I cant stress enough how bad this whole mRNA injection business is, how the regulatory agencies,medical societies, state and county public health agencies, and physicians have been co-opted by this push, how they failed us, and why you don’t want these shots.
The shots were never tested properly before release. The governments did /are doing a massive global experiment without informed consent on everybody they could force, coerce, trick and cajole into getting the jabs. It’s immoral and illegal.
The shots are not vaccines. They are gene therapy.
The shots do not work. They never could work.
Coronaviruses mutate too rapidly.
They are harmful at levels unacceptable in any other product on the market.
They cause immune system problems, strokes, heart damage, neurological problems, fertility problems, cancer. Nobody in the MSM will talk about this.
Kids who get vaccinated and boosted are dying from heart damage for no reason.
Evidence is piling up from all over the world about the damage done and the benefits is alternative, safe treatment regimens that were suppressed.
This is the biggest crime against humanity in decades. Both the creation and distribution of the virus and the vaccine racket. Millions died. This was no accident. Virtually nobody is doing anything about it. Congress does nothing.
As far as accountability, the best one can hope for is that the pharma execs, bureaucrats, politicians, media hacks, and health care workers behind this criminal enterprise are fully vaxed and boosted. Claims of vaccine injury and deaths are getting about as much traction as claims of voter fraud, wherein the people making such claims are said to be delusional, if not dangerous. I have more faith in Karma than I do in what passes for justice today.
The only way I could see it gaining traction is to create a new victim class for the government to rescue. If the last 80ish years have taught us anything, it's that most problems can be solved by government handouts.
A misplaced qualifier if I've ever read one: "...in decades." Oh, please. In the history of mankind is a much closer approximation to the monstrous dimensions of this crime.
I feel and share your frustration with the situation. Do you realize that you are saying mass murder has been perpetrated upon people across the globe. What is the proper response to massive, global murder?
If someone came into my house and killed my family (according to their intended plan or not), I would not hesitate to shoot them dead in their tracks. If an invading force came across the border and was killing my fellow citizens, I would fight back in the same manner. Why hasn't this happened regarding those who knowingly developed an mRNA shot that has a side effect (intent?) of severe physical damage or death to a large (and growing) segment of the population? No one will ever confess to doing such a thing and the evidence to prove the deaths were intended is as difficult to collect as finding a judge willing to look at reams of evidence regarding election theft, i.e. nearly impossible.
Let this go on and the risk of demolishing the human race seems within reach. Ending your family's lineage is eminent and slaving away for some hidden authority figures is the future for any remaining population of people.
Can a legal remedy be had? I hope so but, in the meantime, I lean toward acting on instinct as a population of survivors (we know in our hearts and minds what has happened to us) and let the chips fall where they may. Will you act to defend your family, your friends and your way of life? Or continue to rely on the organizations (WH, DOJ, FBI, DOD, CDC, NIH, WHO...) who did this to us, to save us as well.
Let's not take too long to decide, there are always more viruses and worse there are more shots to be mandated. What will ultimately be your tipping point? I am still trying to identify my tipping point for action.
So this is a fundamental point of discussion. You are correct. I believe it's mass murder.
At this point, we have strong circumstantial evidence to that end, but not yet definitive evidence. We may never get it. So why is the response different than an outright attack with guns and soldiers and what should be done about it? Disclaimer - I won't speculate on some things in a public forum. It's not smart. It's good to be careful these days. Don't shoot your wad on meaningless bravado. Not saying you did that, just saying...
