If the Wiener bill passes - or even gets close enough that other idiotic California legislators decide to try something similar - then the oil companies need to respond by stating outright that if they are sued like this they will leave California entirely. I.e. refineries will be shut, gas stations they own will be shut and gas stations they don't own will not be supplied. They can even start sending out letters to employees giving them notification that they are about to lose their jobs and send other letters to landlords, trucking firms etc. that they have leases from or contracts with that they will not be renewing those leases/contracts when they expire and where possible they will invoke early termination clauses. They can even buy a few bill boards saying "Bye bye California, hope you enjoy your electrically powered future"
No one would have thought that insurance companies would abandon what should be the most lucrative markets in the country, yet they did as an unintended consequence of price controls. It's no longer a stretch to believe that oil companies could do the same, if only to educate voters who cluelessly blame them for the failures of the idiots they continue to elect. CA (where I was born and lived for 35 years) is at a crossroads. If Californians don't have the common sense and will to elect competent leaders, they deserve the fruits of idiocy. Sorry, not sorry.
…and as the largest consumer of jet fuel in the US, just think of all that extra land California residents will have for nature walks when all the airports are shut down.
Maybe such an exodus would finally be an answer to “where’s the bottom” that so many in CA need to descend to before discovering sanity & kicking out the insane ones.
Maybe the ranchers change their mind and don't leave, set a precedent. Trump supports them. The alleged plaintiffs, spoiled brats or stand-ins, discover they can photograph, hike. and find spiritual consolation in making peace with fellow residents, the caretaker ranchers who manage the land beautifully and keep it from becoming an inferno, unlike the metro buggicrats who haven't an ounce of interest as they are only there to do as they're told and be the smiling performance artists.
It's their flatulence, those selfish cows, that is contributing to our demise, don't you know. I think our dissolution as a land of the free and home of the brave is being contrived by the flatulence of the greedy commies/ultra free traders like Blackrock, JP Morgan et all and the non-thinking zombie progressives who perform as their mind molded soldiers under the influence of the well-paid behaviorists and vast social experts and cast iron, well-greased (compensated and happily conscripted to the cause as press-titudes) molded media.
Me too! But then again I’ve never been bothered by ‘livestock’ or ‘cows’ being a daughter of a cowboy, who raised pasture cattle and someone who raised two steers in FFA in high school. My brother has a small ‘herd’ of grass feed cattle, on his ranch in SoCA. His little 4 year old granddaughters (my grand nieces) and I regularly take hikes on the property and walk by the ‘cows’ all,the time. Some are quite friendly and curious.
He needs to virtue signal loudly for his constituents, no matter how idiotic the plans, so that they continue to ignore his predilection for little boys.
And those who appear to want to empty out California, for nefarious reasons we can only imagine, will benefit by this insanity. And so "they" undoubtedly approve.
So when Mary Ann L. wouldn’t go to the prom with me, that was the fault of the Sunoco station next to the high school? I knew it. I freakin’ knew it. I bet Big Oil knew it too, the bastards. Mary Ann L’s loss.
Chris, I’m in complete agreement with your entire outlook on this post - and appreciate your originality as always.
Especially the part about all the EO’s coming from Trump in the last week. I too wish we weren’t dependent on one person regarding legal direction - yet also like you I’m glad that he’s doing what needs to be done to bring the boat back to where it was before Biden and his handlers steered it so far off course.
Here in the People's Republic of Brtitistan, we're very jealous. You finally have a leader who DOES stuff, gets things done, there's a sense of optimism. All we have here is......a tanking economy, children being raped on an industrial scale by (mostly) Pakistani men, and kids stabbing each other. And our hapless govt has decided that to complain about or even discuss any of this now makes you a "far right extremist". I am not joking. Our country has never felt so unsafe.
