Aug 17Liked by Chris Bray

Please don't ever stop taking about what our leaders did to us during Covid, and what they are continuing to do every day. The political and media class want us all to move on but we haven't remotely dealt with the disgusting lies and abuse they subjected us to. NO ONE has been held accountable.

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The "continuing" is the important part. I increasingly think the pandemic maneuvers carved new behavioral grooves in institutions and cultures. No pandemic, no J6 lawfare. I can't prove this, but I feel it in my bones.

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Couldn’t agree more ….

After her econ speech yesterday ( still out of barf bags ) I thought this …. Maybe all of us middle class peeps who pay all the taxes , should ban together and stop paying. They can’t arrest us all. Or shut us all down . Maybe this is how it ends ?

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Serious question, are you yourself willing to be that person in your circle? Are your convictions that strong that you would be willing to withstand the ostricism what you stated would incur? As well as the incarceration which would quickly follow? Because you know it won't be the bureaucrat who sits 1000 miles away googling to find you. It'll be your family member or closest friend who turns you in out of fear for your safety because you know she gone cray cray. Can you actually withstand that.

I ask because for the most part I could give a flying fuck what others think about me. I've lived through enough abandonment, ridicule, hostile dislike, and phony friends to spare for 5 people. But rhe ultimate price to pay for doing what is right and having society look and declare you a criminal and punish you for the crime that most actually say they would do actually scares me at my age. I'm down to less than a hand worth of friends and family who actually speak to me without me reaching out first. And even then I can tell thwy are only being polite out of fear of being called impolite. If I were a J6 prisoner, I probably would have already committed suicide.

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Important point. These times take a lot of strength and, I believe, a strong spiritual life. May you find your true friends.

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To be honest, the only real friend a person has is themselves. Not family, not pets, not even God. All set conditions on you for their acceptance.

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The trap was set when the started deducting at source. Self employment for the win!

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Aug 17Liked by Chris Bray

This. About 2/3rds of the population learned that if they just comply, you will get some money, and some protection, all while being poisoned and lied to. Locked inside their houses they just went along with it. The other third realized that the experts are all bought and paid for morons, authoritarians, and liars who desire egalatarianism AKA Communism...with them at the top and above it all, revered like demigods. Anyone else remember Fauci candles? I 'member. The funny thing is...where is Fauci? Where is Jacinda Ardern? Scott Morrison of Australia? Boris Johnson? The dustbin of history, that's where. Hopefully Cackling Karmella De Vile is next.

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I remember the Fauci candles. There were Fauci face masks, too.

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Aug 17Liked by Chris Bray

The fauxdemic certainly played a substantial role, but the Marc Elias election swing state corruption machine also was a major contributor to lawfare. Of course, one can say that the fauxdemic opened the door to Elias’ treason.

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Honestly the revolution will be fun for some of us. Imagine having mark elias within arms reach.

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Aug 18·edited Aug 18Liked by Chris Bray

You are on probability correct, because that is how humans function individually, and group behaviour is individual behaviour scaled-up (or vice-versa, for that matter).

There are number of things we do not do, not from conscious moral choices or laws or fear of pain/loss/shame, but simply because those things (or the ways the thing is done) aren't things that are done.

From the banal "putting ketchup on frozen fish-sticks" to the crucial "of course e-mails are erased regularly", it is the same: once some /has been/ done succesfully, it becomes a normal thing to do.

(As a tangent, that is also why certain criminal behaviours are impossible to correct; the action taken/the response to a situation feels right and normal to the individual, hence there's nothing to correct. F.e. "why not put a core of metallic Sodium inside bullets?" - it's not done, but not for technical reasons, it's "just not done". Same with using poison gas against enemy soldiers: it wasn't done until it became normal. But now I'm off the rails like a Disney-ride.)

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It carved new behaviors into the administrative and DOJ regime. Covid suborned the crack downs, and lowered the value of due process protections. Safety! Years of PC propaganda weakened the first amendment and viola’ we have an “insurrection” for protesting a stolen election. This was long planned.

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All the pandemic was is the how in which the Patriot Act could be put into action.

