We are dying from within. I told my husband 10+ years ago that we were finished without an EMP or something to take down the internet. The internet, for all its good, is poison. Sadly, we are producing shocking numbers of self important, self involved, sociopathic narcissists instead of fully formed souls.

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So much poison, so little medicine. Hard days.

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I could not have broken the spell cast on me in government schools from 1983-1994 without the internet.

I could not have developed meaningful relationships across imaginary lines known as borders that showed me that people who live on the other side of said imaginary lines aren't less-than me and are deserving of respect and dignity, without the internet and social media.

I would have never been able to break myself from using the Marxist/Communist language I was programmed with where I would use personal possessive pronouns to describe things that I do not own or possess like "Country" "President" "Children" and "Military."

There are no personal pronouns that accurately depict myself, my friends, or my family wreaking havoc all over the globe in the name of corporate profits. "We" didn't do that. "They" did.

When (not if) we have a decentralized internet, decentralized monetary system and decentralized market, the actual system that causes the problems you have blamed on "the internet" will be no more.

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I just read an article about female avatars raped in the Metaverse. (One researcher was gang-raped within 60 minutes of joining.) I don’t usually read articles like that, but I couldn’t understand how it was even possible. Seriously, WTF. This is so nuts. Sickening and heartbreaking.

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I stand corrected. It was 60 seconds.

“But the next month, a metaverse researcher named Nina Jane Patel said in a post on Medium that within 60 seconds after she joined Horizon Worlds, three to four male-looking avatars gang-raped her avatar.” https://www.businessinsider.com/researcher-claims-her-avatar-was-raped-on-metas-metaverse-platform-2022-5?nr

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Oh for the love of God. Why would Business Insider even post such nonsense?

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After reading the article. Two things: Why disable the “keep four feet from other players” option? Why not take off your VR headset—immediately, and leave the “game.” The Internet has turned into one vast garbage dump—especially the gaming aspect.

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I agree. We have the power to leave that environment, or even more, not to go into it in the first place. But one researcher stated that she “froze” (the one assaulted in the first 60 seconds of joining, linked in the article), which is actually one of the classic nervous system responses to traumatic experiences (the others being fight or flight). But your point is my point—one vast psychic garbage dump. As Eckhart Tolle says, “human beings are a dangerously sick and insane species.” We can’t help but bring that sickness and insanity into anything we create, I guess.

I know this whole thing is off topic from Chris’s excellent post. Sorry to derail.

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Comment thread -- wide open. My view has always been that honest discussion can't "derail" anything.

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Presumably because of the impact it may have on investors or potential investors in the technology.

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I agree. Internet is killing society.

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you have to wonder if the past year or so of the Defund the Police crowd has affected and demoralized them. why should they bother? they'll be demonized no matter what they do. if they had gone in and "neutralized" the shooter, would they be accused of "anti-Latinx" racism?

then again, this kind of cowardice seems all too common- we're going to vaccinate children and subject them to the harms of the vaccine for a disease that has no affect on them to make old people and teacher's unions "feel" safe. doctors are going to do what they are told, rather than what they know to be right for their patients to protect their careers over those patients. hospitals put covid sufferers on ventilators, not because it helped the sick, but because it protected the medical staff from their infected exhalations.

for a magnificent angry essay on this subject, read Vinay Prasad's substack called Duty (https://vinayprasadmdmph.substack.com/p/duty?s=r). here's a pretty conventional oncologist/hematologist who is so disgusted by what he's seen in his profession that he's becoming radicalized. when you read this, you can't stop thinking about those police who didn't take the risks that are part of their job, who didn't do their duty.

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I strongly doubt that many if any residents of Uvalde TX refer to themselves as "Latinx."

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Latinx is an invention of white academics and it was never welcomed in Latin community.

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You spelled Jews wrong.

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see above

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haha! yes i know. that was an attempt at sarcasm which i guess didn't translate. i went back and put quotation marks around it. i deliberately chose the woke terminology because the people who would have leveled that criticism at the police are the same people who use those carefully cultivated and meaningless "words."

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Thanks for the Vinay link. Unfortunately I can't comment on his post. It made me sad to read how angry he is about what has happened and I wanted to put my arms around him, figuratively speaking. At times I have also been brought to tears for the harm caused. It seems appropriate to weep at the state we find ourselves in. Once we have grieved we need to get back up and fight like hell for a better world in any way we can.

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yes, you can't comment unless you are a paid subscriber which i am not. however, i have enjoyed watching him get angrier and more distrustful of the system of which he was a card carrying member. he has come close recently to calling for an end to the CDC which is pretty shocking

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May 30, 2022
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yes, of course but he is a conventional doctor entrenched in the system. and i've seen his position change from bemusement to rage. you have to take your allies where you can find them, even if they aren't perfect.

in a way, guys like Prasad or Marty Makary are more valuable than RFK jr or Del Bigtree because they can't be written off as kooks and quacks by the mainstream. don't get me wrong- i hold both RFK jr and Bigtree on the highest of pedestals, but they are going to be dismissed by a very large blue segment of the population who will perhaps be willing to listen to Prasad and Makary and possibly eventually come around to RFK and Bigtree.

the really important thing was that Prasad acknowledged that vaccines were "leaky" and that their effectiveness was close to 0% after a few months in the very first paragraph of his latest substack. that's got to be a dangerous and brave thing for a guy in his position to say!

