Another great post, Chris!

Two thoughts: 1) Isn’t what the Regime is doing the modern day expression of what George Orwell described in “1984?” The article you describe could have been part of Orwell’s book. 2) Although DOGE has revealed the connections, money trail, and “ being paid to play” schemes between USAID and the media and the NGOs, those connections are not yet severed and the players haven’t quit. With articles like this, they are clearly doubling down on their tactics. It’s really the only play they have.

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Newspeak and Doublethink. Orwell was a prophet.


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Indeed. 1984 was a warning, not a guidebook!

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Which liberals seems totally forget, even when 1984 became popular after trump was first elected in 2016 among liberals, but they lack the self awareness, the big brother, and many liberals use the same tactics to silence their political enemies.

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When I hear words like fascist, Nazi, and progressive, I think distraction / redirection. The real issue is authoritarianism (which leads us straight to human nature).

Thought experiment: what is fascism, nazism, communism, or socialism if you take away all of the top-down authority and let people vote and speak freely?

What do you get when you take a free thinking / voting “democracy” and slowly add in authoritarianism (censorship, surveillance, limits ,controls, mandates, secrecy, lawfare, and a bureaucratic disconnect between laws and regulations)? Pretty much the same thing as the “isms”- variegated authoritarianism . . . Totalitarianism, with a different facade.

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Arguably, the Nazis were the most honest of all those despicable groups about their desires:

– We know best;

– We want to be 100% in charge;

– Here are the people we hate;

– Those who oppose ANYTHING we want are deadly enemies of the People;

– We will enlist 100% of all powers of the State to effect our will.

The only difference between these groups is the political schtick in which they package their lust for absolute power.

I have no problem constraining calls to physical violence, but anyone on any side who supports suppressing ANYONE’S political opinions is 💩.

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Actually, regardless of the myth of Nazi State power, when it came to the everyday the Nazis heavily relied upon ordinary citizens to inform on the neighbours. In this way, the Woke are very similar to the Nazis- if the clogged content moderation requests at Blue Sky are anything to go by.

This BBC documentary was made long before the BBC became woke. It's excellent, despite the dated production values, and last time I check it was still available on YouTube:


The documentary is Nazis: A Warning from History. Episode 2 had a lasting effect on me. It was made in 1997.

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Not available here in Florida. I guess I need to pay the tv/radio fee! lucky they are on youtube in bits https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=01HCBMcgGWs&list=PLF706152EF0DAEC6E

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Thx. I’ll check out the documentary.

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I bought the documentary on eBay as a used DVD for US$7. I may have seen it, but it can bear watching again to offset all the 🐂💩from the Left.

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I sympathise. I've taken to reading sci fi from previous decades, because there is nothing worse than getting a third of the way into a well-written book, which is good in many ways, only for the author to make batshit crazy claims about how physical gender performance differences are due to 'social construction'.

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Absolutely. By framing the issue as fascism, Nazism etc, people happily avoid the realization that their political persuasions and viewpoints do not free them from their authoritarian impulses. Just witness the large number of people freaking out over the current administration who were totally fine with imposing mandates, mRNA transfections, government/media censorship during the last administration. No government is inherently trustworthy and the more powerful they get the more authoritarian they become...

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Its a global generational crime scene.

SO let me get this straight - the maniacal tyrant Adolph Hitler, the brutal Gestapo, a cold blooded military war machine, and cowardly politicians of The Reichstag were persuaded to carry out Holocaust by free German citizens practicing free speech? I mean Germany has gone so far in avoiding Nazism that they resorting to communism by shutting down free speech

You have to be kidding me, the Globalists, who have turned much of Europe into no-go zones and Ukraine into a crucible of cannon fodder, have the gall to lecture Trump on foreign policy. Give me a break.

The overlords aren't angry, they're in fear. Because of their fear they're whipping up so much anger/hatred with their base that Trump, Vance and Elon should never be in the same room together.

Just the mere mention of the president's name and its like they got shot with a dart in the jugular that contained a mixture of methamphetamine and rabies. It's inevitable that one of these loonies will attempt an assassination of one or all of them.

