Feb 13Liked by Chris Bray

I don't listen or watch any of the left wing news outlets at all. I know what they're going to say just based on what the topic is. So why waste the time.

I prefer people like you, Chris, to listen for me, and add their insanity to your postings. Usually much funnier then and I get a laugh or chuckle out of it.

Danny Huckabee

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Why were you listening to NPR? Their new CEO has the cringiest LinkedIn and wedding announcement I have ever seen: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/commissar-npr-ceo-katherine-maher-she-her

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Yuval Noah Harari is Gollum with a PhD

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Everyone has a religion, or belief system. For some of us, it's our own take on an organized religion like Christianity or Islam or Judaism or whatever. For many, it is scientism, the belief that we can figure everything out and that we can manage this knowledge to our collective benefit. I believe that both of these aspects of scientism are false. First, there are things that are not knowable or understandable through science. Second, we are not capable of managing our knowledge without someone like Gates or Fauci manipulating data for their own gain. We live in a fallen world and are incapable of grasping the struggle against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms, nor are we able to stand against it all on our own. We need Christ.

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Feb 13Liked by Chris Bray

E Hunter Christie offers his opinion that Elon and Tucker are "directly at war against Ukraine," then goes on to say, "There is no other interpretation." Wow, can you imagine what it must be like to enjoy that degree of certitude about anything, let alone what someone else might think?

It's all about clicks, and E Hunter has learned that making nasty, unverifiable accusations against others will generate more clicks than saying nice, complimentary things.

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Feb 13Liked by Chris Bray

I sincerely hope most of them don’t believe it because panicked true believers are more likely than anyone else to do stupid dangerous shit.

“You know when you put it that way, making the whole world go to hell because we were worried the whole world was going to go to hell might have been a bit short sighted.”

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“And I looked, and beheld a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Trump, and Fascism followed with him.”

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Feb 14Liked by Chris Bray

Great post. My reaction: "Tucker is witch! Elon is a witch! They must be burnt at the stake. Trump is the Devil! Putin is the Devil!" It appears humanity hasn't really progressed for centuries.

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Feb 13Liked by Chris Bray

We have heard the end of the world is coming, since, well, the beginning of time. Sure is taking the slow route. Common sense keeps getting in the way…

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Chris Bray is our Christopher Lasch for the 2020s

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Feb 13·edited Feb 13Liked by Chris Bray

Have you ever read "The Pursuit of Millennium: Revolutionary Millenarians and Mystical Anarchists of the Middle Ages" by Norman Cohn? I think it would be right up your alley - plus it's fun to read history books from before the complete domination of progressives in the humanities, he takes a bunch of potshots at Marxist historians who try to turn bloody Millenarian movements into early examples of revolutionary proletarian action. Worth a read!

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Feb 13Liked by Chris Bray

When the superlatives are so over the top, as you so humorously portrayed, it triggers common sense in most rational thinking folks. The Europeans have happily sucked on the US tits and are now (still) crying when someone asks a perfectly good question - and not for the first time - as you point out. Spain’s socialist leader was the one who cried foul the most and Spain is the least compliant in funding NATO of the larger countries. Only Luxembourg pays a lower percentage of GDP. Is it possible that we may be entering a period of realism that understands the futility of allowing the decimation of an entire generation of Ukrainians? funded by US?

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I mean it's probably actually ending for both parties. It's the end of their world, but not the end of existence, which is what they would like to conflate it with. When you're used to everything going your way without challenges, yeah, then it becomes the end of the world, like a drama queen.

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Feb 14Liked by Chris Bray

“Sackcloth, ashes, endlessly refillable SSRI prescription: journalist starter kit“ you wrote this on Fat Tuesday? lol hit differently

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Feb 14Liked by Chris Bray

They do this because they know it works. When “The Atlantic” made up the story in 2020 that Trump called the WW2 U.S. soldiers buried in France “losers”, my neighbors, a very intelligent and delightful couple, went batshit crazy. They posted a huge homemade sign on their mailbox that both their fathers were WW2 veterans, Orange Man bad, blah blah blah. They updated their outrage almost daily with more signs and more evil things attributed to the Orange Julius Caesar dictator wannabe. By the time the election rolled around they had a sign for everything except, “World Famous Wall Drug Store! Only 2,100 miles!”

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Feb 13Liked by Chris Bray

Media induced mass psychosis has gripped the world. It is only wise to be prepared for what is reasonably likely to come next. I don’t say this and a black pill as I believe it’s more than likely. The people running the show have given themselves over to depraved minds. I do believe they will rig the election again. And what comes after will be very bad for quite a long while. Stay healthy and be prepared. Stock up and improve your relationships with your neighbors. And never give up. After all, what else do you have to do?

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