In a myopic view, what is scarier: That Katie Hobbs is "this" close to being Governer of an American state or that she's CURRENTLY the Secretary of State of that same state?
The irony of all this is that the Democrats are becoming less popular as they become more publicly honest. Impoverish the proles, mask their babies, and then groom and mutilate them. Obama’s America!
Kinda makes you wonder what game they're running now? In the past they at least pretended to be somewhat normal and somewhere near a kinda sorta center left, but now? It's in our face whacko trans pedohitler contempt 24 7 now. Almost like elections don't really matter....
I think the game they’re running now is “we run the show now and since you voted against our wishes for orange version of Hitler we are gonna let our freak flag fly and just you try to stop us”. The oligarchs we will always have with us. Life is a negotiation between the normal, productive middle class on one side and the oligarchs with their poor (easily bought) mob on the other. The power between the two ebbs and flows but depends largely on how hard the oligarchs want to fight. French Revolution comes to mind (middle class united with proles to fight the oligarchs). A fate they would prefer to avoid.
Trump, for all his faults, gave us all a great gift that we are reaping at the moment: he showed how absolutely stupid & incompetent these people are. Are they devious? Sure. Evil? To the core? But their Achilles heel is that outside of conning & grifting, they are the worst of our society. Understanding that we put power-hungry idiots in charge is the first step in rectifying the situation.
If I were an Arizonian I would assume that if she said she hasn't contemplated jabs for kids that means it is guaranteed that she will force kids to be jabbed. And I would never ever vote for someone who refuses to debate, especially not when she sounds like she is 16.
The only way out of this mess is for the great unwashed masses to rise up together and in one collective heave-ho, toss these idiots out on their asses. Then we must crush and scatter to the winds every one of the left’s sacred cows and shibboleths, until only a few sad crumbs remain, which we then douse with gasoline and set ablaze, just for good measure. And then we should go to work to turn this country back into something those of us born before 2010 can recognize. I’m not even a political person, but the insanity of the last few years has convinced me there is no way to find common ground with these people. They’ve gone way too far.
So, there's this feeling going around that November will be that. But between entrenched vote fraud and the GOP establishment (Not "RINOs", I mean the old-guard Chamber of Commerce types who are just as blackmailed and bribed as any Dem) I have my doubts.
I'd prefer something those of us born before the Reagan regime would recognize... A lot of evil (fauci's AZT experiments, the Childhood Vaccine no-liability act, "trickle down" economics) hail from that era and have been repeated and expanded upon.
The level of dishonesty is scary. My Democrat candidate for State Senator is running ads (or some front group is) about her Republican opponent (and I had to write this down) literally saying:
"Matt Gunderson funded Trump's campaign."
Directly underneath that is a statement noting that Gunderson donated $500 to the Trump 2020 campaign. Then:
"He even defended Trump after the January 6 attack that killed 5 police officers."
That is a mind-bogglingly bold outright lie! Not a single police officer lost his life in the January 6 demonstration, I mean insurrection, I mean attack! Some poor lady got knocked down and trampled by the crowd, and an unarmed protestor, er...rioter, er...treasonous villainess was shot dead by a Capitol Police Officer. A shooting for which he was never charged or investigated for all we know, unlike somebody who took Nancy Pelosi's pom pom from the People's House (I may have what he took wrong) and has been rotting in solitary without bail for months and months. Yes, the same Nancy Pelosi who committed a felony on national TV by tearing to pieces an official, US historical document (Trump's State of the Union address).
To try to be scrupulously fair, I dug into what this woman's campaign could possibly be talking about. One police officer died the next day of a brain aneurysm. The Medical Examiner said it was not due to any external trauma. Over the year since January 6, four Capitol Police officers have died, officially by suicide. Has anybody asked Vince Foster or Jeffrey Epstein about that? Oh wait, right, never mind.
They don't even bother to pretend they're not lying anymore.
