Correction: I conflated Merced and Modesto, in the emailed first version, because I'm a dork and they both start with the letter M. Strangely enough, Modesto isn't the place where UC Merced is located.

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Merced cleverly played up its proximity to Yosemite to "win" the new Central Valley campus of the University of California

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Obviously, 'educating' young America -- especially its future-is-female majority -- is not only easy money for the psuedo-colleges, but also exactly what the enemy wants. No coincidence that the Lightbringer (in executive office '08 to present) pushed college educations in nearly every speech. Along with Equality (for some).

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But here´s the thing: EVERY SINGLE INNOVATION in the way the "average" American spends his-her money since the turn of the last century, was preceded by a foundational shift, sometimes gentle, sometimes radical, IN THE UNDERLYING CULTURE. For instance, the more money spent on "fun", the more "fun" has to replace other things, like, for example, GOD. You can be a diehard MAGA guy, sitting next to your RV camper having a beer and bitching about Tranny Librarian Kid´s Reading Workshops, without ever making the connection between how things had to change to get you into that RV in the first place, and how they continue to change, in ways you make not like. Americans are "educated" for spending money on themselves, in all kinds of ways, and in all kinds of directions, whether buying "high culture" from NPR, or dietary supplements from Alex Jones.

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100 % correct. Never underestimate the depths to which a trough feeding politician will descend to in order to maintain a firm position on the teat of the taxpayer. If the district was revised to only include total radical liberals, she would be willing to vote for sex changes for 1 day old infants.

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She’d probably get on stage and dance with the Soggy Bottom Boys

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Was she a covid nazi? That's all I need to know whether this is genuine or self-serving.

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She was first elected to public office near the end of 2022, so it looks to me like she managed to avoid the heart of that discussion. But I'm trying to answer that question, because it's a good one.

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You mean if she didn't hawk the poisoned jab, she might be ok? I think you're working with goods damaged beyond restoration already. Covid zealot or no zealot, she's just another self-serving destroyer of the nation.

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First elected in 2022 after worst covid insanity was over…

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Thx guys...I guess I should've looked that up before pipping off...;]

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Well none of us have ever heard of this lady before! If you want to explore, CalMatters Digital Democracy site is amazing: https://digitaldemocracy.calmatters.org/legislators/marie-alvarado-gil-165433

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Thanks Aviva!

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Her legislation seems fairly bland, but she seems to identify as Native American so we have that.

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Little Princess Rolling Rock

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so she didn't have the balls to stand up and vote AGAINST insane destructive bills? what does it matter what party she's in if she is afraid to stand for something?

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Of course then she wouldn’t be a politician.

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"No one will really understand politics until they understand that politicians are not trying to solve our problems. They are trying to solve their own problems – of which getting elected and re-elected are number one and number two. Whatever is number three is far behind." –Thomas Sowell

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The switch looks like a phony, Chris, as you properly suspect.

Check out the story at California Globe.

Thank you so much for covering this stuff.

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The CA Republican Party is so stupid it seems planned.

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Yes, yes, yes. Amazing.

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Because it is planned. I remember when Commifornia was RED…take that to the bank!😉

Even then, I’m sure the politicians were dirty back then. Now that I’m older, I really SEE it.

Don’t piss on my leg and tell me it’s raining.

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Nothing is ever what it seems anymore.

I am so tired of this.

That is all.

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Amazing that the R’s can’t figure out how to avoid splitting the vote. SMH

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The WA GOP isn’t far behind. It’s like they want to lose.

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Pardon me good sir, but did you say “take a huge shit on California“?



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CG, when are you guys going to finally turn their water off? What's the bill up to now?

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The CO River, the C.A.P. and the reservoirs are drying up. Unless that trend reverses, it’ll be taken care of naturally. Otherwise, it requires a reliance on the state government, which is a microcosm of the partisan D.C. deadlock and silliness in oh too many ways, and they couldn’t fix a sandwich.

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I actually think it’s an inability to play as dirty as they do. Which should be a positive, but isn’t.

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It is spelled infiltration. By swapping parties, she simply ensures the California Republicans will keep moving in the Democrat's direction.

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Why ?

Does anyone know is the red team so stunningly incompetent ?

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Loser syndrome. Assumption that they get the crumbs, happiness with the crumbs.

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That’s the most pathetic thing I’ve heard this week …. The same week I actually had to think about tampons in boys bathrooms .

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Dems have been winning & outsmarting R’s at least since they successfully railroaded Nixon out of office. Watch Tucker interview Geoff Shepard. The guy’s done brilliant research as it’s become declassified & has uncovered the real story. Massive judicial & prosecutorial corruption. (Sound familiar?) And John Dean stabbed Nixon in the back.

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I grew up in a CA that elected Reagan and had mostly GOP governors until after Ahhnold.

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Do you really want to know?

They are content with posturing. They are--by God!--true to their ideals, and are PROUD TO SHOW IT.

They fail to realize that we're in the Byzantine court and you will, sadly, need to find any greasy way to get your knife in.

No, I don't personally like it, but if we really want to re-establish the former code of personal responsibility and integrity, we're going to have to abandon both until the woke side is broken, lost, and reviled, and then try to pick up the pieces and reassemble Grandma's china set.

...and it still might not work after having seen how well Machievelli techniques work. The temptation to keep them is powerful.

But yep, that'e where we are, folks.

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That's been the $64K question for easily the past 20 years.

My guess it's partly the entanglement with the Bush dynasty apron strings, the Carl Rove / Fox News gaslighting and the Koch family wanting to "conserve" their monopoly of global "investment". (Man I'm starting to sound like a lefty of twenty years ago...)

I think the real problem lies in what Limbaugh used to call the low information voter. The DNC learned and the GOP just stood there as the speeding bus of government entitlement handouts ran them over, backed up to do it again, and then spun a few donuts on their rotting roadkill corpse for good measure.

When a party uses the simple ploy of "we will give you free shit, vote for us" and the other party is the one left trying to figure out how to pay for it, guess who wins. (One solution should be, STOP PAYING FOR IT... )

Yes the GOP and especially the CAGOP have been silent partners in this Idiocracy for decades.

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All makes too much sense Will we ever wake up . ? I’m so tired of the free shit army and those who take my money to pay them off

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Sadly no. It's one big party with two teams playing for the same side. And they are all against us.

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When you consider how many times the GOPe has engaged in kabuki failure theatre over idiotic spending bills, and that people like McConnell, McCain, et al kept their seats and gravy train going, they were really just partnering with the Dems. Which is why they hate Trump just as much as the Dems.

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6 Republicans in one open primary. Big question is how many are actually conservatives?

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Brilliant analysis. True. Things will have to get much worse before appreciable numbers of Californians will switch, plus the "R"s need fewer knuckleheads'. Her COS is a never trumper fanatic, too.

Danny Huckabee

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I do find it to a strange (if welcomed) move. She will without any power or influence in the CA Senate.

CA legislature is definitely Gerrymandered. It would take the CA Republicans winning 54% (or more) of the total vote to take control of the state legislsture.

We should also return to "nesting" with two assembly districts within each senate district so that there is a "team" representing each area.

Assembly districts are essentially "random" now. Almost nobody knows who their assembly hominid is.

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I suspect that she will have influence, because she's made a behind-the-scenes deal to keep a Democrat seat by painting it red. I would bet that her colleagues understand the maneuver.

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Could be

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