So now one of the overlords is threatening Trump that he'll be denied the Nobel Peace Prize for making peace? Which just proves these prizes have never been about peace or science, just politics. How else would Obama get one just for getting elected?

Trump doesn't need the Nobel prize. These are the prizes POTUS and his supporters want.

The "Prize" is that we are no longer apologist and suckers on the world stage - to be respected again

The "Prize" is that we have the most lethal, well-equipped military in theworld.

The "Prize" is that we have a balanced budget, no federal debt, and a booming economy

Etc. Etc.etc.

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Ryan, one reason that the Eurocrats and Globalists are freaking out now, is that they have been used to being applauded and supported from the USA, for doing all this crap.

First Obama's two terms, then some kind of weird interregnum under Trump I, where he criticised them but the Deep State kept egging them on, and then Biden's four years.

That's sixteen years of European and American Globalists being used to getting praise for the kind of crap that goes on, stifling free speech, feeding people into the meat-to-money war in Ukraine, and the climate and DEI and migration and...

Now suddenly, they aren't being praised anymore. The funding seems about to dry up. The searchlights are on and the Soros-roaches are scurrying out of sight, leaving only the pundits and politicians blinking in the sodium glare.

You know me, I'm the first to say that if Soros or Obama or whomever offered a sticky wad of cash, for someone to eff their people or nation over, the blame is equally portioned out: one does wrong by offering corruption, the other does wrong for accepting it.

And they are doubly "skitibyx" now that we over here are banging the drum of "National audit, fully public, now! National census, now!" - we're not supposed to demand that. We're supposed to be cowed by the labels fascist, racist, islamophobe, and so on.

You should the face of a "Right-thinker" when they accuse you of racism for using the word "zigenare" ("gypsy") and you reply: "Proudly! What else you got to say?"

That's the real root of it: anger and confusion that the hand that fed them (FED them, maybe?) now slaps them, and that their own peoples say "Go f*ck yourselves!".

Hasty edit: don't read as some kind of "Blame America"-stuff, that's not what I mean. I don't think you think I think that, but just in case.

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The EU produces a really special, really posh kind of wonk-puss. Think Stanley Tucci’s pompom freak in Hunger Games or party-planner Schwab at WEF.

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Not familiar with Hunger Games. But I am sadly familiar with the type of riche nouveau credentialed clowns that thinks that they are "simply better than you" just because.

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Think Big Brother metastasized towards Marie Antoinette.

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My eyes! My eyes! 😂

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🎯. But I would add:

The parasitic larvae implanted into the Intelligentsia of slobbering majority supplication to minorities on all matters at all times. That the expectation for economic immigrants to assimilate into their host cultures is inherently racist, whereas the adoption of immigrant culture by hosts is “cultural appropriation.” In short, that the Intolerance and Racism drums must be beaten at all times.

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“…don't read as some kind of "Blame America"-stuff…”

To the contrary, you weren’t nearly harsh enough. The U.S. has an enormous penance to pay. OTOH, the roots of this crap are the Frankfurt School, Marcuse, Gramsci et al, all Marxist followers.

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It’s self-abnegation as public policy: critical theory nonsense plus marxist economics.

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Very well said

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Shamefully, I'm a little intrigued at what a shot of methamphetamine and rabies would feel like!

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Lol. Me too. Exactly what I thought when it popped into my mind.

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Me too!

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I’ve assumed it parallels what we see on Leftard news channels, so it apparently does something pharmaceutically that’s similar in effect to the Brain Bugs in “Starship Troopers.”

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Totally! Haha

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They gave the second black president a prize, and he droned American citizens. So, no, it doesn't mean what it used to.

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“How else would Obama get one just for getting elected?”

The liberal cartoonist Nick Anderson posted this mocking cartoon just a couple of days after the Nobel Committee’s announcement. Admittedly, this was ≈16 yrs ago, but once upon a time, liberals could be honest:


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You know you’re over the target……

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DC-area searches spike for:

“Criminal defense lawyer,”

"Statute of limitation," and

“Swiss bank."

We’re gonna a bigger prison.


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I hate to say it, but it sure looks like another coordinated, inorganic messaging campaign has started. The legacy media is trying, with articles like these and CBS's egregious display on Sunday, to invert popular understanding of foundational liberties. I'm still not sure what the play is, but you generally don't burn what's left of your credibility like this on short term counter messaging.