Hello from a fellow Brit in the north of England. We are in trouble, aren’t we? It’s why I read so much more about US politics on this site - I can’t bear to read about Starmer and his band of fools and halfwits, the childishness is off the scale. Will we just have to wait it out or will there be a coup? I think we are on a very rocky, unpleasant road until at least 2029. But, you know, so very many people in the U.K. wore their masks like obedient sheep, willingly took their poison whilst bleating about ‘vaccine denial’ or some such childish bilge, screamed for longer and more draconian lockdowns, believed every single word from the bbc, the daily mail, the Sun, etc…quite a few voted Labour….it’s hard to feel sympathy for most of my compatriots, the masked morons, past, present and future do deserve quite a lot of blame. As for the rape gangs, well, we should never have allowed immigration from the third world, including the Caribbean, from 1948 but we had no say. The British had lost WW2 along with the Germans and the rest of Europe. All we can do is boycott Pakistani businesses - but I’m afraid most people love the terrible curries and takeaways too much. Oh yes, and our king should go the way of his first namesake predecessor, being a traitor through and through (as was his mother, of course - she just loved that old ‘Commonwealth’ - far more than she ever cared for British people, as does old moronic, tampon man jug-ears.)
I was shocked when weak willy Starmer got elected. Brits seem like Californians...they keep electing numpties whose agendas only serve to hurt, well, Brits and Californians -- but keep the hordes of illegal mutts safe and happily living off the taxpayers' teat. Disgusting.
British Intelligence was instrumental in the Trump Russia hoax, and the British government directly interfered in our election on the side of the Democrats, so expect some attention from our new FAFO-in-chief. The Western world needs a cleansing enema, and what President Trump is doing now is a good start. I just wish he wasn't so moderate.
The rape gangs definitely go back to the 60s, my mum used to warn me about Pakistani taxi drivers when I was a teenager in the 80s, and as a teenager she'd lived in the Halifax area. They came over to work in the textile Mills in that area. Girls lives are being traded for Muslim votes. Starmer got in because the msm told the sheep to vote Labour. And enough of them listened and more people stayed at home to secure very thin support. Which has fast melted away. Buyer's remorse. I get what you say about our countrymen, but I've got kids and I want things to change for them. We need something to break. And fast.
I agree. I live in Teesside, not so badly hit by the third world savages as the north west, but Middlesbrough has been taken in large part. I have no idea what can be done now. I know Nigel Farage isn’t going to inspire a revolution and Tommy Robinson is likely controlled opposition (something odd is going on there). My two children are in their late thirties, one lives in France with our grandson so I am just hanging around, broken hearted. ‘Covid’ was the last straw for me, the scam began just after our grandson was born, we managed to travel to France in the February….
I find it hard not to absolutely loathe most people, remembering them in their moron masks, in all their moronic naivety. Many still think Mr Trump is a monster, they are so brainwashed by the appalling bbc and the rest of the lying msm. I try to believe that things will be better soon, as the Trump presidency sets an example to the world. Politics are cyclical, I think, and no one in the winter of discontent in 1978/79 really expected what happened with Thatcher, nor the Berlin Wall, etc…all we can do is look free our families and pray…
That makes me so sad. I visited your beautiful country in 1987 and had the most brilliant time hiking around and staying on a farm in the Cotswolds, hostel in London, hostel in Edinburgh and learned how to pronounce the name "Stuart" correctly and ate lovely fish and chips and hiked all over the place. I would not go now no matter how much someone paid me. Could wind up in the wrong place at the wrong time, and the odds of that are high. I am heartbroken for you!
That is so sad. I wish they would just all go away. Hollywood is dead and those people have no self awareness or what it is like to live like a normal person.
Do you think politicians and administrators got a taste of blood during Covid/Coronamania and now can’t get enough of using their oppressive powers?
Here in the US I think the covid era pulled the veil off the eyes of many left-leaning voters and made us realize that a government with too much power is the ultimate threat to the population.
I grew up in a well-organized Nordic nation and (almost:-) happily paid my taxes because I received a well- functioning society and a high quality education in return.
When I moved to the US 30+ years ago I at first wondered why Americans are so (comparatively) distrustful of government. Then vaccine mandates for children opened my eyes to its oppressive powers, and finally the last 4 years helped me shed any illusions of a society and world I once thought existed. Now I could teach others a thing or two about distrust of government or belief in “conspiracy theories”.
Apparently if you even consider that there is a two tier justice system in the UK, you are now a far right extremist. According to the Home Office. Ludicrous.
