I knew the old regime maddened me with all their insane rhetoric and virtue signaling, but I never knew how oppressed I felt until the day of deliverance! I am positively rejoicing!

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I seldom read (Twi)X, but saw last night that a spontaneous army of jubilant intelligent people has swarmed into view. And are taking-to-the-cleaners the habitual pontifications of the furrowed-brow wrong-headed.

The Bonfire-of-the-Vicious tableau could serve as a miniature sparkling shadow-outline of the last chapter of the Book of Revelation. I had not before grasped the shared magnitude of mental-moral suffering caused by the crime, humiliation, and dishonesty forced down our muted throats.

The tears twinkle as they evaporate. And taste like the salt of the good earth.

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High class stuff.

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I used to think they weren't poisoning our food to make us sick..."𝐛𝐮𝐭" this changed everything.... https://t.co/bF8qbEu9UB

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TwiX is my new fav name for it! ✌️🙏

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Exactly. Trumps a master at marketing. He called it "liberation day" for a reason...because that's how it feels.

You can't argue with success or that he doesn't have his finger on the pulse.

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You'd get a 100 million "likes" if every adult in the country saw this.

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Hear, hear!! I had no idea exactly how repressive everything was until I woke up this morning feeling…lighter!!! I can’t stop smiling!

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Last night when I watched Trump sign the Jan 6 pardon and then stop his aide from moving on to the next doc, and instruct him to get the pardon order moving to the various prisons “now” so they could be released “tonight,” I almost started crying. Tears came to my eyes (even now they return). (I’m a hard-hearted bastard, and the last time I cried was at my sister’s 2005 funeral at Arlington.) The idea of mercy and intense personal concern from the sovereign is always moving.

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And the released prisoners now need a tsunami of lawsuits to bankrupt DC and every treasonous snake who was involved in their incarceration.

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I can’t even imagine their families right now. I get teary thinking about it!!

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I heard Mike Lee was on Glen Beck today and said only 2 were released so far. Don’t know status now but maybe the prison authorities don’t know who their new boss is. 🤷‍♂️

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It felt like when Rocky beat Apollo in Rocky 2.

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It's TRUE.

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It's surreal. I almost can't believe it's true.

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So well said!

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Yes! When the President said it was Liberation Day my husband and I truly felt it!

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Any organization that doesn't start evicting women like this from leadership positions is going to be increasingly irrelevant. I've had enough of this weakness masquerading as virtue, and have seen enough of where it leads.

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That ship has sailed.

Average Sunday Attendance: 780K in 2007 vs 410K today. Every diocese in America has seen at least a 30% decline over that time period.

Baptized members: 2.3M in 2007 vs 1.5M today.


The Episcopalian Church is already irrelevant. This woman is the last gasp of a discredited and heretical sect, a modern day Arian.

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I really, really, detest these women. I say that as a woman; they make the rest of us, we the sane, look bad.

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Vermont Farm Wife: you have company. Her diatribe is demeaning to every legal migrant who has come to this country and abides by its laws. She ought to have been applauding the folks who are here legally and work hard to contribute. They ARE citizens.

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As one of those you’re referring to, I couldn’t agree more. I doubt anyone despises illegal immigration’s more than those of us who did it the right/legal way, brought education and other qualities of value to the table, and continue to value the unique attributes of the constitution and why it stands for.

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The video reenforces my decision to quit the Episcopal church 30 years ago.

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I was confirmed in the Episcopal Church - by the bishop of Washington. My mother was on the vestry at St. John's. The church left me a long time ago. Faith unmoored from reason and humility.

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I suspect, under Trump, that many female-led institutions will fail, Hemingway-style, gradually then suddenly. One can only hope.

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This book regarding the takeover of the church by the alpha-woke crew is eye opening:


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Life is short.Always remember to make time to drink good beer with good friends.

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If we'd all done that at the beginning of the plandemic we would've brought it to a swift end, like our forefathers brought the British empire to its knees from the "war rooms" of Taverns.