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That's what it looks like to me.

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The messaging is definitely for the sheeple. Anyone with a brain can recognize this horse poop a mile away. Now we know this round’s rhetoric and it’s just a matter of time before all talking heads sound the same.

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Agreed. Who is managing this. Who is funding it?

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Walter Kern's theory is that they are setting him up with all these court cases to show , if possible, he will defy the law and he is obviously Hitler so we have to @#$%^&*

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It is gonna really, really hurt if these goons get back in power. They will find a way.

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They're just signaling to the Left, the globalist, NGO cutouts and the administrative state what's acceptable to think and say.

Thats their motivation, and if they have to burn down the house...well...that's just the "cost of doing business ".

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I am stunned at the media’s current take on free speech. And the idiotic contortions they go through to prove that free speech is, in fact, a “threat to democracy” and a tool of fascist states. Ask the citizens of England how they view the threat of being jailed for mean tweets or posting memes.

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Or silent praying INSIDE PRIVATE HOMES within the proscribed circumference around an abortion clinic.

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And inconveniently for Starmer before his audience with JD Vance or the President next week....a 74-year old woman was arrested yesterday for praying too close to an abortion clinic in Glasgow. I suppose he will mumble something about "such matters being devolved to the Scottish government of course...".


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We're pretty pissed off about it tbf, but we have a human rights lawyer for a prime minister, who doesn't believe WE have human rights (only oppressed minorities do), who spent his entire career at Matrix Chambers defending the very worst human excresence. You know, terrorists, folk like that. He is busy cosying up to Zelensky - the third rate comedian who suddenly became a billionaire when war broke out - backing the wrong horse AGAIN 🤦‍♀️

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He is a disaster. I don’t know if GB will be salvageable by the next election. It breaks my heart.

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Decades ago, I thought the parliamentary system was more efficient. It still is, but I now I see it’s because there’s no countervailing party to the prime minister to “[stand] athwart history, yelling Stop, at a time when no one is inclined to do so, or to have much patience with those who so urge it.” (William F. Buckley)

The question before the British people is whether they will select MPs still possessed of cojones, who still respect the blood spilled to earn their People’s freedom.

If I were a Brit, I’d vote Reform UK if for no other reason than to get these simpering “oppression worshipers” out of office. Just my 2¢.

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“I'm still not sure what the play is…”

I think there’s no real play. I think it’s a hollow take-off on Field of Dreams: ”If we say it, they will believe.”

It reveals their utter contempt for the American People. And it’s an unconscious admission that they know they’ve demolished our education system.

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Yes, and unfortunately, it won't be difficult.

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Uneducated people are motivated by fear, and the democrat party is all about pushing fear. That's all it does, besides sedition and treason. If this were a true dictatorship, the entire democrat party would be rounded up and shit, along with not a few Republicans.

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I actually think the Democrat Party is the MOST prone to thought control. The speed with which the proles switched from adoring Musk to demonizing him reminds of the instantaneous and unannounced changes of allegiance between Oceania, Eurasia and Eastasia. The last 30+ years of war on the English language is straight out of “1984.” Yesterday’s definitions are memory-holed in a flash of the basement incinerator.

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The dumbocraps are also mostly uneducated.

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I just watched a Jordan Peterson video which addressed an aspect of this.

The 3 + 1 major indicators of “politically correct authoritarianism” (PCA) are:

– Low verbal intelligence*

– Being female

– Having a female temperament (beta male?)

– Having EVER taken a politically correct course

* The correlation between IQ & PCA was MUCH higher that between IQ & grades.

The reason the Humanities attracts PCA types is that those disciplines attract people with lower IQs. Water flows downhill.

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That’s just it – they’re NOT uneducated (putting aside the gender-studies majors, etc.). Many have gone to great schools. But in addition to their technical & communication skills, they’ve been infused with a mental block on political thought: that socialism is, in Voltaire’s words, “the best of all possible worlds.” And that its incessant failure throughout history merely shows “we just haven’t done it right.”