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Aug 18Liked by Chris Bray

It doesn't take long for new routines to become habitual.

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Aug 20Liked by Chris Bray

Yes, and television continually models the expected and approved behavior: scorning dissidents, bullying, dismissing any questions, identifying state approved experts, applause for a violent response towards disagreeable people, and most of all, focusing on self-gratification.

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Kathleen, unfortunately no one ever will be held accountable either. The left won't accept accountability, and the right are too cowardly to do what must be done out of fear for the optics it would put on them. The truth of the matter is that 99% of society can't be bothered either. What needs to happen won't be easy nor will it be clean. Truth is that it will make that little incident of 1861-1869 historically insignificant as far as deaths will be concerned. Kind of hard to believe it, but it is also hard to believe that 99% of law enforcement hide to protect the 1% that polite their organization as they look at you and I as someone they serve by protecting us from lawlessness but as potential suspects who haven't been confirmed as actual suspects of a crime. It's also hard to believe those who have sworn to defend the Constitution from both enemies foreign and domestic are now the arbiters of who that exactly is yet they themselves wage war upon the constitution with impunity. But here we are.

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The compliant always see themselves as the morally superior.


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They are proud and feel entitled of their victimhood, it's a knighthood .

Politics and academia have established this new status.

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"I live in the bluest of blue zones..."

You and me, brother. I live 3 miles east of the California Capitol building and the people in my neighborhood are literally NPCs from The Next Thing memes.

Masks were everywhere (even outside), then all the BLM signs showed up (no black people live in this area), then we had Ukrainian flags everywhere, but all of the sudden, in the last month, I'm not the only house flying an American flag out front. And there really aren't any Harris signs or bumper stickers. I think people around here are finally starting to wake up. Not that it matters, they'll vote Dem no matter what, or the Dem Machine will fix what is needed at the ballot box, but times are a changing.

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Aug 17Liked by Chris Bray

At some point, if only briefly, even the comatose sometimes wake up.


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Sadly, right about the time they see the heads piling up in a basket next to the guillotine.

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Great example.

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Thank you for reminding me about this movie, which I have yet to see!

I greatly admire Penny Marshall (her performance on the Andy Kaufman tv special was one of the all time great comedy straightperson performances), so I should have seen this long ago!

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To what do they wake up? Free, independent thought or a vague sense that the parade has changed direction and they need to catch up? The former is most urgently needed.

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The Marquis de Sade was right. For every 'wiil to power' there is a 'will to submission'. There can be no wolves without sheep and what is the purpose of the sheep except the nourishment of the wolf?

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This is spot-on, and how interesting that the person who describes our politics so effectively is...the Marquis de Sade.

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Yes he was right but also an arrogant deviant who never realized who the wolves and sheep actually might be in reality.

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Aug 17Liked by Chris Bray

It ends the way it started: with well-armed patriots living as we did in the 1800s. No modern conveniences, and only the hardy and self-sufficient will have a go at it. Maybe that's not a bad thing.

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It's not at all. The only reason why nothing has gone hot yet is the fear of one's own family turning their back on you and turning you in to the authorities outbof some inane desire to be seen as a hero. That's all covid showed me. Was that family have no issue turning on themselves to declare a moral superiority. When corruption has gotten that far, friends be damned.

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I'd rather avoid what comes in-between, but yes. We're getting a little readier every day. It will be worth it.

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Aug 17Liked by Chris Bray

"A split into incompatible species" is a perfect description. I understand secession in a way I never did in history class. How do you live side-by-side with 50% of the population that's ready to vote for communism? It's just too bad all the like-minded states aren't conveniently stuck together.

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50%, trending toward 60%.

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More like 97% albeit most won't state it publicly.

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We're mostly close together, bordering each other.

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South and east!

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Aug 17·edited Aug 17Liked by Chris Bray

How is "being influenced by Twitter" scary but being psychologically manipulated and censored by the government is not, but a reason to be proud?

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🤔 'Cause the government will give you money, but Twit won't?

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No, its because the government has the power to incarcerate and X does not. It's all-out of fear. Most of society are simple minded cowards.

