Exactly. They have boundless energy because they're dimwitted fools with no principles. The new UK PM is a real winner. No wonder he gets along with Justin.
Principles will wear you down mentally, spiritually and philosophically in hard times. The story of Cicero and Cato shows what sticking to principles entails.
They take what they want and we pathetically wail, bitch, vote.
They KILL for what they want, and all measures up to killing.
Our cough, gag 'opposition party' holds hearings.
Of course that's all we do.
You can't have anything if you won't do not even as bad but worse than the other guy.
This is eternal, only fear checks predators.
Not laws, not lawyers, not cops, not votes.
Certainly not talking or posting.
And in truth in America the real ban on action or even organizing is it risks not even life, but property, and the women wives won't let their men out to be men.
There's nothing to be done with and so for such people.
Fsk my fellow Americans they rape and castrate your kids, and...
....and nothing.
There's nothing to work with here and nothing to fight for, sorry !
We are losing but not to second-rate morons like Klaus, Trudeau, and Biden. We are losing to the people who bought them and who tug on their puppet strings at will.
I accept the mass formation argument, I just think it was connected to class and status in ways that narrow the argument. College campuses are still in the grip of "where's your third booster!?!?!?", while the rest of the world is moving on. And I think it was CJ Hopkins who urged us to see the deliberate manifestations of totalitarian instinct in the manipulation of that mass formation, an argument that I thought had merit.
I think the mind control at the individual level via AI manipulation of what appears on the smartphone is much more to blame for acceptance of and participation in totalitarianism than any "mass" formation phenomenon. Catherine Austin Fitts has it right that the mass formation theory is a trap being sprung to eventually label all dissenters as mentally ill.
There’s actually a lot happening in the world to fight them. I have been tracking people speaking out, the legal, advocacy and medical organizations they have created and to which they belong. They have been at this for decades w billions so we’re catching up but there are such bright and good hearted people working their asses off for us. We have yet to catch up and be fully on the offense, but we’re getting there.
I'm soooo glad you said this. I know, I can feel them, but sometimes I get caught up in my own family hell and it just seems like nothing will ever be good again.... !! That's not what I really think, but it's been kinda awful on my own home front these past couple of years (and many decades before that). So thanks for the rattling of my cage, Harrm. Much appreciated. And...
I feel your pain!! I'm at odds with most of my "legacy world." Complete alienation - living in a parallel world. It's been really hard and really weird. The good work being done is being suppressed and hidden from us as much as possible by the evil media overlords, so it's easy to lose sight of it. I've got a spreadsheet. Exchanges like this remind me that my next Substack will be sharing a bunch I've compiled of the good work being done. fullylive.world - this David Martin? Love him!
Exactly. Or, as in this quote from The Art of War: “For to win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill.”
As for "mindset," the only correct mindset is to open our eyes to the truth. And the truth is that this was part of the plan - the idea being to undermine our key institutions until we lacked the foundation necessary to mount a meaningful response.
To begin with, any response worthy of the name would require a functioning news and social media. As everyone (except the sheep) now knows, our "masters" own the media. Even with the media functioning, any far-reaching, national in scope, legal response would have to come from federal law enforcement. And, as we can see from their failure to act on even the most obvious of evidence, our "masters" also own the FBI and the Department of Justice. And then there are the leaders of our political parties who could rally us (Turtle McConnell, Eyepatch McCain) but they have sold us out as well.
In short, the truth is that our most important institutions have been undermined. Everywhere we try to get a foothold and take a stand, we find that the floor gives way beneath us. As for this particular medium, substack, the only reasonable way to think is to suspect that it, too, is part of the plan: gather the remaining dissidents into one place where you can pick them off easily, one by one.
Returning to the issue of "mindset," how about we cut the effing cheerleading and open our eyes to the reality of our predicament. Only by knowing our enemy well can we have any hope of turning this around.
