“my wife regards sleeping on the ground in the woods as so incomprehensible an activity it seems barely human” - Chris, you manage to make me belly laugh every time I read one of your articles, so thank you for that - also, I might agree with your wife about sleeping on the ground

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I used to enjoy it about 50 years ago. Many fond memories! These day I've discovered I have complaint centers embedded in most joints. The only way I'd sleep on the ground is if I fell down there and couldn't get up...

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Using a cot, best ones by Camp time (portable, last for ever) and teton xxl with a pad, nearly the same as a comfy bed. a game changer.

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That's really helpful - I am actually looking for a cot that I can also use in a spare room.

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teton xxl with pad

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Amen! 🙌

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I'm not bragging but as a crazy hitch-hiking teenager I slept on a dual carriageway central reservation, slept under a parked-up truck in the rain, on the roof of a high rise in Amsterdam and in the toilet at the back of a roadside gas station. How barely human is that...Sorry.... I AM bragging aren't I?

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Dude, and I thought I was hard-core for sleeping on the ground *inside a tent* at a campground on Lake Teslin, Yukon. (And the only reason I was on the ground was because my dog shoved me off the air mattress.)

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And WERE you gathering goateggs?....at the time?

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Doncha worry, 'our 21st c. Zeitgeist' not just condones but rather commands (im)moderate bragging 😉🤸

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Agree on the belly laugh and Wifey no longer sleeps on the ground or squats for relief.

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I mean look at the three uterusless humans sitting on the stage discussing birthing people and non-birthing people. It’s no wonder women are trending towards not having sex anymore. What self-respecting female would want to have sex with these spineless ass p*ssies. No nonsense masculine men are becoming an endangered species.

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An ex-boss of mine divided men into 2 groups, Cowboys and City Slickers. Cowboys allegedly being the manly men and City Slickers being the touchy feely ones. However, what is observed is the majority of Cowboys are a$$hole$, and the majority of City Slickers are pu$$ie$.

Where are the ones with the best of both?

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Thanks for the laughs!

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"Where are the ones with the best of both?"

Some of 'em are sittin' on a horse - trying to persuade a cow to go through a gate. Or sittin' on a tractor, prayin' the baler will finish the field. Others are attempting to fix some idiot's badly abused car, or help a neighbour fix a fence. They're out there. On the farms and ranches, in the small towns, in the heartland.

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The ones I have known were from a long, long time ago when I was a child.

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Mine's asleep on the couch downstairs because he had to get up at 04:00 to go rescue some city slicker who had the money to buy an airplane but not the sense to learn how to land it without blowing his nosewheel tire.

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I know quite a few good guys that are not assholes, but are definitely masculine guys.

I remember years ago, hearing the term metrosexual. I figured we were in trouble back then and viewing the current state of things there’s no question my instincts were correct.

In the meantime I’ll leave the skinny jeans in the department store.....I like sleeping sleeping with my wife.

Giddy up.....

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My first thought about your post was the old there are 10 kinds of people, depending on whether they understand binary or not.

Then I remembered another favorite about two kinds of people, those that divide people into two kinds and those that don’t.

Sorry for the two group sidetrack. I don’t often get to use those.

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I really like the binary one. That's pretty funny.

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Ironically, one of the most masculine, yet kind and gentle men I know is gay and has been been in a committed relationship for 15 years, sorry, PMSers.

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I can believe that.

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In the suburbs, of course!

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Not around here. The vast majority are the City Slickers, not the good kind either.

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I would be quite shocked if it turned out that the "birthing persons" guy was competing for the sexual favours of heterosexual women.

I'm not a biologist, but everything about the dude says "catcher" - even the lisp.

That said: I've been wrong before - I didn't peg Yoel Roth or "PizzaGate DEBOONKER guy" as pedophiles* minor-attracted persons.

Just kidding - I'm not an idiot. Both those dudes were creepy as fuck, right out the gate.

* If Substack's comment system wasn't hopeless and retarded, I would have used "ironic-strikethrough" - but they decided to hire "Quora-tier" uDemy-coders... skimping on such low-cost, solved-problem functionality implies skimping elsewhere - which further implies that nobody should trust Substack to keep-safe credit card details.