I'll answer what for me is the easier question. Why is the response different this time? The response is different because we don't have unequivocal evidence, although we have a mountain of circumstantial evidence that a number of nefarious activities have taken place around the creation of the COVID 19 virus, its release, and subsequent actions taken for its treatment/prevention. I won't go into all that right now. The problem is the threat feels more nebulous, it involves authorities tasked by oath and contract to protect us, and it is refuted continually or ignored in the media and by the government. Who did what and who should be held responsible? Anthony Fauci, the administrators in the NIH, CDC, FDA, intelligence agencies, the Democrat political apparatus, DOD, CCP, American laboratories teaching gain of function research to Chinese PLA scientists, Pfizer, Moderna, other pharma cos. seem like obvious criminals to investigate. But those are big swathes of people. How do you hold them responsible? Legal avenues, other avenues? Additionally, there is no trustworthy, organized effort at scale and of sufficient influence to get to the bottom of the questions swirling around the pandemic or to launch a counteroffensive. Most Congressmen and Governors have for the most part proven useless. Texas is suing Pfizer. Florida empaneled a grand jury and is looking at mechanisms to take legal action. Some hearings have been held in the Senate - pushed off-campus basically. But otherwise crickets. So I think people are angry, but somewhat at a loss of how to take this on from a legal perspective since they see minimal leadership.
The other question is if somebody is trying to kill you, shouldn't you just take action physically and terminate the threat? Reasonable question. How will you do that in this case? What would be most effective? What are the strategic and tactical considerations? What are the necessary soft components to put in place to win? Individually, you won't get far and you'll get portrayed as a treasonous nut and a lone wolf, probably not accomplishing much. Again, not a lot of leadership out there in this arena. And since a lot of the people involved are government officials, you would have to be prepared to fight the government and its extensive military and paramilitary resources. That's a David and Goliath situation for sure.
The two key things in life are timing and lubrication. Lubrication can be money, can be political cover, can be leverage. Timing is obvious. So what makes sense to me at this moment is not violence, but noncompliance: noncompliance with dangerous and idiotic mandates that violate one's Constitutional and natural rights, preparation for survival, taking care of your loved ones, understanding the environment, seeing where things go, getting out of Deep State prison cities if possible. Some questions will be answered in the coming election. Some won't be. Certain things manifest themselves under certain situations. I recommend caution. I think the Democrats would like nothing better than a few guys or small groups to attack the government so they can bring the hammer down, maybe declaring martial law, and ratcheting down the police state. That would be a setback for the country. Most of us are just normal Americans who are not extremists. But we are being painted with that brush to justify draconian moves by the Commies. If the situation changes, then the response may change, but for now, I'd stay frosty.
I'm fairly normal, maybe a little goofy, pretty successful, slightly above average intelligence, incredibly humble, that last one an example of that second one, but all in all I'm pretty normal in the head, but still I must say: Chris, I loved reading today's Substack, but I'll always remember it as the one that made me realize there's just gotta be space aliens messing with us.
I don’t believe space lizards are manipulating human affairs because I don’t think such creatures can possibly exist. But in every other way, it seems a better explanation for what’s going on than the respectable ones.
The body snatchers are past the invasion stage and are now a permanent occupying colonial power, having comfortably established their new colonial governments in the primitively defended spaces between the ears of NPCs worldwide.
As my clothes dryer went down, I found myself in a laundromat recently to dry clothes. Of course there is a TV mounted on the wall for the the brain dead to be distracted. I was gobsmacked at the "talk show" that was playing and the absolute insanity that was being puked out. Then it felt like every three to four minutes the commercials with the attendant volume increase would play as ALL OF THEM opened with the giant F*ckzer logo and medicare blather with the ensuing scare tactics. I was sickened to my core to get a dose of the full scare propaganda being spewed. PLEASE, turn off your TVs and read a damn book or something. We will never convince the sheep with this disgusting, horrific brainwashing.
Was walking past a bar in Pasadena last week, and stopped to take a picture of the television screen over the entrance that was letting everyone know about the glories of Moderna's Spikevax. And I still remember the era when the gas pumps told us to get vaccinated. If they could sew a propaganda machine onto our faces....
Yes, I only have antenna broadcast television and the Moderna commercial is aired constantly--so the target group of poor and elderly people is covered. At first I couldn't believe what I was hearing/seeing but then I realized it's pretty par for the course, especially for what's left of broadcast tv. For those of you who haven't seen it someone posted it on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yObWLSul_LQ
I called USPS this morning to find out what happened to the package I mailed a week ago. The call was answered by a couple of recorded messages about COVID vax and boosters. And, no, they don't know where my package is.