I think that you ate making one of the same mistakes that they make. The assumption that anything that isn't organized and institutionalized isn't real and isn't significant.
I assume that you wouldn't hold hard to that position like they would but their unexamined assumptions are their greatest weaknesses. Other than being stupid useless dumbasses.
Institutions don't do or accomplish anything, and the evil masterminds don't either. They have a few goons, FBI and such and some tech guys who are really on their side, but most of their 'soldiers' are NPCs, or rather neutrals who realize eventually that our side is the one where they stand to benefit.
But their great lie is that they do something. Looking at that useless old fool on stage makes it real clear, they depend on people who are not committed to their cause or vision, people who will go along with honestly too much, but who won't destroy civilization for a paycheck, that is why they depend on brainwashed Child Soldiers for the city burning and assassinations, their skilled labor will only go so far.
We need only consider the examples of Nazi Germany and communist China to see exactly what ordinary people will do when under the thumbs of psychopaths. Tens of millions murdered en masse is far closer to the destruction of civilization than any sane person ever wants to get.
As for the power of organization and institutions, I offer the example of something we have all seen at least once: a tug of war in which one side pulls to cadence while the other side, pulling individually, is quickly dragged over the line.
Finally, at the risk of repeating myself, our enemy is not the old fool on the stage. It is not the young fool on the stage in Canada. And it is not that blubbering idiot Klaus. Our enemy is the entity that paid good money to put these men on the stage so they could pull their puppet strings.
Our enemy delight in the suffering of others. They swell with happiness to have their boot on someone else's face. The love the sound of torture, they love the smell of death. They don't CARE about what we feel, and they can't feel what what we feel. They think we are little better than a herd of goats. That's our enemy. They don't CARE about us, they want us out of the way.
The banal empty suit puppets are there to distract us, to have us dismiss the threat as hot air. 'Surely those buffoons couldn't run such a conspiracy, they can barely cheat their way through an election.'
Misdirection. Nothing more. These people were groomed for the role. Selected for their weaknesses, their hollowness, not their strengths.
A global cull is underway.
We still don't have any scalps on the scoreboard. And we have lost millions already.
3 years in we still don't have a deck of card with faces to cross out.
They are super rich and have rich people behind them that are even richer.
They just pay people off at every level to cull the herd.
They control all the nodes of power and use the United Stated War Dept. as their Global Mall Cop.
The United States War Dept. includes NATO, CFR, the EU, Five Eyes and so forth.
They own all the media and control Big Tech. Much of Big Tech was formed as private outgrowths of War Dept. spying and surveillance programs. Facebook, for ex. was "LifeLog".
The DOD now controls Big Pharm.
The DOD/War Dept. wishes to unlock the human genome. They have been slowly, patiently revamping American law to create a Biomedical power grab structure.
We are losing.
It goes way beyond Trudeau and Bond Villains and Musk performing like a trained seal.
Musk is part of the Paypal Mafia, btw, InQTel Central, i.e. CIA.
H. L. Mencken in the 1920s: "No one in this world, so far as I know — and I have searched the records for years, and employed agents to help me — has ever lost money by underestimating the intelligence of the great masses of the plain people."
Remember how shocking and savage it was when the Taliban destroyed the ancient carvings on the side of a mountain in Afghanistan? They wanted to erase history and remodel new memories of it. This is what totalitarians do. These maniacs are the Taliban 2.0.
Global kakistocracy was always the inevitable terminus of mass man, mass culture and mass civilization. Since being an engaged 21st century "global citizen" (LOL) means always having your head firmly wedged up your own ass, it makes sense for our exalted leaders to be the head on the ourobouros.
In his Substack piece about the FTX scandal, Alex Berenson wrote the following very important sentence: "Frauds depend on opaque accounting, accounting that no one from the outside can challenge or in some cases even understand. Complexity is the grifter’s friend."