Absolutely genius!!! Big oil drained your reservoirs, didn’t build more, gutted your fire departments, let your undergrowth build up and get crispy dry, let your fire breaks get overgrown, caused the sun to shine and the Santa Anna’s to blow. Who could have foreseen that there could be any fire safety issues in the future? Well the answer is Big Oil and they took advantage of the naive Califolks. Just a bunch of simple west coast hill Billy’s minding their own business until out of the blue half the state was in flames.
The US is one of the richest countries in the world. California is the richest state. Why does it have to elect people to office that make decisions based on emotion or fantasy?
And why is nobody ever recalled or fired? At some point it seems like the tar and feathers would come out. (Metaphorically) Can’t you at least get rid of the Wiener?
Excellent! And tomorrow they will be blaming big oil for all the lithium batteries melted during the Altadena fire and creating toxic waste dumps from there to the Palisades. Weiner will update that soon!
Did you hear about Moss Landing? The largest Li+ grid battery system in the world burned to the ground. It didn't make news because the LA fired swamped everything else at the time.
Yes, The Moss Landing Fire happened on the heels of the LA fires. And let out a ton of toxic s**t into the air. A friend lives near there inland from Moss Landing, but was not in the wind pattern and didn’t have to evacuate. But that story got very little press.
"The US is one of the richest countries in the world. California is the richest state. Why does it have to elect people to office that make decisions based on emotion or fantasy?"
Your question contains its answer.
It's because we are the richest state that our pols prefer to preen as global saviors rather than do their jobs and it's because we are the richest state that the voters and esp the donors don't think of politics as having to do with things like resource allocation but as a playground and stage for them to sing songs about idealism and utopian egalitarianism.
If Cali were a person he'd be the very spoiled child of a very wealthy family who destroys everything he touches but gets away with it bc of his wealth and connections and bc he always maintains he's doing it "for a good cause" and his heart is pure and filled w love for humanity.
Cali needs a far stronger jolt than it's received so far. To continue my anaolgy, the wildfires are like the wealthy family losing a mansion—it sucks but they have others and will soon forget about what happened and learn nothing from it.
There's a lot more ruin left in this state and sanity won't be on the ballot anytime soon.
I was surprised Weiner could take enough time away from writing his kid-diddling legislative proposals to come up with this giant piece of crap. He needs to fuck all the way off to the sun, and then burn to a crisp there.
Rich entitled people want to go hiking in their private park is what I took away from that. Even worse than the initial report then.
That proposed law. . . can't stop laughing. Can it be down to poor knowledge of English that's the real culprit (trying to be charitable)?
Maybe the DEA ought to conduct an investigation into the percentage of cocaine in waster/sewage water from the residencies of politicians in California - because this reads as something you'd think up after a 72-hours space walk.
Musing: if a Tesla or other EV spontaneously combust, could the car manufacturer therefore sue an oil company?
Weiner’s bill appears to violate a variety of fundamental legal principles. In just one example, clause 3 appears to apply this new law with a retroactive effect (no bueno). What brand of crazy is it to allege that the law wasn’t the law at the time if we later change the law?
This was basically the logic used by Biden in his pardons of marijuana offenders — where the current legality of the substance was used as a justification to “erase” charges for an act that was genuinely illegal at the time. A clear case of how “social justice” perverts the rule of law.
In the Point Reyes case, I believe the inclusion of details of “personal use” by the plaintiffs goes to the issue of legal standing. Their “personal harm” gives them the right to sue, as opposed to alleging that they represent unnamed and unknown people who are being harmed.
"Personal harm" because there are cows grazing on the land seems an abuse of the legal phrase and meaning.
Plus, surely then the farmers could issue a counter-suit for damages due to suffering personal harm by way of the initial suit and having to close the farms.
I know exactly what you mean. I’m in the UK, 6 months or so into the worst authoritarian government our country has seen. I would love a Trumpian figure to eventually row back some of their madness, but too much power in one person’s hands does make me nervous
I'm also made a little uncomfortable by the incredible blizzard of executive orders that are very aggressively attempting to roll back the taken for granted territory that's been held so long by the left. On the one hand it's a shocking reminder of how much damage has been done to we demoralized and exhausted conservatives over the last 10 years.