AND they’ve been vaccinated against counter-argument by being taught that intelligence and insight are linear with income level and station in life.

This leads them to wrong ideas and no way back to wisdom.

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Democrats have invested a lot of our money in creating propaganda outlets to continually lie to us, twist and manipulate meaning, and generate astroturf permission structures. It's not really working any more, except on mentally ill people in coastal areas and teacher's unions, but that's neither here nor there. The point is they aren't going to stop doing it because even it doesn't work, they feel they have to do something to combat the reality and aligned perception that they suck bigly and everybody is finally in on the parlor trick. They literally don't know what else to do. They built their whole governing strategy around sophisticated, networked lying. And to give them credit it worked for 15 years. But the illusion is over.

So trot out the usual journo-Blobbers from the black ops division of the Ministry of Truth and wind up the bullshit machine. I suspect we are going to continue to see this nonsense for the foreseeable future, because they have no other moves. It's like a basketball team that can only take one shot. It's fine when you are playing against midgets, but it doesn't work against a skilled opponent who has watched the game films. Mostly these days they are shooting airballs. Trump is way ahead of them at this point and they are confused AF at the moment.


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Their propaganda machine worked by giving people a false personal identity of being intellectually and morally superior vs the "ignorant conspiracy theorists."

Nothing new, but brilliant nonetheless.

Makes it really hard to admit the truth or that you're wrong if you think your morally superior. Plus at this point there's just too much sunk costs in their hatred of Trump for them to even consider they're wrong.

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What's simply amazing, is that these are the same people who took 7-8 Covid jabs. Many are still trying to stay "up-to-date". But they're the highly-educated and sophisticated class. 🤣

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So interesting to me that the very intelligent often have little wisdom. Wisdom comes from the LORD.

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They have always doubled down because it’s been house money. Now that it looks like they’re gonna be shut off from that money the squealing really starts. Be ready cause desperate times call for desperate measures….and it ain’t over yet.

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Swine. The most useless group of people ever to walk the earth.

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"Astroturf permission structures"? I had to stop and savor that. Thanks.

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Fight this we must, and fight this we will.

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Well, there's one thing you can always count on in this world: German intelligence's dogged pursuit of truth, justice and spiffy uniforms.

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A joke:

"Knock, knock."

"Who's there?"


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In Germany, humour is no laughing matter.

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Joke by Robin Williams on how there seem to be no people with a sense of humor in Germany: “Maybe it’s because you shot all the funny people.”

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Wow what an interesting video. He does a great job of explaining guilt pride and showing the philosophy which is easily linkable to wokeness and the 1619 project as well as the calls for reparations. GuiltPride, thanks Germany, Orwell would be proud. Maybe it's bad that we humans have so much free time to dream up tortures for ourselves. I would hazard to say no one alive in Germany today is responsible for the crimes committed by the Nazis regime, and yet the German mindset seems ruled by the guilt of the holocaust. We should never ever forget, but to live under the guilt and in the shade is not healthy. Simply study and remember history so you don't repeat it, but screw guilt.

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That was very punny. Definitely going straight to hubby as he loves nothing more than a Dad Joke.

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Zat is “unacczeptibe” 😁

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That's funny.

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I wonder if the Germans still have Hilfiger make their uniforms.

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I thought it was Coco Chanel.

Either way, spiffy uniforms.

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Hugo Boss designed the Nazi uniforms. Valentino designed the Italian Fascist uniforms.

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Yes you're right was thinking Boss fingers said Hilfiger. Simple mistake.

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As in Tommy Hilfiger?

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Yes, ever since they bombed Pearl Harbor!

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Thank you for the clarification!

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You forgot the most important one Chris, "freedom is slavery"

Oh, and everyone is equal, but some are more equal than others.

Orwell authoritarian satire has now become the Leftist party line in the west.

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The party in 1984 was indeed Leftist - the scariest part is he didn't just get it right in a figurative sense but also literally!

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And remember, war is peace. Just ask the Ukrainians.

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Just WHO the hell were the actual Nazis, anyway?? (rhetorical). My bingo card is fkd up.