Ugh. If I am not careful with my timing, three of the 12 giant TVs at my gym are vomiting out The View when I am trying to work out. It is difficult to avoid. Just catching a glimpse with my peripheral vision is enough to make me fall off the elliptical. There is no way to escape because the machines are in a fixed position,
“The data from the study do indeed show that those who have more vaccines have more infections, but this is very unlikely to be causal in nature,” epidemiologist Matthew Fox from Boston University ... Something else caused it? What would that be? Coffee maybe, or saturated fats? Matthew Fox is either a lying villain or a fool, probably both. Thank you Chris for calling him out. Anybody who believes any of this, given our recent experiences, IS a goat. The only bright light in this is that Pfizer stock this week fell to a 10-year low. Nothing to do with vaccines, of course.
Good one Mr. House. Imagine them going after Starbucks for "an unusual amount of caffeine." If caffeinated beverages kill us, our streets would be littered with corpses and most of the population of Europe, particularly Rome, would be dead. Panera used to sell a nice, non-toxic lemonade made with blood orange juice. It lured me into the store. But apparently they dropped it for this Red Bull wanna be. Some middle-management person trying to justify his or her job, I suppose. Always read their labels. I think Panera should make people bring a doctor's note saying it is safe for them to consume caffeine.
The injections are a bioweapon from the Chinese, who control the manufacturing of them but don't allow them in China. I'm in the Naomi Wolf school that says this whole scamdemic in an evil effort at depopulating the world on a massive scale, done by demons. Read her book "Facing The Beast". Kennedy's new book, "The Wuhan Cover-up", goes into granular detail and history of bioweapons generally and this one in particular. Read that also: it's very shocking how many people, over many years, in hundreds of institutions all over the world, have been involved. The Wuhan virus bioweapon is merely the denouement of years of evil.
As your post and supporting evidence shows, it's only going to get worse for those injected, but in those with repeated injections, bleak. The only hope is that we know from Steve Kirsch's studies, at least a third of those injected received placebos. A study in Denmark showed that 50% of them were placebos. The only way to find out definitively is checking batch numbers and that will probably require discovery in lawsuits. Where are the trial lawyers when you need them? That's where this insanity/murder will have to end: when the lawyers start suing and getting compensation for their clients. I don't see any criminal prosecutions simply because huge numbers of politicians, business people, academics, media figures, and others in high places banding together to protect themselves, because they were all involved in it, for money, power, and defeating Donald Trump in 2020.
One last point regarding this catastrophe. We all owe Judge Pittman, a Federal judge appointed by Trump to the north Texas circuit, ruled against the FDA, etc., who wanted to close the Pfizer documents for 75 years from scrutiny, unmeasurable gratitude. It was in response to a lawsuit filed by Naomi Wolf's group, Daily Clout. They then formed a group of about 3500 professionals to go through those Pfizer documents, and now, the Moderna ones, and exposed the lies and criminal decisions made the executives, along with bureaucrats from the CDC, FDA, NIH, and elsewhere, all of whom knew beforehand these injections didn't work and were potentially deadly. Thank and bless them, as well.
The attempt to lock up those documents for 75 years was really all anyone with working brain parts needed for a clue. The Left had control of the courts for 70 years. Trump undid as much as he could in four. We see the results daily.
Yeah, lock up the facts for 75-years - brilliant idea! Pittman is obviously a Judge with a set hanging... seems unusual these days. Maybe they could have kept them in the same file cabinet where the details are located concerning the CIA murdering JFK - that has been "locked away" of 60 years!
Wake up people. If we don't take control, we will be controlled.
I feel as if I’ve been living in the Twilight Zone for the last three years and thought my jaw couldn’t drop any farther. But here I am, reaching down to pick it up off the floor. I can’t tell you how this ends Chris. So glad for my faith and my plumbline, God’s word. That’s where I head when everything else is crazy.
Interesting point. What got me was the dystopian logo . I went to the website to confirm that Chris wasn’t messing with us. Nope- straight out of your favorite authoritarian movie image.
are you suggesting this is a good thing??? I'd rather my governemnt not track every pill i put in my body. Just because the outcome of some study comes out in a way you agree isnt quite enough for me to consent to massive data collection by my government, but thats just me.
