Panic at the White House as they can't find the SecDef. Nobody at the Pentagon knows where he is.
Joint Chiefs looking like nervous cats trying to bury shit on a frozen pond. Rumors swirling that he's at Walter Reed. White house senior staffer dispatched to the hospital to confirm.
Staffer gets to hospital, approaches check in station, asks "I need to confirm the Secretary of Defense is here in the hospital."
Bored nurse at the desk: "Are you a family member?"
Staffer: "No. I work at the White House. We're trying to find Lloyd Austin."
Nurse: "If you aren't a family member or a physician, I can't answer your question."
Staffer: "I'm here on behalf of the president!"
Nurse: "And I'm here on behalf of getting a paycheck. If you aren't a family member, I can't tell you anything. If you have a complaint, you can call our customer service hotline."
Staffer: "Are you kidding me!?! The president sent me! You'll lose your job if you don't help me!"
Nurse: "I did help you. Do you want me to write down the customer service hotline number for you? And as far as my job goes, you can check with my union rep. I'm following policy: No patient info except for family and medical staff. Now, if there's nothing else, there's a line starting to form behind you."
Would make a great SNL skit, if they had any sense of humor left.
It took Rome several hundred years to collapse, as Gibbon pointed out. We see our society collapse in real time. Sort of exciting, in a macabre sort of way.
Propaganda and Events happen much more quickly and fluidly today compared to ancient times. 100 of their years is a decade to us in terms of societal change and decay
That’s why conspiracy theories about “they” are planning “this” for “us” are so laughable. These people can barely tie their own shoes. They are demented dwarves at the wheel of a ship built for giants.
Lenin was also a demented dwarf. He and his ilk brought 70 years of hell to Russia in the name of personal liberation. Don't underestimate how much a band of ideologically-motivated, uber-educated, frustrated-elite-aspirants can really screw things up. In the words of Orwell, "there are some ideas to foolish one must be an intellectual to believe them."
I don't think our elites' problem is a lack of intelligence; it's a lack of humility, a lack of common sense, a lack of appreciation for the tragic nature of human existence...
They have lots of intelligence and education but no wisdom. And at their age, that's really sad.
This assumes that Biden himself is not part of the ruling class but is just their puppet, which is probably the most logical conclusion. He’s clearly a striver but a low rent one unable to rise above mere grubbing for a few mil here and there.
Is he getting weekly or daily Botox on top of everything else? His face is usually an immobile mask, like on the picture with this post.
I think the elite are not very good. But they also have to operate remotely, via bureaucracies and increasingly bureaucratic corporations. I think these two aspects explain the ineptness. Elites are no better at planning than anyone else. Plus the civil service, NGOs and major corporations are now in serious decline thanks to ideological capture. Even the best plans will be executed poorly.
Don’t undersell them either though. They hold the full power of purse and bureaucracy at their fingertips, and they will use it to any extent necessary
It’s a frothy swirl of greed, fear and stupidity in my view. The reflex to see it as some sort of master plan relies on a religious type faith, it’s laziness, intellectual surrender.
The WEF is a by subscription lecture circuit for an in crown whose evil power is as exaggerated as is Trump’s by that same crowd. A forceful wind will in time blow their thin wizard of oz screen away.
When I was a subaltern in command and I went on leave, into the hospital, etc., the next most senior officer would immediately publish an order stating, “The undersigned assumes command of <unit> effective immediately.” And that would be sent immediately to the next higher command and all major subordinate commands. Austin was a commander of company, battalion, brigade, division, corps, and higher. Surely he’s familiar with this standard practice. The adults are not in charge. The inmates are running the asylum.
I can't imagine a company commander getting away with the thing the Secretary of Defense just did. What's it called when a society has rules at the bottom but no rules at the top?
Classic. Just drove by a home today with a Yuge banner ‘Hate has no home here’ with all the usual suspects (BLM, LGBT+ad infinitum, etc) across their garage.
