
I realize that I started to draw a circle, but didn't close it.

1.) Sam Harris came up as a critic of religion who argues that faith is an affront to rational thought.

2.) But he participates in a kind of faith-based and performative quasi-religion that posits alternative realities and rejects dealing with the world as it is.

3.) He's a critic of religion, on the grounds of preferring a rational engagement with the world, who isn't rationally engaged with the world.

It's necessary to connect both ends of his career, and to see that his dueling trajectories don't align.

Annnnnnnd good night.

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Gee, it's like he lacks a moral compass, or something. Cue Nietzsche's madman speech.

He and Scott Adams are so arrogant, they cannot ever admit to having been duped. And, oh boy, were they ever played for suckers. At least 2 jabs for each. Enjoy, O Supremely Intelligent Ones.

We need new elites. Real ones, this time.

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This is so useful, it's such the handy frame: There is no need to ever be incorrect about anything again, ever, because verifiably false statements can now be re-imagined into the context of a different reality (just change n variables) where they can be shown to be true. He has stumbled onto the most important epistemological discovery we've ever witnessed. Going forward, all statements are true because they are only temporarily false-in-waiting until we creatively imagine the n-dimensional context in which they are true. We don't need to disagree on anything, because we can agree on everything. Everything is now true, and the only condition is to accept Sam Harris's multiverse.

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Jan 17, 2023·edited Jan 17, 2023Author

Because it might occur to someone to ask: I also have a UCLA PhD, from a different department, and was on campus at the same time as Harris, but I never met him. It’s a big place.

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As an adult convert to the Catholic faith who arrived here via Thomas Aquinas, Dietrich von Hildebrand, Peter Kreeft, and Dietrich Bonhoffer, I've been mentally inviting Sam Harris to go f*** himself long before this. As a public health professional with 30 years in the field I've been telling the CDC, FDA, and NIH to go f*** themselves for decades but it's definitely intensified in the past three years. What a confluence of interests.

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Jan 17, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

Nope, even if the vaccine 100% blocked transmission, there would still be the matter of safety. And even if it was 100% safe, there would still be the matter of government which does not own a single inch of your body to be able to mandate it.

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Jan 17, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

“I actually won the lottery but my ticket

didn’t have the correct numbers printed on it.” This guy is an insufferable twat.

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Jan 17, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

"If only the green wire had been the right one to cut, I wouldn't have died in that nuclear explosion" The tombstone of the leader of the bomb squad.

"And all those people who told me to cut the red wire had no reason to believe they were right just because they were just.engineers, bomb makers, and nuclear scientists, and my boss from the NSA said, 'Cut the green wire'."

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These people are mentally ill. Hadn’t heard of this story or this weirdo before now and I’m glad I didn’t. I don’t know what kind of sick f*ck you have to be to even think having children die would be an idea that one would entertain, but he sure takes the cake. Surprised he didn’t go to Berkeley (where I went - no PhD, just two bachelor’s degrees and the smartest thing I learned to do was type really fast). Always appreciate your posts, Chris.

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"Just because you ended up being correct doesn't mean you were right."

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Weinstein was right, but he was right for the wrong reasons, because even though the reasons he had for being right were right he couldn't actually have known for sure that he was right, which is basically the same as being wrong, so Harris, who was wrong, but knew with absolute certainty that he was right, and knew he was right for all the right reasons, was actually more right than Weinstein.

And this is what it looks like when you betray your avowed logical principles to join a cult and as a direct result drop the ball during the last down in the biggest game of your life. Harris' self-image is now in perfect conflict with reality, and the cogdis has shattered his brain.

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Jan 17, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

At around 4:16 in the first clip Sam Harris imagines a scenario where Covid is much worse and says, "that's different than the hypothetical experience we all had . . . ."

No, none of us had a hypothetical experience. We all had the opposite: a real experience.

Sam Harris is so psychologically turned around that he is mistaking reality for conjecture.

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You can be sure that for the next pandemic they will be sure to tailor it to specifically target children because killing old folks is clearly not enough motivation for people to jab their kids with a shot that was never tested to prevent infection or transmission and had a few months of actual human tests before it was released on the world.

There will come a time when People wake up and see what was done to them and will be looking at a deck of cards to know who to hunt down and eliminate from the world, assclowns like the shithead in the video need to be on those decks along with fraudci, welensky, birx, bourla and their ilk. There were many steps in the fraud and a lot of players with their hands on a whole shit ton of murders even if they weren't actually pushing the plungers on the syringes.

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Sam's atheism is equally affected and pretentious. I don't know how anyone could listen to his alternately paralogical and obvious conclusions and ever take him seriously.

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Jan 17, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

The death of the young was the topic of the latest tabletop simulation:


It's all scripted. Teach your children healthy skepticism.

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Jan 17, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

He and Neil Degrasse Tyson should get together and go bowling. 🙄

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