Not sure I want Pfizer or Moderna or agenda-driven, lying American academics doing it either. I am good with South Korea doing this tracking and letting us know, but not Dr. Fauci and his miserable ilk. To sum up, I trust the South Korean government way more than my own on this matter.
i trust no governments, and actually know nothing of how south korea is governed. There are plenty of academics that if given raw data will parse it and share a good faith analysis of it. Many are right here on substack, I trust them over any government.
I am not terribly sure what your point here is. Are you arguing that our outcomes in the US say would be better if the US government tracked the complete medical histories of each individual the way the South Koreans do? Or are you arguing that because sometimes governments do use such activities for good ends that demonstrates the benefits generally out weigh the costs?
South Korea also has vaccination rates in the mid 90% range. That makes the "better outcomes" aspect a little more difficult to hope for, given that the exceedingly high number there is probably a direct result of the government tracking everyone's medical history. It is nice that the government is admitting that they probably mandated nearly everyone do something very negative to their health, but... yay?
I would suggest that the worldwide evil was SO great from the vaccines that the involvement of a previously uninvolved competent government is, in the absence of angels, the last best hope we have of truth.
Was the ROK govt a major participant in the development of the virus or the vaccine? My sense is “no,” that they only paid for vaccines as a customer. That’s as good as we can get in the real world.
What is a private capitalist company in a world of fascist government-private partnership? The huge globalist companies of the World Economic Forum were the crony-"capitalist" villains of Atlas Shrugged, and the Pharma shills among them were excused of any liability for vaccines back in 1986, as Vivek Ramaswamy pointed out during the eight minutes of the last Republican debate that weren't broadcast due to "technical problems."
How long does the risk for this frameshifting continue after exposure to the vaxx? Do things settle down after some period of time? Does the body eventually rid itself of the mRNA? Does it just go on in perpetuity? What are we looking at here for duration of the risk?
How long before law enforcement officers show up at the houses of the smart, skeptical people to arrest them for "endangering the lives of others"?
New York state apparently has the imprimatur of our court system to drag taxpaying citizens out of their houses to be locked up in a quarantine camp if medical authorities suspect they have a communicable disease.
(I don't think that edict applies to any foreign invaders, but those are the pawns being invited in to replace the pesky taxpaying citizens, so invaders are likely exempt.)
The executive, congressional and judicial branches of our government are failing us and obviously hate us. What are we to do?
Other than not complying, the only answer I have is the apostle Paul's command to the Thessalonians: Pray without ceasing. 🙏🏻
Prayer is the correct response. If what you’re talking about comes to pass, don’t ever get in the train. Make the goons use widespread deadly force and see how long the public allows it.
I cant stress enough how bad this whole mRNA injection business is, how the regulatory agencies,medical societies, state and county public health agencies, and physicians have been co-opted by this push, how they failed us, and why you don’t want these shots.
The shots were never tested properly before release. The governments did /are doing a massive global experiment without informed consent on everybody they could force, coerce, trick and cajole into getting the jabs. It’s immoral and illegal.
The shots are not vaccines. They are gene therapy.
The shots do not work. They never could work.
Coronaviruses mutate too rapidly.
They are harmful at levels unacceptable in any other product on the market.
They cause immune system problems, strokes, heart damage, neurological problems, fertility problems, cancer. Nobody in the MSM will talk about this.
Kids who get vaccinated and boosted are dying from heart damage for no reason.
Evidence is piling up from all over the world about the damage done and the benefits is alternative, safe treatment regimens that were suppressed.
This is the biggest crime against humanity in decades. Both the creation and distribution of the virus and the vaccine racket. Millions died. This was no accident. Virtually nobody is doing anything about it. Congress does nothing.
There must be accountability.
As far as accountability, the best one can hope for is that the pharma execs, bureaucrats, politicians, media hacks, and health care workers behind this criminal enterprise are fully vaxed and boosted. Claims of vaccine injury and deaths are getting about as much traction as claims of voter fraud, wherein the people making such claims are said to be delusional, if not dangerous. I have more faith in Karma than I do in what passes for justice today.
The only way I could see it gaining traction is to create a new victim class for the government to rescue. If the last 80ish years have taught us anything, it's that most problems can be solved by government handouts.