On the other hand, there is some real strategy going on here in terms of draining their apparently pool of money and legal resources, and forcing them to really have to commit some serious money and man power for once to defending their gains, as opposed to making new ones. In many areas they will be unsuccessful and they will enter 2026 far more depleted and demoralized than they have been for a long time.
The left in this country has not faced a serious assault on their occupation of the heights of government and culture for as long as I can remember, and even if only half of these fights are won, they are being fought with government resources on OUR behalf for a change, and will weaken them considerably going forward, making future more strategic gains even more likely to succeed.
It's quite an example of blitzkrieg on the political front, and even though that battle strategy may have been discredited by who mainly waged it in the past, it was devastating whenever it was applied without reservation. Let's hope there are many more gains to consolidate once the smoke clears.
Agreed. I don't think the birthright citizenship EO stands a chance. But... it will consume several million dollars and a couple dozen of man-years of left-wing legal resources, while we use tax money to finance our defense of it. That's a win.
'I was being spiritual on my nature hike, but then cows'.
That made me laugh.
'I’m not entirely enthused to see so much social reorganization being managed through the unilateral action of a single elected official' ...though it's preferable to having a whole administration of the mentally deranged doing it.
I think of it like one of those chess demonstrations where Bobby Fisher takes on a roomful of numskulls. Equally, I'd prefer advice from one Scott Alexander than from a thousand correctly elected dimwits. Checks and balances? I only like them when they're balancing and checking things I despise. I'm sure Kant wouldn't agree with that sentiment but then he never met Kamala Harris and the Never-Trumpers.
1. Imagine you are looking at the Earth from the vantage point of the Moon. And you learn that the Earth is 1 degree warmer than it was 100 years (assume it’s true, for this exercise, although I know it’s impossible to measure the temperature of the entire planet 100 years ago using the same method you use today). Now try to convince someone on a jury “of peers” that an oil company is responsible for the fires in this one small spot of that Earth.
2. Does Sasha Perez even have enough people in her district now to qualify for a valid district?
Have spent a bit of time out in West Marin County, and the Point Ryes area. There’s PLENTY of places to “re-create, conserve, hike, view wildlife, swim, and seek spiritual renewal” in the Point Reyes area and out at the Point Reyes National Seashore.
And the cows being there is not big deal. But of course the crazy lefty, progressive types of NoCA and the Bay Area, don’t seem to feel the same. They want it ALL to themselves.
I just spent the past two weeks in Marin and Napa. (I live in the southern part of SoCA.) The attitudes of certain people in that area still blows my mind. Even up to a year ago the small little bookstore, Point Reyes Books in Pt. Reyes Station (the main town of that area) had a plexiglass ‘shield’ at their counter, protecting the ‘book store worker bees’ from all the contagious and infected customers who bought books. (As an aside they also carry a plethora of woke, progressive fiction and non fiction.) And plenty of folks are still wearing masks up there as well!
If the Wiener bill passes - or even gets close enough that other idiotic California legislators decide to try something similar - then the oil companies need to respond by stating outright that if they are sued like this they will leave California entirely. I.e. refineries will be shut, gas stations they own will be shut and gas stations they don't own will not be supplied. They can even start sending out letters to employees giving them notification that they are about to lose their jobs and send other letters to landlords, trucking firms etc. that they have leases from or contracts with that they will not be renewing those leases/contracts when they expire and where possible they will invoke early termination clauses. They can even buy a few bill boards saying "Bye bye California, hope you enjoy your electrically powered future"
No one would have thought that insurance companies would abandon what should be the most lucrative markets in the country, yet they did as an unintended consequence of price controls. It's no longer a stretch to believe that oil companies could do the same, if only to educate voters who cluelessly blame them for the failures of the idiots they continue to elect. CA (where I was born and lived for 35 years) is at a crossroads. If Californians don't have the common sense and will to elect competent leaders, they deserve the fruits of idiocy. Sorry, not sorry.
…and as the largest consumer of jet fuel in the US, just think of all that extra land California residents will have for nature walks when all the airports are shut down.
Oh my, it almost makes one hope the bill passes!
Agreed. Feeling “spiritually renewed” just thinking about it.
They should leave behind a Wyatt's Torch lighting a sign saying, "We're leaving it as we found it. Take over. It's yours."