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Well, there are Nationalist Socialists, like the NSDAP, and Bernie. The NSDAP was good until it invaded the USSR then it became “always has been” bad, and Bernie is still always good. And on the other hand there are Internationalist Socialists, which actually means Russian Nationalist Socialists, unless they are Chinese Nationalist Socialists, and those are always good, even when they are shooting at each other.

And any free market economic system is always bad, while any bureaucratically controlled economic system is always good, unless it’s that NSDAP one, then it’s bad.

And the Americans are always bad, even when they send money, but especially when they don’t.

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One of the few useful pieces of a Nolan Chart of political philosophy (Google it) is that it demonstrates why far-Left authoritarianism and far-Right authoritarianism behave so similarly. When you get to the edges, the "authoritarian" commonalities trump any ideological differences.

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Apparently they were "weaponizers of free speech", at least according to CBS News.

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I thought that one group was definitely Antifa. Which is weird because they claim to be the opposite, yet their insignia, standards and behaviors seem right out of the same playbook.

Probably funded by a lot of the missing monies we’re hearing so much about right now.

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If this is the response to a speech, and in Europe, how are all the “experts” and bureaucrats going to react as the new administration works its way systematically through all of the ideologically captured US institutions? The moves they’ve made have been impressive, but this is just getting started!

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I look forward to finding out.

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I have actually been concerned about how the bureaucracy would respond. I was even expecting violence, but so far it’s just been the same moves as before (media + courts + astroturfed protests), with decreasing effectiveness. I may have given the expert class a little too much credit.

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They have nothing left but their lies. Their ideas are bankrupt their morals do not exist. The people have rejected them.

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Put the people back in chains and let freedom ring!!!

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It's all they have left. Doubling down on the lies and ad hominems.

So tedious....

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Tedious, but rising toward something else. They're talking themselves into something.

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From talking to my friends in the Blue Bubble, who are shockingly impervious to reality or even any type of discourse that doesn't end with them being declared GOOD and their opponents being declared EVIL, and who also don't seem to realize that we're now approaching the 10th anniversary of TRUMP IS FASCIST HITLER! and that they keep pushing back the date of their predicted virtual Anschluss, which only becomes more real and horrific the longer it refuses to appear—what they most seem to want is to rouse an army of Luigis to start capping MAGAs in the back aka vigilante death sentences visited on their political opponents for their crimes against Our Democracy™.

I hope I'm wrong and hope these are just the usual infantile tantrums, but if I put 2 and 2 together and add the bloodlust they feel toward MAGA and the joy they felt at that CEO being murdered in the street for his crimes against universal humanitarianism, these seem to add up.

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Oh, it's going to happen, one way or another, just as sure as we both thought Biden would freeze up in the debate.

At no point should Trump, Vance and Elon ever be in the same room together.

I'm serious.

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Something wicked this way comes...(hopefully not)

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I hope not...but past being prologue and all...

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Well, yes, but they are gormless by and large. And now that their shock troops have been defunded...

Nah. I don't see it. They are talking darkly about "Trump being removed soon." To save our democracy TM. So silly.

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im inclined to agree with you, but then again, as history shows, all it takes is one mentally ill misfit with a gun to change everything.

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They're just getting started. There's too many misfits on the Left. I would bet a few loons are already in preliminary planning stages.

One of them will eventually snap.

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Vance is insurance. :-) They missed their chance on the campaign trail.

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That's exactly they are doing. Be ever vigilant wherever you go. I have an old friend who tries to understand but gets ball his news from msnbc only. I've even given him websites where a story's reported and published written by two writers one from each sidebofbthebaisle sobyou get essentially thr÷ stories and he still falls into the left. Ibgave up trying to inform him and just say my viewpoint Ona given topic now orbwill shrugs and tell him I don't know and move on.

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Same with my friends in the blue bubble.

Incidentally, do you have eggs where you live? We don't have any eggs around Santa Fe, NM. I don't know if they have eggs in Albuquerque. It's the bird flu. OMG

I think that may be part of the something wicked coming, "by the pricking of my thumbs".

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just got 2 dozen eggs from Ralphs in LA yesterday, maybe all our sick chickens died in the wildfires? ;)

hope i dont have to go back to oatmeal for breakfast!

