May 23, 2022Liked by Chris Bray

It seems to me that all this started when it was made a criminal offence to shout at a service provider such as an airline representative when the airline gave insufficient information about flight delays and cancellations. While being rude and verbally abusive is undesirable and often unhelpful, especially if the issue is not the fault of the representative, sometimes it is understandable when faced with intransigence of bureaucrats. People should not feel physically threatened, it can be quite unnerving, but at the same time officials must be challenged where appropriate, and this is especially appropriate on policy that effects our children. We saw an extension of this kind of too soft attitude when it comes to competition among children where everyone just be a winner, that isn’t how life is and teaching kids that is why we are where we are. When did the West become so weak? Grow up and stand up to this Woke shit or suffer the consequences of decay and decline just as enemies from without are circling and getting stronger.

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The problem here is that such pretexts as these are really distractions since these restrictions practically are made to be abused. The burden of proof belongs on the people in power to show they do not overstep because their power rightly deserves suspicion.

We have a government official culture of hostility towards accountability to the taxpayers.

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no thoughtful questions or discussion allowed period. you will have no control over your kids period. or your body period. you will have no recourse with dominion software period. you will own nothing and be happy period.

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It's the result of what happens when you give participation awards. When you lose concept on what is actual trauma vs what is developmental growth as part of the humanity cycle. Sitting in the uncomfortable is too much for most, which is why they fall apart when things get real.

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I love Alex Stein and shared the heartbreaking story of his mother’s hospicide in this piece:

• “Letter to Governor Ron DeSantis” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-governor-ron-desantis)

Check out Bonds for the Win to see how parents are using insurance liability policies to counter-attack school boards (https://nsjonline.com/article/2022/02/youve-been-served-how-citizens-are-using-insurance-liability-policies-to-check-school-board-power):

• Bonds for the Win (https://bondsforthewin.com/)

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“The particular class of people who have ruled this nation in recent decades worship no one but themselves. They despise us because we fail to worship them. Christianity, straight-up and unadulterated, is an affront to their authority. “

E.M. Cadwaladr

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May 23, 2022·edited May 23, 2022Liked by Chris Bray

This is a scourge that needs to be addressed. Not sure how. However, public officials need to get it in their thick, arrogant, ignorant, shallow brains that common decent people don't lash out but will do so if you create an atmosphere similar to 'The Trial'. Worse, if you enforce normalizing this nightmarish world of bureaucratic incompetence, corruption and even criminality unaccountable to no one. This is what's happening I believe. They're acting as if they're royalty not to be challenged and not PUBLIC SERVANTS.

There are people too timid to do or say anything and comply but there are others who will not.

This insidious situation is threatening Canada too.

As most know, it reached a new baseline with Justin and the truckers. All he does in Parliament is respond with 'conspiracy theory' this and 'racist' that.

And the media are complicit in the devolving of democratic practices, standards and ethics into soft totalitarianism led by a wannabe tinpot dictator in pink socks of a banana republic infested with kangaroo courts.

People say it 'will pass'. Sure it will. BUT, in the meantime, they will do significant damage. In the U.S., the GOP will take over in November, however, to what degree will the damage be in the wake of Witless Joe and the woke Democrats?


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Simple solution: ONLY parents of children attending those schools should be on the BOE. NO TEACHERS, ADMINISTRATORS OR ANYONE CONNECTED WITH THE DOE OR NOT HAVING CHILDREN IN SCHOOLS. The Board of Education is for the CHILDREN AND THE PARENTS WHO PAY THE BILLS. The teachers have their unions to protect them.

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May 23, 2022Liked by Chris Bray

Petty tyrants everywhere. Entrenched in protective walls of mind numbing bureaucracy. They have surrounded themselves with so many rules, regulations, and procedures that the common man has little hope of overcoming them peacefully.

It almost feels like they are baiting the citizenry into becoming a murderous mob, perhaps to create some sort of Reichstag fire event to permanently remove citizens from the process. I'm surprised it didn't happen in Louden County after they covered up rape by a transgender rapist in the school bathroom. Wouldn't want a little bit of rape to mess up your plans to normalize gender confusion in the school system.

Everybody should check out the calendar of their local school board. I looked at mine and it became clear that no one man can take that system on. They have meetings all day everyday ( not on weekends, only us poor schlubs who pay their salary work on the weekends) about all kinds of stuff. I figure it would take at least 200 parents who have a work life or 50 retirees to divvy up that schedule and have a presence at every meeting and keep the board under a constant microscope. It will be a lot of fun. Any volunteers?

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Agreed. Boards of any kind are ultimately self-serving for their members. After being asked to join my HOA board, that was never more evident to me. Morning meetings—so fewer homeowners would be available, restrictions on the ten minute open forum—only agenda items could be discussed and the agenda would be determined by the board, board members reserved the right to shut down speakers after the ten minute time period expired. And board members could yammer away as long as they wished. It was quite the experience, and wreaked of exclusion.

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Why live somewhere with people who can do that? (With an HOA.) Do they pay your mortgage? Your property taxes? Do they pay for and/or perform upkeep on your house and/or property? Just don't want to be around people who think like you? Neighborhoods with HOAs do wreak of exclusion, they're not for commoners.

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Well, most neighborhoods in my area have HOAs. Some more obtrusive than others. They maintain the common elements: pools, fitness center, tennis courts, parks, etc. etc. If you want “resort style” living that’s what you have to put up with, unless you’re one of the elites that have their own personal resort style compounds.

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“That was when they suspended the Constitution. They said it would be temporary. There wasn't even any rioting in the streets. People stayed home at night, watching television, looking for some direction. There wasn't even an enemy you could put your finger on.”

― Margaret Atwood, The Handmaid's Tale

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They don't even need to suspend the Constitution. They just ignore it.

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Public schools are a lost cause.

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We all recognize toxic masculinity but we purposely miss toxic femininity

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It ends when we the public convince the ‘public servants’, beyond any reasonable doubt in their minds, that they serve the public interest.

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This country has not been a democracy for a long time. You, among others, have pointed this out. In 2014, a Princeton study showed that to be true. Add that to an ever increasing culture of entitled toddler-dom and voila! An involuntary do-over.

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I agree criticism of public officials is totally allowed. Bringing up something as stupid as a panty raid decades ago is distracting and unhelpful—I'm glad you mentioned they're idiots for doing that. (There could be a legitimate reason, such as to demonstrate a pervasive mindset that would make the official unfit for duty or something, conceivably.)

The authoritarian impulse of those in control is paternalistic and unfortunate, contrary to the freedom we hold most dear, our free speech right. You have the right to speak even if I disagree with you. That means sometimes you hear stuff you don't like. What the judge in your video should've done was listen quietly and then not respond, despite embarrassment.

I live in a teeny-weeny community (300) and attend all the town council and planning commission meetings. State law says that we don't have to allow the public to speak unless we're holding a public hearing. We always do allow comment, though. The public body is not required to respond to comments. I've always admired people like our mayor who can sit quietly and let whoever it is say their piece, and then move on. This seems like the mature way of dealing with stuff like that.

The public body is allowed to put a time limit on comments, which would help to keep somebody from going on and on.

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Hear hear!

The onslaught against our republican democracy is occurring at all levels by totalitarians and authoritarians of all shapes and sizes. A republic, if we can keep it!

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This is along the same lines as the increasing proclivity of the government to criminalize protest like stepping off curbs, for example, or making it easier to arrest protesters.

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