They knew that and that's why they did everything they could do to isolate us from each other.

Make Taverns Great Again!

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Also drink bad beer with bad friends! Just beer and friends!

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If I offered a Bud Light to any of my friends, I'd get my headlights punched out.

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Lifes too short for shitty beer.

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I bought a bunch of my friends Bud Light 6 packs for Xmas in 2023. I thought it was hilarious!

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It's staggering how little push back there is, this time around, to the Trump presidency. Of course there are law suits, inevitably, but the Left has no weapons against this move in the Culture Wars. No weapons at all. What do they have to promote? Open borders, men in women's sports and in women's prisons, promotion based upon race?

We are all so sick to death of that.

And now we can look forward to our friends around the world receiving the message. Just wait until AfD wins in Germany, and the equivalent wins in France and Italy.

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"We are all so sick to death of that."

The idiot bishop told Trump and Vance that TRANSGENDER CHILDREN FEAR FOR THEIR LIVES TODAY, and I yawned so hard I almost passed out.

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I still don't get how transgender children is a thing if nobody is doing surgery on kids. The boy running against girls is still a boy, just a boy on drugs. (Or not, depending on the state!!)

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One unexpected positive to the inauguration is that MSNBC is now fun to watch.

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You yawned ? I was far too incensed to be able to do that. Still shaking my head..

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Yes, well, sorry about that - I seldom find anything with which to disagree with you on but it is disturbing to say the very least, to see what is meant to be -stress here on "meant" - a Christian speaking from a pulpit and therefore even if vicariously, speaking out the Word of God and not using said pulpit as a political platform from which to spout a nonsense political agenda. If I were not actually living in such a time as this (to quote Scripture) I would not believe it- would you ? would anyone with even one sole brain cell ?

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I couldn't listen much beyond that point, what with the shaky voice and high drama. Fool us no longer.

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If any "transgender child" feared for his/her life... you now know how mentally ill their parents are.

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Has anyone asked them to expand on that purported threat? *How* exactly are their lives in danger? Because I believe statistics show "trans kids" are more likely to die after transitioning? Am I wrong? God bless these people; the irony is completely and utterly lost on them.

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Transgender = bearing false witness.

I can pray for transgenders to be touched by the Lord and repent, but to encourage their lie is a sin. Same goes for the sicko adults encouraging this in children.

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Even Portland was quiet yesterday. A little protesting during the weekend, but you could tell their hearts weren't in it.

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Like the ones on the Mall in DC who had to change the name of the "Women's March" to the "People's March" due to lack of interest on the part of enough women. Their hearts weren't in it either, and the legacy media had to get very creative with camera angles to make it look like there were huge crowds

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I think we'll probably get confirmation that some NGO or another was paying for protestors in 2020.

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Don't underestimate the lack of funding for the protests. The Dems just grifted everything that wasn't bolted down during the last 3 months of that last election, there isn't a lot of free cheddar to be spread around to the Profesional Protestor Rats right now.

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The crazy, Hamas loving, scarf wearing protestors at the UW in Seattle are not taking any time off.

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You left out the daily struggle of “minor-attracted persons” for access to their prey. The Left has that, too

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Canada is still in a rear-guard action up here; as Chris said we're in a performative-stasis mode where the panjandrums of the country still think and believe and act like it's 2020. It's stale, old, stupid and pointless, and the more Trump succeeds in what he wants to do, more and more Canadians will silently tell themselves, "I want *that*". I think once Trudeau finally slithers offstage the fever might finally break up here, especially if Poilievre is elected and actually grows a spine.

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Sanity bats last.

The uber-rich, in L.A. ,are getting a hard dose of reality, and feeling the pain all at the same time...and all at the same place.

There's a reason all the tech moguls immediately kissed the ring. They've essentially built empires reading and anticipating changes in the zeitgeist.

It can only go on for so long when expectations do not comport with reality before people realize they're working against their own interests. Plus these people fear one thing more than anything:

Being the last to know something socially.

