It is, unfortunately, almost impossible to say what happened in southern Israel on October 7. It’s shrouded in mystery, you see. The fog of war. Maybe one day humanity can puzzle out some very slight outline of what might have maybe happened, a little. Maybe there was a little…light killing? But let’s not commit to that.
It may even turn out that the Israeli military actually did whatever killing may or may not have happened!
Shrouded in mystery. Impossible to say. Deeply unclear. Meanwhile:
There are precisely 830 children buried under rubble in Gaza. Their bodies have not been found, but they have been counted with complete accuracy and certainty.
All Hamas actions are murky, debatable, unknown, unclear, unknowable. All Israeli actions may be instantly and precisely tallied, fully known from the first instance of occurrence.
Remember that, so you don’t fall for any propaganda.
Goebbels was born in the wrong century. In today's media environment, he could have convinced the world Jews were gassing Nazis and eating their babies.
i know where the 830 children are ! they are with the 214 indigenous children buried in Canada. Ask Turdeau .