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Aug 18·edited Aug 18

That wouldn't make Twit scary. The government is scary, and insane, for sure.

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Yes! On target!

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I feel you brother. I still live in a blue zone north of you and still work w hard core Dems in the Midwest. Just got back from a work trip. Their needle has not moved. Somewhere in 2022 I realized that this would play out that way. Their ranks are shrinking but maybe not enough. I’ve been waiting for a tipping point since 2021, but realized that highly funded propaganda disrupts tipping point math substantially. In many ways this is always how it has been but the flavor is different because of the influence of modern technology

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People look at Weimar Germany and ask “How could Nazi propaganda sway such a highly educated society?” Answer: The same way it happens in every society: By large numbers of non-critically thinking people accepting bullshit at face value.

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You're not wrong, but we need the other piece of the puzzle too:

When the state - the entity called the state - bickers, is prone to petty fractionalism instead of duty to the citizenry/the people, is captured by banks and corporations beholden to no-one but their great god Profiteering, and doesn't get the job done.

We must never forget that the authoritarian regimes of the 20th century came about because the state in question failed in its duties; no corrupt and tyrannical house of Romanov forcing peasant serfs into its armies while their families starved as bankers and industrialists ate themselves sick equals no breeding ground for Lenin's communists.

The same holds true for interwar Germany, and post WW1 Italy and Spain as well. Even the UK and the USA teetered on that brink, as the people got fed up with corruption and lies.

If you'll allow a "limping" analogy: blaming the junkie for committing crimes to pay for drugs is well and all, but no dealer, no junkie in the first place.

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Almost 100% agree, but the U.S. from 1946-present has not been in that position. U.S. residents have had the highest per capita income (in real dollars) in the history of the planet.

And yet the Frankfurt School, Marcuse & Gramsci found fertile ground here for their intellectual poison. In fairness, there were plenty of domestic closeted Bolsheviks left over from the 1930s when admiration of Stalinism was fashionable.

My point being that the willing U.S. consumers of modern pure socialism have no background of hardship to excuse their infantile mental processes. If any U.S. group does, it would be my neighbors here in Appalachia, and yet they are as conservative as you can get. They have sent their sons in grossly disproportionate numbers to fight and die in America’s wars, and vote for conservative leaders. All because they value individual freedom above all else. They truly believe Reagan’s line that the most terrifying words you can hear are “I’m from the government, and I’m here to help you.”

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Well, of course they did.

One of the core personality-traits for a social engineer (or a priest, shaman, whatever) is that they do not deal with humans and human societies the way they are (have developed), but with how they /ought to be/ according to [insert theory here].

It is not unique to "the left" either, but to, as mentioned, a personality-trait.

You /ought not/ have enjoyed that economic growth, because according to their theories you shouldn't have. Same thing when someone like Hayek or Friedman very very consciously did /not/ look at the Nordic nations/Scandinavia:

According to their theories, we /oughtn't/ have enjoyed the wealth we created, yet we had the audacity to do so.

And to someone with too strong that personality-trait, reality not conforming to theory is a personal affront that must be punished, rather than cause for reflection and adjustment.

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Us and them , can we split our country in half , I’m willing to move . 😗

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Aug 17Liked by Chris Bray

Will those who fled Cali to Austin do the same damage over there? As usual, they seem to have learned nothing and are keen to remake it in their image.

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They are.

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You know why they do that? They are being paid by California to destroy all the areas they expat to. That's the only answer I can come up with. Why you ask? Because every filthy one of those cunts I've run into are openly hostile to everything not California and who have all said that we need to be brought up to speed. Texas sucks etc... The only thing good from California I've witnessed is Trader Joe's and I dead finding out just how that company is out to kill my way of life. Because so far with bidenomics TJ has been a godsend.

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Yes, they will damage Texas. They must be made to move to a blue state. All of them from all states need put out.

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The other side will never allow it...a free society is incompatible with, and therefore anathema to a tyrannical dictatorship. The two cannot coexist. One has only to consider which side would like to secede, and which side would oppose it with all their might.