It was never about health
A misplaced qualifier if I've ever read one: "...in decades." Oh, please. In the history of mankind is a much closer approximation to the monstrous dimensions of this crime.
Fair enough. 🤷🏼
I feel and share your frustration with the situation. Do you realize that you are saying mass murder has been perpetrated upon people across the globe. What is the proper response to massive, global murder?
If someone came into my house and killed my family (according to their intended plan or not), I would not hesitate to shoot them dead in their tracks. If an invading force came across the border and was killing my fellow citizens, I would fight back in the same manner. Why hasn't this happened regarding those who knowingly developed an mRNA shot that has a side effect (intent?) of severe physical damage or death to a large (and growing) segment of the population? No one will ever confess to doing such a thing and the evidence to prove the deaths were intended is as difficult to collect as finding a judge willing to look at reams of evidence regarding election theft, i.e. nearly impossible.
Let this go on and the risk of demolishing the human race seems within reach. Ending your family's lineage is eminent and slaving away for some hidden authority figures is the future for any remaining population of people.
Can a legal remedy be had? I hope so but, in the meantime, I lean toward acting on instinct as a population of survivors (we know in our hearts and minds what has happened to us) and let the chips fall where they may. Will you act to defend your family, your friends and your way of life? Or continue to rely on the organizations (WH, DOJ, FBI, DOD, CDC, NIH, WHO...) who did this to us, to save us as well.
Let's not take too long to decide, there are always more viruses and worse there are more shots to be mandated. What will ultimately be your tipping point? I am still trying to identify my tipping point for action.
So this is a fundamental point of discussion. You are correct. I believe it's mass murder.
At this point, we have strong circumstantial evidence to that end, but not yet definitive evidence. We may never get it. So why is the response different than an outright attack with guns and soldiers and what should be done about it? Disclaimer - I won't speculate on some things in a public forum. It's not smart. It's good to be careful these days. Don't shoot your wad on meaningless bravado. Not saying you did that, just saying...
I'll answer what for me is the easier question. Why is the response different this time? The response is different because we don't have unequivocal evidence, although we have a mountain of circumstantial evidence that a number of nefarious activities have taken place around the creation of the COVID 19 virus, its release, and subsequent actions taken for its treatment/prevention. I won't go into all that right now. The problem is the threat feels more nebulous, it involves authorities tasked by oath and contract to protect us, and it is refuted continually or ignored in the media and by the government. Who did what and who should be held responsible? Anthony Fauci, the administrators in the NIH, CDC, FDA, intelligence agencies, the Democrat political apparatus, DOD, CCP, American laboratories teaching gain of function research to Chinese PLA scientists, Pfizer, Moderna, other pharma cos. seem like obvious criminals to investigate. But those are big swathes of people. How do you hold them responsible? Legal avenues, other avenues? Additionally, there is no trustworthy, organized effort at scale and of sufficient influence to get to the bottom of the questions swirling around the pandemic or to launch a counteroffensive. Most Congressmen and Governors have for the most part proven useless. Texas is suing Pfizer. Florida empaneled a grand jury and is looking at mechanisms to take legal action. Some hearings have been held in the Senate - pushed off-campus basically. But otherwise crickets. So I think people are angry, but somewhat at a loss of how to take this on from a legal perspective since they see minimal leadership.
The other question is if somebody is trying to kill you, shouldn't you just take action physically and terminate the threat? Reasonable question. How will you do that in this case? What would be most effective? What are the strategic and tactical considerations? What are the necessary soft components to put in place to win? Individually, you won't get far and you'll get portrayed as a treasonous nut and a lone wolf, probably not accomplishing much. Again, not a lot of leadership out there in this arena. And since a lot of the people involved are government officials, you would have to be prepared to fight the government and its extensive military and paramilitary resources. That's a David and Goliath situation for sure.