That is basically what the Biden Administration just did w the country.
Brilliant strategy. Maybe we should want this to happen and get to see the wailing and gnashing of teeth of the masses; get your popcorn!!
I'm hoping they continue doing dumb shit so we can pick up some prime real estate on the cheap.
OH NO! Governor Patrick Bateman would have to deal with the consequences of his actions? What ever will do?
I mean, I know what I would do... it involves a delicious Citra IPA and lounging on the patio as I would be endlessly entertained.
Maybe such an exodus would finally be an answer to “where’s the bottom” that so many in CA need to descend to before discovering sanity & kicking out the insane ones.
Maybe the ranchers change their mind and don't leave, set a precedent. Trump supports them. The alleged plaintiffs, spoiled brats or stand-ins, discover they can photograph, hike. and find spiritual consolation in making peace with fellow residents, the caretaker ranchers who manage the land beautifully and keep it from becoming an inferno, unlike the metro buggicrats who haven't an ounce of interest as they are only there to do as they're told and be the smiling performance artists.
I've been finding spiritual consolation in Point Reyes for literally decades, cows and all. I didn't know I was supposed to be bothered by them!
It's their flatulence, those selfish cows, that is contributing to our demise, don't you know. I think our dissolution as a land of the free and home of the brave is being contrived by the flatulence of the greedy commies/ultra free traders like Blackrock, JP Morgan et all and the non-thinking zombie progressives who perform as their mind molded soldiers under the influence of the well-paid behaviorists and vast social experts and cast iron, well-greased (compensated and happily conscripted to the cause as press-titudes) molded media.
I hope the FBI doesn't send a snitch to investigate my Beagle. Her farts create a cloud over my neighborhood.
Keep that beagle away from Fauci!
Can you imagine two giant megafarts in the same room? It would be the end of the world as we've known it.
I’ve never heard a cow flatulate.
Silent but deadly.
Me too! But then again I’ve never been bothered by ‘livestock’ or ‘cows’ being a daughter of a cowboy, who raised pasture cattle and someone who raised two steers in FFA in high school. My brother has a small ‘herd’ of grass feed cattle, on his ranch in SoCA. His little 4 year old granddaughters (my grand nieces) and I regularly take hikes on the property and walk by the ‘cows’ all,the time. Some are quite friendly and curious.
Plus, think of the benefits to Cattle Egrets and other grassland birds!
I know exactly what you mean and I agree 💯. I am entertained, overwhelmed, and thus far very satisfied with the outcome.
Weiner's bill is the apogee of Woke delusion. The mental house of cards to support such a law is a frikken Eiffel Tower of lies and delusions.
I believe it comes as a fevered reaction to Trump's victory. The Woke are demonstrably freaking out.
He needs to virtue signal loudly for his constituents, no matter how idiotic the plans, so that they continue to ignore his predilection for little boys.
And those who appear to want to empty out California, for nefarious reasons we can only imagine, will benefit by this insanity. And so "they" undoubtedly approve.
So when Mary Ann L. wouldn’t go to the prom with me, that was the fault of the Sunoco station next to the high school? I knew it. I freakin’ knew it. I bet Big Oil knew it too, the bastards. Mary Ann L’s loss.
And now they want to burn Mary Ann down.
Chris, I’m in complete agreement with your entire outlook on this post - and appreciate your originality as always.
Especially the part about all the EO’s coming from Trump in the last week. I too wish we weren’t dependent on one person regarding legal direction - yet also like you I’m glad that he’s doing what needs to be done to bring the boat back to where it was before Biden and his handlers steered it so far off course.
Here in the People's Republic of Brtitistan, we're very jealous. You finally have a leader who DOES stuff, gets things done, there's a sense of optimism. All we have here is......a tanking economy, children being raped on an industrial scale by (mostly) Pakistani men, and kids stabbing each other. And our hapless govt has decided that to complain about or even discuss any of this now makes you a "far right extremist". I am not joking. Our country has never felt so unsafe.