(This is by way of explaining why I let Substack subs expire all the time; I'm always waiting for a new 'burner' card).

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Like Vaclav Havel said about the shopkeepers who put out their "Workers of the World Unite" or some such pabulum, signs, in Czechoslovakia, were just engaging in performance theater for others. They're all the same, these edgy leftists. They don't mean anything they say and know it's all polemical. But they have to do it because it's how they identify themselves from the other, even if they don't actually use the speech in their real lives. They are also very much believers in diversity, until the young, dark skin males show up in their neighborhoods, in close proximity to themselves and their women and children. Then, it's "Where is the local constabulary?" Or on Martha's Vineyard, a call to the governor to get National Guard units to the remove the diverse people.

Danny Huckabee

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Immigrants and refugees welcome h-- OH SHIT

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"Well, we didn't mean actually HERE here, we meant more like in the US, here. You know, down in some tiny town on the AZ or TX border."

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Lolol: “By dinner there were too many for our campsite, and the roving child army expanded across the neighboring stream and into the hillsides, effortlessly achieving tactical superiority.” Love it! Another great stack -- thanks, Chris

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I especially loved the "Wolverines" film clip from Red Dawn.

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If anyone ever calls me a chest feeding bonus hole bleeder their rear hole is going to have an explosive intimate moment with my boot 🥾

Wonder if Harry’s mom thinks? I’d be so ashamed to hear my kids speak like that... so sadly we don’t discuss a lot of this bullshit.

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Such a good article, thanks Chris! So true... people don't talk like that.

I think the one exception is the covid mask experience. The "TV Personality" of performative masking also showed up in 1-on-1 interactions out-and-about. I remember being the _only_ unmasked person in a Whole Foods during the covid kerfuffle and having masked people walk up to me and point to their mask. As if they were too embarrassed to say "why aren't you wearing a mask?" but were performative enough to still imply it with their pointing. -insert-face-palm-here-

Ultimately, I think your final 2 sentences are the true gold here:

"It exists between mediated identities, not between people, which means that it isn’t real and should be aggressively disregarded. Live as a person."


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Nothing could please me more than winding up in close proximity to your campsite where we could hoist a few and laugh our a***es off skewering woke language. That’s my response when I read it or hear it and invariably people laugh with me or roll their eyes. As George Will put it, “Wokeness is being shrunk by the solvent of the laughter it provokes.”

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It's all a charade - a complete farce. Watch Asm Al Muratushi try to avoid saying woman. Is it rude to call him idiotic - or must I say no bonus hole buffoon? I wish I could see his birthing partners reaction to his drivel. https://twitter.com/detransaware/status/1687864342837088256?s=43&t=-avhPVkcedWGwCmn2kHmcw

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This. Is. So. Painful. To. Watch.

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Haha, it looks like he's having a seizure!

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"We’ve evolved an aggressive cultural performance that doesn’t exist in any form of nonperformative interpersonal human life."

Another way to say this is that Leftists lie; they don't really believe what they say that they believe. They compete to see who can best publicly admire the Emperor's new clothes. They are aware that their 'beliefs' are lies.

One proof is that the never change their minds when you prove to them that they are wrong.

Another is that they never seem to disagree with each other on the latest lie. They all suddenly and simultaneously believe that men can really be women, and are willing to testify to it in Congress.

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They succeed in placing their minds under strict party discipline.

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Minds? I am old enough to recall when possession of one of those implied some level of cognitive ability. You know - like thinking.

Not sure that "placing their minds under strict party discipline" actually indicates the ability, or desire, to think. It may mean just the opposite.

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Bravo to your daughter. She sounds amazing. My experience with meeting other kids' parents has been essentially the same as yours. The whole "birthing people" thing is only one step more ludicrous than "Latinx," which I've never, ever ever met a person who called himself that, despite knowing many people who would be called that by WaPo or what-have-you. Sometimes we're supposed to call people what they call themselves ("Rachel" Levine), and other times we're supposed to call ourselves what some nutter calls us ("birthing persons" or whatever). The one unifying element is that these terms all unshackle words from their meanings.

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As a non-parent myself, your piece is a "bonus revelation" of the ridiculous media kow-towing to imaginary non-persons.

