites corruption to lead this. Most of all we must break the monopolies on information dissemination held by MSM and Big Tech and stop the censorship, “fact checking” and cancel culture. People will only wake up when either the hypnosis stops or they get a rude awakening via personal tragedy (or inescapable consequences). Clearly the former is better, although I suspect, given the trajectory of the all causes mortality (little to do with Covid) the latter will become manifest. The question is will it be too late...

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the performance of technocratic domination is increasingly met with a shrug; the self-declared Masters of the Universe are mostly perceived as a circle jerk on a life raft, out to sea but too busy with their mutual onanism to notice.

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I'm with you on a lot of that, but the endless wars and the digital surveillance of the entire population (1) cost money (which comes from us and our grandchildren and devalues our currency to the point where eating red meat is a distant memory in my house) and (2) can be used in a snap of the fingers to to deny anybody access to anything (hospitals, all colleges outside Florida, MCAT and LSAT testing facilities, ambulance service, public transportation, etc.). And these structures are definitely used to keep people out of positions of power. What are the odds that a guy like Joe Ladapo could go to Duke undergrad and Harvard Med School under today's Stasi regime? Which means he would never have worked at UCLA, gotten any grants, or risen to the notice of Ron DeSantis. And as it is, he'll never, ever, ever work in the federal government. So the hard crust around the bureaucracy that destroys jobs and lives with its un-legislated rules (hahahahahaha notice and comment hahahahahaha) gets thicker and thicker every day. My daily existence is near-perfect, but what if my kid actually wanted to go to school outside Florida? Or dreamed of being a doctor? Or thought she might be part of a solution in government someday? The path to each of those things is very easily blocked, given the structures already in place and those being planned, and for our grandchildren (if we ever have any), the list of things they can never do will be even longer. The threat to stop cars driving between PA and NJ during the first year of corona BS was an empty one, but it doesn't have to be. Just imagine a license plate registry for shots, and my family will not be leaving Florida even for a trip. We have to back up our "F U" and ignoring with going ahead and doing the small things despite being told we can't, so they don't stop us from doing the big things. And we need people who can afford lawyers (thank you, Aaron Kheriarty, Bobby Kennedy, etc.) to keep suing.

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As for MTG, I've been repeatedly told that she's a crazy anti-semite, but here's my thing: if this is true, a crazy anti-semite is perhaps one of the few adults in the room with a sense of what her job actually is, and that's a really, really sad statement.

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