Yeah.... I watched that entire "uprising" on live TV while it happened, including Trump's speech beforehand, telling them to "be peaceful." I'm no big lover of any billionaire, including Trump, but that whole thing was a confabulated lie. The real "rioters" were bused in around 4 or 5 pm, and instigated a little tumult, but it was clearly fake and everybody just kind of went home, leaving a lot of actors there to pretend to be rioters... Total bullshit. And I'm NOT partisan, I don't like ANY politician at this point.
"The men whom the people ought to choose to represent them are too busy to take the jobs. But the politician is waiting for it. He's the pestilence of modern times. What we should try to do is make politics as local as possible. Keep the politicians near enough to kick them..." - G.K. Chesterton
I'll leave looking up the rest of the quote as a reader homework activity
The intention as I understood it, back at the beginning, was that the govt was to be OF the People, BY the People, and FOR the People. We've got zero out of three.
The whole system sucks, in my view, and needs to be taken apart and re-designed, with a whole different group of designers.
Sort of, yeah. I mean, the Wealthy were in charge since way back there, before the US was a country, even. And yeah, we had the Constitution, but it was written by and for the wealthy and didn't make anything that couldn't be twiddled in favor of the wealthy, all along, even during the Revolutionary War... High rates of desertion and very lousy treatment of soldiers and terrible conditions... and the rich could just buy a substitute so they didn't have to fight... It wasn't so "everyone joined up" and Unity as we're taught in school... I was taught a lot of bullshit in school. I mean, hardly anything true in my lessons of history. I knew a bit about how the govt. supposedly works, but... easily corrupted, and before the New Deal, too... they used to jail people for YEARS for refusing to fight against the Philipinos and the Mexicans, both of those peoples being horrifically treated, despicable behavior by the US... After the Civil War the Wealthy really started getting busy on us... The unions fought for decades, suffering death and beatings by police and hired thugs to quell their quests for decency and a living wage... We've been fighting the SAME people for the SAME reasons and the SAME treatment since before we were a country even... It's amazing how money controls everything, and now, even what we think, even reality itself for many...
Sigh. What a fricken mess!
But yeah, before we had such voting fraud, and now... computerized... so easy to hack a ten-year-old girl demonstrated in about a minute how easy!
Oh, hell... Lied to all our lives, that's for sure! And I wonder if we will have the courage to actually make the kinds of changes we need to make, when this ever winds down, and if there's enough of us left to do it...
At least you get a vote.....we got our 3rd prime minister in as many months and nobody voted for Fishy Rishi. Your president can't pronounce his name either, no surprises there 😆 I think the last 3 years has really opened people's eyes to the endless grift and stupidity of the leading classes, and you're right - nobody with any real brains, integrity or moral compass actually wants to do the job. It would mean giving up the brains, integrity and moral compass for a start.
Look at the bright side! At least Truss didn’t have a single white male in a top job in her original cabinet. When she ditched a person of color for a white guy as chancellor and another white dude became king for the first time in seventy years, all hell done broke loose.
"...if you want six more inches between you and the seat in front of you, you pay more money, but you don't know it" What a crock! Since his life has always been planned and paid for by somebody else, he has no idea how this works. Nobody pays more money for leg room without knowing it. Even Southwest, with open seating, has tiered pricing that is completely transparent, and the way to get that extra leg room is to pay a premium to get on the plane first and have the best opportunity to snag those seats. What a dufus! His mindset is based entirely on being shielded from what ordinary Americans go through every day. He believes that the economy is strong because he has been shielded from seeing the effects of his policies. The only store he has ever been inside of is an ice-cream shop, and I'd bet dollars to donuts that his Secret Service agents pay the tab. He has no idea what groceries cost or gasoline or home heating oil. We all know that the White House will certainly be warm and toasty this winter as the rest of the poor schlubs on the East Coast are shivering in their marginally heated homes, courtesy of this hack.
It occurs to me that it’s hard to tell with Creepy Uncle Joe at this point when he’s doing his chronic congenital liar politician thing versus when he’s confabulating as a result of being demented. He may actually un some cases be trying to answer questions or say things where he has sort of a marginal grasp of the topic and he’s aware that he has to say something that sounds like he knows what he’s talking about, but he actually does not. Thus is not uncommon with demented people.