That's true of ALL the scams. The Clintons mastered it very early. It was true of Whitewater. It was true of Hillary's email server hiding the pay-to-play Clinton Foundation scam and the Trump-Russia collusion hoax.
It's true of global warming/"climate change." (Remember the University of East Anglia email scandal that revealed climate scientists were manipulating the data so that that it agreed with their theories and models? And then a big. complex operation of "independent" "fact-check" investigations told us there was nothing to see there.)
Speaking of "fact-checkers," that, too, is a complex operation, all of them funded by layers of organizations and foundations to hide the fact that they're all paid by and working for the same small cabal. And Google makes sure the top search results for anything remotely controversial or political is populated by all the "independent" "fact-checkers."
It's true of every aspect of the pandemic, from where the virus originated to how to force everyone on the planet to think they need an experimental "vaccine" using a brand-new, untested platform or they'll die (or cause someone else's death).
It's true of the 2020 and 2022 election scams. Why do we suddenly, virtually nationwide, have these massively complex, opaque voting machines, vote tabulation, and outcome reporting systems involving all kinds of hardware and software that no one — not even the election officials in jurisdictions across the country — can understand or see into? We used to have simple systems that gave us results on election night a few hours after the polls closed. Now we have these Rube Goldberg systems that don't provide the outcome for days—in some cases, weeks.
It's true of the fed-run Whitmer kidnapping hoax and (what increasingly looks like) the fed-run Jan 6 "insurrection" instigated by operatives who were working for the FBI. (Who dropped off those pipe bombs outside the RNC and DNC headquarters? Why don't we know yet? The feds could track down everyone who was on or adjacent to the Capitol grounds that day, but can't track down this individual?)
Complexity makes the scam hard to figure out and almost impossible to explain to others. Klaus Schwab & Globalist Co. have figured it out, too. The Great Reset will employ lots of complexity.
They are also agreeing to a vaxx passport to travel internationally while here in Los Angeles Barbara Ferrer is writing letters to schools telling them to get their vaxx, rsv, and flu shots while wearing a mask daily. Not mandated yet... but it is looming. How effed up is that as we are about to enter year 4.
Why does a person like Schwab be allowed to talk to world leaders ? Think about that. Is it because he bought a seat at the table or could it be that he owns the people around the table - at least a lot of them. Follow the money = they love the turmoils and the crisis that allow them more and more control. Don't buy for minute that the "crises" we deal with occurred naturally. We're in for much more of this unless we stay focussed. Thanks Chris.
No major crisis for centuries has occurred naturally. An evil hand has long been directing events. There is profit in chaos. Particularly when you make it, and can bet the right way.
Once a psychopath gets sufficient power/money they will view the rest of us like ants in a farm. They will conspire. And they will commit genocide. After all, we're only ants. They have long since dehumanised us.
So a possible solution is simple. Think of it like an inverted Jack Lynch from GE approach. Every year we take the apex predators off the board and redistribute their wealth and power back to the population. It wouldn't touch even 99.99999% of the population but it would make that 99.99999% about a million times safer than is currently the case.
Because right now the predators are running the ant farm. And they're downsizing.
Look. These sociopaths may or may not believe the nonsense they are spouting at any given moment, ( mostly they do not) but it’s all goal oriented, and it’s not hard to see the goal: world domination. They are clever in the sense that they take an issue that has some basis in reality and mindshare - like preserving the environment - and then they use it and contort it into something that serves their personal ends, and you always lose. The only reason these guys get traction is the incredible greed, venality, and FOMO of the “leaders” they have cultivated. Politicians don’t like to be outliers. By definition they seek approval from those groups who can help them to consolidate power. These people do not work for us. Biden said so himself years back. They work for the highest bidder. Once you get a few of these greedy clowns onboard, it’s way easier to get the rest. This bubble isn’t going to just burst by itself, and it’s not going to be pretty. I fear the only way to stop this is going to be through war. They are not going to leave peacefully. Do you want to be a slave? Because that’s what is on the table.