Gross. No hate? How loving are you if I say mothers of trans kids are usually cluster B personality disorders...
Well, he wasn’t really AWOL. He was in Hospital. But it was dereliction of duty in his position as SecDef. He’s number 2 in the Military Chain of Command after the President and number 5 or 6 in the Presidential Succession . (Yesterday I heard it is President, Vice President, Speaker of the House, Secretary of State, Secretary of Treasury, Secretary of Defense. I’m a little surprised by the position of the Secretary of Treasury in that list.)
Guys. A minor self-correction: a subaltern is actually a junior officer below the rank of Captain. I should have said “Company Grade Officer” instead of subaltern.
After a week of gaslighting that Sec. Austin was hospitalized for “elective surgery” it turns out he was in ICU after prostate cancer surgery. What level of constant lies by the Feds will it take for the “average American” to have an epiphany?
“Elective” surgery. LOL. Mr. Secretary, you have prostate cancer. Now we can remove your prostate gland and save your life or you can die. What do you elect?
Of course the absurdities of the Biden Regime are all rather amusing, but I would not count too much on their incompetence mitigating their malice. Both have been, will be yet more damaging to the nation.
Just so. Just because it’s bad and seems to be getting worse, doesn’t necessarily mean that trends will definitely continue. What we need to remember is that man plans, and God laughs…
Looks like Banjo Boy from Deliverance grown into a pants-shitting angry geezer, except Banjo Boy could play a mean five-string and all Joe can do is tell obvious lies .
Once again the incompetence of the PSR (Pants Shitter Regime) has been exposed yet the press explores the difference between emergency surgery and elective surgery. My favorite part of the PSR story is that a single person (Austin's Chief of Staff) had the flu so no one thought to tell the President or Congress that Austin was in the hospital for an "elective" procedure. I wonder which box the Chief of Staff met since she/he/zi/zit seems to have never thought to ask someone else to handle the notification.....
Where did you hear that? I heard it raised on that Russian-based military news channel on YT, but purely as speculation. According to them, he went off-line on January 2, the same day the Russians pounded Kiev and several other cities in retaliation for the Ukrainian attack on Belgorod (?).
Nearly every person who did the remdesivir & ventilator left the hospital in a body bag. I personally knew two friends that died after the protocol. I don’t think it was intended to help anyone.
Covid and Coffee ( had a write up on that this AM. I personally know a guy (not the SecDef) who got a case of turbo prostate cancer after the shots. I’ve know a lot of men to have prostate cancer. Almost all have had it caught early, treated with surgery and survive. My friend was OK and less than 12 months later at Stage IV with a very short life expectation. Do I know for certain that the Covid shots were responsible? No. But it sure seems like the likeliest cause.
And not just prostate cancer. There have been several other cancers that have shown up suddenly and unexpectedly among my circle and in increasing numbers.
In 1954, much of the country eventually found McCarthy’s methods repugnant. But now, half the population thinks Jan 6 really did threaten the existence of the Republic.
What will cause the hoped for “inflection?” Even if they lose later this year, these Kool-Aid drinkers aren’t turning away from their mantra. Oddly, they’ve adopted Goldwater’s famous line from the 1964 convention: “Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice.”
They control 90%+ of the cultural machinery -- media, government, academia -- and half the country believes them. Constant, furious, thundersheet J6 Committee storming and raging gets them to half. But maybe if they just put Liz Cheney on TV a bit more...
More thoughts on this, but right in the middle of family stuff. More soon.
Yeah, but about half the population think that J6 was a Fedsurrection. One piece of recent evidence: Ray Epps, seen on tape (1) urging people to storm the Capitol on the night prior and (2) removing barricades and participating in the action that day, got a very light sentence recently. Other items: (1) The J6 Committee refused to inquire about Speaker Pelosi’s actions, misrepresents evidence, hides exculpatory evidence and then destroys the evidence. (2) Chief of Capitol Police Sund’s interviews stating clearly that he was denied both intelligence and reinforcements that he requested. Sure looks like a coverup to an objective observer.