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Aug 17·edited Aug 17

That will only be a temporary solution, as the Left will look with envy across the border, and infiltrate in order to conquer. We could make Leftism a capital offense, but then we will have thrown the free speech baby out with the bath water. Withstanding intellectual and moral corruption is a difficult thing to enforce.

(P.S. The inability of government to enforce good behavior and thinking was why the Founders & Framers emphasized “self-government,” by which they did NOT mean elections, but rather nongovernmental civil organizations such as churches, social organizations, and the threat of scandal & ostracism to regulate the day-to-day conduct of individuals that was beyond the practical reach of the law.)

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Self means self. A person who cannot rule themselves has no ability, nor right, to rule others effectively.

Once the self is properly ruled the community may likewise be ruled, and on to the nation. That ship has long sailed and only a return to the rule of self can change course.

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isn't the halfway point now the panamanian border?

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We tried it once, looks like Act II is on the horizon. Free & capable adults with their families are welcome on this side.

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Aug 17Liked by Chris Bray

There's a 2015 book, The Real North Korea, by Andrei Lankov. A quote in it from a Western doctor: "For a health care professional, a police state is a paradise."

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Aug 17Liked by Chris Bray

I have a blue-voter relative who was despondent after Biden's debate performance. Then Kamala got installed, and now this relative is jubilant! Everything is wonderful! Of course Biden isn't too incapacitated to serve as President, he just had to be replaced! Overnight!

This person glimpsed, briefly, how the press is weaving an all-encompassing fabric of lies, and found it distressing. But now we've moved on, the dilemma is resolved, and no further questions are necessary.

NO FURTHER QUESTIONS ARE NECESSARY is the silent scream behind all of their cheery announcements.

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Obama era press championed that.

No accountability for Democrats and NO FURTHER QUESTIONS

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Aug 17Liked by Chris Bray

I think I know how This Ends. We elect a Dear Leader, who knows what's best for us (including the best price for food and housing) -- all in exchange for a tad less freedom, especially that pesky freedom of speech.

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Aug 17Liked by Chris Bray

Actually, that was at least her second promise. Her first promise was to disarm us. With or without the branch that's supposed to make the laws. She has a phone and she has a pen, after all. A student of great authoritarians past(?)

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Aug 17Liked by Chris Bray

I like the logic of Daisley, that speaking your mind must come with a risk and with costs, and that it is unfair that someone can be rich/powerful enough to escape most of those risks and costs.

And the subtext is even more enjoyable:

Other magnates, such as Gates or Bezos, and other corporations, such as Disney or Netflix, frequently profess ideas and opinions of all sorts with no threat of risk or cost (personal ones, that is), something which Daisley apparently don't mind.

The inevitable conclusion is that to Dailey, the right to speak and the right to hold any opinion, is contingent on which "team" someone is on. Rights for me but not for thee.

Higly enjoyable, to see that high education, high wages, titles, access to media, and being a well-fitting part of society has presicely nothing to do with what values, norms and opinions someone espouses or expresses - can we finally draw the curtains on rational choice and "good pay equals good performance" fallacies now?

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I missed the name, there for a second. Yes, that asshole.

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(?) Defenestrate the crazies/dupes/idiots, but don’t tell them:

They’ll believe they still have power and influence, but are given only devices that are tantamount to inert chew-toys. This is a sort of policy of “containment,” as it would be referred to in foreign-policy speak. Yet in many ways it IS foreign policy because this bizarro destruction from within is rooted in the always too strong and still increasingly stronger influence foreign policy/special interests have in American government (organized crime, globalist financial cabals, belligerent/paradsitic alien governments, et al).

It’s my view that this extremely imperfect approach has been in place for long years, and it comes with its own perilous hazards, i.e. the neocons escaping from their pet carrier under Reagan and the Bushes and Clintons, and before that, the Bolshevik-confederate administrations of Wilson and FDR.

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"...escaping from their pet carrier..."

I embarrassed myself in public laughing at that image.

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Defenestration is a centuries old practice whose value and import has been largely ignored for too long.

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Aug 17Liked by Chris Bray

All the glaziers I know want it brought back.

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All those broken windows would be good for the economy

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I love the days pre-safety glass.

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