They probably don't actually think that. They're more likely NOT really thinking much at all. They are holding their breath, squeezing their eyes tightly closed, and pretending everything is FINE.
"We’ve seen these people many, many, many times": off-point here somewhat, but people seem to be fixated on the FTX collapse as it connects to the Democrats and Ukraine. It is pretty clearly a case of a financial "revolutionary" being exposed as just another heavily leveraged speculator who's willing to steal from his customers. Alex Berenson's post today describes it in those terms.
"Never in my career have I seen such a complete failure of corporate controls and such a complete absence of trustworthy financial information as occurred here.
From compromised systems integrity and faulty regulatory oversight abroad, to the concentration of control in the hands of a very small group of inexperienced, unsophisticated and potentially compromised individuals, this situation is unprecedented."
These people are gleefully unraveling themselves... They think they can get away with ANYTHING. And that will, finally, be their undoing. It's always when these psycho oligarch types get to that point that they end up with their heads in a basket... Arrogance Galore.
“Politically, the driving forces for this political transformation, of course, is the transition into a multipolar world, which has a tendency to make our world much more fragmented.”
Can I please get some Caesar dressing for this word salad?
Schwab looks much less supremely confident there than at previous totalitarian chic gatherings. Hesitant, stumbling, repetitive, deflated, looks more like he (WEF) is losing his grip rather than tightening it.
I can't believe we're losing to these guys.
They have a mediocrity of mind that allows them to just keep plugging away at pure empty shit, and they're sociopaths.
Read Alex Jones' "New World Order" where he breaks down just how dull and boring Klaus' writing is.
Must be all that Nazi gold or something cause the guy ain't bright!
You may enjoy this documentary, Chris.
Would be interesting to get your historical perspectives.
Will watch in the morning.
Tell us what you think! That is an excellent documentary.
Exactly. They have boundless energy because they're dimwitted fools with no principles. The new UK PM is a real winner. No wonder he gets along with Justin.
Principles will wear you down mentally, spiritually and philosophically in hard times. The story of Cicero and Cato shows what sticking to principles entails.
They're not just sociopaths, they're STUPID sociopaths. So. Damn. BORING.
"Idiot-Bully" is a phrase that has in increasingly occurred to me.
Works for moi.
They take what they want and we pathetically wail, bitch, vote.
They KILL for what they want, and all measures up to killing.
Our cough, gag 'opposition party' holds hearings.
Of course that's all we do.
You can't have anything if you won't do not even as bad but worse than the other guy.
This is eternal, only fear checks predators.
Not laws, not lawyers, not cops, not votes.
Certainly not talking or posting.
And in truth in America the real ban on action or even organizing is it risks not even life, but property, and the women wives won't let their men out to be men.
There's nothing to be done with and so for such people.
Fsk my fellow Americans they rape and castrate your kids, and...
....and nothing.
There's nothing to work with here and nothing to fight for, sorry !
And uh... "the women wives won't let their men out to be men"?????
You're blaming WOMEN for men who are not "let out" to be men?
That makes NO sense and is really kind of an insult to both parties... wha?
Don't forget, most of our pushback is censored and/or suppressed.
I often have to remind myself of this.
"The Tedium and the Idiocy"...the title of my new book about the COVID years...
We are losing but not to second-rate morons like Klaus, Trudeau, and Biden. We are losing to the people who bought them and who tug on their puppet strings at will.
We are losing to our next door neighbors.
They don't know the shackles are on yet and that they don't have the keys.
..and they eye you with suspicion because “normal people have shackles.”
Hahaha. I'm laughing. But it's so true!
Careful. This is getting dangerously close to a Mass Formation explanation.
(Which I find plausible, or at least elements of it.)
I accept the mass formation argument, I just think it was connected to class and status in ways that narrow the argument. College campuses are still in the grip of "where's your third booster!?!?!?", while the rest of the world is moving on. And I think it was CJ Hopkins who urged us to see the deliberate manifestations of totalitarian instinct in the manipulation of that mass formation, an argument that I thought had merit.