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Dang, so it's local. NM is the bluest of the blue. Some folks never stopped wearing masks. Some are donning them again because bird flu. Still prominently offering vaxxes at CVS and Walgreens.

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LA is pretty darn blue too (ask Chris!), maybe we just havent caught the flu yet or maybe there's so much money here that we get all the healthiest chickens, sort of like compensation for all our Kardashians. ;))

Good luck!

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I haven't seen Walters theories yet, but let's be honest: mangione's choice of Target / victim was both inspired and brilliant. Quick, name five of your friends who really like their health insurance companies. Anybody even slightly to the right of the Apex of the bell curve fully understands that the health industrial complex is not about health. It's about money, and to an extent almost Psychopathic in nature. Normies are all going, Tut Tut, this was awful. But in their heart of hearts, they are remembering the last time their insurance companies refused to pay for something they needed, or added some incomprehensible new level of bullshit to the process, and thinking, "good! "

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Sorry I'm with the normies on this one, shooting a stranger in the back is the ultimate act of low cowardice and America is filled with many thousands of rapacious politicos, bankers, lawyers, execs etc who all deserve murder under your reasoning. None of our industries are about whatever they proclaim to be (education, nutrition, housing, law, pharma etc), they are all about $, that is the nature of our market society, for better or worse. And all that murdering one healthcare functionary did was have him replaced by another healthcare functionary, not a single person was helped here.

If Luigi really wanted to help people he could have taken his rich pretty self to medical or nursing school, but that would have required diligence and self-sacrifice.

What is about humane, well-educated idealists committing acts of brutality and expecting to grow angel wings as the result? How many times do acts of violence "in the name of a better world" have to backfire before people grow up?

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Killing all the lawyers won't fix the problem. I tend to agree with Asimov, "Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent." There has to be a better method to solve these problems. Shooting someone in the back is indeed a cowardly and craven act. He's no hero, just another loon.

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He didn't want to help anybody. He wanted vengeance. And apparently tens of millions of Americans share his feelings.

"How many times do acts of violence "in the name of a better world" have to backfire before people grow up?"

Yeah, that WWII thing. Shoulda never got involved in *that* thing, right?

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You sound like Walter Kirn.

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I do love Walter but lately he's gotten a bit too conspiratorial for my taste.

I just said that political violence seems like a possibility (or subconscious wish) from the Blue team, not that it's a psy-op that takes a skilled novelist to discern its contours.

I don't believe Luigi was a CIA plant or that the MSM is planning to bring him back to centerstage to make him some anti-Elon shadow character, which I think Walter claimed recently.

I'm lucky though that my life and career don't depend upon politics or the culture war, which allows me R&R to clear my head. Too much time obsessing about this stuff seems to make people a bit overheated (which of course I'm also guilty of).

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Walter let's his imagination run wild but more often than not he sees the truth in the fiction

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CP brings it, consistently, mah fren. Always over the target, you are. (I’m in Yoda-speak mode today) 😎

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"They're talking themselves into something."

Which is, perhaps, a very, very good reason for us to speak up.


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Be not afraid. When we speak up, they don't know what to do. Keep them on the ropes. It's kinda fun to speak out. And watch them shudder.

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Progressives always go to the gun. But their self image as the enlightened ones means they have to convince themselves that we forced their hand.

Progressives are always narcissists, and the narcissist always cries out in pain as he is hitting you. „Look what you made me do!“

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How’d you know? I’ve had this happen to me recently, literally, after a brief argument. And was told that my failure to listen to their reasoning forced their hand.

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Freedom is slavery

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Yeah - Margaret Brennan’s argument didn’t come out of nowhere, from her own head. This line of thinking is part of the new groupthink. The arguments on that Left that censorship is necessary, because free speech is dangerous, keep getting louder and more bizarre.

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A couple years ago, they came out with "stochastic speech", remember that? Basically that certain kinds of speech incite violence against certain people. While not using that term anymore, it's the same sentiment.

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My take on it now is that it was a very clumsy way of arguing that the Nazis would not have risen if Mein Kampf had been banned by the Weimar Republic. It’s arguable, not necessarily likely. And it’s definitely not certain as to whether that is an argument for censorship.

