Luckily for the rest of us, the press is immune from the effects of these magical words, and in fact are able to explain what's REALLY going on. It's dangerous to listen to Donald Trump, so just listen to what Rachel Maddow SAYS about Donald Trump! It's much easier that way!

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I think at this point the press has given up on convincing half the country. Their goal is to keep half of the other half, people like Sasha Stone (if you've read her) or Dave Rubin or journalists like Michael Schellenberger or Matt Taibbi, people who are actually liberal, from defecting from the Democrats (even if they don't go all the way to Republican) once they start listening to people like Tucker Carlson or Josh Hawley. When you start listening to people like that, even if you don't agree with everything they say, you start to respect them for at least seeing the same problems you do rather than ignoring those problems like Pence or pretty much every Democrat in power. And the DNC-aligned media can't have that.

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after his go-getter attitude trying to bring legislative weight against a surprising amount of the modern Orwellian dysregulation, I picked up some grudging respect for Hawley. I still disagree with many of his views and votes as I would most of the decades of Missouri Republicans, and I don't like the way he doesn't live in Missouri (his sister has a Missouri address,) but at least he's getting crazy scary information out in public view that other Congresscritters are either ignoring or downright supporting.

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I did not know that about his residency. I can see why that would be irritating.

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The mainstream media act like those animals that vomit into their babies' mouths to feed them. "Here's your pre-chewed and partially-digested information, moron, which you're too immature to handle yourself, so we have to process it first and mix it with our own bile before we give it to you."

Fortunately, a critical mass of people see what they're up to and have decided to get their information and analysis elsewhere. It has been very encouraging to see the "de-platformed" Tucker Carlson still having a much greater reach and influence than any of the supposedly mainstream journalists who have the regime's imprimatur and advertising budget behind them.

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Great imagery!

And I really hope your "critical mass" assumption is true. We have been teetering on the edge of a precipice for far too long.

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This is just the latest round of "dishonest editorializing". The MSM and DNC know that roughly 0% of dem voters will actually watch the video, so I am slightly thankful that they went with the Svengali play and not "Did you see when Tucker went over to Pence and BIT HIM!" which would have a similar 0% chance of being contested by anyone else in the MSM.

If you cannot (or won't) read, you are dependent on those who can read to you. If you don't check source material, you are dependent on those who report it back to you. If you want the truth, you are already a conservative, if you want comfort (especially emotional comfort) you are a liberal. (It is not really a matter of issues, but they gravitate towards spoon fed media narrative for they same reason they like spoon fed UBI, Medical, TDS meltdowns etc.) Things have to get wildly unpleasant for liberals to grow out of toddlerhood.

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"If you don't check source material, you are dependent on those who report it back to you."

The importance of this observation can never be exaggerated.

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insightful comment

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Out of Mike Pence's own mouth, responding to concerns about Americans in our own communities, not abroad:

"It's not my concern. Tucker I've heard that routine from you before, but that's not my concern."

"That routine." As in "inorganic and manufactured, didn’t happen because the audience didn’t like him or his answers, but as a result of the performative maneuvering of Tucker who challenged and contradicted him."

A script. They are all reading from the same script now about dissenting voices. As if, a Talking Points Memo went out from high command saying that's how you dismiss the naysayers, political opponents. Pulling "routines," carnival acts, street performers working for tips. Dismissive, so below the chosen ones that they needn't respond to the concerns of ordinary people. Coordinated. Reading from a script:


Sames. They think we're all idiots.

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LOL I'm literally working on an article with that video. Unbelievable. And he's trying to spin it like "I meant Ukraine wasn't my concern" -- after yammering about how important Ukraine is for 10 minutes.

