A story from the UK in two tweets, delivered by a member of the House of Commons:
Triple-vaxxed, positive anyway, absolutely certain that vaccines are “our best weapon” against the thing she got despite having three doses. She’s a human houseplant, an empty skull perched on a neck.
Meanwhile at Cornell, a university with a vaccine mandate and a near-universal vaccination rate, 900 students (and counting) have tested positive for COVID-19, and the campus is shutting down. Compare these two paragraphs from that linked story:
"Virtually every case of the Omicron variant to date has been found in fully vaccinated students, a portion of whom had also received a booster shot," said Vice President for University Relations Joel Malina in a statement.
"Cornell is not requiring members of our community to receive a booster at this time; however, as breakthrough cases continue to occur, we encourage you to consider receiving a booster," officials said.
Everyone affected by X has done Y; therefore, you should also do Y, so you can avoid being affected by X.
It’s pure ritual chanting now, entirely mindless and automatic, the noise of wind blowing across the lip of an empty shell. I performed the ritual with the talisman to avoid the sickness; I got the sickness; you must also perform the ritual with the talisman, to avoid the sickness.
There’s no way this ends well.