The great unmasking continues. In the immortal words of Gertrude Stein ( no, not a fan): “There’s no there there. “ Look, there’s this maneuver that I think this started with Bush, the Younger. He would get up to speak and there would be this background with the same word or short phrase written there as a tool to remind the great mass of ignoramuses ( AKA us) what the great man was trying to tell us. Or maybe it was to remind GWB what he was talking about. I don’t really know now that I think about it. In any event, this redundant banality signaled to me that yea verily the dumbness is upon us, bigly.
Now it’s not just us who are dumber than a box of rocks. Our politicians increasingly display a lack of oratory skill and intellectual acuity, particularly on the Left. AOC, Biden, Kamala, Nancy, The Cyborg formerly known as Fetterman, Hobbesian Hobbs et al....they can’t speak well. They also can’t think. Maybe they don’t have to, because they are sloganeers and name callers, not statesmen/women/assorted gender designations. There is not one constructive Democrat policy for America. The rationales for what they propose are always masked and always wrong from a variety of perspectives . On the other hand, they just killed at least a million of us and counting with their synthetic virus and synthetic mRNA experimental jabs, so maybe constructive and patriotic aren’t on the menu. Are the Republicans any better? There are some who are definitely not better not different. But there is a growing group of people who actually want to do something useful and are not self serving to an unreasonable degree. It’s too early to tell, but also too early to give up. Let’s see what happens. Vote.
It certainly seems like the Dems are not even trying anymore. I also had this distinct impression watching the Blair Witch - like 2020 D National Convention, where despite having Hollywood in its pocket, the Ds made literally no effort to impress at their convention; almost as if they knew the result was already in the bag. Whether the new crop of Rs, many of whom are impressive, can make any actual difference, that is a big and sad question.
It's been a good reminder for me that as much as I detest the Democrats, I should not get my hopes up about their counterparts. It's quite likely that the GOP will do a few seconds of shuffling and then revert to the same old bullshit. (Look, for a point of comparison, at the convulsions in the UK government, as they keep trying to figure out how to make the same old bullshit work for them.)
And if it is just a minor course correction, and we keep sailing into the abyss.... well, there's a reason I packed my shit and headed for the hills in 2018.
"Is there a Democratic Party politician in the country who’s sort of okay, right now? Who manages to sound more or less not horrible in public?"
Jared Polis, Gov of CO, was full of it when the pandemic started, nonsense around masks. But he's got a way better political orientation than any of the other Dems, and quietly flipped as quick with CO at least. He's the only one haha.
In a myopic view, what is scarier: That Katie Hobbs is "this" close to being Governer of an American state or that she's CURRENTLY the Secretary of State of that same state?
Also, you people need Jesus!
The irony of all this is that the Democrats are becoming less popular as they become more publicly honest. Impoverish the proles, mask their babies, and then groom and mutilate them. Obama’s America!
Kinda makes you wonder what game they're running now? In the past they at least pretended to be somewhat normal and somewhere near a kinda sorta center left, but now? It's in our face whacko trans pedohitler contempt 24 7 now. Almost like elections don't really matter....
I think the game they’re running now is “we run the show now and since you voted against our wishes for orange version of Hitler we are gonna let our freak flag fly and just you try to stop us”. The oligarchs we will always have with us. Life is a negotiation between the normal, productive middle class on one side and the oligarchs with their poor (easily bought) mob on the other. The power between the two ebbs and flows but depends largely on how hard the oligarchs want to fight. French Revolution comes to mind (middle class united with proles to fight the oligarchs). A fate they would prefer to avoid.
I'm probably gonna smell like moonshine and canned beans by Christmas, the way this shitshow's going.
Input=Moonshine + Canned Beans.
Output = a weapon of terrifying power. 🔥
Yeah, I went there.
I’m a redneck Prole.