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yeah. we trained police to behave exactly in this way.

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Our government has never been more controlling or coercive while also never being weaker than it is right now.

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Right? That's the knot to untie.

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I’m not sure there’s anything more dangerous than a powerful yet weak government.

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Chris, why do you think the police behaved as they did?

edit to add: I'm sure that others have been on this comparison, tbh, I have not been following this shooting as closely...but does this not have some of the same strange incongruent behaviors as the Capitol Police on 1/6? Opening up the barricades and so forth?

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I have no idea, and I hope we can make some sense of it. What we saw in Parkland was deputies from the Broward County Sheriff's Office hiding in the parking lot, while police from Coral Springs PD and other agencies immediately went inside the building. Read this:


In Uvalde, why did most police obey orders, while the Border Patrol tactical team decided to disobey them? Why do some people act with courage and honor while the people standing next to them don't?

These are hard questions. I'd listen to whatever answer you propose, but I don't know. Why are public health officials still telling people, in May of 2022, that mRNA vaccines are safe and effective? Why do people behave like this?

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I am not well informed enough to get a read on this.

1. There is obviously evidence to suggest that 1/6 and Whitmer were FBI false flags to create emergency powers.

2. Public health officials are put in place to follow the hierarchy of the CDC/FDA food chain.

As Yeadon alluded the other day, the local crew is taking orders from the Fauci Food Chain.

Now. I do believe that mystery at the top has been unlocked.

But for the purposes of your focus, where the rubber meets the road, esp. local? They have no way to back off now. To do so is to admit that they put people at risk for ADE, and now...VAIDS. They can never admit this. They are all in...up until a suitable fall guy/patsy is designated.

So there is an incompetence element, and a cover your ass element as it filters down, which I do believe that you are correct in pointing out.

Same with doctors and same with Gleaming Talking Head media, and this is also why Giant Independent Platform Whales who got on board with the injections as a religious rite of meritocracy, Greenwald, Taibbi, are hiding in bed with the covers over their heads on this.

That last step as you follow it up the chain is a big one. And many just aren't going to be able to take it.

3. So, back to shootings. I do not know if some of these are staged, and by that, I do not mean fake. I mean coordinated with a mixture of real and crisis actor victims. This is what is perhaps nightmarishly difficult to imagine: that we have elements of power so evil that they are willing to slaughter some kids to ??? get people to give up their guns so they can proceed as in Kanada, Aussie, and NZ?

To be wholly clear: I'm wrestling with this right now as well. But I'll tell you this much: I'm far more open to it now than I was two years ago.


Also, related:


And, I took the time to dig up some Leana Wen footage and some of the Subway NYC shooting stuff.


Now. I do not know, Chris. Humbly, I do not know. I never set out to be reactionary, or "hot take". I started out with a full and open mind to the exp. mRNA injections, for example. I just followed the evidence.

This is one reason that you are incredibly valuable to me right now in my search. That's not ass kissing. I see you as another reliable source who is willing to look under the rock.

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A lot to unpack here. Will try in the morning.

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Only if you feel motivated, Chris.

I don't want our discussions to be "to do" lists. I value you and this stack. And I hope your knee is getting better.

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My knee is totally not getting better, and I'm not that happy about it. The discussions are valuable. Glad to have them.

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I'm so sorry to hear this. (about the knee.) You are not the first person that I've known who has had unsatisfactory results to put it mildly after meniscus surgery.

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Border Patrol is problem fed up with following orders. The guy I saw looked retirement age, as well.

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Brutal but spot on. It's infuriating. The dark side of me thinks that they wanted those kids dead so that they could push their gun control agenda. But then I think even the worst human beings in the world wouldn't go that far. And yet we have video of them going that far. We need answers. We need televised trials of the police chief and responding officers. We need to know why this happened.

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Yes, the worst human beings in the world WOULD go that far. As a scientist says in the documentary film "psychopath: redefining rationality", the psychopath can kill or kiss with equal indifference.

The fallacy of communism is that individuals will work just as hard and as well even if we remove their incentive. The fallacy of capitalism is that only the very best will rise to the top. For most of us, the error in the fallacy of Communism is obvious. Not so obvious, however, is the role of the psychopath in the fallacy of capitalism.

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"Not so obvious, however, is the role of the psychopath in the fallacy of capitalism."

And democracy. I think humanity has such a large percentage of people somewhere on the sociopathic/psychopathic scale that they will mess up any system after a certain amount of time.