The two key things in life are timing and lubrication. Lubrication can be money, can be political cover, can be leverage. Timing is obvious. So what makes sense to me at this moment is not violence, but noncompliance: noncompliance with dangerous and idiotic mandates that violate one's Constitutional and natural rights, preparation for survival, taking care of your loved ones, understanding the environment, seeing where things go, getting out of Deep State prison cities if possible. Some questions will be answered in the coming election. Some won't be. Certain things manifest themselves under certain situations. I recommend caution. I think the Democrats would like nothing better than a few guys or small groups to attack the government so they can bring the hammer down, maybe declaring martial law, and ratcheting down the police state. That would be a setback for the country. Most of us are just normal Americans who are not extremists. But we are being painted with that brush to justify draconian moves by the Commies. If the situation changes, then the response may change, but for now, I'd stay frosty.
Yes! “noncompliance with dangerous and idiotic mandates that violate one’s constitutional and natural rights” - this is the crucial first step.
Contrast this with how communities dealt with injustice from the System in the past.
The Mary Fagan rape and murder by Leo Frank comes to mind
I'm fairly normal, maybe a little goofy, pretty successful, slightly above average intelligence, incredibly humble, that last one an example of that second one, but all in all I'm pretty normal in the head, but still I must say: Chris, I loved reading today's Substack, but I'll always remember it as the one that made me realize there's just gotta be space aliens messing with us.
I don’t believe space lizards are manipulating human affairs because I don’t think such creatures can possibly exist. But in every other way, it seems a better explanation for what’s going on than the respectable ones.
You have forgotten to take into account Algore. Rethink this. :)
You need to get to know Clif High, Richard Dolan, and soooo many others. 😄
The body snatchers are past the invasion stage and are now a permanent occupying colonial power, having comfortably established their new colonial governments in the primitively defended spaces between the ears of NPCs worldwide.
As my clothes dryer went down, I found myself in a laundromat recently to dry clothes. Of course there is a TV mounted on the wall for the the brain dead to be distracted. I was gobsmacked at the "talk show" that was playing and the absolute insanity that was being puked out. Then it felt like every three to four minutes the commercials with the attendant volume increase would play as ALL OF THEM opened with the giant F*ckzer logo and medicare blather with the ensuing scare tactics. I was sickened to my core to get a dose of the full scare propaganda being spewed. PLEASE, turn off your TVs and read a damn book or something. We will never convince the sheep with this disgusting, horrific brainwashing.
Was walking past a bar in Pasadena last week, and stopped to take a picture of the television screen over the entrance that was letting everyone know about the glories of Moderna's Spikevax. And I still remember the era when the gas pumps told us to get vaccinated. If they could sew a propaganda machine onto our faces....
Yes, I only have antenna broadcast television and the Moderna commercial is aired constantly--so the target group of poor and elderly people is covered. At first I couldn't believe what I was hearing/seeing but then I realized it's pretty par for the course, especially for what's left of broadcast tv. For those of you who haven't seen it someone posted it on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yObWLSul_LQ
I usually see the phizzer ads on antenna TV.
I too see the pfizer ads on antenna tv but the Moderna ad is over the top insanity.
Maybe, I have become immune to moderna. 😉😊😋
I called USPS this morning to find out what happened to the package I mailed a week ago. The call was answered by a couple of recorded messages about COVID vax and boosters. And, no, they don't know where my package is.
Ugh. If I am not careful with my timing, three of the 12 giant TVs at my gym are vomiting out The View when I am trying to work out. It is difficult to avoid. Just catching a glimpse with my peripheral vision is enough to make me fall off the elliptical. There is no way to escape because the machines are in a fixed position,
Tv is bad - stop watching!
But but but...just think of all the random misfolded proteins we'll be able to study!
Misfolded Proteins is a good band name.
Their first album was great, they sold out after that though.
And hidden among those misfolded proteins may be the next blockbuster drug!
Whole new departments! Funding! Opportunities to publish!
A whole new industry!
The grants!
“The data from the study do indeed show that those who have more vaccines have more infections, but this is very unlikely to be causal in nature,” epidemiologist Matthew Fox from Boston University ... Something else caused it? What would that be? Coffee maybe, or saturated fats? Matthew Fox is either a lying villain or a fool, probably both. Thank you Chris for calling him out. Anybody who believes any of this, given our recent experiences, IS a goat. The only bright light in this is that Pfizer stock this week fell to a 10-year low. Nothing to do with vaccines, of course.
