This is unbelievable!

Are you trying to tell me that the media deliberately mislead it's readers‽‽‽‽

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Sir, you have shaken my world to the core.

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The very NERVE of those bloodthirsty, homicidal, xenophobic Republicans!! Thinking ANYONE has a right to defend their lives or the lives of another, when threatened with a deadly assault.

The very NERRRRVE!

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no no no, i simply refuse to believe it. there's clearly been some confusion

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Funny of course, given the past 5 or so years of lying that in many cases directly led to death and injury (for instances cajoling people to take a useless and dangerous non vaccine produce or to not try other safe means to protect themselves). And here it is possible this kind of inaccurate reporting (I am being generous here) could lead to death and imprisonment. What if people read the piece and the later hear it was passed and then encounter a trespasser and believe, solely because of the article, that they have the right to shoot? This kind of reporting is no laughing matter and they perpetrators of such shoddy, dangerous non journalism should be called out and shamed.

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Agree 100%. At least in Canada they offer MAID to those severely vax injured people whose lives were ruined as a “remedy.” Clownworld is sometimes too painful to laugh at.

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Presumably they market MAID to the vax-injured under the slogan “Let us finish the job!”

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LOL. At least they would be honest this time around.

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There is the whole “ignorance of the law” is not an excuse thing, but what do we do with misinformation about a law?

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No. The media is correct here in their admission that illegal immigrants are (potentially violent) trespassers. Refreshing honesty.

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They *always* project from themselves what they believe others are thinking. Projection is absolutely the core to understanding them and their methods.

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Perhaps they aren't really trying to mislead us. Perhaps this is the very best comprehension and writing we can expect from equity hires.

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While sincerely admiring your charitable impulse, I am regretfully unable to support your hypothesis.

Proximity to those people has convinced me that they pursue their self-interest wholeheartedly and with a level of dishonesty that would shock a used car salesman to his core.

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Only when it's 'for their own good'.

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Feb 28
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The Turtle!

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I live in AZ. This bill is most likely in response to a rancher in Southern AZ George Allen Kelly who was forced to use his weapon to defend his ranch. Cartel members were shooting at him and his family. He returned fire. Reported it to the police who a few days later found a dead illegal on his property. This man Kelly was then arrested and place in jail. He was elderly and his wife was sick, yet the democrats who run this state decided to make an example of him, kept him locked up and unable to care for his sick wife or manage his ranch which had numerous incursions and violent episodes leading up to this event. This bill would remedy that situation

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Obscene prosecution.

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It should be passed and any veto overridden.

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I, too, live in AZ. I live in Phoenix but have a homestead i'm making livable in the desert. The current laws just tell me that if i'm at the homestead and have to defend myself or my family, i won't notify the police. The desert is vast and the mountains are full of things that will deal with the aftermath.

I approve of the law, but i feel its insane that we need a law to say its okay to defend yourself and others from violent criminals. It is a God-given right, and we used to understand that in this country.

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I understand and agree with your sentiment about self-defense, but let me make the case why the current law is actually better.

Let’s look at the Rittenhouse trial. KR admitted up front that he shot the 3 scumbags. That put the state in the position of having to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that a “reasonable person” in KR’s shoes would not have needed to use deadly force to defend himself. That was virtually impossible. If KR had remained silent, the state would have focused on the evidence proving he did it, and the jury would not have invoked self-defense to save him.

OTOH, If there is no statute specifically permitting self-defense, then it becomes an affirmative defense and the burden (“preponderance of the evidence” or 51%) would be entirely on the defendant to prove his use of deadly force was mandatory in order to save himself. The standards for judging that claim would be entirely in the jury’s hands, much like judging “reasonable precautions” in a grocery store slip’n’fall case.

Personally, I’d rather be the beneficiary of “beyond a reasonable doubt” than having to meet the 51% standard.

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Democrats are one sick group.

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Democrats practice “Munchhausen’s by proxy” on all of America.

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Yes. I hate what has been done to our State.

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Feb 28
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Just in! California passes a bill requiring property owners to help thieves jam stolen merchandise into the back of their tinted out Infinitis. The potential for looters to throw out their back while they rob you blind is too damn high!

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What's more unbelievable to me is the restraint these homeowners have demonstrated by not shooting illegal aliens who are illegally on their property.

Whoa...that sounds like they're law abiding citizens.

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And I suspect that the poop their drawers, sheer raw terror inducing, FEAR that keeps our our wanna-be lords and masters awake at night is the thought that those same law abiding citizens might decide, some day, that enough is too fucking much. And decide to do something about it.

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RG , I bet some ranchers along the border in Texas have taken matters into their own hands the last few years .

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Texans have the good sense to wait until the burglar is halfway in the window. Hard for a DA to argue with a body draped over the windowsill.

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Yep. Most rural Texans have backhoes and we know how to use them.

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I hope so.

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Restraint?? In this world good is bad and bad is good

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Looks like if you don’t trespass you don’t get shot.

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If you don't trespass and say "I'll kill you." That's all it takes to not get shot. It seems manageable.

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Catholic Charities will be printing up guides for how to trespass safely in America, and distributing them to their clients: Conozca La Ley!

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So what’s the media saying?

