I love that clip of Bump.

"Shouldn't journalists be asking about this stuff?"

"I don't know, man."

It's no wonder Chris Bray runs laps around these people.

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Because Chris Bray ACTUALLY READS source documents. That's, like, a superpower, man 🤦

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"Shouldn't journalists be asking about this stuff?"

Bump- I don’t know, I will let you know if I ever find one in my travels.

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You're reading one!

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Agreed. All the real journalists are independent. Loved what Tucker said to Dave Portnoy-

“I will never work for anyone again”

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They’re not journalists.

They’re enforcers.

Think of how pathetic that makes their victims.

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I'll keep saying this because it is true. Ruth Ben-Ghiat is not some little girl enduring domestic abuse because the cops won't come to her neighborhood. She's not a minority business owner with a burned down business.

She's an academic AWFL who has lived a life with no accountability at all, and will support the police over the black population *the very instant* blacks rightfully begin blaming the vax mandates on people like her. It's a game for her because the rest of us allow it to be.

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Do you (as a collective) allow it to be because you choose to do so or because she is already beyond your grasp?

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In my opinion, it is because people who are opposed are still committed to fair play. The left would tear itself apart if they were simply forced to play by the same rules, but conservatives are still conservative instead of being reactionary.

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My fellow Americans are too atrophied in fighting and frankly manhood to have anyone in their power. Sadly. RBG and the rest are nothing, nor do they have any power real or legal, it’s testimony to how weak and demoralized we’ve become. This isn’t the CHEKA, it’s screeching academics.

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Bump is a fitting example of today's mainstream media journalist. He thinks his job is to be Joe Biden’s defense attorney. Zero curiosity, zero interest in learning more, constant equivocation.

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"With 6' of earth."


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That’s his actual job.

What you mentioned was a lie, all along.

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While the Potemkin village analogy is apt beyond words in today's world - on multiple fronts - it's also a world in which 80% of its inhabitants (unscientific estimate) have no idea what it refers to let alone how apt it is.

If there were a just and caring God Philip Bump would be teleported back to circa 1985 to work for the Tobacco Institute.

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If you think RBG’s substack comments section is bad, check out Dan Rather’s: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-post-a-cringe-comment

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Funny how often I think of Substack as the one place on the internet where I can expect some level of intelligent, sane discussion….never mind….

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Eh. Substack has Righties, and Lefties, and In-betweenies. I hope it stays that way. Echo chambers are generally a bad idea.

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Agree okboomer. I even read some of the lefty scribes - in small doses. Occasionally. (Gotta watch my blood pressure you know).

In my never humble opinion, most of those unfortunate folks are several bricks shy of a load.

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That Bump interview does kinda answer the question of whether this was all a scam or if they’re true believers. Score 1 point for the folks who bet on “scary brain dead cultists”

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There are a lot of otherwise intelligent people who believe that there was more evidence that Trump colluded with Russia than evidence that Biden benefited from Hunter’s business deals. They further believe that MSM networks fact check their stories, but alternative sources like Just the News or Gateway Pundit, which provide links to their source material are not credible. Sometimes I wish I knew fewer educated professionals and more people who aren’t so sure that they know what’s really going on.

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Obviously this is part of the Left’s Green New Deal, to produce enough bullshit to replace the ammonia based fertilizers produced from fossil fuel (natural gas) that generates 50% of the US food supply.

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Speaking of Potemkin Villages, allow me to shoehorn this phoniness into the conversation....


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That's some excellent phoniness.

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Immersive, even.

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Your armor, Chris, is more air-tight than mine, or of most of us. I mean, keep it up, keep developing your expertise on these MSM/Regime garbage-men-and-women like Bump. These shiny kapos. But I am sooooo glad someone else is doing this wade-in-the merde work! How can you stand to hear them or read them?

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Corporate news is the culprit for the insanity going on (and on.) They took their complete failure to understand Trump's election in 2016 and their audience's hurt feelings over the same and, rather than processing their errors and feelings in a transparent manner like sane, rational people, they lost their minds and projected their delusions, fears, anxieties, and insecurities onto everyone outside their cult. Now there is nothing BUT the cult, and a mental illness the corporate media (cult members, themselves) normalizes. "It's not us, it's them! We are the righteous, defending democracy! And very soon the others will be punished. We'll make sure of that. And if we can't, we'll string you along with fake hope for as long as we can get paid doing so."

Denial leads to delusion ... leads to dollars, evidently. What it doesn't lead to is sanity.

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The bizarre thing is that it's mostly not leading to dollars, and the "mainstream" press is in hard decline. But they won't change course.


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Maybe “dollars “ as metaphor for position, security within the cult

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Mental illness, I’m sure of it

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I feel like I need to lie down after reading this. Fortunately I already am.

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Thanks for your work that helps us realize we are not alone -- there still are some sane people. Have a great Labor Day weekend.

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We may need to have an anti- TDS exorcism/intervention. RBG is living rent free in Chris’ brain:


Use seven olive branches.

Tie the ends of six of them together

Use the remaining one as a whip during the procedure. (Sorry, I don’t make the rules.)

This procedure is known to be effective, and should not be made public, unless you get royalties and residuals. Talk to your agent.

Liturgy to be recited over Chris Bray:

Put the branches in front of Chris and, standing behind him recite:

Hail George Washington!

Hail Thomas Jefferson!

Hail Abraham Lincoln!

Trump the righteous

Orange self tanningSpirit!

Son of Trump, Don Jr.

below the seven

within the seven

Come Yao Sabaoth!

Direct your power to Chris Bray

Drive RBG, this fatuous libtard within him, away

I command you, professor, whoever you may be, because let’s face it, you’re not an A-lister, even if you have tenure at NYU, by the power of





And Citizen Free Press

Come out, Ruth and George Conway ( hate that little toad) , Phillip Bump, but mostly Ruth and whoever else is full of TDS crap-

Stay away from Chris!

Quickly! Now! Come out, demon!

I bind you with unbreakable chains of adamantine!

I cast you into the abyss of Hell!

I need a glass of Zinfandel.

After RBG is cast out, hang tin amulet on the Chris with following written on it:

bor phor phorba phor phorba

bes charin baubo te phor borphorba

phorbabor baphorba pharbraie

phorba pharba phorphor phorba

bophor phorba phorphor phorba

boborborba pamphorba phorphor

phorba. Protect Patient's Name

On another amulet put the mark S

Second glass of Zinfandel

Repeat as needed. Not covered by homeowners or medical insurance. Usually works.


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And the best part is the government has given you complete liability protection as this exorcism was issued under an EUA.

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Hmmmm. *Checks Zinfandel supply cabinet*

Does single malt work, Tanto?

Asking for a friend.

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Isla peated scotches usually works. Talisker will do in a pinch.

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Please add points to the scoreboard for the one extremely marginal independent journalistish person who told you it was barely an actual lawsuit.

You had a perfect score before this prediction. Extra points anyway.

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Sometimes it's difficult to feel positive in the face of so many people who have completely lost their minds. I appreciate the way you can write up the crazy in ways that make me laugh. Thanks!

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