See also:


"Modern social institutions—particularly schools—have been caught for decades in an escalating spiral of harsh selection for conscientiousness and conformity. Since 2000 especially, Head Girls have cemented their dominance across a great many bureaucratic institutions and white-collar professions, and they have used their growing influence and seniority, above all, to recruit and promote more Head Girls like themselves. The problem is that traits like conscientiousness correlate not at all with raw intelligence and ability. Thus, our world has come to be steered by fleets of extremely agreeable, deeply concerned, highly productive and overly socialised Emily Osters—midwits who have very few original thoughts, and who make up for that by caring a lot about what other conformist midwits of similar status think about them."

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This neatly explains how the HR dept in my former company operated. It pushed every woke and diversity agenda going. Naturally it was staffed exclusively by smartly dressed, upper-middle class women.

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It's very interesting about "upper middle class" and/or rich people... There appears to be a direct causal relationship with money and sociopathology... One can be turned into a sociopath simply by getting really wealthy. The money factor makes people "untouchable" in a social sort of way... You have plenty of money, you don't CARE what your neighbors think of you... And you can move away and live on a lot of space and avoid them all... That's a VERY short synopsis of the idea...

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Money is freedom in the United States, so in a way if you have money you are "free" and can look down on those who don't, the serfs! Hate your dead end job where over performing just gets you more work? Well only way you can be free of it is money! Funny that people are told not to save their own money to be able to take care of themselves in hard times or to even be independently viable if they decide to scrap that shit job. Instead they're told to do the exact opposite, saving is stupid and for losers, spend spend spend, debt debt debt.........

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Almost like we never left this, but were just given an illusion, like Zappa said.


“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it's profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”

What was 2020 other then seeing the brick wall at the back of the theater?

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Indeed! You clearly "get it."

And I suspect that you, like me, and a few others, knew this well before 2020, and so the stage was already set for us to question the nonsense about "Covid."

I'm ready and willing and able to be part of turning this shit around... Oh, I mean, SHIP....



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Eugyppius nailed it in his article. Painfully accurate description of the head girls ruling parts of my extended family since 2020. The comment sections on these articles contain many gems, as well.

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“Thus, our world has come to be steered by fleets of extremely agreeable, deeply concerned, highly productive and overly socialized Emily Osters…”

There’s a disconnect I’m trying to reconcile between the quoted bit above and the traits of the woke who are increasingly in charge of the institutions (my first-hand experience is with one of the most woke departments in a large university), who are extremely disagreeable, produce very little (and nothing of value), show no competence at basic job functions, and are deeply unpleasant.

Maybe the explanation is that the woke extremists use the Head Girls as puppets, exploiting their agreeableness to get far left-wing policy enacted that the Head Girls wouldn’t necessarily have put forth on their own, but which they don’t have the emotional strength or temperament to say no to when such policy is proposed / demanded by “marginalized” “BIPOC” with the attendant sob stories and implicit (and often explicit) threats of racism accusations if they don’t comply.

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I've seen this firsthand, in academia and elsewhere: They're extremely agreeable and highly productive in the terms of their peer group, and with reference to their peers. It's the same dynamic as the people with "Hate Has No Home Here" lawn signs getting on Twitter to tell the MAGAts to drop dead. Hate has no home here, YOU FUCKING NAZI PIECE OF SHIT!!!!! It's that, everywhere and all over. Picture Kathy Griffin holding the representation of Donald Trump's severed head, while complaining that Trump is mean and indecent.

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Maybe they’re only agreeable when you agree with them. Then the mean girls reveal their true nature. Seems to fit the mold.

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Useful Midwits?

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I was just going to reference this Substack but you beat me to it.

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They are the counterparts to all the men who start wars for profit, cheat their workers and pay them shitty wages, bully the women who work for them and steal their ideas, stomp over the Earth and vilify it with ravaging and polluting, try to, and often succeed in, making life harder for those who work hard for a living, engage in chicanery, villainy, fraud, deceit of all sorts, and then lie about it... And so on. If this is going to be Emily is All Women, then fuck it, I quit. I'll stay in my dog persona forever.

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Emily is a very particular kind of highly credentialed, upper-middle-class, institutionally situated woman. No one is saying that she's "All Women," and some of her sharpest critics are other women.

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Then I must be sharp as hell, lol. Understand... I'm an old soldier, as it were.

I'm not including you in that war.

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You know, you just described every narcissist, ever. Of course, some may be from up that family tree, sociopaths and psychopaths.