I think the mind control at the individual level via AI manipulation of what appears on the smartphone is much more to blame for acceptance of and participation in totalitarianism than any "mass" formation phenomenon. Catherine Austin Fitts has it right that the mass formation theory is a trap being sprung to eventually label all dissenters as mentally ill.
But how can we be "losing," exactly, when nobody's done anything in response?
All I see us doing is writing stuff on Substack.
There’s actually a lot happening in the world to fight them. I have been tracking people speaking out, the legal, advocacy and medical organizations they have created and to which they belong. They have been at this for decades w billions so we’re catching up but there are such bright and good hearted people working their asses off for us. We have yet to catch up and be fully on the offense, but we’re getting there.
I'm soooo glad you said this. I know, I can feel them, but sometimes I get caught up in my own family hell and it just seems like nothing will ever be good again.... !! That's not what I really think, but it's been kinda awful on my own home front these past couple of years (and many decades before that). So thanks for the rattling of my cage, Harrm. Much appreciated. And...
I feel your pain!! I'm at odds with most of my "legacy world." Complete alienation - living in a parallel world. It's been really hard and really weird. The good work being done is being suppressed and hidden from us as much as possible by the evil media overlords, so it's easy to lose sight of it. I've got a spreadsheet. Exchanges like this remind me that my next Substack will be sharing a bunch I've compiled of the good work being done. fullylive.world - this David Martin? Love him!
Exactly. Or, as in this quote from The Art of War: “For to win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill.”
As for "mindset," the only correct mindset is to open our eyes to the truth. And the truth is that this was part of the plan - the idea being to undermine our key institutions until we lacked the foundation necessary to mount a meaningful response.
To begin with, any response worthy of the name would require a functioning news and social media. As everyone (except the sheep) now knows, our "masters" own the media. Even with the media functioning, any far-reaching, national in scope, legal response would have to come from federal law enforcement. And, as we can see from their failure to act on even the most obvious of evidence, our "masters" also own the FBI and the Department of Justice. And then there are the leaders of our political parties who could rally us (Turtle McConnell, Eyepatch McCain) but they have sold us out as well.
In short, the truth is that our most important institutions have been undermined. Everywhere we try to get a foothold and take a stand, we find that the floor gives way beneath us. As for this particular medium, substack, the only reasonable way to think is to suspect that it, too, is part of the plan: gather the remaining dissidents into one place where you can pick them off easily, one by one.
Returning to the issue of "mindset," how about we cut the effing cheerleading and open our eyes to the reality of our predicament. Only by knowing our enemy well can we have any hope of turning this around.
I think that you ate making one of the same mistakes that they make. The assumption that anything that isn't organized and institutionalized isn't real and isn't significant.
I assume that you wouldn't hold hard to that position like they would but their unexamined assumptions are their greatest weaknesses. Other than being stupid useless dumbasses.
Institutions don't do or accomplish anything, and the evil masterminds don't either. They have a few goons, FBI and such and some tech guys who are really on their side, but most of their 'soldiers' are NPCs, or rather neutrals who realize eventually that our side is the one where they stand to benefit.
But their great lie is that they do something. Looking at that useless old fool on stage makes it real clear, they depend on people who are not committed to their cause or vision, people who will go along with honestly too much, but who won't destroy civilization for a paycheck, that is why they depend on brainwashed Child Soldiers for the city burning and assassinations, their skilled labor will only go so far.
Well said
> Institutions don't do or accomplish
> anything, and the evil masterminds
> don't either. ... they depend on people
> who ... will go along with honestly too
> much, but who won't destroy civilization
> for a paycheck
We need only consider the examples of Nazi Germany and communist China to see exactly what ordinary people will do when under the thumbs of psychopaths. Tens of millions murdered en masse is far closer to the destruction of civilization than any sane person ever wants to get.