Do you smell like kettle corn? Checking for a political journalist.
Output + source of ignition = a weapon of even more terrifying power (though short lived)
Trump, for all his faults, gave us all a great gift that we are reaping at the moment: he showed how absolutely stupid & incompetent these people are. Are they devious? Sure. Evil? To the core? But their Achilles heel is that outside of conning & grifting, they are the worst of our society. Understanding that we put power-hungry idiots in charge is the first step in rectifying the situation.
Trump got them to be more publicly honest about what they want. And it’s hurting them more than him. Irony…
Isn't the definition of "power-hungry" something like "godless"?
It's a well-known fact that psychopaths and sociopaths are drawn to positions of power...
Seems like we need to examine our power structures from all angles, all sides, up, down, and all around.
Ditto that last bit, fer sher.
So maybe "asking" isn't the way. We're not as nice as Canadians here in the US... But probably quite a bit stupider, lol.
If I were an Arizonian I would assume that if she said she hasn't contemplated jabs for kids that means it is guaranteed that she will force kids to be jabbed. And I would never ever vote for someone who refuses to debate, especially not when she sounds like she is 16.
Sixteen at the high end.
A precocious 12year old who sounds 16?
A precocious 12-y-o who's an idiot and malevolent, too?
There's something about that voice.
Sexual abuse of girls is very common.
Interesting! Makes sense.
The only way out of this mess is for the great unwashed masses to rise up together and in one collective heave-ho, toss these idiots out on their asses. Then we must crush and scatter to the winds every one of the left’s sacred cows and shibboleths, until only a few sad crumbs remain, which we then douse with gasoline and set ablaze, just for good measure. And then we should go to work to turn this country back into something those of us born before 2010 can recognize. I’m not even a political person, but the insanity of the last few years has convinced me there is no way to find common ground with these people. They’ve gone way too far.
Oh, and for the record, I like kettle corn.
So, there's this feeling going around that November will be that. But between entrenched vote fraud and the GOP establishment (Not "RINOs", I mean the old-guard Chamber of Commerce types who are just as blackmailed and bribed as any Dem) I have my doubts.
It's going to be an interesting couple of years.
I'd prefer something those of us born before the Reagan regime would recognize... A lot of evil (fauci's AZT experiments, the Childhood Vaccine no-liability act, "trickle down" economics) hail from that era and have been repeated and expanded upon.
I also like kettle corn.
The level of dishonesty is scary. My Democrat candidate for State Senator is running ads (or some front group is) about her Republican opponent (and I had to write this down) literally saying:
"Matt Gunderson funded Trump's campaign."
Directly underneath that is a statement noting that Gunderson donated $500 to the Trump 2020 campaign. Then:
"He even defended Trump after the January 6 attack that killed 5 police officers."
That is a mind-bogglingly bold outright lie! Not a single police officer lost his life in the January 6 demonstration, I mean insurrection, I mean attack! Some poor lady got knocked down and trampled by the crowd, and an unarmed protestor, er...rioter, er...treasonous villainess was shot dead by a Capitol Police Officer. A shooting for which he was never charged or investigated for all we know, unlike somebody who took Nancy Pelosi's pom pom from the People's House (I may have what he took wrong) and has been rotting in solitary without bail for months and months. Yes, the same Nancy Pelosi who committed a felony on national TV by tearing to pieces an official, US historical document (Trump's State of the Union address).
To try to be scrupulously fair, I dug into what this woman's campaign could possibly be talking about. One police officer died the next day of a brain aneurysm. The Medical Examiner said it was not due to any external trauma. Over the year since January 6, four Capitol Police officers have died, officially by suicide. Has anybody asked Vince Foster or Jeffrey Epstein about that? Oh wait, right, never mind.
They don't even bother to pretend they're not lying anymore.
..."that killed 5 police officers."