Hello from a fellow Brit in the north of England. We are in trouble, aren’t we? It’s why I read so much more about US politics on this site - I can’t bear to read about Starmer and his band of fools and halfwits, the childishness is off the scale. Will we just have to wait it out or will there be a coup? I think we are on a very rocky, unpleasant road until at least 2029. But, you know, so very many people in the U.K. wore their masks like obedient sheep, willingly took their poison whilst bleating about ‘vaccine denial’ or some such childish bilge, screamed for longer and more draconian lockdowns, believed every single word from the bbc, the daily mail, the Sun, etc…quite a few voted Labour….it’s hard to feel sympathy for most of my compatriots, the masked morons, past, present and future do deserve quite a lot of blame. As for the rape gangs, well, we should never have allowed immigration from the third world, including the Caribbean, from 1948 but we had no say. The British had lost WW2 along with the Germans and the rest of Europe. All we can do is boycott Pakistani businesses - but I’m afraid most people love the terrible curries and takeaways too much. Oh yes, and our king should go the way of his first namesake predecessor, being a traitor through and through (as was his mother, of course - she just loved that old ‘Commonwealth’ - far more than she ever cared for British people, as does old moronic, tampon man jug-ears.)
I was shocked when weak willy Starmer got elected. Brits seem like Californians...they keep electing numpties whose agendas only serve to hurt, well, Brits and Californians -- but keep the hordes of illegal mutts safe and happily living off the taxpayers' teat. Disgusting.
British Intelligence was instrumental in the Trump Russia hoax, and the British government directly interfered in our election on the side of the Democrats, so expect some attention from our new FAFO-in-chief. The Western world needs a cleansing enema, and what President Trump is doing now is a good start. I just wish he wasn't so moderate.
Similar thing here. “But the tacos…!” That amazing artisanal taco stand is worth any number of American lives lost apparently
Excellent rant.
Thank you from a bleak UK.
I sympathise because I’m there too!
The rape gangs definitely go back to the 60s, my mum used to warn me about Pakistani taxi drivers when I was a teenager in the 80s, and as a teenager she'd lived in the Halifax area. They came over to work in the textile Mills in that area. Girls lives are being traded for Muslim votes. Starmer got in because the msm told the sheep to vote Labour. And enough of them listened and more people stayed at home to secure very thin support. Which has fast melted away. Buyer's remorse. I get what you say about our countrymen, but I've got kids and I want things to change for them. We need something to break. And fast.
I agree. I live in Teesside, not so badly hit by the third world savages as the north west, but Middlesbrough has been taken in large part. I have no idea what can be done now. I know Nigel Farage isn’t going to inspire a revolution and Tommy Robinson is likely controlled opposition (something odd is going on there). My two children are in their late thirties, one lives in France with our grandson so I am just hanging around, broken hearted. ‘Covid’ was the last straw for me, the scam began just after our grandson was born, we managed to travel to France in the February….
I find it hard not to absolutely loathe most people, remembering them in their moron masks, in all their moronic naivety. Many still think Mr Trump is a monster, they are so brainwashed by the appalling bbc and the rest of the lying msm. I try to believe that things will be better soon, as the Trump presidency sets an example to the world. Politics are cyclical, I think, and no one in the winter of discontent in 1978/79 really expected what happened with Thatcher, nor the Berlin Wall, etc…all we can do is look free our families and pray…
That makes me so sad. I visited your beautiful country in 1987 and had the most brilliant time hiking around and staying on a farm in the Cotswolds, hostel in London, hostel in Edinburgh and learned how to pronounce the name "Stuart" correctly and ate lovely fish and chips and hiked all over the place. I would not go now no matter how much someone paid me. Could wind up in the wrong place at the wrong time, and the odds of that are high. I am heartbroken for you!
Apparently the Cotswolds is now full of Hollywood has beens escaping Trump 🤪
That is so sad. I wish they would just all go away. Hollywood is dead and those people have no self awareness or what it is like to live like a normal person.
Do you think politicians and administrators got a taste of blood during Covid/Coronamania and now can’t get enough of using their oppressive powers?
Here in the US I think the covid era pulled the veil off the eyes of many left-leaning voters and made us realize that a government with too much power is the ultimate threat to the population.
I grew up in a well-organized Nordic nation and (almost:-) happily paid my taxes because I received a well- functioning society and a high quality education in return.
