Escalation versus implosion. Line sloping sharply upward versus line sloping sharply downward.
Escalation: A recent poll shows that lots of Democrats, and a good number of others, are growing increasingly enthusiastic about internment camps for the unvaxxed — and for the speech-policing imprisonment of vaccine policy dissenters. Meanwhile, the Salt Lake Tribune, representing what surely is a fairly mainstream view among highly credentialed Blue Zone bien pensants — who just want to be safe! — calls for troops to enforce indefinite home detention for the unclean. So a significant population is all-in for crush and repress, convinced that the available COVID-19 vaccines are “miracle drugs” that could only be declined by fools and monsters. We’re approaching the ZOMFG MAYBE WE COULD SHIP THEM ALL TO MANZANAR phase of the pandemic, which is super-good news.
Meanwhile, implosion: The Israeli finance minister has tested positive for COVID-19 — a few days after receiving his fourth dose of the miracle vaccine:
He’s not alone. A little less than a year after we started vaccinating against COVID-19, the fourth shot is proving to be ineffective at preventing infection. Four shots in one year: not working.
At the same time, pharmaceutical regulators in Europe are warning against excessive boosters, suggesting that frequent doses of COVID-19 vaccines “could eventually weaken the immune response.”
And emerging evidence at least suggests that “these vaccines are accelerating spread” — that they have negative efficacy, and make you more likely to be infected than you would be without the “vaccines.”
So we should put you in an internment camp if you don’t take this thing that pretty clearly isn’t working, that can’t be boosted back into significant efficacy, and that now demands we begin looking for an offramp before we consider shooting any more of the crap into our damaged bodies. We should call out troops to beat people into submission for not doing this pointless ritual of failure.
A not-small population is feverishly locked into its quasi-religious commitment to something that is failing, and that will fail. That’s a significant moment.
The escalation will continue to track the implosion. As the cult evaporates, the believers who remain become more committed to the cult and its doctrine. You will know people who get their fifth shot, and they’ll hate you even more for not getting your first. A growing list of regulators and officials will do what regulators in Europe have just done, and start to tell people that hey there, maybe back off on that stuff a little. (“Factcheckers: I’ve seen the needle and the damage done, experts say.”)
Then we get to part two, maybe five years out, when all the cultists (who haven’t blown out their hearts) forget that they ever thought any of that crazy stuff, and all the collaborators tell stories about their years in the resistance.
But the train is running out of track. That’s it — that’s where we are. All the rest is just the caterwauling of the pointlessly damned, who still believe.
Excellent article and I like how you juxtapose the two conditions of escalation and implosion, happening in plain sight for those of us with eyes to see. Also "pointless ritual of failure" pretty much says it all (well, aside from the fact that it's a Satanic/Luciferian ritual).
bring it on