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Awhile back in the blur of the last 3 years someone posted Nancy Pelosi's social media Bio alongside a speech she had given about why we shouldn't evolve into a more inclusive language and dump terms that were limiting like Mom. The bio read "Mom, Grandma"

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Are pre-prepared or assigned camping sites the standard for hikers in the US? Here, you can camp most everywhere when out hiking, though there are prepared lean-tos and such at regular intervals (35km or so, terrain-dependent) on the major trails and full-on lodges along the tourist-traps.

Personally I prefer to move outside the trails using only my wits and navigating the old-fashioned way, though I fully understand why that would be a Bad Idea(tm) for many areas not only due to pressure put on the environment but also due to numbskulls not showing proper respect for nature.

During Pride-week (last week in the capital) our Supreme Commander made a woke faux-paus, when he in a meeting said "Lets take a break from the PC bullshit" and put on a Youtube-clip from a swedish quiz-show for 5th-graders, where the question was "What does the abbreviation HBTQ+ stand for?" and the kids innocently answered in earnest: "Retarded".


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I hiked down into the Grand Canyon in the winter of 2022, and not only took up a designated campsite but also showed my permit to the ranger who came around to check. Practices vary by agency: National Park Service, lots of permits and restrictions; Bureau of Land Management, lots of "dispersed camping," not many rules.

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Thanks, guess it makes sense. I've heard from a swedish lady who walked the PCT border-to-border that all factors considered, in the US the greater oversight compared to here is necessary. Garbage, people being people, heat, et cetera.

She did this during the height of TDS, before lockdowns and the last presiential election and she said she didn't meet a single rude, obnoxious or in other way political person; people were hospitable, curious and helpful, as per your earlier text on rediscovering America.

It is much the same here, in that regard. The city-welling morlocks think all us here in the deep dark forests are akin to the antagonists in "Deliverance", when the truth of the matter is the opposite.

In the city if you cry out for help, people respond with "Shut up" if they respond at all. Here, people immediately jump to it to help out, even perfect strangers or foreigners.

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In the city, people also frequently take out their phones to record the action, but still don't offer to help.

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Great story - thank you! Still chuckling…

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Chris, great post. This is all performance and has nothing to do with reality. Ridiculing these people is the only response. From a business perspective I guess if Harry’s (a pretty patriarchal name if you ask me) Razors can get a bunch of chest feeders with bonus holes to bulk up on heavy doses of testosterone and begin growing facial hair they have a whole new market segment to sell to. Brilliant!

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Harry's is ludicrously patriarchal. I haven't looked at their products in ages, but when the company began selling its wares online, all the razors were named after famous men, e.g., the Delano. I wonder what (if anything) their silly posturing will buy them. Actually, given that the feds paid just about everybody to lie about just about everything corona-related (massive media payoffs, for example), maybe they're just taking money from Uncle Sam to brainwash the proles into using their words. It only seems unbelievable until you think about it for a few minutes.

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... .... Nah. Its STILL unbelievable.

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think a lot of this nonsensical woke liturgy, including pronoun salad, is destined to be a transient phenomenon. Very few people care about this because it is performative and thus inauthentic. And most Americans aren’t traditionally ultra-dogmatic pinched face hall monitors. Only the people who created this punishment experiment are really motivated to make it persist - until they change their minds and launch their next idiotic paradigm spoiler.

So it’s important to disempower these types, by not speaking as instructed, not behaving according to their wishes and mock them for what they are, malevolent opportunists and destructive ideologues who want to force you to comply. Also don’t vote for these creeps. Nothing constructive can come from people whose main mission in life is simply to make everybody as miserable as they are.

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Yes. At the very core of all this is that they are liars who don't think anyone notices. They are liars who should be ridiculed, shunned, blocked, excluded and ignored until they learn to STFU.

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Usually not one for new phrases, but, I have to say ‘word salad and pronoun salad’ are just too awesome.

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“You can’t live in a deeper blue milieu than I live in.”

I’ll take that challenge...Silicon Valley.

“No one has ever spoken to me this way.” Same here. Only in public pronouncements, business wide emails claiming support or idiots on tv squawking do you ever hear that bs. 1 on 1 with even the most so called ardent supporter...nothing.

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