On Tuesday afternoon, someone broke into the Phoenix headquarters office of Katie Hobbs for Governor. The Hobbs campaign immediately compared the break-in to Watergate, and blamed Republican opponent Kari Lake for causing the crime with her hateful rhetoric.
Here’s the statement on the campaign website, which may turn into a 404 error soon:
Soon after, a Phoenix cop saw a news story about the break-in, with security camera footage, and recognized the burglar as some sad sack he had already arrested as a suspect in another burglary. So burglary suspect Daniel Mota Dos Reis was arrested again for the new burglary — while he was already in jail. However bad your day has been, comfort yourself with the thought that somebody else was just arrested after being arrested. They sent him to jail in jail.
After politicizing a shoddy break-in by an alleged serial burglar, comparing it to Watergate and saying that a political opponent caused the break-in by “inciting threats,” Hobbs declared after the arrest (in her bizarre little girl voice) that she…doesn’t want to talk about it.

We have never had less talented people in public life. No politician of any party at any previous moment would have been dumb enough to jump off the cliff of Watergate rhetoric before having any information at all, not knowing if it would hold up. The level of stupidity and weakness on display here is unique. It’s a level of almost magical ineptitude. We’ve Peter Principled all the way out to the very end of the idea.
Well that is just the epitome of woke cancel culture ain’t it? Jump on an event or statement and misrepresent it by spreading the disinformation they so often wrongly accuse others of and hope the fact checkers cover your ass with their misinformation and also hope the howls of the Wokery drown out truth and common sense. In the past few years it worked well but now they are getting found out they literally don’t know what to do... how much more professional and sincere does Kari Lake come across than this other lot. I say this as neither a Republican nor a Democrat... Lake is measured unlike this hyperbolic snap judgement akin to teenage sneering. Lake uses actual facts and data, well analysed rather than juvenile woke rhetoric. I could go on and on but you get the picture. Even, or especially if you are a Democrat, if you want to save your state and country and the entire West from anarchy vote Lake. Next time you modems can vote Dem, if the party gets it act together and dumps the WEF elites.
Hobbs is so desperate at this point it’s what the kids call “cringey”. She wouldn’t debate anyone - including her own democratic opponent, she’s completely unprepared for any questions whatsoever...this was inevitable - what a pathetic stunt. Lake is a total badass - I’m not sure I’ve ever seen anyone as verbally nimble and vicious as Lake is - and she was a genius at marketing herself. Before the media was giving her any coverage she hit the podcast circuit hard reaching out to the younger crowd until she was impossible to ignore. She’s a force of nature. Being in AZ myself I’m a bit of a fan girl.