Its over. It's ending just how it began; slowly, then all at once.

You'll notice that the gnashing of teeth are coming from people that are no longer relevant and have no lasting influence.

It's a dead position. The movement is dead. And history will record it as parareligion with a cross between the tulip craze, the Salem witch trials, and a cargo cult.

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From your lips to God’s ear.

But this firehose of 🐴💩 all stems from Marxism which, being the politics of envy, seemingly will never die.

The politics of victimization is just the latest handout – get something for nothing, with the bonus of being able to oppress the Man.

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And you can not have open borders and a welfare state, very long, before it collapses

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You absolutely nailed it.

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Their next avenue will be attacking bio women for complaining when other “women” piss on the toilet seat.

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She is the living embodiment of proof satan has infiltrated the church. No mention of Jesus while embracing other gods,sexual perversion and child sexualization and mutilation. No doubt she believes in a women’s “right to choose “

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Yes. Let us turn now to our love of God, and condemn those who would fail to sever the genitals of young children. It's very, very, very strange.

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Maybe someone should introduce her to the verse about "tying a millstone around your neck and throwing yourself into the lake". Peace and love!

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Source too obscure for her. She hasn't read it.

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"Our God". You know, like "The Science".

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A picture of her is all I need to know about what she will say.

I think we should have updated CAPTAS

Click on all of the WOKE people...

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And creepy

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She is a heretic, not a person of god. And I love how she racially stereotypes Hispanics as maids and vegetable pickers. Hilarious. I live in south Florida, Hispanic and latino population is huge, none of them pick vegetables.lol..these northeast shitlibs live in la la land. The most privileged pack of assholes around. They have zero knowledge of how the average person of any skin color or nationality lives.

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I missed two things from a very long inauguration day yesterday\today, and that would be whatever that person is speaking, and the ball at the very end. Apparently I missed the worst and most indulgent parts of the day, and I am okay with it. I cannot fathom or decipher the fact that there is a dude in the White House who sat behind the Resolute desk: LIVE! From DC! fielding questions from a hostile press *while signing* the absolute destruction of the last four years of leftist hell in America. It was the most amazing thing I have ever seen on television. It's that, or I have such a bad case of Stockholm Syndrome that I didn't think it could ever happen. Amazing day yesterday, I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did!

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My 76 year old, Trump-phobic mother last night at dinner: "Trump took questions for several hours from reporters in the White House today. He just talked to them. I'd kind of forgotten that Presidents actually did that, but it was refreshing."

Mom has always been my barometer of the average, politically disengaged, Boomer who watches the CBS News. Because that's what she is. And if the Democrats are losing her, they're in deep doo-doo.

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That's great!

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Edit: "have lost her."

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For me it had the sort of delight I always feel when I watch film of Charles deGaulle marching through just liberated Paris, in 1944. I don't think that's an inapt comparison. There are different kinds of tyranny, we all know it, and it always takes courage to oppose it. The right kind of defiance is exhilarating.

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The only thing that would have made it even more amazing was to see a few traitors being perp walked.

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Give it time my friend. As the saying goes: Time heals all wounds....and gives you an opportunity to draft indictments.

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It's all so hopelessly passe. I'm working on an article about this for tomorrow so I don't want to spoil TOO much, but that idiot Chris Murphy not only tweeted about the "ELON NAZI SAULTE", he brought it up during the Stephanik's confirmation hearing!

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I saw. It's just so pathetic.

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Maybe they've been coddled for so long they literally have no other options.

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Or perhaps they're simply insane. So far removed from our reality that they actually think they inhabit a world in which their twisted beliefs ARE reality. And that words, or even minor disagreements, are violence.

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It's POSSIBLE, but as an example, Chris Murphy posted about the 'bipartisan border bill' every day for MONTHS. And every single day he was 'corrected' about what that bill did and the fact the Senate was sitting on HR2. (Also that Congress need not be involved in the first place.)

