It has come to my attention that many Americans don’t understand the critical distinction between general expertise and specifically scientific expertise. I will now clarify this point.
Expertise can, in general, be found in the act of repeating government talking points.
Scientific expertise is very different, and we have to take great care to describe it precisely. Scientific expertise can be found in the act of repeating government talking points while wearing a white lab coat.
Now, some very clever person has put together a brutal compilation of Peter Hotez’s television appearances, showing him casually and constantly steaming over his own lines.

If you plotted his fact claims on a chart, the result would look like a toddler with a crayon having a seizure. Two doses will break the chain of transmission and get us back to normal! Also, we always knew it would take at least three doses to achieve temporary reductions in severe illness. Also….
But the critical point is this, ladies and gentlemen:
This man appears on television in a white lab coat.
So when a certain very bad cat analyzed a claim from a scientific expert, recently….
….I had already seen what he was talking about, the night before:

And I already knew immediately what Viki Male was doing, analysis or no.
She is Hotezing.
She is saying, very very definitely and for absolute certain, that Covid vaccines don’t have any fertility effects at all. Also, she is saying this in the same way that Peter Hotez said that just two doses of Covid vaccines would fully block transmission and completely end the pandemic. It’s what she’s saying today. Later, when she says the opposite, she will still be an expert.
I am a little disappointed in Viki for not having a profile photo that features a white lab coat.
Wearing a white lab coat to work tomorrow. Let the raises and promotions roll in.
I think they actually put the white lab coats on for the interviews and then take them off...much like the masks. Their “on camera” look is always much different