Apr 12, 2022Liked by Chris Bray

They appear to still have moats in abeyance.

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Apr 12, 2022·edited Apr 13, 2022Liked by Chris Bray

I guess the idea of simply gagging each person individually, as has been done for at least one trial in history, was too challenging. Seems some trials and def some 'public comments' on legislation are pony show for what has already been decided, 'higher up'. 'Vote Them Out' seems a meager and slow method, but all we can do. Oh, and wait for the jabbed to keep dropping, cuz eventually the bodies will be un-ignorable, as will the cause of death. If someone dies from their own laws, I spose that is a form of being voted out, by mother nature herself.

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Apr 12, 2022Liked by Chris Bray

Ah moats. The last recourse for any civilized society. I’m down.

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public officials adhering to their oath of serving the citizens would actually welcome all feedback in order to adjust the program to suit the citizens...

during the early days of the plandemic i received a postcard survey from my local government asking my preference as to services to economize (defund):

a. Paramedic

b. police

c. fire dept.

(there may have been other options like water quality but i remember that they were all essential services)

wish i would have saved this priceless relic of government insensitivity.

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Apr 12, 2022Liked by Chris Bray

Lucite is the modern moat.

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Apr 12, 2022Liked by Chris Bray

I sure would like to own that pretty castle. --- Does it have a drawbridge to keep "people" out?

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Kinda depends on what you term "reasonable" and how is it reasonable for one group to Burn, Loot, and Murder but not reasonable for another group to peacefully protest.

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Trump plus Putin plus Covid-19 must be the secret sauce that reveals Western Governments authoritarian soul.

Also, there is less than 24hrs to comment on the WHO attempt to control the "health" of all the people of the world, and you will see in their terms these unelected bureaucrats are even more sensitive than the California leadership.


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deletedApr 12, 2022Liked by Chris Bray
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