Every single day he got ratioed into oblivion, but he was right back at it the next day. IMO, that's not stupidity, it's narrative control.

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"that's not stupidity, it's narrative control."

True. But I believe, or hope, that we're seeing the beginning of the end of the incessant narrative control efforts from our would be lords and masters.

The stupid component is evidenced by the continued, blatant, persistence shown by creatures like Mr. Murphy, who continued his efforts long after it was apparent that particular horse was, if not dead, at least in need of a cosmetic re-shoeing and new harness.

They're not going to give up. They can't! It is part of the core of what they are. The "struggle" is ALL to the Marxist. We can expect a (very) brief respite, and then - a new onslaught. Perhaps new tools, or new techniques, but the same old message, dressed up with a different hairdo and new clothes.

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Totally agree.

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Time to drag out Dr Strange Love and create a meme mocking the Leftards with it!

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Idiot is not sufficient to describe Chris Murphy and his tweet about Elon!

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Lenin or Stalin, I can't remember which, referred to "Useful Idiots" (I know, I could look it up on the interwebs) I sincerely doubt this is evidence of a "Useful Idiot" I have long suspected that folks like this are "Willful idiots" He justifies the mendacity because of his firm belief in the superiority of his particular religion over what he assumes is my religion. Its like a magic incantation that keeps some who are starting to stray from the holy path, it is a liturgy that solidifies is place as a certified communicant in this derainged religion, and it might just miraculously move someone slightly toward the holy path, however unlikely that is.

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Desperation. It's kinda fun to watch. When I saw the pic of the "salute" I thought "SpaceX--Take Off!"

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It's funny to me. The ones that are gnashing their teeth the hardest are the ones who are no longer relevant, with dwindling influence, and are unaware they're holding onto a dead position.

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Really. Who elects that?

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'narcissistic virtue performance'

Great description.

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I think this lady, and those like her, really don't know how they look. I think she really thinks she is talking to a bunch of rubes who are desperately in need of her instruction. Leftists generally feel that way and wonder why we, the poor benighted, never seem to get it.

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I’ve been arguing in my head with those crying about J6 pardons for the “violent ones” who fought with cops. Because I keep seeing a cop murder a woman that day and then make a call saying he needed help because shots had been fired. I just can’t reconcile it so I can’t put it behind me. Suggestions??

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Note also that the shell of "Joe Biden," in his final hours as "president," commuted the sentence of Leonard Peltier, who murdered two FBI agents -- one with a final gunshot to the head as he was disabled on the ground. So the "how dare you pardon people who attacked cops" screeching we're going to hear for the next four years is going to be...ironic.

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Irony is a trait in functioning, thinking individuals. it is lost on those who routinely make same sentence contradictions.

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Exchange ironic with moronic!

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Perfect description of the “bishop”

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The best comment I ever heard about Episcopalians, "where four are gathered, there's also a fifth".

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For them nothing is true but their feels. Hollow people.

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The Episcopal church has fallen. They're no longer biblical. All the Episcopal churches, where I live, have rainbow flags out front. My last visit to the Episcopal church near me the wiccan, I mean priestess, was "hell" bent on supporting "Palestinians". During her sermon, a dozen people got up and walked out. I too left. Hamas invaded Israel two months later. Sad. Why alienate? This one's a TikTok heroine by now I bet.

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Winning. It has been so long, I almost forgot how it feels.


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“Pay attention, Orange Man, GOD IS SPEAKING THROUGH ME!”

I think she has Fauci syndrome.

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The left will never learn. They’ll just become less relevant with each passing moment.

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This is a battle over the kind of people we wish to be, and that battle wages first in the individual; what kind of person do I wish to be? In that sense, it is first a spiritual conflict with wide ranging implication. Trump can fight for us, but he cannot win for us, that we must do for ourselves.

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Do the work that no one sees, become the person whose behavior everyone sees… and respects.

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Completely agree.

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