Also, Ruth Ben-Ghiat is still the single stupidest human being in the history of the universe:


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"Stupidest Human Being in the History of the Universe"

The competition for that title is fierce!

Fierce I tell you.

But I agree - Ms. Ben-Ghiat retains her position. For now.

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Okay if I c+p her X-post here?

"To prepare for autocratic rule you must lionize the lawless and also bring them into government and the party. That's also why you pardon criminals: it frees them up for service to Leader. As I point out in #Strongmen, the Nazis recruited in prisons."

This is her comment to someone mentioning that Kyle Rittenhouse will be holding a meet&greet in Texas, at the GOP convention (well, held, it was on the 23rd).

A young man, alone, defends himself against armed attackers who are part of a greater mob and this she equates with national socialism?

Irony is so dead it's turned into oil by now?

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May 24Edited

"As I point out in #Strongmen, the Nazis recruited in prisons." (1) Rittenhouse isn't in prison, having been found innocent. (2) The O'Bidenazis recruit not only from U.S. prisons, including by essentially abolishing prison for many criminals, but also from foreign prisons and likely even from foreign armies. Ruth is projecting again.

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Always, Chris! But I love that you give us reminders of her status.

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Look at Ruth’s “subscribers” and then the engagement on her average posts. All these retarded wine-mom liberal women from blue cities that get regular appearances on MSNBC but can’t even manage more than a few dozen likes and comments on their articles. Their followers are paid Russian/Chinese bots, and no one actually reads their writing. If shit ever hit the proverbial fan, she’d be dead in hours amongst a heap empty Cabernet Sauvignon bottles and scattered boxes of macaroni she couldn’t figure out how to prepare.

She has no life skills, no thinking skills, and no competency. Literally nothing to offer the world, which is why she hates so badly those that do. The creators and the thinkers and the doers, Ruth hates them all, because they remind her about everything she’s not. This is the same for all Marxist/champaign socialist/communist losers.

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"To prepare for autocratic rule you must lionize the lawless and also bring them into government and the party."

Narcissists always accuse their victims of their own crimes.

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The quintessence of non-self-awareness. From the Russia hoax, to lawfare, to felons routinely favoring Democrats, RBG is utterly unaware her list describes the Dems’ playbook.

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To quote Ace from Ace of Spades blog, that woman is dumber than mud fucked by a retard.

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You have a point. If I was going to autocrat, I'd certainly go looking for more reliable people than felons.

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So the unbelievably expensive aid trucks are being hijacked immediately?…

OK, not great.

But hear me out: What if we sent EVEN MORE aid? More than the first round, and twice as much of it. We’ll send so much aid they won’t have the manpower to steal it all! It’ll cost us a fortune and get a lot of people killed but I see literally no other option available to us.

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Endorsed! We need to build them some warehouses for them to store the shit they steal from us, or else we're being fascists.

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No, racists, we're being RACISTS!

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Both, at once. Misogynists as well.

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More government action always fixes the problems caused by prior government actions.

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Miss Lindsay (Mini-Me McCain) has the answer: send nukes, not aid, just like we did to Japan, though (1) Israel has its own, and (2) even top WWII officers, including Leahy, Eisenhower, and Halsey, opposed nuking Japanese civilians.

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There is the slight problem of only 1/20 of the food needed for mere survival actually getting into Gaza. The Israeli have refused to allow the miles of aid trucks parked on the highway right outside Egyptian checkpoint in. They have been for months, which is why children have been dying from starvation for two months. Hamas is a crooked, homicidal organization, but in this, they are not really the baddies.

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"very special sexy discussions that children have with their teachers and counselors"

I would have died before discussing intimacy of any kind with an authority figure in school. Or frankly, at home. We would have labelled such figures as creepy and spread the word fast. Just the menstruation presentation for girls in 6th grade was bad enough.