Not a leak. A disingenuous claim by Pelosi’s office. Note well: the security of the Capitol is the primarily the responsibility of the Speaker. The Speaker’s office took action to prevent Sund (Chief Capitol Police) from receiving intelligence indicating the possibility of an attack on the Capitol. (And promoted his Intelligence Deputy who was directly responsible for that malfeasance after the fact.) The Speaker rejected Trump’s offer of 20,000 troops to protect the Capitol. Trump signed the authorization anyway on 1/3/21 as verified by both LTG Kellogg and Kash Patel. The way the law works, the President authorizes but can not deploy troops without the consent of the local official, in this case, the Speaker. (Think about it; would you be willing to allow the President to surround the Capitol to ‘protect Congress’ on his authority alone?) During the same period (the run up to J6) Pelosi’s office denied Sund’s multiple requests for reinforcement prior to 1/6/21. And on 1/6/21 they denied his request for emergency reinforcements 6-12 times. (The exact number depends on the source reporting. I don’t remember the exact number Sund gave in his interview with Tucker Carlson.) The Speaker’s office finally approved the request after most of the action was over. Help arrived after dark when everyone had gone home.
I’ll be blunt. This looks like deliberate malfeasance on the part of the Speaker’s Office not incompetence or accidental error. And, it makes the J6 Committee look like a cover-up not an investigation.
They’re just fuckin’ nuts. Every single maneuver you perform in politics can and will be replicated by your opponents when they win the majority. Current Dems are oblivious to this axiom.
While technically correct, that’s not entirely fair – Didn’t control the House until Jan ‘23. Then we wanted actual “evidence” rather than just hate, and Comer and Jordan have been proceeding methodically in the face of utter resistance from the Bidens.
Republicans suffer from a political defect – we (leaders and voters) follow the law rather than raw hatred.
Panic at the White House as they can't find the SecDef. Nobody at the Pentagon knows where he is.
Joint Chiefs looking like nervous cats trying to bury shit on a frozen pond. Rumors swirling that he's at Walter Reed. White house senior staffer dispatched to the hospital to confirm.
Staffer gets to hospital, approaches check in station, asks "I need to confirm the Secretary of Defense is here in the hospital."
Bored nurse at the desk: "Are you a family member?"
Staffer: "No. I work at the White House. We're trying to find Lloyd Austin."
Nurse: "If you aren't a family member or a physician, I can't answer your question."
Staffer: "I'm here on behalf of the president!"
Nurse: "And I'm here on behalf of getting a paycheck. If you aren't a family member, I can't tell you anything. If you have a complaint, you can call our customer service hotline."
Staffer: "Are you kidding me!?! The president sent me! You'll lose your job if you don't help me!"
Nurse: "I did help you. Do you want me to write down the customer service hotline number for you? And as far as my job goes, you can check with my union rep. I'm following policy: No patient info except for family and medical staff. Now, if there's nothing else, there's a line starting to form behind you."
Would make a great SNL skit, if they had any sense of humor left.
Biden looks like he just realized he drank from the wrong grail...
He chose poorly.
Priceless!! 👍🤣
It took Rome several hundred years to collapse, as Gibbon pointed out. We see our society collapse in real time. Sort of exciting, in a macabre sort of way.
Danny Huckabee
Propaganda and Events happen much more quickly and fluidly today compared to ancient times. 100 of their years is a decade to us in terms of societal change and decay
And coordinated seamlessly
Indeed. It takes a long time for a conquering army to walk to a new land. Today, we have airplanes and shlt.
That’s why conspiracy theories about “they” are planning “this” for “us” are so laughable. These people can barely tie their own shoes. They are demented dwarves at the wheel of a ship built for giants.