"What would that be? Coffee maybe, or saturated fats?"
Perhaps that new lemonade from panara?
Good one Mr. House. Imagine them going after Starbucks for "an unusual amount of caffeine." If caffeinated beverages kill us, our streets would be littered with corpses and most of the population of Europe, particularly Rome, would be dead. Panera used to sell a nice, non-toxic lemonade made with blood orange juice. It lured me into the store. But apparently they dropped it for this Red Bull wanna be. Some middle-management person trying to justify his or her job, I suppose. Always read their labels. I think Panera should make people bring a doctor's note saying it is safe for them to consume caffeine.
"Pfizer stock this week fell to a 10 year low". That'll show 'em. (sarc)
As long as they can buy Congress and the bureaucracy, which they have done very effectively, they won't be shown.
The injections are a bioweapon from the Chinese, who control the manufacturing of them but don't allow them in China. I'm in the Naomi Wolf school that says this whole scamdemic in an evil effort at depopulating the world on a massive scale, done by demons. Read her book "Facing The Beast". Kennedy's new book, "The Wuhan Cover-up", goes into granular detail and history of bioweapons generally and this one in particular. Read that also: it's very shocking how many people, over many years, in hundreds of institutions all over the world, have been involved. The Wuhan virus bioweapon is merely the denouement of years of evil.
As your post and supporting evidence shows, it's only going to get worse for those injected, but in those with repeated injections, bleak. The only hope is that we know from Steve Kirsch's studies, at least a third of those injected received placebos. A study in Denmark showed that 50% of them were placebos. The only way to find out definitively is checking batch numbers and that will probably require discovery in lawsuits. Where are the trial lawyers when you need them? That's where this insanity/murder will have to end: when the lawyers start suing and getting compensation for their clients. I don't see any criminal prosecutions simply because huge numbers of politicians, business people, academics, media figures, and others in high places banding together to protect themselves, because they were all involved in it, for money, power, and defeating Donald Trump in 2020.
One last point regarding this catastrophe. We all owe Judge Pittman, a Federal judge appointed by Trump to the north Texas circuit, ruled against the FDA, etc., who wanted to close the Pfizer documents for 75 years from scrutiny, unmeasurable gratitude. It was in response to a lawsuit filed by Naomi Wolf's group, Daily Clout. They then formed a group of about 3500 professionals to go through those Pfizer documents, and now, the Moderna ones, and exposed the lies and criminal decisions made the executives, along with bureaucrats from the CDC, FDA, NIH, and elsewhere, all of whom knew beforehand these injections didn't work and were potentially deadly. Thank and bless them, as well.
Danny Huckabee
The attempt to lock up those documents for 75 years was really all anyone with working brain parts needed for a clue. The Left had control of the courts for 70 years. Trump undid as much as he could in four. We see the results daily.
Great message Danny!
Yeah, lock up the facts for 75-years - brilliant idea! Pittman is obviously a Judge with a set hanging... seems unusual these days. Maybe they could have kept them in the same file cabinet where the details are located concerning the CIA murdering JFK - that has been "locked away" of 60 years!
Wake up people. If we don't take control, we will be controlled.
I think the depopulation is to provide future "leg room" for the Chinese.
…. And they keep recommending the jab to pregnant women… Moar Moar Moar …. STOP THE INSANITY
It is infuriating! I would like to know what percentage of pregnant women are buying into this advice.
I wish I knew . I just noticed, miscarriages are up again this fall.
Pregnant women, you say? They're pregnant people. We have rules about these things now.
Just a reminder: the problem is ALL vaccines. Read the book “Turtles All the Way Down “.
ALL vaccines.
I feel as if I’ve been living in the Twilight Zone for the last three years and thought my jaw couldn’t drop any farther. But here I am, reaching down to pick it up off the floor. I can’t tell you how this ends Chris. So glad for my faith and my plumbline, God’s word. That’s where I head when everything else is crazy.
The Word is the only one worth placing any real trust in. This has always been the case, just brought into more stark relief in recent years.
