Dr. Allison Neitzel is an expert, and she’s happy to let you know about it. She founded an organization, Misinformation Kills, because she got so tired of the bad Covid-19 policy she “saw firsthand in the hospitals” as a physician.
Being an expert, Neitzel is endlessly angered by the failures of lesser minds. She dismisses Tracy Beth Høeg, a widely published health policy researcher and practicing physician who has an MD and a PhD, as “this Hoeg hag,” and uses social media to relentlessly attack minor figures like Dr. Peter McCullough and Dr. Aseem Malhotra, who aren’t nearly as smart as the highly experienced Dr. Allison Neitzel.

Because she’s brilliant and tough as nails, she haunts mere United States Senators like a nightmare, as her Twitter profile explains:
Neitzel’s medical expertise and high public profile land her on the news, as when she schooled Aaron Rodgers for his anti-vaxxer nonsense:
And here she is explaining Covid and vaccine policy more recently, with mushrooming credentials, as Allison Neitzel, MD PhD:
Battling anti-vaxxers, Dr. Neitzel has been noticed on Substack. Steve Kirsch wrote about her, illustrating his post with a photo of his antagonist in her scrubs, either fresh out of the OR or on her way in:
Dr. Neitzel has been brilliant for a long time — as when, during medical school, she blew by her struggling colleagues to learn all of immunology in a single week:

And she sings! Here’s Dr. Neitzel in her white coat, putting her denunciation of Dr. Peter McCullough into music:
So there’s the total picture: One of America’s leading Covid experts, a brilliant physician and medical researcher who came up hard — face to face with death, fighting for her patients and being disappointed by the bad policy she “saw firsthand in the hospitals.”
Oh, and one more thing:
Dr. Allison Neitzel isn’t licensed to practice medicine, and never has been. Her Linkedin profile doesn’t mention a medical residency, no state medical board has a record of a medical license under her name, and she doesn’t have an NPI number. In fairness, she does have a medical degree, though she doesn’t seem to have been a distinguished graduate of her mid-tier medical school. She has never treated a single patient as a physician, because she has never been licensed as a physician.
Maybe journalists should stop interviewing her as an experienced medical expert who has a unique depth of knowledge regarding Covid-19.
This Nina Jankowicz / Taylor Lorenz status group has become very very very tedious.
I debated whether or not this person was worth the candle, but "this Hoeg hag" put me over the top. Tracy Beth Hoeg finished a residency and treats actual patients -- she does the work, and this cosplay artist has the balls to shit on her. Nope.
She's an actress playing a part. The real question is who hired her, how much are they paying her and how often she attends Pfizers' staff meetings.