Stories matter.
Last year, a team of documentary filmmakers beatified the purehearted Tony Fauci. A relentlessly decent and kind man, data-focused and fact-driven, wholly selfless and committed to others, fighting bravely for the health of the nation but smeared by pitchfork-wielding morons, Saint Tony the Science fought on fearlessly against the ignorance of empty vessels like stupid Rand Paul. Experts on science, including both Bono and Bill Gates, helped to explain how truly sciencey and wonderful the God-Saint-Doctor truly was. Watch especially just after the 2:00 mark, here, as criticism and debate are dismissed as “the hate people have.” You can’t think and argue, because that’s being mean.
If you couldn’t make it through three full minutes of that, here’s my personal summary to help you understand what you missed: Elite self-worship is sometimes more masturbatory than actual masturbation.
But now we get the second draft of history, as a team of independent filmmakers in the cultural refuge of Utah offer a different version — based on Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s book of the same title — of America’s Sainted Doctor™. You can watch The Real Anthony Fauci online, here, or just start with the trailer. The genius of this version is that it lets the self-declared saint sink himself with his own appalling and science-murdering words, with a little help from Kennedy, the details of which I’ll leave for you to discover.
I suspect we’ll be seeing a third draft of this history as documents emerge and truth leaks out, but the second draft is a significant improvement over the first.
Again, you can find The Real Anthony Fauci here.
If the third draft includes a public trial and applicable penalty, I hope to be watching it live.
Perhaps the third draft will be commissioned by the prosecutors of Nuremberg 2.0. A man can dream.