God has no hands but our hands. God cannot, by His law, do for us what we must do for ourselves.
HAN = health alert network
han also the majority ethnic group in commie china
obviously just a coincidence
Interesting point. What got me was the dystopian logo . I went to the website to confirm that Chris wasn’t messing with us. Nope- straight out of your favorite authoritarian movie image.
Libertarians take note /who/ is doing the data collection, collation and research:
South Korea’s health ministry.
Not the private capitalist companies, but the nation-state of South Korea.
Imagine that, huh?
are you suggesting this is a good thing??? I'd rather my governemnt not track every pill i put in my body. Just because the outcome of some study comes out in a way you agree isnt quite enough for me to consent to massive data collection by my government, but thats just me.
Not sure I want Pfizer or Moderna or agenda-driven, lying American academics doing it either. I am good with South Korea doing this tracking and letting us know, but not Dr. Fauci and his miserable ilk. To sum up, I trust the South Korean government way more than my own on this matter.
i trust no governments, and actually know nothing of how south korea is governed. There are plenty of academics that if given raw data will parse it and share a good faith analysis of it. Many are right here on substack, I trust them over any government.
I am not terribly sure what your point here is. Are you arguing that our outcomes in the US say would be better if the US government tracked the complete medical histories of each individual the way the South Koreans do? Or are you arguing that because sometimes governments do use such activities for good ends that demonstrates the benefits generally out weigh the costs?
South Korea also has vaccination rates in the mid 90% range. That makes the "better outcomes" aspect a little more difficult to hope for, given that the exceedingly high number there is probably a direct result of the government tracking everyone's medical history. It is nice that the government is admitting that they probably mandated nearly everyone do something very negative to their health, but... yay?
I would suggest that the worldwide evil was SO great from the vaccines that the involvement of a previously uninvolved competent government is, in the absence of angels, the last best hope we have of truth.
That would be nice, yes. "Previously uninvolved" doesn't describe South Korea's government, however, which what makes Rikard's comment confusing.
Was the ROK govt a major participant in the development of the virus or the vaccine? My sense is “no,” that they only paid for vaccines as a customer. That’s as good as we can get in the real world.
They did have onerous vaccine requirements to engage in life, as I recall. I don't think we should give that a pass.
I think that’s up to the ROK populace.
What is a private capitalist company in a world of fascist government-private partnership? The huge globalist companies of the World Economic Forum were the crony-"capitalist" villains of Atlas Shrugged, and the Pharma shills among them were excused of any liability for vaccines back in 1986, as Vivek Ramaswamy pointed out during the eight minutes of the last Republican debate that weren't broadcast due to "technical problems."
How long does the risk for this frameshifting continue after exposure to the vaxx? Do things settle down after some period of time? Does the body eventually rid itself of the mRNA? Does it just go on in perpetuity? What are we looking at here for duration of the risk?
TBD. Do you follow Jessica Rose?
In the transcript for the analysts' call for Pfizer's latest downgrade of revenue projections for its vaccines and Paxlovid (https://s28.q4cdn.com/781576035/files/doc_downloads/2023/12/PFE-USQ_Transcript_2023-12-13-1.pdf), the CEO, Bourla, continues his habit of talking about people who "believe in value of these treatments and vaccinations."
It is openly considered a matter of belief at this point.
It's all part of the plan.
How long before law enforcement officers show up at the houses of the smart, skeptical people to arrest them for "endangering the lives of others"?
New York state apparently has the imprimatur of our court system to drag taxpaying citizens out of their houses to be locked up in a quarantine camp if medical authorities suspect they have a communicable disease.
(I don't think that edict applies to any foreign invaders, but those are the pawns being invited in to replace the pesky taxpaying citizens, so invaders are likely exempt.)
The executive, congressional and judicial branches of our government are failing us and obviously hate us. What are we to do?
Other than not complying, the only answer I have is the apostle Paul's command to the Thessalonians: Pray without ceasing. 🙏🏻
Prayer is the correct response. If what you’re talking about comes to pass, don’t ever get in the train. Make the goons use widespread deadly force and see how long the public allows it.
Evidently those black people in the photo are celebrating the death of many white people. Evidently.