Yeah.... I watched that entire "uprising" on live TV while it happened, including Trump's speech beforehand, telling them to "be peaceful." I'm no big lover of any billionaire, including Trump, but that whole thing was a confabulated lie. The real "rioters" were bused in around 4 or 5 pm, and instigated a little tumult, but it was clearly fake and everybody just kind of went home, leaving a lot of actors there to pretend to be rioters... Total bullshit. And I'm NOT partisan, I don't like ANY politician at this point.
"The men whom the people ought to choose to represent them are too busy to take the jobs. But the politician is waiting for it. He's the pestilence of modern times. What we should try to do is make politics as local as possible. Keep the politicians near enough to kick them..." - G.K. Chesterton
I'll leave looking up the rest of the quote as a reader homework activity
The intention as I understood it, back at the beginning, was that the govt was to be OF the People, BY the People, and FOR the People. We've got zero out of three.
The whole system sucks, in my view, and needs to be taken apart and re-designed, with a whole different group of designers.
Well - it’s representative government. Or was.
Our elected government at the Federal Level of hundreds is powerless by statute to fire the actual government of millions.
See Humphreys Executors and APA / Administrative Procedures Act. The President can’t fire Civil Servants. He has no control of the Executive Branch.
Congress has ceded its power over money (Federal Reserve), Laws (Federal Register).
So we’re electing people who can take the blame but not fix the problems.
We can hold one accountable by our votes.
You’d have to be an idiot or defective to want the job.
Or delusional that it can make a difference other than to your pocket, or standing.
What I'm saying is, it was NEVER what we were told, or what we hoped, it was.
Bamboozled from the get go.
Well it was Constitutional government until the 20th Century, really the New Deal.
Until the New Deal elections really did have consequences.
Increasingly after the 1940s less and less, now a complete farce.
We the living have certainly been lied to all our lives.
Sort of, yeah. I mean, the Wealthy were in charge since way back there, before the US was a country, even. And yeah, we had the Constitution, but it was written by and for the wealthy and didn't make anything that couldn't be twiddled in favor of the wealthy, all along, even during the Revolutionary War... High rates of desertion and very lousy treatment of soldiers and terrible conditions... and the rich could just buy a substitute so they didn't have to fight... It wasn't so "everyone joined up" and Unity as we're taught in school... I was taught a lot of bullshit in school. I mean, hardly anything true in my lessons of history. I knew a bit about how the govt. supposedly works, but... easily corrupted, and before the New Deal, too... they used to jail people for YEARS for refusing to fight against the Philipinos and the Mexicans, both of those peoples being horrifically treated, despicable behavior by the US... After the Civil War the Wealthy really started getting busy on us... The unions fought for decades, suffering death and beatings by police and hired thugs to quell their quests for decency and a living wage... We've been fighting the SAME people for the SAME reasons and the SAME treatment since before we were a country even... It's amazing how money controls everything, and now, even what we think, even reality itself for many...
Sigh. What a fricken mess!
But yeah, before we had such voting fraud, and now... computerized... so easy to hack a ten-year-old girl demonstrated in about a minute how easy!
Oh, hell... Lied to all our lives, that's for sure! And I wonder if we will have the courage to actually make the kinds of changes we need to make, when this ever winds down, and if there's enough of us left to do it...
What an adventure.
At least you get a vote.....we got our 3rd prime minister in as many months and nobody voted for Fishy Rishi. Your president can't pronounce his name either, no surprises there 😆 I think the last 3 years has really opened people's eyes to the endless grift and stupidity of the leading classes, and you're right - nobody with any real brains, integrity or moral compass actually wants to do the job. It would mean giving up the brains, integrity and moral compass for a start.
Look at the bright side! At least Truss didn’t have a single white male in a top job in her original cabinet. When she ditched a person of color for a white guy as chancellor and another white dude became king for the first time in seventy years, all hell done broke loose.