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Huzzah, the easy way is the only sure way to get saved! 🤸


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LOL, that's so rich!!! Yet again, the media arm of the Democrat Party wants us to believe that they are objective reporters of truth and that they admire and respect Mike Pence and all that he stands for. Boy, there wouldn't be enough space in a Substack to embed the links of every horrible statement about Pence made by the MSM from 2015 - 2020. On another note, I did want to vomit when I watched Pence say that about "that's not his concern". Talk about the mask pretty much literally slipping off - I actually could SEE the benign mask slide down and the REAL Mike Pence facing the cameras - gave me the chills. Because he is not the only one - so many Republicans in the Senate and some in the House are the same evil war mongering regime changers.

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Perhaps the best moment was the feigned outrage and leering over "what it really meant" that Pence wouldn't have a meal alone with a woman not his wife, even a female staffer. You would think that not being alone with a woman was proof that you planned to attack her in the parking lot, from the media coverage of what was either a bit quaint, but harmless, or a necessary butt-covering legal move for the 21st century.

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Yes indeed. Most of the GOPe are Uniparty shills.

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Chris just illustrated the left's argument why the government MUST violate 1A and censor every shadow of dissent. Shockingly, this argument worked on the Fifth Circuit panel to stay Doughty's overly generous and very abusable injunction yesterday, allowing censorship to protect our elections and for national security. Government will stop at nothing to protect us.

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These people write for their friends and to create the reality they want so they themselves don't fall to pieces. I don't even think they're trying to convince the rest of us anymore. We're beneath convincing.

On a side note, I went looking for the Mike Pence interview on YouTube and I found this clip (less than a minute long): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cC86peIh_Ys [Edit: That was the full interview, sorry. Here is the clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C74K8_3VzT8.]

After Tucker presses him on why he's worried about sending tanks to Ukraine when quality of life is degrading so badly here in the US, Mike Pence literally says, "That's not my concern." And the clip ends.

I had to go find the full interview. I thought, this has to be taken out of context, just because it's such a ridiculous misstep (he's telling the truth, but it's a truth that will sink him). But it isn't. After a lengthy discussion of why we need to be in Ukraine and how much we're helping Ukraine and all the evil things Russia has done, Tucker goes into what's wrong here at home and Mike Pence literally comes back with "That's not my concern." And then to make matters worse he actually says something along the lines of "I'm running to be president of the United States, and that's not my concern." If quality of life in the US is not the concern of the president of the US, who the hell's concern is it?

I don't know if Pence was just frazzled and didn't really know what he was saying or he genuinely thinks that, but if he actually thought he was being clever, he blew it up right there. (I don't care. I never liked Pence. He is literally every reason an independent would hate the Republican Party.)

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To be fair to Pence, I understood him to mean that sending tanks to Ukraine was not his concern. He followed up by talking about what he believes needs to be done in the US. Nevertheless, he concludes that we can address domestic issues and support Ukraine. Why and to what extent he believes we need to support Ukraine is an open question.

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I understand your interpretation, but he spent a lot of time prior to that talking about how we haven't done enough for Ukraine, so I think it's safe to say he is all in on Ukraine and sending weapons to them is very much his concern (he complained about how they don't have the tanks yet), both from what came before the comment in that interview alone and historically. He calls those who don't fully back the war "apologists for Putin." (https://www.newsweek.com/pence-pushes-gop-putin-no-room-our-party-apologists-1810047.) When Tucker still had his show on Fox, he sent out questionnaires to the presidential candidates. Pence's stance was just as clear then. So when he said "That's not my concern," I don't think anyone can be blamed for interpreting it as putting Ukraine above American citizen needs. And I think that is ultimately the truth, even if he didn't mean to say it so bluntly.

And, no, we clearly cannot address domestic issues and support Ukraine. That should be obvious to even Pence by now. But if that was his point, he should have said that right off the bat instead of "That isn't my concern." Either he was frazzled or he's just so used to spewing talking points he wasn't even listening.

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What nauseating sub-basement intellect and abysmal lack of ethics of mainstream commentators and "journalists." Is there anyone anywhere who is actually influenced by those clowns? If that number is under 5%, why do they even bother?

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these people are not mainstream. The legacy media is a dying carcas, there is nothing mainstream about it.