They are too dumb to know where not to trespass?


They are all violent criminals that can’t help themselves?

Why try to tag to Illegals?

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“… undocumented immigrants, who often have to cross ranches that sit on the state's border with Mexico.”

They just HAVE TO. Like baby sea turtles trying to reach the sea, there’s simply no choice involved.

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Maybe some come in by way of that railroad over the Indian Ocean, I dunno.

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I missed that sentence. That is a great point. These so-called reporters really are a dastardly bunch.

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I noticed that too. Ugh. Choices have consequences. No sympathy for illegal invaders. Whether cartels or “ just people”.

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Your world is screwed up when you can't defend your own property from trespasser's.

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Use of force to defend oneself, one's family, or one's property is now illegal in many jurisdictions. Unfortunately for folks along the AZ border, many of the trespassers are NOT "migrants". Far too many are drug smugglers, human traffickers, garden variety violent criminals, or even members of an invading army. None of whom are likely to be the kind of people one invites in for a cup of tea.

"Screwed up" doesn't begin to cover the insanity that seems to prevail at both state and federal levels.

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What we need along the border: Little cans of explosive that have the caution "Front towards Enemy."

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I love my claymores

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Good work bringing the actual text of the bill. Way less alarming and divisive that way.

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Citing the text of a bill is evidence of “Ultra MAGA Extremism.”

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John Geis you win today's substack, possibly all of the internet for the tongue-in-cheek comment. Well played sir, well played!

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What they are saying without saying it out loud is: most of the trespassers threatening ranch owners are illegal immigrants and we are okay with that. Because Americans who own land are literally Hitler

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It’s the ratio of house to land that’s critical. A small house on a large tract of rural land is evidence of Hitler. A HUGE house on a sizeable tract of ultra-valuable urban land protected by 24/7 private security is evidence of “Albert Schweitzer” goodness.

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🤯 lol John you nailed it

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Fuck around and find out. Imagine being on (acres)YOUR LAND and having these illegal invaders somewhere in the vicinity of you and your family.

It’s a wrap.

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The saying in that part of the world is, "Shoot, shovel, and shut up."

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You’ll need a backhoe, and a sizable supply of dead leaves to conceal the disturbed earth. Remember to police your brass. For good measure, re-barrel your rifle and dispose of the old in pieces at different locations. Clean all firearms to prevent highlighting one. Have a nice day!

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I’m hanging that bitch over the mantelpiece as a trophy

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What’s really aggravating is you can demonstrate these sorts of manipulations to MSM true believers and they just shrug it off. They don’t deny the manipulation because they can’t. They just don’t think it’s a big deal that they’re constantly being misled, as long as they feel they’re being misled in a direction that feeds their biases.

As long as they’re being fed a narrative that reinforces biases like “Republicans bad and violent and racist. Guns bad. Immigrants innocent victims,” truth and accuracy are beside the point. For these people, the Axios reporting is poetically true, if not literally so. And that’s all that matters. They love their “moral clarity” journalism.

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Confirmation bias is the most powerful drug used by the allmedia.

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Since conservatives are Hitler, liberals don’t care if a particular charge is true or not. If they can damage us with a fake charge, that only partly makes up for the 10 scumbag things we got away with.

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The bill protects from prosecution those who have to use lethal force to protect themselves and their families on their own property when threatened with violence. So the media implies that they think it will largely be “migrants” who trespass with violent intent. And they’re probably right.

That’s the inescapable logic.

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Give me a break! many of these "undocumented migrants" AKA illegal aliens are criminals, child traffickers, drug mules, etc etc adnauseum....whatever happened to respect for private property??

I like this law....it would have a positive effect on the poor people living near the border who suffer the effects of our unlawful government all the time

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Any updates on this elderly rancher who inadvertently shot an illegal shooting at him??

Is he still in jail??

The US is not a safe place to live any more....you can't defend yourself against unprovoked attacks....this whole scenario strikes me as just another way to do away with private property ownership....

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I wish my state legislature would write up this law for us.

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They are not sending their best??😎

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Axios reporter April Rubin writes, WITHOUT EVIDENCE, that Arizona legislators propose legalizing killing undocumented migrants. Axios, A WEBSITE KNOWN FOR PUBLISHING FAR-LEFT CONSPIRACY THEORIES, claims Republicans in Arizona want to legalize murder.

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At the same moment believing down in their deepest bone, that killing your baby just before your water breaks,is perfectly acceptable, patriotic even.

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This is totally unreasonable and the work of rabid fascists under the influence of Sean Hannity.

Everybody knows you’re supposed to offer the cartel coyote crossing your land with the child prostitutes, fentanyl , Hezbollah operatives and methamphetamines a Joe Biden ball cap and some lavender kombucha when they point their AR-15 at you. Maybe have a cookout!

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Sean Hannity…lmao! I can’t believe some people still listen to this dude.

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Hey! Sean is a hand to hand combat expert. He reminds his radio audience about this at least once a month.

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And worked construction! Lol! I haven’t listened to him in years!

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A few years ago, a friend of mine accompanied his son, who wanted to study journalism, on college tours. The student guide showing them the journalism school said, “We comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.” My friend asked, “Why don’t you just report the truth?” His son chose a different major.

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