"...if you want six more inches between you and the seat in front of you, you pay more money, but you don't know it" What a crock! Since his life has always been planned and paid for by somebody else, he has no idea how this works. Nobody pays more money for leg room without knowing it. Even Southwest, with open seating, has tiered pricing that is completely transparent, and the way to get that extra leg room is to pay a premium to get on the plane first and have the best opportunity to snag those seats. What a dufus! His mindset is based entirely on being shielded from what ordinary Americans go through every day. He believes that the economy is strong because he has been shielded from seeing the effects of his policies. The only store he has ever been inside of is an ice-cream shop, and I'd bet dollars to donuts that his Secret Service agents pay the tab. He has no idea what groceries cost or gasoline or home heating oil. We all know that the White House will certainly be warm and toasty this winter as the rest of the poor schlubs on the East Coast are shivering in their marginally heated homes, courtesy of this hack.
It occurs to me that it’s hard to tell with Creepy Uncle Joe at this point when he’s doing his chronic congenital liar politician thing versus when he’s confabulating as a result of being demented. He may actually un some cases be trying to answer questions or say things where he has sort of a marginal grasp of the topic and he’s aware that he has to say something that sounds like he knows what he’s talking about, but he actually does not. Thus is not uncommon with demented people.
He had to pay Hunter's bills tho!
The great unmasking continues. In the immortal words of Gertrude Stein ( no, not a fan): “There’s no there there. “ Look, there’s this maneuver that I think this started with Bush, the Younger. He would get up to speak and there would be this background with the same word or short phrase written there as a tool to remind the great mass of ignoramuses ( AKA us) what the great man was trying to tell us. Or maybe it was to remind GWB what he was talking about. I don’t really know now that I think about it. In any event, this redundant banality signaled to me that yea verily the dumbness is upon us, bigly.
Now it’s not just us who are dumber than a box of rocks. Our politicians increasingly display a lack of oratory skill and intellectual acuity, particularly on the Left. AOC, Biden, Kamala, Nancy, The Cyborg formerly known as Fetterman, Hobbesian Hobbs et al....they can’t speak well. They also can’t think. Maybe they don’t have to, because they are sloganeers and name callers, not statesmen/women/assorted gender designations. There is not one constructive Democrat policy for America. The rationales for what they propose are always masked and always wrong from a variety of perspectives . On the other hand, they just killed at least a million of us and counting with their synthetic virus and synthetic mRNA experimental jabs, so maybe constructive and patriotic aren’t on the menu. Are the Republicans any better? There are some who are definitely not better not different. But there is a growing group of people who actually want to do something useful and are not self serving to an unreasonable degree. It’s too early to tell, but also too early to give up. Let’s see what happens. Vote.
It certainly seems like the Dems are not even trying anymore. I also had this distinct impression watching the Blair Witch - like 2020 D National Convention, where despite having Hollywood in its pocket, the Ds made literally no effort to impress at their convention; almost as if they knew the result was already in the bag. Whether the new crop of Rs, many of whom are impressive, can make any actual difference, that is a big and sad question.
Mark Tracey has a few pieces on how, for all intents and purposes, the GOP is fully on board with a war against Russia:
It's been a good reminder for me that as much as I detest the Democrats, I should not get my hopes up about their counterparts. It's quite likely that the GOP will do a few seconds of shuffling and then revert to the same old bullshit. (Look, for a point of comparison, at the convulsions in the UK government, as they keep trying to figure out how to make the same old bullshit work for them.)
And if it is just a minor course correction, and we keep sailing into the abyss.... well, there's a reason I packed my shit and headed for the hills in 2018.
If only I had your wit and your whiskey, I'd enjoy this slow moving train wreck so much more. But I'll settle for your column.
I'll settle for the whiskey.
"Is there a Democratic Party politician in the country who’s sort of okay, right now? Who manages to sound more or less not horrible in public?"
Jared Polis, Gov of CO, was full of it when the pandemic started, nonsense around masks. But he's got a way better political orientation than any of the other Dems, and quietly flipped as quick with CO at least. He's the only one haha.
Haven't paid much attention to him, but I've heard from a friend in Colorado that he's relatively less than horrible.
I love bbq and kettle corn. I am also not a Beta-Simp like that midwit reporter.