As for the power of organization and institutions, I offer the example of something we have all seen at least once: a tug of war in which one side pulls to cadence while the other side, pulling individually, is quickly dragged over the line.
Finally, at the risk of repeating myself, our enemy is not the old fool on the stage. It is not the young fool on the stage in Canada. And it is not that blubbering idiot Klaus. Our enemy is the entity that paid good money to put these men on the stage so they could pull their puppet strings.
Yes, well said.
Our enemy delight in the suffering of others. They swell with happiness to have their boot on someone else's face. The love the sound of torture, they love the smell of death. They don't CARE about what we feel, and they can't feel what what we feel. They think we are little better than a herd of goats. That's our enemy. They don't CARE about us, they want us out of the way.
As they wave to you taking out the four bins of bull shit.
The banal empty suit puppets are there to distract us, to have us dismiss the threat as hot air. 'Surely those buffoons couldn't run such a conspiracy, they can barely cheat their way through an election.'
Misdirection. Nothing more. These people were groomed for the role. Selected for their weaknesses, their hollowness, not their strengths.
A global cull is underway.
We still don't have any scalps on the scoreboard. And we have lost millions already.
3 years in we still don't have a deck of card with faces to cross out.
Will we ever?
Private owners of central banks...
They are super rich and have rich people behind them that are even richer.
They just pay people off at every level to cull the herd.
They control all the nodes of power and use the United Stated War Dept. as their Global Mall Cop.
The United States War Dept. includes NATO, CFR, the EU, Five Eyes and so forth.
They own all the media and control Big Tech. Much of Big Tech was formed as private outgrowths of War Dept. spying and surveillance programs. Facebook, for ex. was "LifeLog".
The DOD now controls Big Pharm.
The DOD/War Dept. wishes to unlock the human genome. They have been slowly, patiently revamping American law to create a Biomedical power grab structure.
We are losing.
It goes way beyond Trudeau and Bond Villains and Musk performing like a trained seal.
Musk is part of the Paypal Mafia, btw, InQTel Central, i.e. CIA.
All of his companies are military.
Amazing, isn't it?
I don't know who said it but I recall a quote: "you'll never lose money betting on the ignorance of the American public"
H. L. Mencken in the 1920s: "No one in this world, so far as I know — and I have searched the records for years, and employed agents to help me — has ever lost money by underestimating the intelligence of the great masses of the plain people."
Thank you! Quote is noted for future use.
Most people just float along in life and don't pay much attention to things. They're not bad just lazy and apathetic.
They'll flub it, for sure.
Get ready for when the rage-o-holics wake up.
We have not yet begun to fight.
Sorry I'm boring you.
Maybe it's because we're still trying to play by "the rules"?
Programming is hard to break, especially when you don't know what to replace it with.
yes, Lord knows "they" aren't.
Maybe people's brains will turn on when the power goes out.
A friend of mine said last night that we still aren't uncomfortable enough yet.
"I can't believe we're losing to these guys."
They play by a different set of rules that makes it hard (but not impossible) to counter.
Verb tenses are important!
There’s no one in their way
What can I tell you? Thousands of years of Central European pessimism flow through my veins.
Remember how shocking and savage it was when the Taliban destroyed the ancient carvings on the side of a mountain in Afghanistan? They wanted to erase history and remodel new memories of it. This is what totalitarians do. These maniacs are the Taliban 2.0.
The Khmer Rouge did it too, but I think archeologists and others put the statues and monuments back together a few years afterward.
Global kakistocracy was always the inevitable terminus of mass man, mass culture and mass civilization. Since being an engaged 21st century "global citizen" (LOL) means always having your head firmly wedged up your own ass, it makes sense for our exalted leaders to be the head on the ourobouros.
Completely unfair to start with kakistocracy and end with ourobouros.
Nobody can compete with that!
now let's see if i can use them in scrabble!