When I moved to the US 30+ years ago I at first wondered why Americans are so (comparatively) distrustful of government. Then vaccine mandates for children opened my eyes to its oppressive powers, and finally the last 4 years helped me shed any illusions of a society and world I once thought existed. Now I could teach others a thing or two about distrust of government or belief in “conspiracy theories”.
Or “far right thug” - I think that’s how I have to describe myself now.
Apparently if you even consider that there is a two tier justice system in the UK, you are now a far right extremist. According to the Home Office. Ludicrous.
Everything will get better once the knives are banned. Dang knives! We pray for you, our kin
I'm waiting for the ultimate knee jerk reaction from Starmer - a total ban on cooking in your own home.
Please! You're supposed to call them South Asian men or, better still, Manchester men.
Absolutely genius!!! Big oil drained your reservoirs, didn’t build more, gutted your fire departments, let your undergrowth build up and get crispy dry, let your fire breaks get overgrown, caused the sun to shine and the Santa Anna’s to blow. Who could have foreseen that there could be any fire safety issues in the future? Well the answer is Big Oil and they took advantage of the naive Califolks. Just a bunch of simple west coast hill Billy’s minding their own business until out of the blue half the state was in flames.
The US is one of the richest countries in the world. California is the richest state. Why does it have to elect people to office that make decisions based on emotion or fantasy?
And why is nobody ever recalled or fired? At some point it seems like the tar and feathers would come out. (Metaphorically) Can’t you at least get rid of the Wiener?
Wiener is a pedophile, which makes him a protected class in California
Excellent! And tomorrow they will be blaming big oil for all the lithium batteries melted during the Altadena fire and creating toxic waste dumps from there to the Palisades. Weiner will update that soon!
Did you hear about Moss Landing? The largest Li+ grid battery system in the world burned to the ground. It didn't make news because the LA fired swamped everything else at the time.
Yes, The Moss Landing Fire happened on the heels of the LA fires. And let out a ton of toxic s**t into the air. A friend lives near there inland from Moss Landing, but was not in the wind pattern and didn’t have to evacuate. But that story got very little press.
My best man actually lives just a couple of miles from there! They asked him to evacuate, but they refused.
California voters are encased in Special Truth Shields.
"The US is one of the richest countries in the world. California is the richest state. Why does it have to elect people to office that make decisions based on emotion or fantasy?"
Your question contains its answer.
It's because we are the richest state that our pols prefer to preen as global saviors rather than do their jobs and it's because we are the richest state that the voters and esp the donors don't think of politics as having to do with things like resource allocation but as a playground and stage for them to sing songs about idealism and utopian egalitarianism.
If Cali were a person he'd be the very spoiled child of a very wealthy family who destroys everything he touches but gets away with it bc of his wealth and connections and bc he always maintains he's doing it "for a good cause" and his heart is pure and filled w love for humanity.
Cali needs a far stronger jolt than it's received so far. To continue my anaolgy, the wildfires are like the wealthy family losing a mansion—it sucks but they have others and will soon forget about what happened and learn nothing from it.
There's a lot more ruin left in this state and sanity won't be on the ballot anytime soon.
And Big Oil did it by forcing us to buy their products! We didn't want to drive our cars, use airplanes, etc. THEY MADE US DO IT!
Weiner is a cancer to California.
He's metastasizing.
And metastatic disease everywhere.
you insult cancer in the comparison
I was surprised Weiner could take enough time away from writing his kid-diddling legislative proposals to come up with this giant piece of crap. He needs to fuck all the way off to the sun, and then burn to a crisp there.
So true!
FBJones , there are so many cancers .
Maybe big oil made him a pedo.
Anyone who ever used a “fossil fuel” is complicit in “climate change” and should not be eligible to sue the oil industry.
Rich entitled people want to go hiking in their private park is what I took away from that. Even worse than the initial report then.
That proposed law. . . can't stop laughing. Can it be down to poor knowledge of English that's the real culprit (trying to be charitable)?
Maybe the DEA ought to conduct an investigation into the percentage of cocaine in waster/sewage water from the residencies of politicians in California - because this reads as something you'd think up after a 72-hours space walk.
Musing: if a Tesla or other EV spontaneously combust, could the car manufacturer therefore sue an oil company?