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Have they focus-grouped this "everything I don't like is fascism" nonsense?

It seems like they are really overplaying their hand--they have a pair of deuces and they're playing it like 4 aces. Plus, insulting voters who didn't vote your way last time is a sure way to never get them back.

Or is this simply a grift to raise money off their base?

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I would love to be a fly on the wall. I suspect they know it won't work, but they're trying to dirty up a thing they know they can't defeat. But I don't know. It doesn't really make the slightest sense.

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Ever the apocaloptomist, I do get a sense that because they’ve abandoned all faith in a loving, yet just God, they have been given over to a depraved mindset. It won’t end well for them (which I think they know deep inside), but pride truly does go before a fall. They can’t admit they’re wrong about so many things, so cling to the narrative that defines them in ever more hysterical terms.

As far as weak minds being influenced by their shrieking I can’t say it won’t happen, but I’m fairly certain it won’t be successful. At least that’s my prayer. 🙏

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I wonder if Trump's "flooding the zone" has made it impossible to pick one thing or a handful of things to go after, and the fact that the facts change from day to day makes them look conspiratorial at best or silly at worst--so they have to resort to "blanket" catch-all accusations.

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Does anyone outside of the trans-Atlantic elite establishment buy any of these Orwellian declarations anymore? Maybe just the true believers in Manhattan and San Francisco? Am I wrong?

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I know people who believe this stuff, but I live in the deepest blue zone imaginable.

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It’s a disease of the brain. To believe such incredible nonsense must be evidence of a mind that is immeasurably susceptible to suggestions. I’ve been of the opinion for some time it’s these kinds of sheeple who are irrevocably brainwashed, never to recover!

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Like a “virus”, though, they have a way of spreading ALL OVER. God have mercy on us all.

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Just doing a poll of blue zone folks. Do you have eggs where you live (CA, right?). We don't have eggs in Santa Fe, NM. Bird flu.

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SF NM be waaay woke, doe. Way gentry-fied too. Being free to drive drunk isn’t worth it 😉

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Huntsville, Alabama….Red state…eggs…

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Not blue zone – county south of Knoxville (71% Trump) – Walmart eggs shelves are 100% stocked.

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Eggless in New Mexico. I think the title for a documentary film.

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“Eggless” – Is that “Eagles” as spelled by the Philly mayor?

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Haha. I'm from PA near Philly originally. We pronounced it the Iggles.

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Yes. I have relatives in NC and Texas who are all in on this belief. They are fanatical in their opinion that Trump is a dangerous dictator who will take over America and deprive them of their rights. His administration is planning end any benefits they receive from the government, and to imprison anyone who opposes his regime. They are not mentally I’ll in any other aspect of life. They are regular people with families and good lifestyles. But they are 100% in the thrall of the fear mongering press. Not willing to consider any alternative information.

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Robird - where I live in NM as well.

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Just look at the comments section of any publication that isn't blatantly right-wing. Oh boy, do people of a certain class and stripe believe it.

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You're right.

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There are tons in Redlands as well. Like inte) everyone 50% of the population are the offspring of all the mental patients that were given a bottle of pills and turned back into the wild when they shut down all but tye private mental institutions back in the late 60s early 70s. And those offspring had their own offspring whobare now voting age. Welcome to Gen zed. Half if not slightly more of them are batshit insane, the other half, are so filled with apathy I only shake my head.

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Don’t dump on Gen Z too hard – they shifted Right in ‘24 by significant numbers – 51% for Trump in some jurisdictions.

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51% is a little more than I'm used to seeing in my area. The ones who are conservative leaning tend to be more financially conservative than socially but I'm not going to blanket bash them. Yes Gen Z are better than millennial but marginally so. Still won't trust either to do tye right thing if necessary.

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Michael Tomasky is an embarrassment to the art of writing.

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at least an embarrassment to the act of thinking.

where do these talking points come from?

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Tomasky is a Communist. An actual admitted Communist. Check out the book he released in 2010 that was basically Das Kapital, but written in English.

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The hypocrisy of narcissists knows no limit. No matter how accustomed to it one becomes, it never becomes any less infuriating.

Every person of good conscience should study the problem of evil.


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