Lenin was also a demented dwarf. He and his ilk brought 70 years of hell to Russia in the name of personal liberation. Don't underestimate how much a band of ideologically-motivated, uber-educated, frustrated-elite-aspirants can really screw things up. In the words of Orwell, "there are some ideas to foolish one must be an intellectual to believe them."
Lenin was way smarter than what we got here.
I don't think our elites' problem is a lack of intelligence; it's a lack of humility, a lack of common sense, a lack of appreciation for the tragic nature of human existence...
They have lots of intelligence and education but no wisdom. And at their age, that's really sad.
This assumes that Biden himself is not part of the ruling class but is just their puppet, which is probably the most logical conclusion. He’s clearly a striver but a low rent one unable to rise above mere grubbing for a few mil here and there.
Is he getting weekly or daily Botox on top of everything else? His face is usually an immobile mask, like on the picture with this post.
They worship at a foreign altar but with extreme zeal. Zeal without knowledge...
I think there is a containered quality to their intelligence that betrays a lack of moral imagination.
good point. I go back forth with this issue all the time.
on some days, it looks like we are being controlled by an advanced criminal elite who are executing perfectly laid plans for a global takeover.
on other days I see massive evidence that our elite might be the most incompetent in history, bungling every single issue they try to solve.
I reckon the truth is more nuanced, but I’m leaning more toward the latter hypothesis everyday.
and yes Lenin and crew were much more competent than anyone running things now...
I think the elite are not very good. But they also have to operate remotely, via bureaucracies and increasingly bureaucratic corporations. I think these two aspects explain the ineptness. Elites are no better at planning than anyone else. Plus the civil service, NGOs and major corporations are now in serious decline thanks to ideological capture. Even the best plans will be executed poorly.
Don’t undersell them either though. They hold the full power of purse and bureaucracy at their fingertips, and they will use it to any extent necessary
Stupid can be extremely brutal.
You forgot to include the police state.
Police state is of the overall bureaucracy
Whomever “they” are, they don’t control the purse and they sure as heckfire don’t have control of the bureaucracy. They media pretends they do though.
And those who do control the purse strings either don’t realize it or don’t have the balls to use it.
Malice vs Incompetence. It's a debate to be had.
It’s a frothy swirl of greed, fear and stupidity in my view. The reflex to see it as some sort of master plan relies on a religious type faith, it’s laziness, intellectual surrender.
So, you are not in the WEF is evil, let's eat bugs and own nothing camp?
Or, are you, and you are referring to the 'Nothing to see here crowd' that seems highly uninformed, and the rest are wearing tinfoil hats?
I can't tell.
Greedy, lazy, lacks intellectual fervor.
Sort of describes humanity in general.
The WEF is a by subscription lecture circuit for an in crown whose evil power is as exaggerated as is Trump’s by that same crowd. A forceful wind will in time blow their thin wizard of oz screen away.
I understand.
The decrepitude and arrogance of this administration is staggering. It would be funny if it wasn’t so utterly pathetic.
When I was a subaltern in command and I went on leave, into the hospital, etc., the next most senior officer would immediately publish an order stating, “The undersigned assumes command of <unit> effective immediately.” And that would be sent immediately to the next higher command and all major subordinate commands. Austin was a commander of company, battalion, brigade, division, corps, and higher. Surely he’s familiar with this standard practice. The adults are not in charge. The inmates are running the asylum.
I can't imagine a company commander getting away with the thing the Secretary of Defense just did. What's it called when a society has rules at the bottom but no rules at the top?
‘What’s it called when a society has rules at the bottom but no rules at the top?”
Banana Republic comes to mind. Politburo also leaps to mind.
Illegitimate and collapsing are more descriptive.
I believe it’s called Western democracy
Nope. Affirmative action hires are running the system. When you eschew competence for melanin, this is what you get.
"Merit has no place here"
Make a good yard sign.