Weiner’s bill appears to violate a variety of fundamental legal principles. In just one example, clause 3 appears to apply this new law with a retroactive effect (no bueno). What brand of crazy is it to allege that the law wasn’t the law at the time if we later change the law?
This was basically the logic used by Biden in his pardons of marijuana offenders — where the current legality of the substance was used as a justification to “erase” charges for an act that was genuinely illegal at the time. A clear case of how “social justice” perverts the rule of law.
In the Point Reyes case, I believe the inclusion of details of “personal use” by the plaintiffs goes to the issue of legal standing. Their “personal harm” gives them the right to sue, as opposed to alleging that they represent unnamed and unknown people who are being harmed.
"Personal harm" because there are cows grazing on the land seems an abuse of the legal phrase and meaning.
Plus, surely then the farmers could issue a counter-suit for damages due to suffering personal harm by way of the initial suit and having to close the farms.
I know exactly what you mean. I’m in the UK, 6 months or so into the worst authoritarian government our country has seen. I would love a Trumpian figure to eventually row back some of their madness, but too much power in one person’s hands does make me nervous
I'm also made a little uncomfortable by the incredible blizzard of executive orders that are very aggressively attempting to roll back the taken for granted territory that's been held so long by the left. On the one hand it's a shocking reminder of how much damage has been done to we demoralized and exhausted conservatives over the last 10 years.
On the other hand, there is some real strategy going on here in terms of draining their apparently pool of money and legal resources, and forcing them to really have to commit some serious money and man power for once to defending their gains, as opposed to making new ones. In many areas they will be unsuccessful and they will enter 2026 far more depleted and demoralized than they have been for a long time.
The left in this country has not faced a serious assault on their occupation of the heights of government and culture for as long as I can remember, and even if only half of these fights are won, they are being fought with government resources on OUR behalf for a change, and will weaken them considerably going forward, making future more strategic gains even more likely to succeed.
It's quite an example of blitzkrieg on the political front, and even though that battle strategy may have been discredited by who mainly waged it in the past, it was devastating whenever it was applied without reservation. Let's hope there are many more gains to consolidate once the smoke clears.
Agreed. I don't think the birthright citizenship EO stands a chance. But... it will consume several million dollars and a couple dozen of man-years of left-wing legal resources, while we use tax money to finance our defense of it. That's a win.
'I was being spiritual on my nature hike, but then cows'.
That made me laugh.
'I’m not entirely enthused to see so much social reorganization being managed through the unilateral action of a single elected official' ...though it's preferable to having a whole administration of the mentally deranged doing it.
I think of it like one of those chess demonstrations where Bobby Fisher takes on a roomful of numskulls. Equally, I'd prefer advice from one Scott Alexander than from a thousand correctly elected dimwits. Checks and balances? I only like them when they're balancing and checking things I despise. I'm sure Kant wouldn't agree with that sentiment but then he never met Kamala Harris and the Never-Trumpers.
1. Imagine you are looking at the Earth from the vantage point of the Moon. And you learn that the Earth is 1 degree warmer than it was 100 years (assume it’s true, for this exercise, although I know it’s impossible to measure the temperature of the entire planet 100 years ago using the same method you use today). Now try to convince someone on a jury “of peers” that an oil company is responsible for the fires in this one small spot of that Earth.
2. Does Sasha Perez even have enough people in her district now to qualify for a valid district?
Have spent a bit of time out in West Marin County, and the Point Ryes area. There’s PLENTY of places to “re-create, conserve, hike, view wildlife, swim, and seek spiritual renewal” in the Point Reyes area and out at the Point Reyes National Seashore.
And the cows being there is not big deal. But of course the crazy lefty, progressive types of NoCA and the Bay Area, don’t seem to feel the same. They want it ALL to themselves.
I just spent the past two weeks in Marin and Napa. (I live in the southern part of SoCA.) The attitudes of certain people in that area still blows my mind. Even up to a year ago the small little bookstore, Point Reyes Books in Pt. Reyes Station (the main town of that area) had a plexiglass ‘shield’ at their counter, protecting the ‘book store worker bees’ from all the contagious and infected customers who bought books. (As an aside they also carry a plethora of woke, progressive fiction and non fiction.) And plenty of folks are still wearing masks up there as well!