Jeffrey Dahmer Angry That Some Conspiracy Theorists Harbor Doubts About the Wholesome and Nourishing Meat in His Freezer
Remember that Scott Wiener, a state senator in California, is very pleased by the fact that 12 year-olds in his state can get their STDs and unwanted pregnancies taken care of without their parents knowing about it:
With that in mind, here’s Senator Scott Wiener in a committee hearing this week, lamenting the flood of insane far-right conspiracy theories built on the “extreme misinformation” that the California legislature wants to interfere with the parent-child relationship:

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There’s a dishonest “outrage machine” that wants you to believe the legislature wants to take your children away from you, so we should pass the bill that makes it much easier to remove children from their homes without parental consent. If you caught this man torturing a kitten, he would spontaneously deliver a speech lamenting the outrageousness of the extremist conspiracy theory that he tortures kittens. He would give the speech while torturing the kitten, speaking in a tone of profound moral outrage.
The complete severing of act and representation — some people falsely claim that I do X, he says, while actively and openly doing X right in front of everyone — is the heart of our current condition. It’s the reason the entire bien pensant world is suddenly discovering, this week, that debate is a very dangerous extremist maneuver that must be prevented at all costs.
Of course, this is entirely correct, and the historical hallmark of all dictatorial and repressive regimes has been their unrelenting commitment to a free and open discourse. Don’t you SEE, sheeple, free speech is how the fascists trick people into surrendering! The propaganda tool of the free speech playbook! Like HITLER!
Relentlessly brittle, endlessly engaged in the ritual recitation of received wisdom, perpetually nailing themselves to the cross of their invented victimhood at the hands of extremists who want to use the Nazi tactic of open discourse, a status-focused class of institutional sinecurists knows they can’t possibly engage in free-ranging discussion without revealing their emptiness. So they do….this stuff, over and over and over again, threatening victory through tedium. Has any other dominant class in history ever attained this level of hegemonic success by just boring the shit out of everybody with how dull-minded they are?
The future statue of Peter Hotez as a conqueror has a plaque at the bottom that says HIS ENEMIES ALL WANDERED AWAY TO GO FIND A BAR BECAUSE THEY LITERALLY JUST COULDN’T EVEN.
I don't even agree with everything RFK Jr says, but I'm now much more predisposed to believe RFK Jr after the way Dr Hotez and his supporters have acted over the idea (that crazy idea) of actually just hashing things out in a civil debate between Hotez and RFK Jr.
If you've got the goods, you should be able to defend your stance. This is not a hard concept to understand.
I'm old enough to remember... I forget what. But didn't the Left, where I misspent my youth, always want to "have a conversation" about things? Things of which they disapproved? Never about abortion or immigration, but, you know, Nazi stuff? I seem to recall something about a "National Conversation on Race". Wyoming and West Virginia really getting into it over Pacific Islander issues. I'd listen to that (suggested title "Let's Hear it for the Poi"). But there's been no "conversation", even though it was their idea. We've had lectures on race, tirades and harangues on race, re-education camps and show trials on race, but no I talk/you talk conversations on race. It's almost like they had no intention of "conversing" about race or anything else (suggested title "Let's Hear it for the Ploy"). For black Americans, this may have been just the latest in Democrat Party exploitation (I know, right?). I noticed in the most recent census, black Americans had gone from 13% of the population, as they had long been, to 12%. Recent "immigration" will only dilute their percentage more, as Democrats pivot away from one abused minority to another. The Right was always serious about having a conversation, the Left never. That would have become clear... had we "had the conversation".