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In this very short post, much of the "schema", the "outline," of what is so f---ed up is indicated. To make notes on some parts of it has its own dismal quality, but it may also help.

a) It isn't just "gun control". Even more important to the "agenda" is a general atmosphere of anxiety and fear. In many and diverse present forms of commenting (Mattias Desmet and others regarding "mass formation" / "age of anxiety" -- " a recent survey shows that two thirds of Americans are anxious about..." etc. etc.) it is, as a matter of "system logic" argued (and shown), that many kinds of society management have at their nexus the maintenance of a general state of uncertainty, irregularity, "illogic" and anxiety.

b) After fifty-some years of watching many staged and semi-staged events about which lies are told - from the Kennedy assassinations, to the Gulf of Tonkin to Sandy Hook to... etc. and paying a certain amount of attention, even as your friends will say you are "crazy", it is hard not to come to realize that many of the events and accounts of them share a particular property: part of "the point" (such as it is) intended by those who have created the events is then to announce the noticeably fact-bending / false narrative and re-interpret any failure -- thus also to conduct a heavy propaganda campaign against any people who notice the falsities or failures (and call those people nasty names, say they lack loyalty to the country, have no morals.... disqualify them.... )

c) "televised trials"? May I take that as irony? We the people have pretty much lost all connection of "televising" with factuality. Yes, indeed trials. BUT now you need Robert Jackson (Later US Supreme Ct. Justice who was at Nuremburg - had some respect for actual evidence of actual fact). Comes the matter of bringing any form of successor to the values of factual inquiry to life in our time.

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Somebody, some nameless, faceless, totally unaccountable, bureaucrat gave the order that resulted in large numbers of law enforcement officers, from many agencies, armed to the eyebrows, cordoning off the school to prevent parents from attempting to rescue their children. Which they did very effectively. Unfortunately. WHO is this person? I want the name of the man, or woman, who was so paralyzed by the fear of being held accountable, or doing the wrong thing, that they instructed law enforcement to do nothing. For a fucking hour! While children were being murdered!

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Pete Arredondo is the UCISD Chief of Police. Might be good to start there. Robb Elementary still has a list of the staff on their website. One of those people left the door propped open. If I was a parent of one of the murdered children I would want to know who it was and if that was a simple mistake or a paid for mistake.

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If I could write, this is how I would write.

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This is what anarchotyranny looks like. State organs that refuse to protect you, refuse to let you protect yourself, and refuse to let you talk about what they're refusing to do.

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Brilliant post.

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This tragic and evil shooting shows all the hallmarks of a false-flag event. The timing, the weaponry used, the door left ajar, the police response etc etc

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Seems crazy but how much convincing would a left wing teacher need to prop a side door open if doing so would lead to mass gun confiscation?

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I haven’t followed the news on this at all, and it still does not pass my sniff test.

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Wow, well said. Spot on.

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Ok...I was crying, then I was crying from laughing. Well done.

In other news; In 2000, the City of Compton police had so much corruption, the City council disbanded the dept. L.A. county Sheriffs took over, adding another station. Uvalde should do the same. Let Uvalde County Sheriff's and DPS take over law enforcement. $4 million a year, which is 40% of the city's budget for what? A bunch of blowhards in cowboy hats, playing dress up?

Carry on...

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The school district also has its own police department, and the chief of the school police took command at the school. Why any of those people still have jobs today....

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I haven't read a lot about this, but one article did mention that the school district has its own police department. I thought that was odd.

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I was surprised by that as well. Many do but that's usually in bigger cities like L.A. Even Austin has one. However, BOTH the Uvalde PD and the District cops stopped cooperating in the investigation being conducted by the DPS and Texas Rangers. Typical...

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We can’t forget, either, how we just spent the last two years treating children. In all ways we have repeatedly sacrificed children’s well-being for the psychological safety of the adults charged with taking care of them. We want freedom to indoctrinate them with whatever godforsaken ideology we feel like, and use them as a pawn in culture wars, while forcing them to mask for fear that they will kill grandma. We separated them from friends and access to anything that tethered them to anything resembling a normal life for many of them. But felt justified because adults were freaking trying to save themselves. And we wonder what’s going to create a tidal wave of problems, not only in the youth themselves, but in the way we have literally learned to treat children. This event is horrific on every single level, but government has ultimately shown their hand as caring absolutely zero for the ACTUAL well-being of children. They’ve been destroying them for years, and NOT WITH GUNS.

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And by that I really mean that adults have literally proven that children’s lives are worth less than their own. And now you see it play out in the absolute lowest ways.

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That was horrifying. I listened to a JB Handley interview last year sometime - as someone who has been digging into all vaccine issues for a long time - and he was asked if he thought there was any hope for us in waking up to the harm we were doing (and have been doing for a long time), and his answer was, in essence, once you can accept injecting one-day-old babies (with zero regard for any risk factors), and be convinced it’s a good and necessary thing, you can pretty much accept anything. That statement has been haunting me. California laws. Senator Pan. New York exclusively masking 2-4 year olds. Chicago schools teacher unions. Florida’s ghastly reactions to protections for small children in classrooms.

Are we irredeemable?

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This is exactly the center of the discussion -- an extremely important observation.

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That's exactly right. so sad

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The unbearable weirdness of these things.

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For the children. Masks, needles shots and real bullets.

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Somebody post article about the military plane flew over this school on the same time the shooting took place. https://strangesounds.org/2022/05/a-us-army-recon-plane-landed-in-uvalde-before-the-shooting-and-left-just-before-the-shooter-was-killed-2.html

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