Classic. Just drove by a home today with a Yuge banner ‘Hate has no home here’ with all the usual suspects (BLM, LGBT+ad infinitum, etc) across their garage.
Gross. No hate? How loving are you if I say mothers of trans kids are usually cluster B personality disorders...
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 you bet!!
correct me if i'm wrong, but isn't what Austin did called AWOL?
Well, he wasn’t really AWOL. He was in Hospital. But it was dereliction of duty in his position as SecDef. He’s number 2 in the Military Chain of Command after the President and number 5 or 6 in the Presidential Succession . (Yesterday I heard it is President, Vice President, Speaker of the House, Secretary of State, Secretary of Treasury, Secretary of Defense. I’m a little surprised by the position of the Secretary of Treasury in that list.)
janet yellen doing magic mushrooms in the WH.
didn't clinton do something like that on the roof w/willie nelson?
That’s what I heard, but we don’t “have the receipts”.
Guys. A minor self-correction: a subaltern is actually a junior officer below the rank of Captain. I should have said “Company Grade Officer” instead of subaltern.
After a week of gaslighting that Sec. Austin was hospitalized for “elective surgery” it turns out he was in ICU after prostate cancer surgery. What level of constant lies by the Feds will it take for the “average American” to have an epiphany?
“Elective” surgery. LOL. Mr. Secretary, you have prostate cancer. Now we can remove your prostate gland and save your life or you can die. What do you elect?
They spoke, they lied.
Of course the absurdities of the Biden Regime are all rather amusing, but I would not count too much on their incompetence mitigating their malice. Both have been, will be yet more damaging to the nation.
They can cause a whooooole lot of damage, and will. But as a demoralization op, limits will appear.
Just so. Just because it’s bad and seems to be getting worse, doesn’t necessarily mean that trends will definitely continue. What we need to remember is that man plans, and God laughs…
It’s no wonder they couldn’t find the Secretary of Defense. With those two masks on, he could have been anyone!
Don’t forget the face shield.
Looks like Banjo Boy from Deliverance grown into a pants-shitting angry geezer, except Banjo Boy could play a mean five-string and all Joe can do is tell obvious lies .
What’s worse is FJB thinks they’re true, and has no recollection of repeated corrections.
Once again the incompetence of the PSR (Pants Shitter Regime) has been exposed yet the press explores the difference between emergency surgery and elective surgery. My favorite part of the PSR story is that a single person (Austin's Chief of Staff) had the flu so no one thought to tell the President or Congress that Austin was in the hospital for an "elective" procedure. I wonder which box the Chief of Staff met since she/he/zi/zit seems to have never thought to ask someone else to handle the notification.....
Pants Shitter Regime!!! Love it!
911 what is your emergency?
We have lost track of the Secretary of Defense.
I'm sorry mam, 911 is for life or death emergencies.
Who should I call ?
Do you speak Mandarin?
Well played.
If we still had a good relationship with Moscow they could have told us exactly where Austin was.
I’ve heard he got hurt in UKR.
Where did you hear that? I heard it raised on that Russian-based military news channel on YT, but purely as speculation. According to them, he went off-line on January 2, the same day the Russians pounded Kiev and several other cities in retaliation for the Ukrainian attack on Belgorod (?).
There’s nothing wrong with Ol’ Lloyd that remdesivir and a ventilator won’t cure!
Those are things that save people, see, so this is a joke about saving Lloyd Austin.
Nearly every person who did the remdesivir & ventilator left the hospital in a body bag. I personally knew two friends that died after the protocol. I don’t think it was intended to help anyone.
Sarcasm, sorry. I know it doesn't translate.
One thing the hospital protocol was meant for for sure was money. This was published ( & widely ignored) over 2 years ago.
The are hitmen wearing scrubs. Are they engineering us to mistrust the entire medical system?
Worked for me..
I hear turbo cancer is a thing...