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In my own household, Miss Teenager had a health class in which the teacher talked in highly clinical terms about horrifying things like "vulvas" and "penises," and her position on the whole biological horror was that barf barf barf I'm dying shut up. I don't understand the Scott Wiener certainty that 12 year-olds are just dying to pull up a chair with their 50 year-old teacher for intimate conversation about anal.

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It is not for a willing audience, but for a captive one.

You can fish with shit as bait and while you will get few bites just the action of trolling so many hooks will occasionally snag a few fish too weak/cornered to flee..

Hell it is not Scott Wiener's money, it is not about efficiency.

Where have we heard this before : "If it saves one life, it will be worth it..."

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I have to keep reminding myself that Scott Weiner’s name is NOT ironic.

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The teacher, in the other hand, is loving it.

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The teacher, in our case, was a middle-aged lady who was pretty clearly just putting up with it.

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"Putting up with idiocy" is no small part of the problem.

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It wasn't really idiocy. I read the textbook -- it was the same basic anatomy and biology stuff that I got in high school several decades ago. "This is how the egg is fertilized."

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Guess she needed her job 🥲…. Sometimes ya gotta know when to fold em and walk away.

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Otherwise you’re part of the problem.

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Children sex sex children children sex children sex children children sex sex....so there's *no* other subject of importance facing California? Like, I dunno, taxes and deficit and stuff?

I guess many of these legislators are looking at Germany and thinking, we can *totally* do that...

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It is a case of talking about what the person thinks about, a mind is indeed a terrible thing to waste.

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I sort-of wish I could take a drill to the ear of the California legislature or whatever they're called, to make sure they hear:

Sex-ed is for teens! Focused on how (not) to get pregnant, how to avoid diseases and lice, and to respect that no means no (and also that teasing someone with come coy and coquettish "no but yeah but maybe"-routine is borderline "suit yourself"-territory if things go awry). Boring, technical, factual, no politics. Abso-fragging-lutely no secluded private talks with a teacher! If, saying if, a student needs some kind of deeper more personal sex-ed talk - that's for the school nurse/psychologist to handle. Without any politics involved.

And by teens I mean 15 at least.

The "gay movement" of California must be run by pedos. If not, they should show it isn't by demanding pedos be locked up and kept locked up. Because it sure does look as if the gays rather protect the pedos than the kids. Police your own!

Gods-cursed things like this make me so angry I could break things! Enough! Pedos never stop - just put them to sleep once undisputable proof exists!

As for the bridge and the aid - what do they expect? A big soppy kiss and a kumbaya? It's the Middle East! Go pet a rattlesnake then act all surprised when it bites you why don't they!

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I’m adamantly opposed to people that want to chat with children about sex. Or buy them. Or are commies. A lot of overlap there I suppose.

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I am utterly floored by the number of pedos masquerading as teachers, doctors, politicians and even parents,that are crawling out of the woodwork.

Were they always there and we just didn't see it?

What has happened that had so completely sickened all these people?

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I went to high school a looooooong time ago, and two of my teachers vanished mid-week in sex scandals involving students. I suspect it was always there and we didn't see it. Can't prove that, though.

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They were always there; pedophiles always seek out environments where they have access to children, preferably also while in a position of authority to the children.

Early 1990s here in my country, we finally managed (against the will of the feminist groups, the homo-lobby, and the communists) to get it into law that anyone that is to work with or around children (f.e. the janitor of a school) must provide a print-out from the national registry of criminal records to show they have never been convicted of certain crimes involving children.

The feminists, libertarians, homos, and commies have fought it ever since.

That tells me everything I need to know about those people.

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Government schools happened to them.

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S. Oregon is gorgeous praise God, and you folks wise to pick a spot with heavy foliage. I spent many years living various locales in OR and it's consistently marvelous ah, geographically that is. lol

Used to enjoy blowing up smarmy minds back in the day, college towns packed with the bliss-ignorant entitled. Good times.

Enjoy BrayFest Uno!

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May I suggest Brayfest Dos in Colorado?!