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I sure hope you’re right because what I see on the streets are a lot of virtue signaling ignorant sheeple.

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The media believes strongly in propaganda and are shameless purveyors of it. Because they lack the capacity for imagination and empathy they cannot conceive of anyone else not similarly so inclined. Thus they don’t really seem to believe people could hold opinions that aren’t manufactured with some end in mind. As they see it, Tucker’s audience would otherwise believe their propaganda were he not interfering with his own.

What they miss is that managerial system propaganda can only work in an environment of existing trust, where people are conditioned though demonstrated veracity on the part of the media to accept the occasional falsehoods. In earlier ages when people generally accepted that the media would not publish outright lies, you float a false story and count on that reputation to keep it out there and moving. Modern propaganda has no such luxury; it’s all lies all the time and everyone knows it. They are trying to float a ship across a desert.

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"They lie to us. We know they're lying. They know that we know they're lying, but they keep lying to us. And we keep pretending to believe them".

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Ground-breaking new research has shown that all full-of-shit lefty journalists and tv presenters all emerged from a common gene pool. Or did I just imagine that?

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I mean, they're basically all the same person with different hair.

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People who believe charlatans like Heffernan and Goldenberg can't cope. They fall apart when the precious narrative clearly diverges from observable reality. That drama doesn't fix broken water mains or sewage pumps that weren't maintained. Maybe Sally and Virginia would like to grab a few tools and help out? No?

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Sanctimonious and comically serious Pence, fat bully Chrisco Christie, the nauseatingly cheerful Nikki Haley, pasteurized Tim Scott, I’m sure there are others, are fake candidates on a campaign train to the same place California’s high speed rail goes: nowheresville.

For a variety of reasons: they were told to by the Deep State, they want to keep some campaign donations, they are delusional megalomaniacs and cheats who need constant attention and will hope against hope that whatever vote stealing fuckery the retarded GOPe can come up will stop Trump, and they can weasel the nomination. We’ve already seen the shenanigans in California with the aborted proportional delegate assignment scheme exposed by Laura Loomer. I’m sure there’s more chicanery afoot.

Nobody likes Pence. Well no ordinary humans like him. He’s a phony, a backstabbing coward, and not much fun at a party. The propaganda ministry can spin it all day long. Nobody paying attention is buying what they are selling. This will be the playbook until and if somebody other than Trump gets the nod. Then the same jackals will rip that Republican into shreds. Trump gets it because he’s the leader. It makes no difference if the “nice” Republicans steal the nomination. They will be transformed overnight into monsters by the same shills attacking Trump and Tucker. The media thinks you are idiots.

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Did you notice how Pence wouldn’t even look at Tucker? He just kept looking dead straight at the audience, it was beyond bizarre, it was saying to Tucker you are insignificant to me. I’m surprised he even showed up for this. Btw Pence autocorrected to “pants” and that’s what I’m planning to call him from now on.

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Very hard to not notice. Super super weird behavior.

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Pence gives me the CREEPS! Years ago, for shits and giggles, I read Lin Wood’s depositions he took. In a nutshell, whether right or wrong, Pence is not a decent person. I’ll leave it at that.

Personally, I think there’s A LOT of blackmailing occurring. What we see, is not the truth.

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Pence is afraid of Tucker, as well he should be.

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The last 20+ years prove that the US government cannot or will not solve its domestic problems, preferring instead to provoke endless wars all around the world. As for Pence, he betrayed everyone who saw obvious irregularities in the way the 2020 election was conducted and in the refusal of courts to hear grievances. I'm surprised he can even show his face in public let alone have the gall to run for president.

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Carlson didn't trick Pence. Pence sunk himself because he is an idiot.

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I mean, pretty much. It wasn't that hard to see.