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What a great article by Sarah. Thanks for sharing Chris.

I think most of her "guilt" is from betraying her most sacred principle in life:

The avoidance of being last to know something socially.

That is what many Oster's of the world fear the most.

Her worse nightmare has come true - on a very big issue - and she can not hide.

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It sounds like Oster established herself as a guru to a set of prosperous professional moms in their 30s. It's very embarrassing for a guru to have to say that as it turns out, she isn't smart enough to tell you how to live your life.

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But will shamelessly do so.

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Are you the Arne I used to know on FB? In CA? Makes cabinetry and cool wood stuff?

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No. I lived in California a long while ago, but never did much on Facebook.

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OK, sorrow. It's not a common handle. ^_^

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Or lucky enough to recognize a disaster in the making and be prudent enough to avoid getting caught up in complicit behavior...

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Ha! True. Not much actual guilty feelings of wrong-doing, but lots of getting caught with your pants down.

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Thank you, Ryan!!

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No, thank you! It was brilliant.

I will be subscribing.


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He's right, you know. It WAS brilliant. Cheers!

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I don't see any guilt at all. Chagrin, perhaps, that people are starting to look at what's happening the way I and others looked at it three years ago.

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Exactly. You nailed it.

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Thank you, JessL!

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That too!

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She is right. This was ghostwritten. It is a trial balloon.

The best we can do is a military tribunal.

You can't ever give an inch to psychopaths. I wrote a book about it. Here's a free download: https://dl.bookfunnel.com/t2feeen29q

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Thank you, Dr Yoho! I downloaded your book — looking forward to it!

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I'm about to throw it up on amazon. I appreciate comments of any kind.

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Thanks so much! Easy-peasy download and happy to be on your list. Will be back with comments for sure.

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I think you have the right of it, as does Sarah. Things are reaching the "sweep everything under the rug and try to forget about it" phase. We must do everything we can do not allow that, and indeed to dig in and find out exactly what did happen, why it happened, and who made the decisions. Public executions might be optional at that point, but punishments for clear and specific actions need to be meted out. We need to make to make it abundantly clear what must not happen the next time there is a pandemic emergency, because there absolutely will be and the same psychopathic behavior will again raise its head and attempt to snap up the opportunity.

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And once the WHO votes themselves in charge of our lives, then what?

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One can only hope we won't get fooled again. Talkin' bout my generation, that is.

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I'm pretty sure we're of the same generation.

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Maybe not... mine might be early enough to pick up on the The Who reference :D



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Capital crimes demand Capital Punishment.

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Good news and bad news. Good: that was brilliant thanks for sharing. Bad: I am now going to spend the rest of afternoon reading Sarah's blog instead of the 50 other things I was suppose get done. Second thought it's not that bad.

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Ha ha! The best compliment I could receive, thank you!!

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This topic is particularly poignant for me at the moment. My mother (totally bought-in-to-vaccines Dem) has had a well controlled auto-immune issue for the past couple decades. Otherwise healthy. Double vaxxed and boosted, caught Covid recently and now her auto-immune issues are out of control. In the past two weeks, they suspected pulmonary embolism (negative), cancer (suspected negative, awaiting biopsy), now it’s persistent out of control pneumonia, raging gall bladder issues that have appeared out of nowhere, and her auto-immune urticaria issue is no longer under control with a medication that has been effective for her for over a decade. Her entire body is essentially experiencing an inflammatory attack. Never once has it occurred to her that this may be vaccine related. Sadly, before this happened, my mother also had a lot of judgement for a friend of hers who was refused cancer treatment at a local hospital because she wouldn’t get vaccinated. This is making it difficult for me to feel the level of sympathy I know I should for my own mother. I’m sure she quietly has the same thoughts about me, my husband and my children (none of us vaxxed). Her hubris is making not only forgiveness difficult, but even just basic human empathy.

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You poor things. My mother died last year, our relationship tattered due to similar discord over this worldwide mindf*ck. So many older people simply cannot assimilate the daily absurdities and obscenities. Do your very best now, in order to have less to forgive yourself later. Recently I have been trying to retrieve lost memories of her from happier times and feel more at peace.

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My heart goes out to you Victoria. I can’t imagine what it must be like to lose your mother in the midst of the turmoil without having time to attempt to heal the relationship.

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I’m so sorry to hear this!

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"we do not accept your apology......Get F**ked and go to jail though not necessarily in that order.....don't forget and don't forgive. God F**king speed."


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What apology? That was the one thing NOT offered in this bid for forgiveness.