Might be a triple X version, but I have no doubt you could...:)
In his Substack piece about the FTX scandal, Alex Berenson wrote the following very important sentence: "Frauds depend on opaque accounting, accounting that no one from the outside can challenge or in some cases even understand. Complexity is the grifter’s friend."
That's true of ALL the scams. The Clintons mastered it very early. It was true of Whitewater. It was true of Hillary's email server hiding the pay-to-play Clinton Foundation scam and the Trump-Russia collusion hoax.
It's true of global warming/"climate change." (Remember the University of East Anglia email scandal that revealed climate scientists were manipulating the data so that that it agreed with their theories and models? And then a big. complex operation of "independent" "fact-check" investigations told us there was nothing to see there.)
Speaking of "fact-checkers," that, too, is a complex operation, all of them funded by layers of organizations and foundations to hide the fact that they're all paid by and working for the same small cabal. And Google makes sure the top search results for anything remotely controversial or political is populated by all the "independent" "fact-checkers."
It's true of every aspect of the pandemic, from where the virus originated to how to force everyone on the planet to think they need an experimental "vaccine" using a brand-new, untested platform or they'll die (or cause someone else's death).
It's true of the 2020 and 2022 election scams. Why do we suddenly, virtually nationwide, have these massively complex, opaque voting machines, vote tabulation, and outcome reporting systems involving all kinds of hardware and software that no one — not even the election officials in jurisdictions across the country — can understand or see into? We used to have simple systems that gave us results on election night a few hours after the polls closed. Now we have these Rube Goldberg systems that don't provide the outcome for days—in some cases, weeks.
It's true of the fed-run Whitmer kidnapping hoax and (what increasingly looks like) the fed-run Jan 6 "insurrection" instigated by operatives who were working for the FBI. (Who dropped off those pipe bombs outside the RNC and DNC headquarters? Why don't we know yet? The feds could track down everyone who was on or adjacent to the Capitol grounds that day, but can't track down this individual?)
Complexity makes the scam hard to figure out and almost impossible to explain to others. Klaus Schwab & Globalist Co. have figured it out, too. The Great Reset will employ lots of complexity.
The biggest frauds seem to be in plain sight.
Are Klaus Schwab and Kamala Harris actually the same person? Has anyone seen them together?
OMG!! My thoughts EXACTLY!!
Then which accent is fake?
Isn't interesting how the Germans produce so many Marxs, Strikers, Hitlers, and Schwabs. It must be the water.
Great article and observations, you kulak!
Danny Huckabee
Well, there's eugyppius, at least.
Who comes to similar conclusions
I can't stand looking at his FACE, forget his blathering stupidity.
He should. He's an idiot.
And Arendt and Bonhoeffer.
Yes, it was from Switzerland that the Germans took Lenin from and sent to Russia to destroy the Czars. So much for neutral.
They are also agreeing to a vaxx passport to travel internationally while here in Los Angeles Barbara Ferrer is writing letters to schools telling them to get their vaxx, rsv, and flu shots while wearing a mask daily. Not mandated yet... but it is looming. How effed up is that as we are about to enter year 4.
Why does a person like Schwab be allowed to talk to world leaders ? Think about that. Is it because he bought a seat at the table or could it be that he owns the people around the table - at least a lot of them. Follow the money = they love the turmoils and the crisis that allow them more and more control. Don't buy for minute that the "crises" we deal with occurred naturally. We're in for much more of this unless we stay focussed. Thanks Chris.
The man is a Rothschild, on his mother's side.
That opens many doors.
No major crisis for centuries has occurred naturally. An evil hand has long been directing events. There is profit in chaos. Particularly when you make it, and can bet the right way.
Once a psychopath gets sufficient power/money they will view the rest of us like ants in a farm. They will conspire. And they will commit genocide. After all, we're only ants. They have long since dehumanised us.