Covid and Coffee ( had a write up on that this AM. I personally know a guy (not the SecDef) who got a case of turbo prostate cancer after the shots. I’ve know a lot of men to have prostate cancer. Almost all have had it caught early, treated with surgery and survive. My friend was OK and less than 12 months later at Stage IV with a very short life expectation. Do I know for certain that the Covid shots were responsible? No. But it sure seems like the likeliest cause.
And not just prostate cancer. There have been several other cancers that have shown up suddenly and unexpectedly among my circle and in increasing numbers.
“…the impending inflection”
In 1954, much of the country eventually found McCarthy’s methods repugnant. But now, half the population thinks Jan 6 really did threaten the existence of the Republic.
What will cause the hoped for “inflection?” Even if they lose later this year, these Kool-Aid drinkers aren’t turning away from their mantra. Oddly, they’ve adopted Goldwater’s famous line from the 1964 convention: “Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice.”
They control 90%+ of the cultural machinery -- media, government, academia -- and half the country believes them. Constant, furious, thundersheet J6 Committee storming and raging gets them to half. But maybe if they just put Liz Cheney on TV a bit more...
More thoughts on this, but right in the middle of family stuff. More soon.
Can’t wait, Chris!
Yeah, but about half the population think that J6 was a Fedsurrection. One piece of recent evidence: Ray Epps, seen on tape (1) urging people to storm the Capitol on the night prior and (2) removing barricades and participating in the action that day, got a very light sentence recently. Other items: (1) The J6 Committee refused to inquire about Speaker Pelosi’s actions, misrepresents evidence, hides exculpatory evidence and then destroys the evidence. (2) Chief of Capitol Police Sund’s interviews stating clearly that he was denied both intelligence and reinforcements that he requested. Sure looks like a coverup to an objective observer.
Not a leak. A disingenuous claim by Pelosi’s office. Note well: the security of the Capitol is the primarily the responsibility of the Speaker. The Speaker’s office took action to prevent Sund (Chief Capitol Police) from receiving intelligence indicating the possibility of an attack on the Capitol. (And promoted his Intelligence Deputy who was directly responsible for that malfeasance after the fact.) The Speaker rejected Trump’s offer of 20,000 troops to protect the Capitol. Trump signed the authorization anyway on 1/3/21 as verified by both LTG Kellogg and Kash Patel. The way the law works, the President authorizes but can not deploy troops without the consent of the local official, in this case, the Speaker. (Think about it; would you be willing to allow the President to surround the Capitol to ‘protect Congress’ on his authority alone?) During the same period (the run up to J6) Pelosi’s office denied Sund’s multiple requests for reinforcement prior to 1/6/21. And on 1/6/21 they denied his request for emergency reinforcements 6-12 times. (The exact number depends on the source reporting. I don’t remember the exact number Sund gave in his interview with Tucker Carlson.) The Speaker’s office finally approved the request after most of the action was over. Help arrived after dark when everyone had gone home.
I’ll be blunt. This looks like deliberate malfeasance on the part of the Speaker’s Office not incompetence or accidental error. And, it makes the J6 Committee look like a cover-up not an investigation.
And 81% of Democrats agree that Trump should be removed from the ballot. WTF?
They’re just fuckin’ nuts. Every single maneuver you perform in politics can and will be replicated by your opponents when they win the majority. Current Dems are oblivious to this axiom.
Dems don't believe they will ever lose another election. And our fake conservatives do not have cojones enough to actually fight back. Sad.
Sadly, constitutional “Originalists” make up a very small percentage of the electorate.
Same with the elected.
That's not true. 3 years and not a single impeachment of the Pants Shitter in Chief.
While technically correct, that’s not entirely fair – Didn’t control the House until Jan ‘23. Then we wanted actual “evidence” rather than just hate, and Comer and Jordan have been proceeding methodically in the face of utter resistance from the Bidens.
Republicans suffer from a political defect – we (leaders and voters) follow the law rather than raw hatred.
Little bit of snuffaluffagous thrown in there too