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Yes, exactly Sherea! who feels entitled to forgiveness when they haven’t even apologized?

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I don't think she _wants_ forgiveness. It's an amnesty, not a pardon after trial she is asking for. She wants 'there was never anything done which needed forgiving'.

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By the way, your root canal fund only goes to an apple app store app. No android.

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Thanks much for posting that YT link. Quite an invigorating delivery that guy's got!

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You're welcome. My day is always better when Razorfist posts a rant.

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Taking Sarah's hypothesis one step further: this 'trial balloon' article isn't for us, the dissenters. It's for the duped normies on the verge of learning what's been done to them.

Normies who read this piece will be thinking, 'yes, I said bad things about the unvaxxed/unmasked; we ALL said bad things; we deserve forgiveness now." This ritual will serve as advanced buy-in to forgive their abusers when the truth comes out.

"We all said bad things, daddy. I forgive you. Please don't be mad."

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It is conspicuous happening just after CDC said states are free to mandate yearly jabs for kids, while removing all liability for damage to all people forever.

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There's a book, The Sociopath Next Door, by Martha Stout. Stout says the most reliable sign that someone is a sociopath is "the pity play," because when the sociopath gains our pity and wins our sympathy, that means he can "continue with his game, whatever it happens to be."

Do you think, just maybe, that this applies to the call for amnesty?

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I read that book too! Wish I had as copy now!

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I have read that book but it was quite a few years ago — I’m not sure! But now I’m curious and may have to re-read it. Thank you for reading!

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It was published in 2005 I believe. She talks quite a bit about how to prevent a sociopath from exerting control over yourself.

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Excellent recommendation. Thank you. Oster's crapfest definitely read like a test balloon. I would say, "Good luck with that," except I don't want the good Lord to mistake my sarcasm for sincerity. I wish Oster the worst luck in the world selling her horsecrap. Also, I could watch that TikTok from Reynolds's Substack on repeat forever. I think literally forever. If I had serious money, I would pay to have it broadcast in every possible place for the next six months.

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Matthew Crawford's take on this story includes: "I'm going to want to hear Emily Oster's apology delivered as she stands with Ernest Ramirez, holding his hand."


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Thank you so kindly, Chris!!

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The last two years has taught me (as well as many of your readers) a couple things.

1. Pharma/CDC/FDA/Govt can't be trusted

2. There's nothing in the main stream news except what someone else up higher wants you to read (or allows you to read) and they support Pharma.

It's the 2nd issue that stands out to me here.... as she says: "Fear. Because she’s afraid she did something so wrong that it might be considered illegal. (And if not her, whoever encouraged her to write the piece.)"

Yes...they allowed this to be printed...I agree it was to gauge the response and how bad it'll be after midterms should they be investigated. Because they know the midterms will be tough on the blue team. And because many of these people made a ton of money off this whole covid situation...and they'd like to keep it...and live out their days enjoying their lives & money....Fauci wants to enjoy his retirement! But part of them is fearful they won't be able to.

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Great catch. I think the "powers" have no idea just how hard they proverbially poked the sleeping bear! People are furious—and I've lost count of how many I know personally who now refuse to believe ANYTHING put out by the CDC, NIH, FDA and the White House Press Corps after this. The surveillance acronyms lost their credibility years ago. Like Robert Yoho said, military tribunals with true punishment and choking off these unelected bureaucracies by defunding them are the only real "cure."

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If that’s the case why do they cede power? Why transfer power if they know they face jail or the noose? I think perhaps a clearer picture will emerge next week.

I think the last peaceful transfer of power was 2016.

Military Tribunals are an option of those with armies, victorious armies at that.... and history says they’re a bad idea.

The other side has no choice but to fight to the death, given your terms. Do they?

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There's a lot that can happen between November 8th and swearing in, in January. I agree that 2016 was the last peaceful transfer of power. Honestly, have never been more "on edge" about our country than I am about how the next 2 months will play out. Bottom line, those entrusted with power set up unelected bureaucrats that proceeded to commit genocide. I lost a family member and several friends to the bounties hospitals were being paid to kill off people. So, I guess under your terms, we just "go Oster" and let them get by with it?

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The Gauls said Vae Victas to the Romans, not other way round.

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Sorry for your loss.

If our options are elections and the Laws - then we must be silent as to retribution or any notions of “Justice.”

Justice is a prerogative of those with power, not the ...conquered.

The Gauls said Vae Victas to the Romans, not other way round.

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This is what is dropping into the mainstream. Sarah's spot on:



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