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Are we supposed to believe Politico sympathizes with Pence? That'll be the day. When else has a "devout Christian" faced jeers from the crowd? Oh right, Him. If you want a miracle for our times, it would be honest reporting from this generation of Taylor Lorenz and Jim Acosta wannabes. To them, "devout Christian" is a dog whistle for White Supremacist or neo-Nazi. Subtract Tucker's insistent questioning, and Mike Pence the sympathetic "devout Christian" becomes Mike Pence out of The Handmaid's Tale or Schindler's List. These people are so dishonest, the Reich Minister for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda has complained about their blatant biased reporting.

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Insightful observation, this turn towards calling out inconvenient stories as cons. I think the projection world we've bee living in, must be reaching its crescendo. We can hope. It's not enough to project bias anymore, it has to be a scam and a con, because, the media-left is now protecting cons. (Biden as credible and Covid as a real threat and the Ukraine war as justified.) They can't afford contexts that might provide meaning or understanding. They have to dismiss from the outset. Pathetic ploy and it won't work. Thanks

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Well, golfers explain the world as a golf game. Paid liars explain the world as a con… and here we are.

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"Paid liars explain the world as a con… and here we are." THIS!

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I watched a lot of Tucker's interviews of Mike Pence and Nikki Haley today. Mike Pence has no business being in charge of anything, any time, anywhere. He stated that America was not his concern. Ukraine is obviously where he would like to be and he believes everything Zelenskyy says. Like I said, don't let him ever run anything again. This tells me that there were probably lots of Pence-based disasters during President Trump's term.

Nikki Haley did a lot better - she at least seems to know how to run a large operation.

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After seeing parts of Tucker’s interview with Pence, I realize (I loved Tucker’s interview with him) that I’d like to have Andrew Tate run for POTUS! 💥

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I liked him when Tucker interviewed him for one of his shows on Fox Nation. He seems very intelligent, thoughtful, and he's a MAN! Girly-men are just... and they're still wearing man buns. I really do think he's somewhat of a good example for boys. Men need to by <b>men</> and not feminized

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I see the effect of the "journalism" you describe in my inner circle. Most of my closest family & friends will just regurgitate establishment opinions without ever having listened to the people about whom they have simply accepted the respectable liberal viewpoint. Propaganda! Tucker Carlson [I'm a big fan] & Andrew Tate spring to mind. I'm not a fan of Tate's rather narcissistic brand of machismo but in their recent (long) interview it's clear he does have interesting things to say and can think through & articulate his beliefs. None of those mentioned would deign to expose themselves to such vulgarity, of course.

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I live in Los Angeles, and I see this effect every day. It's why the collapse keeps going.

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As a white, educated woman I can’t even convey my level of outrage with this last quote. What a disgusting troll this woman is. Honestly thinking she’s elite, grouping men into one amorphous blob, and launching herself into a godlike stratosphere that hilariously only exists in her own mRNA infested neurons. Hitleresque doesn’t even begin to describe her and her ilk.

“Why doesn’t Hawley take his pitch to elites? He didn’t respond to a request for an interview on the topic, but perhaps it’s because men without college educations are much more imperiled by mental illness, addiction and suicidality than college-educated men. They’re less contented. They’re less employed. And, for Hawley, that means they’re a riper political target — more easily sold on far-right memes and “woke”-bashing flexes as a way to cure what ails them.”

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I am going to be devil’s advocate for POLITICO The Magazine and say that none of their editors or readers consider that real reportage on a livestream with a Congressional figure; talking about the “longform” gossip-girl piece (not the journalisming one about Pence)— It is what Maureen Dowd used to do, with a pretense of a news hook but then she banged on about whatever female-nerd thing she wanted to preach, after the topical stuff was out of the way. The “digression” i.e. main theme of the piece, about her fave William James quotations (reliable sign of an overeducated, oversocialized essayist) is actually kind of interesting in a slow-Sunday-read way. Heffernan is an NPR Rush Limbaugh, who himself started as a disc jockey and knew how to play the hits. Like him she does catty little bits to pander to the audience like calling “End of Men” “homoerotic.” This is standard 21st century liberal rhetorical tic well known to any tween girl in Manhattan or Montana since about 1996

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