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California is a preview of what we’re gonna get if the Biden Zombie Apocalypse continues for four more years.

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The U.S. pier is without peer in not delivering aid to people who don’t deserve aid.

The Biden Abomination knew about Hamas’ plans before October 7 and where Sinwar is hiding. They want Israel to give up to preserve the Obama alliance with Iran. Because the Iranians are our true allies. Amirite?


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A modest proposal:

1. Blue Flu all over California for 15 days.

2. All fathers, uncles, men with testosterone go on a 7 day terror of legislators, all government employees--beginning with public health--and ending with all teacher's unions personnel as well as any purple-haired, nose-ringed freaks, to include media talking heads into stadiums for a public beat downs.

Live interrogations of people like Scott Weiner, "DO YOU LIKE LITTLE BOYS?!?!?!?" SLAP, PUNCH, ELBOW TO CHEEK.



In California, we're probably talking about 150,000 broken noses, dislocated shoulders, broken femurs...all captured on 4K video and distributed via Rumble, YouTube, X.

3. My work here is done.


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CANADA DOES NOT WANT. Trudeau does, maybe, because wouldn't that be edgy and cool?

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It was to hurt Trudeau and all that support him...sorry normal Canadians, but we're in a fight for survival.


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A suggestion: dress up the way the FBI-agents always do when they're LARPing right-wing extremists. Beige jackets, blue jeans, scarves and shades, baseball-caps, and so on.

I'm sure whatever pass-phrase they use to ID each other in a scrum can be found online too.

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Sign me up, Brian. I can put 200 pounds behind some elbow strikes. Devastating.

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You are a beautiful person. Love wins!

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A reasonable compromise is that children may not be bought for sex but may be rented.

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Careful, you'll end up in the legislature.

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Speaking of legislatures, maybe it might be a good idea to just drop the party system entirely, and divide ALL representative bodies into fifty percent LEFT and fifty percent RIGHT. Right- wing votes elect fifty percent and left-wing voters elect fifty percent. Whatever majority consensus emerges would be interesting.

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"The 21st century isn’t turning out the way I expected."

I remember thinking, as a young man coming of age at the same time as The Internet, that the future was going to be cool. Now that I'm here... the future sucks! I hate the future.

I hope the future future is better than this future.

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1996 or so. "All the gatekeepers will be gone, and discourse will be wide open, and JUST IMAGINE how much knowledge will advance!"

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Looking forward to camping and rafting!

We are getting people committed to going and are reserving sites, so far it looks like at least a dozen.

29 sites are still available (down from 60 3 weeks ago, so I do think they will sell out.


We are in the "80s" loop (campsites numbers in the 80s,) and those seem all taken, there are still several sites in the 60-70's loop near by.

questions email me scott at scott river . com

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Update on the Gaza pier from the Defense Department: https://www.defense.gov/News/News-Stories/Article/Article/3798246/dod-anticipates-significant-savings-on-temporary-pier-in-gaza/

This is the worst part--the news isn't all bad: "When asked as to whether Centcom is making any additional modifications to the pier to keep it from being damaged again in the future, Singh said that, though leadership might use discretion in the future and take the pier temporarily offline during inclement weather, there are no changes to how JLOTS will continue to operate."

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>>>In 2024, saying that you’re progressive but opposed to people who buy children is a brave departure from the established standards.

I don’t know. As a Californian who essentially has been what is called progressive nowadays for over forty years now, I rather draw the line at supporting child rape. This is like with the Democratic Party. I did not leave it, but it sure as hell left me.

A similar story of batsh** insanity also happened to the California Republican Party. It is just a different flavor of poop. Really, just how did our political parties go from mostly sane, fairly competent, generally not so corrupt institutions to where we have pedophilac, incompetent, all-war-all-the-time, totalitarian grifters. And no. The Republicans are not different aside from being a slightly different flavor of cow flop.

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The California Republican Party is just...nothing. It exists in name only, is my view of the thing.

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