So a possible solution is simple. Think of it like an inverted Jack Lynch from GE approach. Every year we take the apex predators off the board and redistribute their wealth and power back to the population. It wouldn't touch even 99.99999% of the population but it would make that 99.99999% about a million times safer than is currently the case.
Because right now the predators are running the ant farm. And they're downsizing.
Look. These sociopaths may or may not believe the nonsense they are spouting at any given moment, ( mostly they do not) but it’s all goal oriented, and it’s not hard to see the goal: world domination. They are clever in the sense that they take an issue that has some basis in reality and mindshare - like preserving the environment - and then they use it and contort it into something that serves their personal ends, and you always lose. The only reason these guys get traction is the incredible greed, venality, and FOMO of the “leaders” they have cultivated. Politicians don’t like to be outliers. By definition they seek approval from those groups who can help them to consolidate power. These people do not work for us. Biden said so himself years back. They work for the highest bidder. Once you get a few of these greedy clowns onboard, it’s way easier to get the rest. This bubble isn’t going to just burst by itself, and it’s not going to be pretty. I fear the only way to stop this is going to be through war. They are not going to leave peacefully. Do you want to be a slave? Because that’s what is on the table.
Super ditto on the post election talk. Same reaction. So I’ve been cleaning more 😌
I look around and think, Who are these people that think everything is OK and want more of the same?
I don’t get it..:I really, really don’t get it!
They probably don't actually think that. They're more likely NOT really thinking much at all. They are holding their breath, squeezing their eyes tightly closed, and pretending everything is FINE.
"We’ve seen these people many, many, many times": off-point here somewhat, but people seem to be fixated on the FTX collapse as it connects to the Democrats and Ukraine. It is pretty clearly a case of a financial "revolutionary" being exposed as just another heavily leveraged speculator who's willing to steal from his customers. Alex Berenson's post today describes it in those terms.
Don't forget the justifying-the-cryptocurrency-crackdown angle. Gotta pave the way for those CBDCs.
Problem, reaction, solution!
FYI, here's what appears to be the initial bankruptcy court filing by John Ray, the man who's leading the unwinding of FTX: https://d1e00ek4ebabms.cloudfront.net/production/uploaded-files/fdd-52615f0a-fb09-41ce-a398-b97b20bc1c36.pdf
"Never in my career have I seen such a complete failure of corporate controls and such a complete absence of trustworthy financial information as occurred here.
From compromised systems integrity and faulty regulatory oversight abroad, to the concentration of control in the hands of a very small group of inexperienced, unsophisticated and potentially compromised individuals, this situation is unprecedented."
These people are gleefully unraveling themselves... They think they can get away with ANYTHING. And that will, finally, be their undoing. It's always when these psycho oligarch types get to that point that they end up with their heads in a basket... Arrogance Galore.
“Politically, the driving forces for this political transformation, of course, is the transition into a multipolar world, which has a tendency to make our world much more fragmented.”
Can I please get some Caesar dressing for this word salad?
Nah. Just dump it in the composter to rot with the rest of their verbiage.
Maybe they’re talking over our heads, what either Igor or Eugyppius calls ‘dog whistling’.
I wish the Southpark dudes would do a Team America II featuring these assholes.
but, there are enough marionettes on TV already
Matt and Trey aren't really on the side of apolitical freedom any more. They went full Covidian.
Then they probably never really were to begin with, just managed to get some digs in before words became literally violence.
I just want an acronym like the Film Actors Guild for WEFers.
Were they never? It's hard to say.
COVID broke a lot of brains. I'm not positive that friends I lost were always the way they turned out.
Schwab looks much less supremely confident there than at previous totalitarian chic gatherings. Hesitant, stumbling, repetitive, deflated, looks more like he (WEF) is losing his grip rather than tightening it.
Of course. There's Poptart Lasagne Trudeau in costume as usual.
It's a multi-retarded world run by a multitude of retards trying to restructure structural retardation along retarded lines.
Did I get the gist?
Lol nice wordsmithing!